//------------------------------// // Worlds Collide // Story: Friends Beyond Time // by Shadow Kick //------------------------------// Later that afternoon, the girls all grabbed the necklaces they received at Camp Everfree and met at Pinkie’s house. Rainbow rode over on her duel runner. “I can’t believe it!” said Rainbow. “Whoever that was just… stole my dragons!” “But you still have the cards,” said Fluttershy. “Look at the pictures!” said Rainbow. The card’s pictures were blank. Fluttershy gasped. “But why would someone steal your dragons?” “And how did she just… vanish?!” asked Applejack. “I don’t have a clue,” answered Rainbow. “Hey guys!” called Sci-Twi. “Come here!” Rainbow, AJ, and Fluttershy rushed over to Pinkie’s laptop. She, Sunset, Rarity and Sci-Twi were already there. “What’s wrong?” asked AJ. “I was trying to see if anyone had ever seen that mysterious duel runner we saw today,” said Sci-Twi. “And then this article popped up about an old event that happened in Europe.” “What’s it about?” asked Fluttershy. “Is it about the thief?” asked Rainbow. “Not exactly,” said Sunset. Rainbow gasped when she saw the picture in the article. “Rainbow Dragon?!” “But that card didn’t exist back then!” said Rarity. “I know,” said Sunset. “It says three dragons appeared out of nowhere and destroyed nearly all of Europe,” said Pinkie. “I don’t remember ever hearing about this,” said Fluttershy. “Me neither,” added Sunset. “And this is a major historical event.” “That’s just it,” said Sci-Twi. “This is new history. Somehow the past was changed.” Rainbow then noticed something else in the picture. “Hey! Zoom into the center of the picture.” “Okay,” said Sci-Twi. After zooming into three times, Rainbow saw the very same mystery duelist standing on a building behind the dragons. “Hey, that’s her!” cried Rainbow. “The one who took my dragons!” “Hey!” said Rarity. “What’s going on outside?” “Looks like it’s raining ashes,” said Sunset. The girls ran outside, the sky was dark and the city was beginning to crumble and collapse. “What in the world is going on here?!” asked Sunset. “I don’t know!” answered Rainbow. Buildings started falling apart on their own. “Why is this happening?” asked Fluttershy. “Wait!” said Sci-Twi. “Whenever something happens in the past, it affects the future as well.” “Is that bad?” asked Pinkie. “If our future is changing,” said Rainbow. “Then what that girl said is true! She’s altering it!” “More like destroying it!” said Rarity. People in the city began fleeing in terror. All of a sudden, the girl’s necklaces began to glow. “What’s up with our necklaces?” asked Rarity. The gems of the necklaces each shot a beam of color at Rainbow’s duel runner. The runner started glowing with rainbow power. “Cool,” said Pinkie. At that moment, Rainbow experienced an epiphany. “Rainbow?” asked Sunset. “You okay?” Rainbow then rushed over to her runner and got on. “Where are you going?” asked Rarity. “I’m not sure!” answered Rainbow. “But I feel as if my necklace is trying to show me a way to stop all this!” “And… what is it showing you now?” asked Sci-Twi. “Right now it’s telling me to ride!” said Rainbow, and she took off. “Wait!” called Pinkie. But Rainbow ignored her. As Rainbow raced along the road, her necklace shined even brighter and her runner rode faster. “I don’t know where I’m going, I just hope this rainbow power can help me stop that girl… and fix our time period. Well, here goes nothing!” Rainbow accelerated. As she sped up, the power on her runner glowed even brighter. She just kept going faster until she vanished in a flash of light. After the Crystal Prep buses left, Principal Celestia walked over to Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Sunset. “It seems we have a new Wondercolt here at Canterlot High!” “I'm not sure how much help I could be,” said Sci-Twi. “But I'd like to try. If you would all give me a chance.” “I'm sure I can count on you girls to help her feel at home?” asked Celestia. “You sure can,” said