Back To Equestria

by EldinKaiser

Back To Equestria (Ch.2)

I was already up way before Twilight though didn't dare to move from the bed, not wanting to wake her up. I looked down at her to see her usually neat purple hair all over the place as she laid there asleep on my chest, her arm draped over me. I smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head as I wrapped both of my arms around her to hold her close to me. She began to stir a bit, but only to raise her head up for a second before laying it back on my chest.

I glanced out the window to see the sun hasn't even broke the horizon yet. "It's gonna be a long day." I said to myself, reaching down to cover up Twilight. I felt her arms wrap tightly around me as she nuzzled into me softly. "Mmm my Sunny." She said in her sleep. I felt a huge smile form as she made herself comfortable. It's good to know that whatever happens, that she'll always be by my side.

I love this girl unconditionally, though I feel myself be ripped away from my bliss as I remember back to what Celestia was wanting to talk to me about. What IS she wanting to talk to me about? I know it's to talk about my condition upon going back to Equestria, but deep down inside of me, I'm scared.

What if I'm the next pony that ends up locked away on the moon for the next thousand years? "Sunny, is everything alright?" I heard Twi ask as she sat up, yawning softly.

I froze for a second but nodded softly. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about what exactly are these terms and conditions that Princess Celestia is referring to." I said, petting along her back.

She leaned up to kiss me and gave me a reassuring smile. "I promise, everything is going to be fine." She said before resting her head back on my chest.

I nodded softly and smiled back. "Alright. If you say so." I said, feeling her hand grab mine, our fingers curling around each other.

"What time is it?" She yawned out, snuggling up against me.

I smiled softly before reaching over to grab my phone off the night stand. "It is only 5 in the morning." I said, before looking back down at her.

She groaned out and pulled the blanket over her head. "That means we probably need to get going soon." She said, still hidden underneath the blanket.

I looked down at her to see that she wasn't budging and smirked. "So how long is soon to you?" I teased.

She poked her head back out, glaring at me and stuck her tongue out at me before going back under the blanket. "I'm comfy right now. I want to enjoy this for a little bit longer." She said.

I chuckled softly. "Well do you mind going ahead and letting me up? I still need to pack up a few things." I said, going to get up, only to see that she wasn't budging. "Or we can lay here for a little bit longer."

She nodded softly as she curled back up to me. "Yeah, that sounds like the better choice." She yawned out, preparing to doze back off.

I smirked softly. "Well if that's the case, the next time you decide to be up all night reading a book. If I ask you to come to bed, then you're coming to bed with me." I said to feel her nod once more.

I smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "I love you." I said, petting along her back.

She looked up at me and smiled. "I love you too." She said leaning up to kiss me. "Now can we please get back to sleep?" She asked.

I smirked and placed my hands on her sides. "Maybe." I said, a devious, sly, grin forming along my lips.

She froze and looked at my hands. "S-Sunny? What are you doing?" She asked, slowly starting to get up.

I grinned and began to tickle her sides to immediately get an outburst of laughter from her as she thrashed around. "No no no no! Stop it!" She laughed out hoping to stop my onslaught against her.

I finally stopped and chuckled softly to see her laying on the other side of the bed, trying to catch her breath, her body still hidden under the blanket. I rolled over on my side, using my arm to prop myself up. "Are you gonna be ok?" I asked to immediately receive a glare from her.

She rolled over to face away from me. "That's not fair!" She stated.

I looked at her and scooted up, wrapping my arms around her and rest my head against her back. "You know I'm only picking on you." I said, nuzzling into her softly.

I felt her place her hands on top of mine as she pressed herself against me. "I know. I just wish that you'd give me a warning before you start tickling me." She said.

"But if I warn you, it wouldn't be a surprise tickle attack." I said with a smirk. She immediately turned her head to face me, whining at me to stop. "Ok, fine. I'll stop for now." I teased before leaning up to kiss her cheek.

