Friendship's New Flight: Change in Direction

by Masterob

Sisterly Love?

In Ponyville, Cloudchaser eventually caught up with Rumble, he was standing near Sugarcube Corner, he looks like he had been sobbing a little, "I Found you kiddo."

Rumble looked around her in worry, "Derpy's not here right?"

Cloudchaser shook her head, "No, just me."

Rumble rubbed a tear from his eye, "Why is my luck so bad CC? I never meant to hurt any pony, do all our friends hate me now?"

Cloudchaser pulled Rumble into a hug, "We know that Rumble, sometimes you make mistakes, it's normal, you're only Equine. But please
know that you're still very much loved by us, a least by your brother, my sister and me included."

Rumble rubbed his nose, "Even when I make you mad?"

Cloudchaser giggled a bit, as much as he's growing up, he's still got that childlike need to him. Not surprising, even Pinkie Pie has required hugs to make her feel better, and she's a grown mare. "Even then I would love you. You're still my little guy, no matter how old you get or how mad I can be at you. You can't say anything to make me stop loving you, because we both know when the anger is gone, we would still do anything for each other. I never believe for a second you would hate me."

"Good...because I don't, you're my best friend," Rumble said with a slight sniffle.

"You too", she rubbed his mane, "And don't worry about Dinky, accidents happen."

"What accidents?" they heard, both looked to see Twilight standing there with Thunderlane.

"CC, what's wrong?" Thunderlane asked.

"Dinky fell on Rumble, and Derpy caught them and assumed he was trying something, then he flew off", Cloudchaser explained.

Twilight glared at Rumble a moment, "Why did Dinky fall on top of you?"

"She was climbing a tree, she fell and I caught her," Rumble politely explained.

Twilight stared coldly at Rumble, "And why was she climbing a tree?"

"To get a ball she kicked up there," Rumble said, starting to feel a little nervous.

"...Why was she getting the ball? Why couldn't you fly up?" Twilight asked, her shadow now casted over Rumble.

Rumble gulped, "Because she told me she wanted to do it."

Twilight's stare didn't fade, it remained strong, much to Rumble's worry. "So because she said that, you just let her, without using your common sense to tell her it's a bad idea?"

Rumble cowered a bit, "I offered to help, but she wanted to do she climbed and fell, then I caught her."

"All this could have been avoided if you told them this was a bad idea, you used this caution tactic before, why not now?" Twilight asked, getting a little annoyed.

Rumble backed away a little, fearing Twilight a bit. Cloudchaser stepped forward with a glare to the Princess, "Hey back off Twilight, he already explained himself, it's not his job to keep those fillies from hurting themselves. If Dinky does something stupid, Rumble shouldn't take any blame."

"Out of my way Cloudchaser, this is between me and Rumble," Twilight demanded.

"You're scaring him!" Cloudchaser turned to Thunderlane, "Why aren't you saying something?"

"Twilight knows best, she wants what's best for Rumble, she's just helping make him a better colt," Thunderlane said.

"That's bullshit Thunderlane, she's scaring him," Cloudchaser stated, gesturing to the trembling Rumble to further her point.

"She's just explaining things to him, that's all," Thunderlane said, trying to remain calm about all this.

Twilight used her magic to pull Rumble to her, "We're gonna talk more when we get back to my place young colt."

Rumble panicked a bit, "But I didn't do anything wrong!"

"Lower your tone when you're talking to me!" Twilight scolded.

Cloudchaser growled, she wanted to clonk Twilight hard, but she knew that would be a bad idea, "Just don't make this worse Twilight, otherwise you're gonna deal with me!"

Twilight glared, "Excuse me Cloudchaser, but was that a threat?"

"Call it whatever you want, I'm leaving, and when I see Rumble again he better not be scarred by your so called 'explaining'," she flew off in a huff.

Twilight turned to Thunderlane, "Let's go Thunder"

Twilight had taken Rumble home with Thunderlane, the teen colt looking really nervous.

Cloudchaser flew back to where Applejack and Rarity were, the two had been discussing what Derpy had said, though it was mostly disagreement.

"Honestly what nerve Derpy had saying that", Rarity said.

"She's a little paranoid, ah mean Rumble learned his lesson, besides I'd rather he be the one to take their virginity. He cares about them at least, it's like having friends with benefits", Applejack said.

"Hey girls", Cloudchaser said, getting their attention.

"Hey CC, ya find Rumble?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, but then Twilight did, and she assumed the worst about him. I hate this so much, Rumble has such a delicate psyche, he shouldn't be interrogated like this, we have to do something!" Cloudchaser said.

"Right, ah say enough enough, let's go find yer sister and Fluttershy, we'll confront Twilight about this", Applejack said.

Cloudchaser nodded, "Right...what about the girls?"

Applejack looked to them, "Girls, I need y'all to go home, or rather y'all can go to yer tree house, me, Rarity and Cloudchaser need to go find Twilight!"