Sunset. The seven girls then hugged. A little while later, the bell rang. “Have a good weekend, students!” called Celestia over the microphone. “See you girls later!” called Sunset. “See ya’ll later!” called Applejack. “In a while, crocodile!” said Pinkie. The rest of the girls simply waved goodbye. As Sunset walked home, the sky suddenly went dark. “Oh great,” said Sunset. “There wasn’t a storm on the news report this morning. What’s worse, I don’t have an umbrella.” Two dragons then appeared in the sky. “What the?” asked Sunset. “Cyber End Dragon and Stardust Dragon? Is there a duel going on?” The dragons then started blasting the buildings and houses around Sunset. “AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” cried Sunset as the buildings exploded. “What in the world happened?!! Those are just holograms!!” “Not anymore!” said a voice. “Who said that?!” asked Sunset. She then looked up and saw a mysterious person standing on the remains of the one of destroyed buildings. “Who are you?!” “Sunset Shimmer,” said the mystery girl. “The runaway from Equestria.” Sunset gasped. “How do you know who I am?!” The stranger then summoned Rainbow Dragon. “Wait!” said Sunset. “That’s Rainbow Dash’s card!” “You should have stayed in your own world,” said the girl. “Now perish!!” Sunset closed her eyes, but before the dragon’s blast hit her, Rainbow suddenly appeared and blocked the attack with her runner. “What’s this?” asked the girl. Rainbow stopped and looked at her stolen dragon. “Rainbow Dash,” said the girl. “I don’t know how you followed me back in time, but it doesn’t change anything for you, or your friend! If you girls won’t die by my hand, then you’ll be swallowed by the hands of time!!” “What?” asked Sunset. The stranger just laughed. She then got on her duel runner, rode off, and vanished in a flash of light. “Hey!” called Rainbow. “Come back here!!” (A while later) “So you’re … from the future?” Sunset asked Rainbow. “Yeah,” answered Rainbow. “Pretty wild, huh?” “Very,” said Sunset. “So… who was that person?” “I was hoping you could tell me,” said Rainbow. “Anyway, you okay?” “I’ll be fine,” said Sunset. “Now how in the world did those holograms destroy all those buildings?” “They weren’t holograms,” said Rainbow. “What?” asked Sunset. “Please tell me you’re joking.” “I wish I was,” said Rainbow. “But that girl found some way to bring those cards to life, and now she’s using them to alter the future.” “What do you mean alter?” asked Sunset. “I’m not sure,” admitted Rainbow. “But we have to stop her before it’s too late!” “How?” asked Sunset. “She’s gone.” “I guess she probably hopped back in time to she makes her big move or something,” said Rainbow. Suddenly, an earthquake occurred and the buildings began collapsing. The whole city then started deteriorating. “Oh no! Now it’s happening here too!” said Rainbow. “How are we supposed to stop all this?!” asked Sunset. “Quick, hop on my runner!” said Rainbow. Once Sunset got on, the two raced off. “Hang on!” Using her magic, Rainbow teleported herself and Sunset into the past. Twilight, Sunset and the girls were walking over to the Canterlot statue. “Sure wish you could stay longer,” said Applejack. “Me too,” said Twilight. “But I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to. Its citizens need me. But now I can go through the portal whenever I need to. This isn't goodbye. It's just goodbye 'til next time. Ready?” “Ready!” answered Spike. “Wait!” cried Pinkie. “There’s a small dueling tournament going on in town today. Sure ya can’t stick around?” Twilight sighed. “Okay, but just for a little while.” The other girls cheered. “Oh boy,” said Sunset holding her stomach. “I don’t feel so good.” “What’s wrong?” asked Spike. “You okay?” asked Rarity. “Oooh, my stomach!” said Sunset. “I’ll bet it’s that meatloaf surprise you had for lunch,” assumed Applejack. “I knew it didn’t look right.” “I guess so,” said Sunset. “If only your grandma wasn’t sick today.” “I know,” said Pinkie. “That