Halo: Equestria

by shenadri

Show of Power

Ambassador Whisperwind was many things, one of the most influential griffons that was on the war business, after having invested much of his time as ambassador of goodwill between the Griffons and Equestria, the obese Griffon decided to help his nation by paying for much of the equipment that the changelings "found" among ancient ruins, and with the first skirmishes won by Griffinheim, He openly began to finance the war without any remorse, seeing it more as a lucrative business than the loss of life.

'In addition, the only thing at this moment that could stop the imperial armies would be a miracle', the fat griffon thought to himself, smiling in a sinister way, after the hostilities began, a former contact of Equestria began to send letters to the avian, Requesting political asylum if he helped to end the war, after consulting several times with his personal advisers, the ambassador brought the matter to the king's own paws, the answer was that no matter what happened, if the contact of the former ambassador could stop the bloodshed, he would be received as a hero in the empire. In the course of the four years since the war started, thanks to communications made by glass balls and magic messages, the traitor in the country of Equestria began to give strategic places, future incursions and even cities to which the griffon could go to attack because the Equestrian army was concentrating on maintaining supply lines and contacts, over the course of four years, thanks to this mine of information, griffons had military superiority in the immense majority of the now decimated country of equines.

And all thanks to the mysterious man of confidence of the ambassador.

Whisperwind was aware that many griffons were jealous or directly against their political maneuvers, and, on personal request to the king, Chrysalis changelings could not interfere with the ambassador directly, which was reinforced the first time that the ambassador's own personal guard found a spy sniffing in his family mansion, the next day, Whisperwind had the nerve to interrupt a meeting between Queen Chrysalis and the king, dragging the spy as if it were a simple animal and demanding it's execution.

After half an hour of both parties shouting to each other, finally the king came near the spy, and on a swift move of talons, simply cut the rope on the changeling's body and ordered his guard to take it away to the catacombs below Griffonstone, however that was not well seen by the changeling queen, who immediately asked for a full pardon for her spy, saying that he was simply following orders, which then made the members of parliament, who until then were simply watching the exchange, began to scream in fury, for if a simple spy was poking noses into the high families, no one was safe, after this Chrysalis was forced to remove all the spies within the high circles of Griffinheim.

'That damn queen had it coming from a long time now' Whisperwind thought in fury, clenching his talons,'anyhow, that day we showed those damn things why they didn't mess with the griffons', now smirking, he turned towards his companion, the soldier known as Valkyr.

Canterlot Castle, Two hours prior to the apparition of UNSC "Harmony"

Prince Blueblood was quite happy, having just spoken to a pair of senators, the pompous noble was absolutely sure that this time Equestria would see the end of the war, after four years, he was doing everything in his hooves to surrender to the invading army, yet his stubborn princess and the Ex-fashionista and element bearer, Rarity, always had the last word in the debates about surrendering to the griffons, however, for the stubborn sun goddess and feebly white pony, their allies and resources were coming for an end, After the war began, the nobleman had dedicated himself to try to spread rumors and win the parliamentary vote to surrender to the Griffon/Changeling coalition without immediate success, however, with the fall of Manhattan and a pair of well-placed bribes, He could finally win votes in order to end this war and establish a new parliament with him as its director, finally getting the abdication of the soft hearted Celestia and her half demon sister.

Obviously, according to the prince, who would oppose him as director of a new parliament once they realized that the diarchy could not stop the invaders, who could suspect the noble prince, who had been weakening his aunt with a poison hidden in the tea that the princess drank every day, and thanks to a servant of the palace who owed him a few favors, it had been administered daily to the naive monarch without suspicion.

At this time, the treacherous prince was more concerned about the princess's sister, where Celestia was naive, Princess Luna had shown a level of observation and prevention that made Blueblood wonder how Celestia had won the rebellion that her sister had orchestrated more than a thousand years ago, however, since the prince's multiple contacts were infiltrated within the internal structure of the government of Equestria in this moment he was practically the owner of the palace, Celestia had so blindly trusted the young prince with the present crisis, that she allowed him to bring whatever help he could consider to the palace, which allowed him full access to the servants and soldiers hoof picked and paid handsomely to roam free in the royal princesses home, also Celestia, ignoring his sister, who on several occasions tried to prevent the arrogant prince from bringing more soldiers and servants to the palace, had allowed him to direct some offensives on trying to regain terrain from the griffons, which, supposedly, ended with the deaths of thousands due to the strong foothold from the griffons, however, those losses were because the poor information that "General" Blueblood provided to the troops prior to their deployment, also killing lots of ponies which could have given the power hungry Blueblood problems when he was ready to execute his master plan.

In addition, there was still the matter of Manhattan, the sources of the prince could only speculate about what had happened in the city after evacuating the survivors, not that the prince was interested anyway, however,how more than four hundred survivors had simply vanished was worrying the prince, he had sent a detachment of his own guard to try and track over the survivors, but after having arrived in what was left of the city, and having found a clearing where a strange object had exploded, His servants reported a massacre, strange hollow metal fragments were scattered all over the place, in addition to the corpses of at least eighty griffons and a few other changelings, but no trace of the thing or things that had caused this, actually, just an hour ago, one of the magicians who went with the detachment of the prince had informed Blueblood about strange marks that suddenly disappeared next to several wreckage that indicated a great number of ponies together, later only to find some huge marks burned in the floor of the Forest, then ... nothing. Now Blueblood was no fool, however, he couldn't understand what have happened with only little information to go by, also the disappearance of the survivors left a bad taste in his mouth, because he had sent some of the troops loyal to Celestia to go there as support, and by now the griffons would have sended him a message that confirmed that they have "taken care of the issue" as many times they have eloquently had said.

Finally the snob prince was jolted out of his musings by a loud clatter of metal against stone, when he looked up, one of his guards was on the railing, looking terrified out of his mind, his weapons long forgotten on the floor.

"What is the meaning of this!" Blueblood half yelled, half whined towards his soldier, "Get yourself together, also you are guarding my palace, no looking... towards..."

Whatever the prince was going to say stayed in his mouth, because, looming on the horizon, a huge floating 'something' was coming towards Canterlot, looming against the red sunset.