//------------------------------// // Discovery // Story: A New Destiny // by Pen Dragon //------------------------------// Discovery I couldn't remember the last time I've woken up with the Sun? In the Displaced there was only the light created by myself and the Elder Siblings. The world I lived in wasn't perfect and there were times I wished it was, but for the first time in a long time, I had awoken with the Sun. It reminded me of old life back on Earth, back when I took the it for granted, but now I had a second chance to enjoy it. I lifted my slowly, so I wouldn't wake up the fillies up, but I realized that Scootaloo was still sleeping soundly on my back, even though it was cute to watch them sleep, I needed to get outside to stretch my legs. It was hard to believe that these fillies didn't tell their families of my existence. Even though I had enjoyed my time with them, it was time for me to begin my search for a home. I slowly used my powers to levitate the young filly off my back and laid her next to her friends. These fillies are literally trying to kill me with cuteness aren't they? I couldn't help but smile at them as I exited the clubhouse, to take in the fresh morning air. It had been a long time since I felt a bit of happiness since I left the Displaced. After all those years being trapped in that awful place, I am finally free from them.They maybe after me, but without the proper equipment and Exuberant's memories wiped, it'll take them over one thousand years to escape that world. It was than I began to enter the place that the ponies feared for some reason, the Everfree Forest, the scariest and most dangerous place in Equestria, so they claim, but I figure that there has to be some kind of river with fish in it. I was desperate and I wasn't going to take or steal apples without permission. One, it's rude to wake someone up this early in the morning and secondly, stealing is wrong. The only reason why I took those cupcakes was because I was desperate for food the other day and the pink pony did forgive me for it, even though I have no idea how she knew I was there... did she smell me? Or did she have some kind of power that allows her to see invisible objects or beings? It was a headache to think about it, but I have a feeling that I'll learn about the ponies abilities sooner or later. I have an idea, but I needed to know more, but my main priority was to find a new home along with some food of my own. It was hard for me to remember the last I actually went fishing. I've been used to having servants bring me food. But it didn't matter to me as I entered the forest to find that it wasn't as bad as those fillies described it. There wasn't anything dangerous about this forest as far as I could see, but in the past when I was young I would let my guard down a lot, but ever since I got involved in the first Displaced war, I haven't let my guard down ever since. Even though the forest was harmless itself, the only thing I needed to worry about was what lurked within. "I do wonder what kind of creatures lay ahead?" I asked myself as my muzzle formed into a smirk. I couldn't help it as continued down the walkway into the Everfree for the first time. "Let's just hope that I find something to cut loose on while I'm in here. After all it has been a long time since I've had any sort of action." In the city of Canterlot, Princess Celestia began to walk down the halls of the castle, enjoying the moment of peace from the nobles and other upper class ponies that have been getting on her nerves lately. Peace and quiet was all that she asked for and nothing more, but every now and then she needed a little alone time. She soon entered her sleeping chambers to spend a few hours of her time catching up on her reading. "It's been so busy lately, that I haven't even relaxed for a moment," With a deep sigh she began to look out her window, noticing two little fillies playing outside as their parents smiled in delight, embracing each other. Celestia wondered what it would be like to live like a normal pony again, to have fun and not have to deal with so much paperwork and snobbish nobles. It had been so long since she was a filly and she wanted nothing more then to be normal. All she desired was to be like her former student, Twilight Sparkle to have friends like her and maybe even find a stallion she could love and cherish. But all she could do was sigh as she returned to her bed and opened a romantic novel of an alien princess falling in love with the Prince of Equus. It was a popular story nowadays and even Celestia fantasized about meeting the one for her. She doesn't know why, but she has been interested in dating again, but there hasn't been a single pony she thought was her type as ponies say now. I just wish I could have one day to be like everypony else and not have to constantly deal with political businesses or nobles. But I can't change that and the I really should get out more if thoughts like that appear more.. But her thoughts were soon interrupted with the sounds of knocking coming from her door, curious she opened the door with her magic only to see her little sister, Princess Luna. She looked exhausted as she let out yawn. "Sister, shouldn't you be.... downstairs in the throne room? It's 11:30 in the... morning." "I'm merely taking a break Luna, it's been stressful lately," she replied turning back towards her book. "Sister why don't you go out and try to befriend a new pony... Surely that could be better than being cooped up in here and reading... boring romance novels." Celestia didn't know whether to take offence to that or not, but she made a valid point. So why can't she go find a friend, or even a stallion to spend her day with? "As tempting as that may be, you know that I can't leave otherwise the ponies here might start to panic again after... last years incident," She mentioned, Luna could only chuckle nervously about what had happened last year. Both of the Princesses decided to dismiss what had happened last year. "Well... you should at least try to make a new friend, that won't do it just because your the princess," Luna rebutted, but Celestia simply smiled as patted her sister on the head, embarrassing the moon princess. "Tia! You know I don't like it when you do that!" "Oh, Luna you know you like it," she teased, leaving the room. And with that Celestia's break ended, but not without leaving with Luna's words of advice. Perhaps I should consider what Luna had said... I think I really should find a stallion I could spend time with... As longs as he's tall as has good manors and isn't so full of himself... Cutie Mark Crusaders had all slept soundly as birds began to chirp as they flew by their club house. They began to stir from their slumber, rubbing their eyes as Applebloom let out a yawn. "Hey ya'll where's Mister Suicune?" "I don't know... but I think we should... find him," Sweetie suggested, stretching out her limbs as she stood up. "But... we don't even know where he is?" Scootaloo said, but Sweetie belle had a crazy thought of where the legendary pokemon might be, but it was a big if. But she had a feeling that she was right. "Well girls if I had to guess than he has to be-" Before she could even finish Applebloom intervened "In the Everfree Forest!" Applebloom declared, causing the little unicorn to puff out her cheeks in anger. "I was going to say that!" she said, but both of her friends ignored her as they exited the club house. "Let's just see if we can find him, before Applejack knows we're gone." "What makes you think he'll be in there?" Scootaloo asked. "Well he did mention in his stories that he ate a lot of fish, and there aren't any ponds here that have any so mah guess is that it has be in the Everfree Forest," Applebloom replied as they began to head make their way out of the acres. "Alright... well we better get started," Scootaloo said, as Sweetie trotted up ahead to find their new friend. But they didn't know that they were being watched by something with dark red eyes. That's right little ones... lead me straight towards the traitor!