//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Mysterious Artifacts and Gala Tickets!?! Final part (Un-Edited) // Story: Equestria's Heir of Conduits // by Akuma Kazama //------------------------------// Past Nightshade walks over to it and went to grab it, but as he touches it, he felt a sudden surge of energy enter his system, follow by a sudden vision, on how it works and something else, as the vision went away, he shook his head, his vision blurry, as he tries to shake the blurriness off, he heard another voice, that he hasn't heard before, right in front of him "huh, so your my new heir to all conduits? well got to say, am a bit impress by your skills" said the male voice, as Nightshade clear his vision, he looks towards the voice, causing his eyes to widen, he saw this figure once and it was when he unlock his magic abilities in his fight with Midnight when she was Nightmare Moon, standing in front of him was the first conduit in all of Equestria, Delsin Rowe. Present Nightshade was in complete shock at what he was seeing and who he was meeting, standing in front of him, is or was the first human to be in Equestria, especially the first conduit, no one knew how he got into Equestria or to his methods, but everyone knew him as a great hero, his stories in helping the Princesses fight of Eris, the Goddess of Chaos, helping fight of King Sombra and much more, earning him the title of a True Hero. As Nightshade looks on at Delsin, Midnight was a bit confuse at his shock face, she looks towards where he was looking at, but saw nothing, she then looks back at Nightshade and lightly shook him out of his shook, asking "are you alright? your spacing out" she said, to which made him look at her with a slight blank expression and was about to say something till he saw Delsin, doing a 'shh gesture' at him, telling him to keep quiet on him and mouthed 'I'll explain later' to him, to which made Nightshade, slightly nod and his eyes widen a bit as he see's Delsin vanish out of thin air, Nightshade blinked a few times and shook his head, soon turning back to the table. He walks over to the table and grabs the wrist band, looking at it closely and soon puts it on his left arm, opposite to his chain, he felt a sudden pinch on his arm as he puts the wrist band on, but ignores it, as he see's the crystal starting to glow, changing different colors till it took a light blue with a type of wisp flowing in it, if he recalls the information he recived, that meant that he had his magic, instead of his smoke abilities, he then looks over to the belt and saw, two crystals on it, glowing. One was glowing a light blue with a wisp, while the other one was glowing a smoky orange, he grabs the belt, looking it over, once more recalling the information on the belt, suppose to help him access his powers, in case he couldn't find a source for it, but it only had one use till it starts to slowly recharge. With a nod, he wraps the belt around his waist, putting it on, as he did this, Midnight looks on in slight awe at the items, she remember those ideas, being custom order and made for one person and seeing it once more, was a breathtaking sight. As Nightshade made sure that he had both the wrist band and belt secure on him, he also attach his katana to his belt on his left side, once secure he looks over to Midnight and smiles at her "well......guess, we found what Celestia wanted us to find" he said with a slight grin as he looks around, till he notice a small crack on the other side of the wall from the entrance they came from. He walks over to the wall, lightly gracing the wall, feeling the hollow point and with a slight grin, he charge up his magic and fires a Magic Blast in point blank, making a new pathway, making Midnight go wide eyed, never remembering that pathway being there, he looks over to Midnight, seen her surprise as him at the hidden pathway, so with nowhere else to go, but forward, they continue on. As they continue walking down the path, they could see a small light at the end, they looked at each other and nodded, soon going into a jog, making it to the end as fast as they could. Soon they made it to some kind of room andno way out, as they look around, Midnight notice the light and looks up to the source, seeing a hole up in the ceiling and some vines had it close, as she looks for a way to cut them, Nightshade spots another one of the crystal in the middle of a platform, as he walks towards it, Delsin appears next to him, walking with him as he also notice the crystal "hey, a crystal shard" he said, to which Nightshade glance at him and then back at the crystal, soon reaching it and picks it up. Nightshade looks back at Delsin with a look that said 'explain' to which Delsin nodded "in short, this shard have between new powers or upgrades for your current powers, I had these scatters all over Equestria, while in here I had the shards for my magic powers or in shorts, for your magic powers" he explain as Nightsahde absorbs all this information and gave him a nod as he got ready. He grabbed the crystal with both hand and started to absorb the energy from the crystal, to which soon he felt the power flowing into him, he could feel himself recharge and new, as flashes of a new ability comes to his mind, he could see Delsin focusing magic to his back as he crouches down and soon jumps up, but from his back a pair of etheral wings burst out, giving him a boost, launching him into the sky, soon another came, but this time it was him, hovering in place and around, using the wings to move around as he decended to the ground. As the info of the move comes to his mind, he flashes away as Nightshade shakes his head from the slight dizziness, he looks over to Delsin, noticing the grin on his face, he shook his head once more and looks over to Midnight, noticing that she was using her magic to remove some of the vines that are blocking the hole in the ceiling, he looks up and narrow his eyes, charging up his magic and soon let out a Magic Blast at the vines, blasting them away and clearing the ceiling up, fully. As the vines and debris fell down from the ceeling, light shone down at Nightshade, as Midnight looks on in slight awe and with a blush, since the