She smiled and nodded softly before yawning once more. "We probably do need to be getting up, now seeing that I'm wide awake." She said as she sat up.

I looked up at her to see that she was wearing my long t shirt that hung down to her knees. I sat up and yawned softly. "Anything you want to eat before we get ready to go?" I said, stretching out, wearing another long shirt that hung a bit higher than Twi's did.

She passed by a mirror and came to a sudden halt. "My mane is such a mess." She said, frantically looking around for a brush.

I laughed softly and walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her hips, and resting my chin on her shoulder. "I think the messy hair look you got going is cute.." I teased.

"Well, it's not like my hair, or mane, is like yours. Being able to automatically get up in the mornings to have beautiful long hair." She said, turning around, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

I blushed and smiled. "I really don't do much to it. I just shower, dry it, and that's really it." I said, shrugging softly.

"Still, you're lucky to be able to do that." She said, pouting softly.

I looked down at her and smirked. "Well, as true as that may be, it's nothing compared to how lucky I am to have the most beautiful girl in Equestria." I said, immediately getting a blush from her.

"I'm the lucky one." She replied.

"Oh, how so?" I asked, tilting my head, slightly confused.

She leaned up to kiss me. "Well, one, I know that you will never hurt me. Two, I know that you will always be by my side. Three, you are all I could ever ask for." She stated. I felt my face light up, slightly taking back at her reply. "And out of everything we've been through, I know that regardless of how many arguments we have, no matter what troubles come between us. I know I can wake up every morning to be able to wake up to you, being held in your arms." She said, slowly running her hands down my arms.

I smiled and returned the kiss. "And I know that you will always be with me, no matter what happens." I said, not having a care or worry in the world.

"C'mon, we need to be getting ready." She said as we broke our grasp.

"Oh, yeah. What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, heading off into the kitchen.

"Anything is fine with me. Surprise me." She said, combing the knots out of her hair. "Oh no. We need to hurry up." She called out.

As I walked to the fridge I occasionally heard Twilight rushing around my house, trying to gather all of our belongings that we'll need. I chuckled softly, laying down some bread beside of the toaster. "Twilly, we still have a little while before we need to go. Relax." I said, reaching out to grab her hand.

She immediately came to a halt and nodded softly. "Okay, fine. Sorry about that Sunny." She said, looking down at the ground, slightly ashamed for the sudden panic.

I lead her over to the table and pulled a chair out for her. "It's ok, Twilly. I just don't want you freaking out over nothing. Besides, when we get back, I'm pretty sure that Celestia doesn't want to see you spazzing out." I teased.

She nodded softly and sat there, looking at the table, though the silence was broke by a knock on the door. "Come on in." I call out.

I hear the door open and turn to see Celestia standing there. "Principal Celestia? What are you doing here at this time?" I ask, slightly confused.

Twilight examined her close, though panic immediately sat in. "T-That's Princess Celestia." She said, her face rather pale.

Celestia stood there a gentle smile on her face. "Hello Sunset Shimmer. It's nice seeing you after so many years." She said.

I stood there, trying to come to terms with what's going on. "H-How? What...What's going on?" I ask, starting to get scared.

"Please calm down. I'm just here to talk to you regarding your return." She said, looking down at me, the same smile still on her face.

"Yes Princess Celestia. W-Would it be alright if I went ahead and prepared me and Twilight some breakfast first?" I asked.

"Yes, of course." She said.

I nodded softly and then rushed over to pull a seat out for her as well. "Please, have a seat. Would you like anything to eat as well?" I asked.

She sat down and shook her head. "No, that's alright. I ate with my counter self of this universe. I will take something to drink though. Water, please." She said with a smile.

"Wait, you know of Principal Celestia?" Me and Twilight asked.

"Of course. That was one thing that I was wishing to talk to you about." She said as I walked over to sit a glass of ice water for both Twilight and Celestia. She took a sip and placed it back down. "Thank you." Celestia said.

