A Strange Trip

by TheWhiteFreak

Ch. 4 a War on Every Front

Ch. 4 a War on Every Front

I was awoken by the gentle morning light hitting me in the face, as I opened my eyes I was immediately confronted by three blobs, a yellow one, a white one and an orange one. I blinked a few times to bring my eyes into focus and saw that the CMC were indeed standing mere inches from my snout each wearing a individually colored scarf with matching beanies and snowshoes.

‘What the? Why are they wearing-?’

I eyes were drawn to the ground around me, it had a light dusting of snow, as I looked around the town I confirmed that it was indeed snowing, it was a gentle snow as the flakes gently listed to the ground.

“Morning crusaders, what…*yawn* … time is it?” I asked while raising my head and taking a massive yawn.

“It’s ‘bout seven o’clock.” Applebloom answered while giving a quick shiver.

I noticed that the other two did the same thing, looking down I saw why they did; there was a perfect outline of my body in the snow. I was giving off heat like a heater, keeping the cold at bay for the little fillies. I smiled and lowered my head back to the ground which they immediately huddled around to get some of the heat that I was gently breathing out.

“So you three got any plans today or are you just gonna use me as a heater?” I asked gently so as not to startle them.

“Applejack is settin’ up the apple cart for market so I’ll be helpin’ her with that.” Applebloom was the first to answer.

“Rarity is going to come visit Rainbow as well as got to market to with Twilight and Rainbow if she is feeling ok.” Sweetie was the second to answer.

“I’m gonna hang out with Rainbow Dash, now that she is spending time on the ground I can get close to her.” Scootaloo said with confidence.

“Market?” I raised a brow.

“Yes, every weekend Ponyville hosts a gathering of merchants and such so they can peddle their wares.” I heard Twilight’s voice as she opened the library door and walked out with Spike on her back, wearing her own winter scarf and boots.

Rainbow followed closely behind them, she still had the bandages on under her winter coat but she was no longer limping.

“Hey Rainbow, feeling better?” I asked.

“Hey Taros, yea I’m good, a little sore but I should be out of these bandages in a day and back to flying soon after that. How bout you? How’s your arm doing?” she pointed a hoof to my bandaged arm.

I looked down at the bandage on my arm and saw that a couple of those little seals and symbols on the cloth had faded. I brought my arm up and moved it around, testing my range of motion, not feeling any major pain, just a slight soreness.

“Good, it’s still a little sore but it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo ran up to Rainbow and gave her a big hug, much to her discomfort, “I’m glad you are ok!” she was squeezing a little too hard based off of Rainbow’s grimace.

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle soon walked over to Twilight and started talking about nothing important. As I ignored their conversation, taking a look around the town, seeing a few ponies walking around, giving me a wide berth but not actively running scared of me.

‘Hmm… they are pretty accepting of the situation, something like this should usually have ponies running scared for weeks, not just shrugging it off in one day.’

A little perturbed by the ponies trusting nature I continued to pan my head around taking in the town. My eyes came to a dead stop when I saw a pony standing not twenty feet away from me, he was a pony in shape but there was something seriously wrong with him. He didn’t have a fur coat; instead he was covered head to hoof in small sickly-green scales, his pupils were thin slits, surrounded by irises if the same sickly-green as his scales. He didn’t have a mane or tail made of hair, what he had was a thick fin that ran from the back of his head down to his shoulders and his tail was that of a dragon’s with a similar but much thinner fin running along its length, tapering down to a whip-like end. On his back were two leathery wing that were folded against his sides; the wings were too large to tuck gently into his sides like a pegasus but instead hung past his flanks into the open air. His smell was particularly sickening; he smelled like sticking your head directly into a bowl of vinegar and inhaling deeply, almost making me sick from just the smell. He saw me look at him and gave an equally sickening smile, revealing rows of yellow, razor-sharp, jagged, uneven teeth. In a second he released a blast of green smoke that obscured my sight of him.

This puff of smoke drew the attention of the ponies present; Twilight charged her horn ready to fire a spell at a moment’s notice, the CMC and Spike hid behind Rainbow who was in the best defensive stance she could, I too rose to my claws ready to defend my friends from this dragon-pony thing.

“Never did I think I would see another Black, the Queen herself said that you were all dead.” Said a voice from the cloud that sent a chill my spine.