light was giving Nightshade a knight like glow to him, he soons looks over to her and smiles, offering a hand to her, to which she lightly takes it, her blush slowly growing. As he grabs her hand, he pulls her close, soon pulling her up into a bridal style, carrying position, making her blush more, he crouches lightly, as his back started to glow a bright light blue, as he felt that he had enough energy on his back, he jumps up, letting the magic out of his back, letting out a pair of light blue wings to spread out of his back, as him and Midnight flew high into the hole, she holds Nightshade close as she and him flew up. Nightshade looks up, seeing the light getting close, to which he push a bit more magic to making the wings give a hard flap, pushing him further upward, breaching through the hole and flying into the sky of the Everfree Forest, once over the forest, he started to hover in place, while he looks over the area, looking for Ponyville, but Midnight, who open her eyes, looks over the view, making her go wide eyed in awe, she then looks to Nightshade and made her blush, as the sun was behind him, giving him a knight like look, to which made her blush up a storm at him. Soon Nightshade saw Ponyville and soon started to hover towards the town, to which soon was spotted by a few Pegasus, that were shock at the scene in front of them, an earth stallion flying or hovering in place and towards Ponyville, carrying a unicorn mare. Soon he made it to the Golden Oak Library and gently lands in front of the door, he then lets Midnight down as well, as both of them dusted themselves off any dirt or grimace they had on their clothes as Nightshade went to knock, only for the door to open on the first knock, soon followed by screaming and shouting, both Nightshade and Midnight look at each other confuse and decided to enter, soon looking at an amusing yet confusing scene, all the girls were telling/asking Twilight about some tickets, while said mare was having a mental breakdown and the dragoness was trying to calm them down. Nightshade gave a sigh as he walks over to them and soon was behind the girls to which he gave a loud cough, getting their attention as they stop asking Twilight about a ticket and soon look towards him, looking him up and down, noticing his clothing and new accesories, to which was Rarity who spoke firts "Darling, what happen to your clothes and where did you get that beatiful belt" she ask, looking him over then her gaze fell on Midnight and her clothes as well "Midnight, dear, what happen to you as well?" she ask as they girls, looks at them confuse, while Barbara helps Twilight up. He just looks at them with a raised eyebrow, but said "well....we can talk mine and Midnight's clothes later, but right now, I would like to know, why are you five harrasing Twilight about a ticket?" he ask and saw they about to say something, but he raise a hand to stop them "if your gonna deny it, look at her and tell me, she isn't about to have a mental breakdown" he said as the girls looks towards Twilight and couldn't help but cringe at seeing her friends state and soon they felt guilty of what they did, even Pinkie's mane and tail went flat. He looks over to Barbara and ask "can you filled me in, on what we miss?" he ask as he gestures to himself and Midnight, to which the young teen dragoness, nodded her head and soon told him, how it all happen, from Twilight getting two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, to the girls finding out, to Pinkie shouting it to the whole town, to the town chasing Twilight around and finally to her and Twilight teleporting into the Tree house to her friends waiting on them to continue on with asking for the ticket. As Barbara told this, Midnight was next to Twilight and was helping her calm down, while Nightshade looks at the rest with a deadpanned look "do you all realize that she is Celestia's student right?" he ask and he recieve a nod in respond "and said Princess send her the tickets, right?" he recieve another nod, but filled with confusion "to which, if one of you had told her to ask, said Princess to send her more tickets or even her to ask her for more tickets, just so she doesn't leave her friends behind, could had and would had work, right?" he said and soon came the realization of that and they started to look everywhere except at him, Twilight, Barbara or Midnight as Twilight had a look of realization and soon started to make a letter to Celestia. As all of this happen, Nightshade was looking on with an amusing looks as he glance to the side, seeing Delsin, leaning on a bookshelf and also looking at the scene with an amusing look as well, he then glance back at Barbara as she got a reply back from Celestia and read out some words "Dear Twilight, why didn't you say so and am sorry for any trouble that it brought you" soon as those words came out of Barbara mouth, six golden tickets flew out of the letters and landed on each girls hand, whoever wide eyed. Soon all the girls started to walk out the door to celebrate, as they did, Barbara had a sad look and was about to go, till she burps out another flame with a letter, to which she read it and said "and of course one for you, Nightshade and Midnight as well" as she read that, three more golden tickets appear and two flew towards Nightshade and Midnight, as Barbara grabs her ticket and smiles happily, soon skipping out the door as the two remaining look at their tickets, then back at themselves, till Nightshade gestures for Midnight to follow them, to which gave him a small smile and left following the girls and dragoness. As they left, Nightshade close the door and let his hand grace over the orange stone, soon absorbing some smoke and Smoke Dash through the chimeny and to the top of the tree house/library as he gaze all over the town. He then looks down, seeing the girls laughing and heading out to eat, he then looks to his left and saw Delsin floating there, looking at him with a grin, to which Nightshade gave back as he jumps off, smoke trailing behind him as the moon's light shrouded him in darkness, only showing him as a shadow of the night to those that gaze towards the moon as he headed home, intended to get some answers.