//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: And Then Rainbow Dash was a Colt // Story: "And Then Rainbow Dash Was a Colt," and Ten Other Really Awkward Stories // by Piquo Pie //------------------------------// "And Then Rainbow Dash Was a Colt," and Ten Other Really Awkward Stories As requested by Cereal Velocity. (Sorry for the delay. [and for mistaking you for Sethisto];) By: Piquo Pican Pistachio Pie... and alt-tap Clop clop clop clop Buck Thud thud thud Clop clop clop clop Buck Thud thud thud Applejack may not have been the most musically inclined pony, but there was a certain kind of rhythm to bucking the apples. It was her favorite part of her life. Simple, rhythmic bucking. Clop clop clop clop Buck Thud thud thud Clop clop clop clop Buck “AAAPPPLLLEEEEJJJAAAAAAHHHHH” Thud thud WHUD-D-D-D-D Applejack was accustomed to Rainbow Dash's sudden arrivals, but this one put the turkey in the hen house. Crashing into AJ was like crashing into a mountain, and Rainbow Dash knew exactly what crashing into a mountain felt like. But few mountains were capable of giving advice to help a friend in need, and that was what Dash needed right now. “Rainbow, ya' better have a darn good reason ta be crashin' inta me like that while I still have apple trees to buck!” Rainbow was vibrating with panic, like only the best pegasi could. She was trying to explain why she crashed into AJ before she got bucked by the angry farmer. “Applejack I need your help! I can’t go to Twilight cause she'll tell the Princess and I can’t tell Rarity cause she'll try to dress me up again and I can’t go to Fluttershy cause she'll run away and I can’t go to Pinkie cause she is Pinkie and I really really really need help and you’re my best friend!!!” Dash ran out of breath, collapsing on top of Applejack. An impressive feet for a crashed pegasus. While the farmer tried to untangle herself from her best friends six awkward limbs she found the wherewithal to question Dash’s perspective of their mutual friends. “Dash! First off you know your friends arn’t like that, well, other than Pinkie.” “Yeah.” Said the tangled Rainbow deeply. “But still feel more comfortable around you cause this is just awful.” The farmer looked up at her cyrulian friend now that the tangle of limbs was largely delt with. “ What in the hay is go'n on he... eee... rrr, uuumm? Dash, what's wrong with your face? What’s wrong with your voice?" yelped Applejack as panic and realization set in. "Wh, why are you a colt... WHY ARE YOU A COLT!?" Applejack froze. What's poking me? "You’re lying on top of me. A colt is on top of me. Get the buck off of me!” Applejack bucked like she had never bucked before. A cliché term but an apt description of Rainbow’s intimate introduction to a nearby tree. “Kh-hah, at least that landing was softer.” Applejack continued to shriek and thrash on the ground in a ten point colt cooties panic. “AJ stop, you bucked me off already. AJ I said...” Dash brushed the off the stick that had been poking her in the stomach. It took her a second to think staight, something normal after meeting a tree head first, but a few seconds later she finished processing what her blond friend had said before being plowed into a tree. I'm a colt? How can she tell? What's the difference anyway? I never really thought about that... Wait a second, I remember my dad saying something about a mare’s place being in a kitchen before he left us. Does that mean I never have to try to cook again? I hope so, I hate cooking. What was I asking again? An apple landed on Rainbow's head. Oh right, AJ. Nope, still thrashing. Right, I don’t have to cook anymore. Well that’s a plus. I wonder what else this means. “Hey AJ, you ok?” While panting Applejack looked down at Dash from the top of a nearby tree, slightly shaken. “Um... No. What in tarnation happened to ya'?” “I don't know, I just woke up with a square face.” Applejack waited for dash to complete the story, but he never did. “And?” “And, I flew over here for help...” “That's it?” “Umm, yes!” Rainbow smiled, confident in his answer. “Dash ya don't just fall asleep and wake up a colt.” “Ohh right, how can you tell I'm a colt? Is it the square face?” Applejack could only stare down at male Dash. Finally something clicked in Applejack’s head. She extended a hoof to point accusingly at Rainbow and gracelessly fell out of the tree, breaking several branches and murdering an apple along the way. Dash walked over to Applejack who sat on a pile of murdered apple, and tree. “You done yet, AJ?” “Gimme a second.” Said the farmer amidst several frustrated grunts. “Ok, I'm done. And, uh, can ya' help me outta this here mess?” “Sure?” Rainbow lent a helping hoof. “Now, how can you tell I'm a colt?” Colt? Dash is a colt, a colt is helping me up!!!! Stay calm, calm, It was only ever that one stallion that ever caused you problems, I don’t need ta’ generalize. Besides Bucky and Kicks will buck and kick the applesauce outta the mean ol’ colt if I need ‘m to. As soon as Applejack was free, she violently let go of Dash and backed away. “Okay, Dash, you want to know how I know you’re a colt right?” “Uh… Yeah!” Rainbow took a step toward Applejack. “Ya’ know what the differences ‘tween a stallion and a mare are right?” Applejack backed up. “… One has a deeper voice and doesn’t cook!”Dash stepped