What emerged from the cloud was not the same dragon-pony hybrid thing but another dragon that was slowly walking towards me. He wasn’t the same as me, his wings were not separate appendages from arms like mine were; his arms had evolved into his wings with a single talon sticking out at the forward joint, much like a bat’s wings. He stood at least half my height but roughly the same length, he was also much thinner than me and didn’t have any of the spikes that covered my body. He seemed to resemble a snake that had sprouted a pair of wing-arms and legs. The fins that he had in his pony form were still there and in the same positions.

“Who are you?” I growled at him.

“Elitros Venomspitter, and who are you my large friend?” she had that same sickening smile revealing his nasty teeth in his mouth.

“Taros.” I said without lowering my guard.

“Taros what? Don’t you have an honor name?” his smile was gone and he looked questionably at me.

‘Honor name? Is that like a last name or something?’

“No.” I deadpanned to him.

His smile returned along with a sickening laugh, I also got a very large whif of his breath, if I wasn’t a dragon with an extremely strong stomach I would have vomited everything that I had eaten for the past five years.

“The last of the Blacks and he doesn’t have an honor name!” he roared out in laughter.

I didn’t know what an honor name meant in the dragon world but I did know he was laughing at me for something I didn’t have and I wasn’t gonna take that. I walked straight up and smacked my forehead into his and stared him straight in the eyes.

“I don’t know what an honor name means and I don’t give a shit, but if I were you, I wouldn’t be laughing at a dragon that was twice my size.” I was glaring daggers at him while flames licked out of my mouth.

He took a few steps back, a little shaken by my threat but that smile was still on his face.

“My apologies, but do you truly not know what an honor name means?” he had a questioning tone along with his smile.

‘God damn it, I want to smack that disgusting smile off his face.’

“No. Should I?” I returned.

“Of course! It is what is used to consider a dragon an adult, without one you are no better than that hatchling over there.” He pointed a wing-arm at Spike.

“Oh well, I guess I won’t be considered an adult by other dragons, no big loss.” I shrugged like it was nothing.

Elitros seemed to be stunned speechless for a second, his smile falling off his face for as he stared at me.

“H-h-how can you say that!? Without being an adult you cannot speak in the dragon council and can-.” He stopped for a second before his disgusting smile returned even bigger than before, “and cannot stand against any adult.” The joy in his words was dripping like the drool from his mouth.

“So what? Now tell me why you are here.” I didn’t like where this was going.

“Well if you must know hatchling, I came here to get a small snack and when I saw you I was going to ask your permission to feed here, but since you cannot hold territory I do not need to ask.” He was looking around at the ponies who had gathered to hear two dragons conversing, licking his lips.

He began to walk past me towards Twilight and the others when it hit me.

‘Shit! He’s gonna try to eat the ponies!’

“FUCK NO YOU WON”T!”I shouted as I brought up my fist and caught him right under his jaw with all my strength, thoroughly enjoying the cracks that came from his teeth breaking in his mouth.

He was sent flying head over tail and slammed into the ground twenty feet away. He shook his head and spat out a few of his yellow broken teeth.

“You will pay for that hatchling!” he roared out as he rose to his claws, widened his stance and took a deep breath.

‘Oh no you don’t you little fuck.’

I took a deep breath as well, knowing that my larger lungs would allow for a more powerful blast. Elitros released his breath first but it wasn’t fire that he loosed, it was a green stream of putrid smelling liquid.

’Shit, this guy can spit acid!?’

I didn’t have time to think of anything else as I released my breath as well, hoping the fire would protect me from the acid. I didn’t feel the gentle warmth that came when I breathed fire rise in my throat, instead I felt a tingle, I was thrown for a loop when it wasn’t fire that came out but instead a massive bolt of lightning came blasting out. The sudden force of the lightning threw my aim off, it arced through the stream of acid, instantly vaporizing it, and struck Elitros on the left wing, scorching the scales and destroying the muscles. He howled in pain as he grabbed his wing, fell to the ground and twitched violently.

‘Lightning!? Since when could breathe lightning? Whatever I’ll deal with it later; gotta take care of this asshole first.’

I began to carefully approach the green dragon not fully trusting that he was injured to the point of being unable to retaliate. He was totally ignoring me, completely lost in his pain; small sparks of lightning still arced across his body causing him to cry out even louder. He didn’t even notice me when I was looming above him. His cries continued until I brought my open claw up into the air and slammed it down on his neck, silencing him.

