//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - And so the story begins, on the run? // Story: A tale of two kirins // by Solphestus //------------------------------// “Run!” A red kirin filly giggled/squealed as she fled away from an irate brown stallion with an hourglass cutie mark, her paws allowing her better traction on the soap coated ground than the stallion’s hooves. “Why did I let you talk me into this!?” A light blue kirin filly screamed, trailing just behind the red one who was her sister. She was slightly shorter than her sister, while she was also less athletic than the red kirin. “Get back here you kids!” The stallion roared, slipping and sliding across the ground of his clock store as the fillies made their escape. “Hehe~ He’ll never get us now!” The red filly giggled as she came to a stop in the middle of the street once they were outside, her two horns beginning to shimmer with a purple light. “Ready to get out of here sis?” “Yes, oh Celestia please!” The blue filly cried out, tears starting to form in her eyes. The red filly giggled some more before scrunching her face as the spell the kirin had been charging up went off, teleporting both her and her sister into the living room of their home. “That was so much fun! Now, who should we prank nest? Rainbow Dash? Pinkie? The CMC?” She asked her twin with an all too eager smile. The blue filly hadn’t registered she was safe and accidentally ran into a coffee table head first at full speed. The kirin fell to the floor, crying for her mom. “Blare!” The red filly shouted in surprise as she snapped out of her scheming to run to her sister’s side. “What’s going on here-” A purple Unicorn mare said as she walked out of the kitchen, confused as to what the sound was. Her eyes widened once she saw the blue filly sobbing on the floor, and rushed to her side in an instant. She cradled Blare in her hooves and hushed her, rocking her back and forward. “It’s okay, mommy’s here. It’s okay…” “She’s going to be ok right?” The red filly asked as tears began to gather in her eyes as she looked up at her mother, obviously worried. “Yes, she’ll be fine. Would you go and get an icepack from the freezer, Rune dear?” The mare asked. “Yes mom!” Rune said quickly before the red filly ran towards the kitchen before using her magic to grab an ice pack from the fridge since she couldn't reach it, that and she didn't have wings like her sister. Once she had the ice pack, she closed the fridge and ran back to her mother and passed the icepack to the unicorn. “How bad is it? Did she chip her horn again?” “No, it looks like another bruise.” The mare said. “What were you two doing?” “Uhh… we were, playing tag? And when I teleported us back she accidentally ran into the coffee table?” Rune lied as she began to sweat nervously. “It’s really scary how much like her grandmother she really is…” The mare sighed, then looked at Rune. “Also, don’t try to lie to me Celestial Rune.” Rune gulped, no one ever used her full name unless they were being serious about something, and it usually spelled trouble for the filly in question. “But I’ll figure out what later… I need to treat your sister… Again…” Rune’s mother sighed, standing up while levitating the now calm blue kirin filly. “Ok.” Rune replied meekly as she watched her mom carry her sister to the bathroom. “And go clean your room while you're waiting.” Her mom said. Rune nodded her head before slowly turning and making her way towards the stairs that lead toward the bedrooms and storage area of the house, her long draconic tail between her legs. A few minutes later, Blare ran into her and her sisters shared bedroom. “Rune! Aunty Dinky’s here!” Her head had a large bandage over it, and she looked very out of it. “She is!?” Rune asked in surprise as she momentarily forgot what had transpired in the last thirty minutes before her attention snapped to the bandage around her sister’s head. “But are you going to be alright? I’m sorry about causing you to run into mom’s coffee table…” “Oh, it’s okay sis. I run into things all the time, remember?” Blare giggled. “Cause I don’t.” “... I will never understand how you find getting hurt funny.” Rune groaned as she face-pawed. “I’m used to it.” Blare grinned brightly. “Things are a lot funnier after they happen.” “I’m surprised you have yet to get a concussion with how much you crash…” Rune sighed before walking past her sister. “Come on, let's go say hi to aunt Dinky.” “A con-whatsit?” Blare scratched the back of her head. “Hey! Wait up!” she then shouted before following after Rune into the living room. “Why hello there girls.” A teen aged unicorn with a blond mane and light purple fur greeted the two kirins as they sprinted over to her. “How have you been?” “Good! We've been perfectly good, right Blare?” Rune said nervously as she came to a halt at Dinky’s feet. “Uh… Have we?” Blare asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion only to get a glare shot at her from Rune. “Yes, we have.” Rune said. “Anyway…” Dinky said while changing the subject. “I brought gifts.” She then smiled as she made a pair of wrapped boxes poof into existence in front of the fillies. “Oh my Celestia! What are they!? What are they!?” Blare asked. “Open them and find out~” Dinky teased before walking into the other end of the house to find her older sister. Blare used her singular dragon-like horn to tear into her present. She pulled away, but the box got caught on her horn and she lifted it up. Blare looked around, wondering where her present was. “Where’d my present go?” Rune face-pawed for the second time that day as she charged up her magic before yanking Blare’s present off her horn for her. Once Blare saw her present, she gasped in excitement. “There it is!” With a roll of her eyes Rune turned back to her present before extending her claws and neatly cut off the top of the present with them, allowing her to open it with ease to see what was inside. Much to her enjoyment, what she found inside was a set of spellbooks that she didn't already know the spells from. Then, with a wide smile on her face, she charged up her magic again before teleporting the spellbooks out of the box and onto one of the shelves full of her books that were in her and her sister’s room. “Whoa! A DJPon3 album! And it’s one of her new ones!” Blare squealed, hugging the case. “Thank you so much aunt Dinky!” “Blare?” Rune sighed. “Yes Rune?” Blare asked, grinning. “Aunt Dinky went to talk to Mom before we started opening our presents…” Rune told her twin while shaking her head in disappointment. “Oh… I’ll have to thank her later.” Blare shrugged, before galloping back to her and her sisters room. “Hey! Wait up!” Rune called to her twin as she chased after the other kirin who was carrying her new record in front of her face with her magic. “Watch out for- *crash* -Mom’s new vase…” She winced when her sister knocked over and shattered the just recently replaced piece of pottery that sat next to the stairs.