forward. “Ehh, no. That's not it at all.” Said Applejack, stepping back. “Well deeper voice yes but…” “So it is the square face then.” Rainbow stepped up. “No Dash! Well yes, but tha…” Applejack stepped forward to meet her rival before retreating in fear of the oddly familiar colt. “AJ, do you even know what a colt is?” Dash followed the farmer under the CMC clubhouse. “Course I do.” Applejack backed around a tree. “Then tell me!” Rainbow followed, exasperated. “If you stop interrupt’n me for one gosh darh…” Applejack circled the tree backwards. “Ok I’ll stop.” Dash interrupted, continuing to follow AJ. “No I mean STOP!” Applejack backed into the river. Rainbow stopped at the water’s edge. “AJ, you know you’re in a river right?” Applejack started to float down stream. “I may have noticed.” Dash leapt into the air spreading his legs and wings as the wind relieved him of a bit of stress. Applejack stared at the muscular colt flying overhead, unable to look away. She, her… That stallion jus’ don’t know what she’s doing, he… “Gahhh!” Rainbow looked back in time to see Applejack turn red in the apparently cold water. Oh no is she hyperthermic? I must save her! “APPLEJACK!” Rainbow yelled as he dashed down to help her. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you drown!” “I ain’t drownin’, ya carrot headed colt.” Applejack continued to float. Dash stopped, hovering inches from Applejack’s face. “But you’r turning red from the cold water! Doesn’t that mean you’re hyperthermic?” “Stop just, stop Dash le’me splain… And get your that outta my face!” Applejack pony paddled to shore. AJ’s hat, where is it? Maybe if I rescue it she’ll be happy with me again. Applejack got out of the pleasantly cool river, and turned to look at Dash. Rainbow, however, was nowhere to be found, until Applejack looked behind her. There, in all of her, his glory, was Dash, holding Applejack’s hat with his mouth expectantly. “Umm, oo-kay.” I can do this, just reach in slowly, open my mouth, grab the hat carefully, and pull slowly away from the nice colt. Rainbow Dash had never seen Applejack so startled, or move so fast. Applejack had tugged so hard that part of the hat had ripped and was now hanging from Rainbow’s mouth. Dash quickly spat it out. “Now will you tell me what the difference is between circles and squares is?” asked Rainbow impatiently. “Stallions and mares, but sure, look between your legs.” “Whoo, what is that? Why is it growing.” “Okay, too much information there Dash.” “Too much information about what?” Dash asked innocently. “Anyway, that there is the main difference between a stallion and a mare.” “Wait, but, what do mares have?” Rainbow looked up from his investigation. What do mares have? “Rainbow, how do you not know these things?” “Wait, you’re a mare, let me see your… whatever for a second.” “Ohhh no you don’t. Them is what we like to call private parts.” “Come on AJ, just let me see it.” Dash began circling Applejack, trying to get a look. “It’s not like you don’t strut around town without your rear end out for all to see any way.” AJ circled Rainbow. “Dash, you’re an idiot, so I’ll let that comment about my rear end slide. No you can’t see it.” “Fine, don’t show me! Chasing you is kinda fun anyway.” Dash said with an unsettling grin. Applejack sat down assertively. “That’s even worse!” She took a breath to calm herself. “Ok, you know all foals have a mom and a dad?” “Ya.” “Well, all moms are mares and all dads are stallions, and they have the… parts. And when a mare and a stallion love each other, they can get married and have a foal.” “Oh, is that where foals come from? What does that have to do with this extra leg?” asked Rainbow obliviously as he circled the blushing AJ. “Dash you are irrefutably a’ idiot, it’s that extra leg that makes you a stallion.” Applejack replied, eying the predacious Rainbow Dash. “Really?” replied Dash as he looked between her legs again. “Wait, if that’s like that then where do I pee from?” asked Rainbow looking up curiously. “Ya’all pee from that there leg. I don’t know the specifics, and I don’t wanna know. So if you figure that out then keep it to yourself, k.” “Uh, deal.” Replied Dash looking up with a blush. “Dash, are you actually embarrassed?” AJ accused. “NOOO WAY!” Dash said defensively. “Dash, as the element of Honesty, I'm calling bull.” “Well what are you going to do about it, grab me by the horns Miss Rodeo?” “Hey personally I think you could do with a little humility. Seriously though you can’t go around like that.” Applejack said, putting a hoof up. “Yeah I know. Bad PR could really affect my chances of getting into The Wonderbolts.” Rainbow stated seriously. “Besides, waking up a different gender has already affected my flying skills.” Applejack cocked her head. Dash explained, “Colts have really heavy faces, and they’re not aerodynamic at all.” “That’s when you figured it out isn’t it.” The farmer smiled. Rainbow blushed. “…maybe.” “How about I just go get Twilight and you can hide in my barn. Don't worry, I'll Pinkie Swear her to secrecy,” said Applejack taking pity on Dash. “Thanks, AJ you’re the best,” said Rainbow putting a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “Uhhh… you’re welcome. But don’t touch me,” said Applejack pushing Rainbow Dash away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's notes.