“I’m really paying for it aren’t I.” I gave him a sadistic smile.

I felt the lightning that was arcing through him travel up my arm but it didn’t hurt; it just gave a slight tingle. His pained groans and muffled screams stopped as the magic dissipated, his body was still twitching and shaking violently as he looked at me with horror in his eyes and spoke.

“How!? How did you breathe lightning? No dragon has been able to do that in eons!” his voice had lost all its earlier smugness.

“Guess this hatchling has a few tricks under his wings.” My smile just got even bigger as I could see the fury building in his eyes.

In an instant he brought his back legs up and swung his tail in a whipping fashion towards my face. I couldn’t react fast enough as the tip caught me right above the left eye, I could feel the blood leaking from my wound, it wasn’t serious but it forced me to keep my eye closed so blood wouldn’t get in it. It was a last desperate move for a desperate dragon. I brought my own tail up and swung it down on his, cutting it off cleanly, this earned even more howls from the dragon as he thrashed desperately to try to escape me pinning him to the ground, his blood splashing on the ground.

“Shut up!”

He didn’t stop howling.

“Shut up!”

He was howling even louder than before.

‘God damn it, if this guy doesn’t shut up I am gonna tear his head off!’

I took a deep breath, pulling all the air into my lungs to hopefully silence him with a roar. I brought my head down and opened my throat. Once again, something strange came out of my mouth, it wasn’t fire, it wasn’t even lightning, it was the same sickly-green liquid that Elitros tried to spit at me in our brief fight. As the goo covered his face and head, he stopped screaming again as the acid was sizzling on his scales, eating them awake. It was weird that he wasn’t screaming at all since his face was melting, his eyes were shut to protect them but it didn’t keep the acid out for very long as his eyelids were eaten away. I didn’t want to have this dragon dissolve away in the middle of Ponyville, which would definitely horrify the ponies watching.

‘Shit, I have to help him! I don’t want a death on my hands (claws).’

I took my claw off of his neck and brought it to his head to wipe away the goo, the second my talon touched the corrosive liquid it turned jet black and slid off his face like water and absorbed into the ground. I took a good look at the remaining face of the dragon that I had just doused in acid, most of the scales on his face were gone, leaving only the acid-burned green skin underneath, in a few places I could actually see bone sticking out from where the skin was so thin it didn’t stand up to the punishment. His eyes were gone, all that remained were gaping sockets were they used to be, it cause me to shudder a little.

Even with all the punishment I dealt upon this dragon he was still conscious.

“A curse upon you HATCHLING!”

“How are you still talking? Shouldn’t you have passed out from the pain of this acid.” I asked emotionlessly.

“You truly are a hatchling if you don’t even know that a Green’s acid destroys the nerves, killing all feeling.” He hissed.

‘Well that explains why he stopped screaming.’

“Good, now I won’t have to drag your dead ass out of the village, so get up and leave.”

“No, you will kill me, when two dragons fight one must die, it is the law of our world.”

‘This guy is willing to accept death? That’s somewhat impressive.’

“Sorry, but I’m not going to kill you, I don’t like death.”

“NO! You will shame me for all my life!” He was trying to rise to feet but with no tail for balance and a destroyed wing, he didn’t get anywhere.

“Fine, then you will live with your shame for all your life, always knowing the last Black took everything from you that made you a dragon.”

I walked around to the back of him where his stump of a tail was, rose to my hind legs and grabbed his stump with my front claws, using my wings and tail for balance.

“Now leave, never again return, and live with your shame…” I began spinning around in a circle, dragging Elitros like a shot-put.

“FOREVER!” I roared as I put all my strength into one final spin and let his tail go; sending him flying off into the distant mountains, howling all the way.

I let out a large sigh as he faded from sight, lowered myself back to all fours, and looked over to my friends.

“Everypony ok?”

The CMC were the first to speak.

“THAT WAS AWSOME!” they shouted with volume that fillies really shouldn’t have been able to.

Rainbow was the next to speak, “Wow, I though dragons were awsome before, but I’ve never seen a dragon battle before, I have to say, you were pretty cool.”

‘20% cooler?’

Twilight was staring at me stunned, jaw hanging open, her pupils were mere pinpricks.

“Hello? Taros to Twilight? You home?” I waved my claw in front of her.

“Magus Perceptum.” She whispered before her eyes shut and she passed out.

“Dammit! Would you ponies quit doing that?”