other cafeteria lady didn’t take her job seriously at all.” “I’m gonna go home and lay down,” said Sunset. “See you girls later. Have fun at the tournament.” Her face began to turn green. “Hope you feel better!” called Fluttershy. “Let’s get going!” said Pinkie. “Hold up!” interrupted Rainbow. “I can’t.” “Why ever not?” asked Rarity. “I gotta stay and practice with the soccer team for our upcoming game next week,” said Rainbow. “Sorry.” “Darn,” said Pinkie snapping her fingers. “But who knows? Maybe we’ll finish early,” said Rainbow. “Until then, you all go on ahead and have fun. I’ll see you guys later.” “Okay,” said Pinkie. “Bye.” She then grabbed Twilight and headed down town with the others. “Check it out!” said Applejack. Duelists were all over the place, taking pictures, dressing up, trading, and dueling. “Now this is a party,” said Pinkie. “Excuse me, gals,” said AJ. “I got some trading to do.” “Oooh! Those outfits are gorgeous!” said Rarity. “I must find out where they got them!” She then rushed off. “Guess what?” asked Fluttershy. “What?” asked Twilight. “I just heard that Maximillion Pegasus is coming today!” said Fluttershy. “Who?” asked Twilight. “He’s the one that created Duel Monsters in this world,” said Pinkie. “Oh!” said Twilight. “Cool.” Just then, a helicopter flew toward the city and landed nearby. “And now, ladies and gentlemen!” said the MC. “The moment you’ve been waiting for! The man behind the monsters and the magic! The creator of Duel Monsters! The one… the only… Maximillion Pegasus!” Pegasus stepped out of the copter and grabbed a microphone. “Greetings duel fans! It’s so wonderful to see you, but I’m sure not nearly as wonderful as it is for you to see me, so please enjoy my splendor!” The crowd cheered and clapped. Meanwhile, the mysterious girl was already there standing on top of one of the buildings. “And you enjoy your last moments, Pegasus.” As the clock struck 12:00pm, three dragons appeared in the sky. (Cyber End Dragon, Stardust Dragon and Rainbow Dragon) “Wow,” said Pinkie. “The artwork on those dragons makes them look real.” “I know,” agreed Fluttershy. The dragons began firing attacks at the buildings and street. “I don’t think those are holograms!” said Twilight. The crowd screamed and ran wild, separating Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight in the rush. “Twilight!!” cried Fluttershy. “Fluttershy!” called Twilight. As the people ran, Pegasus stood near his helicopter. “It’s my worst fear! I’ve been upstaged!” One of the destroyed buildings began to collapse and a large chunk of rubble fell on Pegasus, crushing him. When the dragons ceased firing, Twilight crawled out of the wreckage. “Oh my gosh! Fluttershy! Where are you?! Spike! Rar—” Twilight found her four friends and dog lying dead among the other people. “Pinkie… Applejack… Fluttershy… Rarity… Spike…” said Twilight in disbelief. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” The mystery girl cackled. “At last! My objective is complete! It may have taken a long time, but it was well worth it! Now Duel Monsters is no more!!” Tears began falling from Twilight’s checks as she cried over her dead friends. Then suddenly, a portal appeared and Rainbow and Sunset jumped out. As they rode by, Rainbow grabbed Twilight’s arm and they three disappeared through another portal. (30 minutes earlier) As the portal reopened, Twilight fell out and landed on a building, while Rainbow and Sunset landed next to her on Rainbow’s runner. “Ow,” said Twilight rubbing her head. “Where am I?” “You’re safe, Twilight,” said Sunset. “Sunset? Rainbow?” asked Twilight. “The others! Are they okay?!” She then looked over the building. Everything was back to normal. “Wait was that all just a dream?” “I’m afraid not,” said Sunset. “Okay,” said Twilight. “Could somepony… I-I mean somebody please explain to me what’s going on?” “We took you back in time,” said Rainbow. “To just before those dragons attacked.” Twilight looked at the city clock, it was only 