Apple Bloom nodded, "Sure thing sis!"

Applejack turned to the others, "Let's go"

Meanwhile in the market place, Spike waiting for a bucket of oranges to be ready, he then noticed Amethyst nest to him browsing through the fruit, "Sup Amethyst."

She turned around, "Hi Spike, nice day huh?"

"Yeah, just grabbing stuff for Twilight," Spike said.

"How are things with her and Thunderlane?" Amysthesty asked, grabbing her food.

"Pretty serious, they've only been dating a few months and they really care for each other, don't be surprised if they tie the knot sooner rather than later," Spike said with a coy grin.

Amethyst looked surprised, "Already? Wow that's fast."

"Keep in mind Thunderlane has known Twilight as a friend for quite some time, that basically warmed them up," Spike said.

"Well that's great, he's a nice guy, though hard to say that about his kid brother, that kid's a lot of trouble," Amythest complained.

"Yeah, he is, but the problem with Rumble is that he has all these mares backing him up. All the mares love Rumble because he's cute, but it's plain stupid, why should he get all this special treatment despite the crap he does? I've talked to Twilight about it, she's at least trying to straighten the kid out, but if I mention it to the others they all have something to say", Spike cleared his throat. "Applejack says to go easy on him he's just a foal, even though he's like 14 and should know better. Rarity tells me that I sound jealous and that it's not healthy on me. Fluttershy also refuses to believe he's a bad colt, I'll let that slide since she's the element of kindness, so it's in her nature. Flitter told me not to say bad things about her favorite little guy, I swear she babies him too much. Finally Cloudchaser said, and I quote, 'Shut your damn mouth you annoying little dragon, before I knock you all the way to the Crystal Empire and back', I mean seriously."

Amethyst looked surprised, "That's an issue, we need to nip this now before it gets out of hand."

Rumble nodded, "Right, come on let's go talk to Twilight."

As they walked they ran into Lyra, who simply glared at Amethyst. "What?"

Lyra continued her glare before shouting, "You stole my hairstyle!" Amethyst simply shook her head in shame and ran off with Spike, Lyra shaking her hoof, "Hair stealer!"

At Twilight's home, she is still talking with Rumble, "Do you understand why I am not too happy young stallion?" Rumble pouted with a scrunchy face as he looked away from Twilight, this caused some annoyance, "Rumble, here's the situation, the fact that you just allowed Dinky too do something that dangerous and reckless shows poor judgment, suppose you weren't fast enough and she got hurt? You're the only one there that could fly, you should know better and tell Dinky you'll handle it, not to mention that somepony could get the idea that you wanted Dinky to get hurt so that you can swoop in and 'tend' to her, this is only hurting you Rumble."

Rumble continued to look away all angry like, Twilight groaned at that, she wasn't gonna take that from him. "I don't like your behavior Rumble! I'm doing this because I love you, I just want what's best for you, we're gonna be so much closer soon."

Rumble looked curious, "How?"

Twilight blushed, "I was gonna wait until later but I just need to say it now", she cleared her throat, "Your brother Thunderlane and I...we're getting married!"

Rumble's eyes bulged and his jaw dropped, "What!?"

"We're gonna get married, two months from now we're going to be in-laws, and you'll live with me, then I can really shape up your life. You can be like my apprentice, granted you're not a Unicorn so you won't know magic but the possibilities are still there!" Twilight grinned a little. "Who knows? Maybe you can become an Alicorn Prince one day, Cadance started off as just a Pegasus too after all."

Rumble was speechless, he barely even heard the last part, not that it interested him. He likes flying, not being a Prince. But knowing that Thunderlane is marrying Twilight? He didn't want them to get married, he was still holding out hope that Thunderlane and Rainbow Dash could work something out.

"We're gonna wed in Canterlot, our families will be there, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, my brother...of course he's gonna find out through an invite, see how he likes it," Twilight said with some annoyance in her voice. "All of our friends will be there, I'll contact Pinkie and Cheese and let them plan a super great party. Speaking of which I need to send her a letter soon, same with Rainbow Dash. Maybe I can even invite Trixie and Lightning Dust, provided neither of them try to show off, do or say anything stupid. I can also Coco Pommel, she can help design my dress with Rarity, it's gonna be so great!" Twilight hugged Rumble, "You and I are gonna bond a lot, and I promise that after some strict discipline, you're gonna be a great stallion."

Rumble wasn't gonna be able to handle this, his life was gonna take a strange turn.

Just then the door had knocked, "Go upstairs Rumble, we'll talk later."

Rumble reluctantly went upstairs, but remained close by out of curiosity. Twilight approached and found Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Flitter and Cloudchaser standing there.

"Girls, what brings you here?" Twilight asked.

"It's about Rumble, we think you're being too hard on him," Applejack said.

Twilight sighed at this, she knew how these girls could be too protective of Rumble, "You can't be serious, I'm just doing what's best for him."

