//------------------------------// // What ya mean you never had friends before? // Story: The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon // by SuperChaosKG //------------------------------// It was a normal day at Star Fortunes. The unicorn mare who resided there was eating her breakfast, a plate of pinecones, while her two Ursa Gamers were playing Mario Kart Wii. "Why do you even like those?" asked Selena looking up. "When you live on the run for two years, you eat anything you got." "How does one even digest-" "Not important Selena." said Trixie, barely looking up from her meal. It bares mention that as they were talking, Percy won. It was the victory animation that alerted Selena back to the game. "YOU LITTLE CHEATER!!" "Get wrecked, sis." said the male bear, grinning. As they started to fight, Trixie heard a knock on the door. "In a second!" cried Trixie, putting on the green, white, and blue paint for her Starshine disguise. She opened the door and who should be there but the pink pony from the party carrying something on he back. "Hi there!", she said grinning. "I brought you gifts!" Pinkie Pie took off a basket and handed it to "Starshine". It was filled up with cupcakes! "Thanks Pinkie Pie. Though... I... wonder why you did this." said a wincing "Starshine". "Oh isn't it obivious, you silly filly? Its because you're my friend!" responded Pinkie Pie with a large smile. "Friend? Your friend? Friends do this for each other?" asked a confused "Starshine". "Why of course! Why? Don't your friends do it for you?" "..." "Oh wait! Don't tell me! I got this... GASP! You never had a friend before?!" screamed the pink one as she gasped loudly. How is this one so perceptive? "Yes. Never had a friend before." said the green mare in responce. "GASP! What ya mean you never had any friends before? Oh wait! Chapter Drop! ;)" ... "Um... yes. Never had friends before. Heh Heh." Is she getting suspicious? Luna, Trixie can't tell with this mare! "Well that's odd." said Pinkie Pie."Why not?" "Um..." Think, Trixie, Think! "Was a repo mare!" yelled "Starshine". "Huh?" questioned Pinkie Pie. Just roll with it Trixie. "Yes... a repo mare. Don't pay the bills, we can steal your stuff. Not very easy to make friends when your job makes people cry, right? Heh Heh." said "Starshine". "Oo,Oo! I understand totally! But now that you're a fortune teller and all, how about you try to make some!" said Pinkie Pie with a flourish. Make friends with YOU? Trixie huniliated your friends, was humiliated by one of your friends, one's last name is a synonym for "OHMYFREAKINGLUNAITSSOCUTEKAWAII!!!1!" and the more time Trixie spends with them, the greater chance that she'll be found out. Nope. Trixie thinks this is a bad idea. "Do you mean friends with you? Um, don't think that that's a good idea." "Well, why not?" "Um... just because." "There must be a reason!" "Um... because... um... YOU"RE REALLY STRANGE!" Pinkie Pie thought for a moment. She responded with, "Well, you silly filly, everypony in this town is strange. Or crazy. I forget what Twilight said exactly. Anyway, Rainbow brags alot and crashes almost just as much, Twilight's a bit nerdy, AJ can be a wee bit stubborn, Rarity can be a bit of a drama queen, According to the newspaper... I'm an out-of-control party drunk... I MEAN ANIMAL!!" The last one was said with a bit of force."Fluttershy is shy and she shys alot. And you seem adverse to using first-person pronouns like I or me." She noticed? Hey wait. "Shy? What's shying?" "GASP! You never shyed before? Why, you must be really brave!" cried the pink pony. "Really, what is it?. "How do I describe it? Hmm." wondered Pinkie Pie She then proceeded pull out a phone. She dialed a number and then waited for the pony to pick up. Then she said, "Ahha yeah. Need one. Yes, neccesary. Its Shy. The verb. No, don't use that website, use your own words. Yes. Ah huh. Okay I'll tell her. Bye." Pinkie hang up. She cleared her throat and said, Shy v. To jump in fright or shock,usually in reference to an equine. "Who'd ya call? Sparkle?" asked Trixie. "Nope. Sweetie Belle. She's the resident walking dictionary!" said Pinkie with a smile. "Besides, since most of the readers don't know what that meant, well now they know!" "And knowledge is half the battle!" G.I JOE!! They both started laughing." See, Starshine? We did a meme, broke the 4th wall, and made a reference to a Hasbro franchise other that My Little Pony! We MUST become friends! Stop. What did I say. "Sorry. Anyway, the point is, Starshine, that, even with all of these quirks, the're still my bestest friends! True friends can look past differences and do things together that they both like. They don't try to change the person or even themselves, they embrace it, learn to get along, learn from it and then they go off and have fun. So just because I'm strange, Starshine, doesn't mean we can't be friends! :). "Starshine" blinked. She than said, "Who are you and what have you done to the seemingly ditzy pony that was just talking?" "I admit that that friendship lesson WAS kinda out of nowhere. What do you expect when one of my friends studies friendship? Which reminds me, I'll have to tell Twilight that one. Don't worry. Random musings on life only happen on Tuesdays! Like that time that I watched paint dry or when I watched grass grow! She's smarter than she looks. "Thanks, Chaos!" ... "So, now can we be friends?" "..." "..." "*sign" Even though Trixie KNOWS she'll regret this,"Sure." Pinkie Pie, literally, exploded in a rocket of pink sparkles. As she came back down, she was confused at why Trixie looked so startled. "What?" she asked. "... Nothing." responded Starshine. "Oh! I know something we can do now that we're friends!" "What is it?" asked "Starshine". "We can- Oh look at that word count! Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to tell you next chapter!" Pinkie proceded to grab some black paint from no where and STARTED TO PAINT THE SCREEN BLACK!! Wait, WHAT? I DIDN"T AUTHORIZE THIS!! PINKAMENA DIANE PIE, YOU STOP THAT RIGHT-