11:30am. “But how did you two know this was going to happen?” “Because we’re from the future,” said Rainbow. “What?!” asked Twilight. Rainbow and Sunset then explained the situation to the Princess. “This girl,” said Rainbow. “Seems like she’s made it her mission to kill Pegasus.” “Why?” asked Twilight. “We don’t know yet,” answered Sunset. “But if we don’t stop her, then everything Pegasus created will be lost too.” “And everything that sprang from Duel Monsters,” continued Rainbow. “Like schools, cities, people, you name it.” “No,” breathed Twilight. “That’s why we’re here,” said Sunset. “If we work together, we might be able to stop this nutcase,” said Rainbow. “Will ya help us?” “Of course!” said Twilight. “Anything to help my friends save the future!” “Awesome!” said Rainbow. “Alright,” said Sunset. “First, we better get these people out of here… and I think I know how.” The girls then ponied up and shot blasts of magic at one of the buildings. The crowd then panicked and ran off. “Hopefully, that scared off Pegasus,” said Twilight. “That way he won’t be killed.” “And our futures will be saved,” said Rainbow. “I think not!!” said a voice. The mystery girl showed up on her duel runner. “Look! We already know what you’re planning!” said Twilight. “And we won’t let it happen!!” “So why don’t you just make it easy, and go back to wherever you came from!” said Sunset. “Where I came from is why I’m here,” said the girl as she removed her helmet. “I’m Starlight Glimmer.” “Starlight?” asked Rainbow. “I’m quite certain none of you have ever heard of me,” said Starlight. “Because I don’t come from any of your eras in time. I come from the future!” “Big deal!” said Rainbow. “We don’t care about your back story!” said Sunset. “We just care about keeping our world safe!” said Twilight. Starlight chuckled. “No one ever cared about keeping me or my friends safe. And now I can finally get my revenge. I’ve come to rid the world of this repulsive game you all love so much! The monsters and spells, it’s caused nothing but trouble! True, you may have saved the world a few times with these cards, but it was against adversaries who were using the same cards to destroy it!” “Keep dreaming,” said Rainbow. “You idiots!!” yelled Starlight. “You should be helping me, not trying to stop me! I told you, where I come from is a doomed future!” “No,” said Rainbow. “Y-you’re lying.” “Trust me,” said Starlight. “I’m not. Back where I come from, everything has been destroyed. The city, my home, my family, my friends, they’ve all been destroyed! It was so dark and desolate, I couldn’t bear to look at it any longer. But then I realized why things had ended that way, and the answer was duel monsters! And thanks to the technology of my time, I was able to travel back to stop this virus from ever spreading!” “But don’t you realize?” asked Sunset. “By destroying the cards, you’d be wiping out people too! You’ll be destroying everything and everyone ever touched by the game!” “Of course,” said Starlight with a grin. “That’s what I’m looking forward to the most.” “You’re sick!” said Rainbow. “The game may not be perfect!” said Twilight. “But it can’t cause our future’s destruction! It’s just a card game!” “Besides, the future isn’t written yet!” said Sunset. “There’s still time for things to change!” Starlight scowled. “When then, I guess nothing I say will convince you three. So why don’t we settle this another way?” “If you wanna duel, then bring it on!” said Rainbow. “Fine,” said Starlight. “I can’t imagine a more fitting way then to destroy you girls with the very cards you all love so much.” Starlight’s duel runner then transformed into a hovercraft and she rose into the air. “Let's do this!” said Rainbow. Her then necklace glowed and blue energy surged around her. “You’ll never prevail!” said Sunset. Transparent phoenix-like wings formed on her back. “It's time to duel!” said Twilight as her pony wings appeared. The three girls shuffled their decks and activated their duel disks.