Thunderlane walked up to them, "What's going on?"

Applejack walked over to Thunderlane, "You can't let Twilight do what she's doing to yer brother, it ain't good fer him."

Thunderlane sighed, "Twilight's doing what me, Flitter and Cloudchaser should have done, help him through this stage in his life. He's going through a lot, which I can relate because I've been there. and his acting out is probably understandable, though also why he need's Twilight's guidance."

"But Thunderlane, think about y'all really want this fer Rumble? Cloudchaser thinks Twilight's being too strict, we just need to set a few rules and make sure he follows them, he's done well thus far," Applejack said.

Rarity stepped in, "Exactly, he's a perfect little gentlecolt, not arrogant jerk who just wants to be surrounded by mares."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "None of you can be serious right now"

"We're very serious Twilight", Flitter said.

"Yeah, back off a bit, remember me and Flitter have known Rumble longer, we can handle his discipline", Clouchaser said.

"Your discipline hasn't been working though, you're too easy on him," Twilight said.

A voice appeared by the now clear doorway, "That's an understatement"

They all turned to see Spike standing there with Amethyst.

"Oh great it's you", Cloudchaser said.

"Don't 'Oh Great' me, Twilight is absolutely right about everything, none of you have the slightest idea on how to deal with that kid, he's too spoiled," Spike said.

"Watch it Spike, Rumble isn't spoiled!" Cloudchaser said.

"I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were finally smartening up to Rumble's antics, but once he started using that charm all of a sudden he's all cute and innocent again, that's a lot of crap and you know it Cloudchaser!" Spike shouted.

Cloudchaser gritted her teeth. "Watch it Spike!"

"I mean seriously, he gets away with so many things, he barely gets punished, the one time Twilight tries to punish him, he gets dragged off too Cloudsdale, you know why? Because he's manipulating your girls, he knows that he's cute enough to get away with anything, you act like he's the most cutest creature in Equestria, it's really damn annoying honestly!" Spike complained.

Cloudchaser growled, "You know what I think? You're jealous! That's it you're just jealous that he's cuter than you and stole your spot as the cute guy with the group of mares!"

Spike rolled his eyes, "You know I'm considered a hero in The Crystal Empire right? If I wanted to be surrounded by a group of ponies to love and worship me I would go there and ask for whatever I want, but I don't, you know why? Because I know better, Twilight taught me better, she's the most perfect older sister anypony can ask for, that's something Rumble desperately needs. I don't need some mindless mares complimenting me so much, I mean don't get me wrong it's nice, but it doesn't replace true friendship."

Applejack shook her head, "This is a load of nonsense Spike, Rumble just made a few mistakes, nothing too bad."

Spike crossed his arms with a disappointed glare. "To think I had so much respect for you girls, at least for Applejack and Rarity. Applejack was a pony I looked up to because she represents hard work and honesty, and Rarity I can now just admit I had a crush on, because she was pretty and fair and knew what was right, now I almost feel ashamed to know you, look how far you've both fallen, how long before this bad behavior rubs off on your sisters?"

Rarity and Applejack looked pretty upset by what Spike said, everyone else was surprised he even said that.

Cloudchaser however had enough, "I'm not gonna stand here and let you disrespect mine and Flitter's influence on Rumble, and I won't let you disrespect Applejack and Rarity, are you jealous of their love too? Because you couldn't get Rarity?"

"Hey Applejack can have Rarity, I'm over her, maybe I can find a mare that actually has some self respect," Spike said with attitude.

Applejack glared, "Don't talk about mah mare like that Spike"

"What are you gonna do, chase me?" Spike taunted.

Applejack stomped her hoof, "Don't give me any ideas!"

Fluttershy stepped in, "Come on everypony, please stop your fighting, this isn't how friends should act!"

"Hey, I only say this because I care, I hate what Applejack and Rarity have become. Even if it's harsh I just hope they eventually snap out of this and go back to being the mares I once respected.", Spike said.

Fluttershy shook her head, "With all due respect Spike, you can handle this a little bit better."

Spike shrugged, "Probably, at this point I don't even know how to respond to any of them, really upsetting."

Thunderlane groaned in frustration, "Listen, I appreciate that you all care about my brother, but Spike's right, he needs Twilight's guidance, just trust her, she's a princess for a reason, she's Celestia's pupil for a reason, or was a pupil I think, anyway just trust her on this."

Amethyst nodded, "I think Twilight's great for that kid, she has my support"

The 5 reluctant mares glaced to each other a bit, Twilight had an idea, "Let's get Rumble here, we can work this out now." She went to find Rumble, "Rumble! We need you a moment!" She looked around, "Rumble!?" no sign, "Rumble where are you?"

As she looked for no one, we see that Rumble has left, he didn't want to be near there anymore. Between Twilight's news, plus hearing everyone yell and fight over him, it was too much.