Twilight looked at her and rose a brow. "Wait, is Principal Celestia making some terms as well?" Twilight asked.

Celestia nodded softly. "Yes. Also, seeing as how you two are together, I figure that I can go ahead and discuss my own terms with you both." She said, her tone growing serious.

"O-Okay?" I said, trying to gulp down any fear in me.

She smiled and shook her head. "My dear Sunset, you have nothing to fear. I'm not going to harm you." She said, instantly sending a wave of relief through me. "Though, as I was talking with my other self. She stated that your graduation is coming up soon. She is wishing that you would stay here long enough for that." Celestia said.

I nodded softly, going back to the stove, frying up some eggs, and fried tomatoes. "Okay, that shouldn't be a problem." I said, walking back over to the toaster to grab the toast.

"Now, onto my own terms and conditions." She said, taking another sip from her water. "Upon your arrival back into Equestria, you are to remain under Twilight's watch. I will also have my guards reporting back to me on a daily basis to report how you are. Also, you are to undergo training with my sister Luna." She stated.

I nodded softly, though slightly confused. "Alright, but why am I going to be going through training?" I asked, placing two plates on the table. "Are you sure you don't want anything?"

She smiled and shook her head. "No, that's quiet alright. And to answer your question. You still have a lot of potential and if you and Twilight work together in the future, then I can only imagine great things coming from the both of you." She stated.

"Are you wanting to make Sunset a princess as well?" Twilight asked, slightly confused.

Celestia paused and sat there. "I am not giving a direct answer on that because that falls on Sunset and her actions. As much as I'd like to see that the both of you live happily, please excuse my own worry and suspicions. I want what's best for Twilight, Sunset. You make her happy. You have brought out a sense of joy from her that I haven't seen from Twilight." She said, automatically making both me and Twilight blush.

"I do my best to make her happy and I will go through Tartarus and back just to see that she's happy." I said with a smile.

Celestia returned the smile and nodded softly. "Now, do you two have questions for me?" She asked, taking a more relaxed tone.

I nodded and sat down in front of Celestia on the other side of the table. "Yes, actually. We was getting ready to come to Equestria to talk to you after we ate and got ready. Why suddenly just show up here?" I asked.

"I know that you were going to panic and be terrified at the fact that we would be holding this talk in my castle. I figured that you would probably be more relaxed in a familiar environment." She said, finishing her water.

I nodded softly and gave a sigh of relief. "Well, you're not wrong. I greatly appreciate that." I said, leaning back in my chair.

Twilight sat forward. "I got a question actually. What would happen if Sunset fails?" She asked. I looked over at Twilight and rose a brow, slightly confused at why she was asking that.

Celestia hung her head a bit. "Well, it's simple. She is to be put back in this world and the portal between worlds will be shattered. Twilight will remain in Equestria while you stay here in this world."

"Wait, that really isn't fair." I said, looking up at Celestia. "I understand that you have to take precautions in the safety of Equestria, but I promise that I am not going to betray you or Luna. And we all know that I wouldn't dare do anything to hurt Twilight. Whether it was physical or emotional." I stated.

Celestia nodded softly and smiled. "I know and understand that you wouldn't dare to harm or betray anyone in Equestria and I have faith in you both. The only reason that I am taking precautions is because it is to calm the minds of everypony in Equestria. I trust you. Luna trusts you and is excited that you will be her student. Cadence has faith in you and Twilight and wants nothing more than to see her sister-in-law be with somepony that makes her happy. It's just those in Equestria will and are uncertain about your return." She said.

I nodded softly and then looked down at my food. "Please, don't think of me rude by eating in front of you. I'm just kind of starving." I said, blushing a bit.

She chuckled softly and nodded. "Please, go ahead and eat."

Me and Twi nodded softly as we dug in quickly. A few minutes passed as we finished, patting our stomachs. "So, is there anything else you need to talk to me about Princess Celestia?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No I believe that is everything." She said getting up from her chair. "You two can arrive back in Equestria whenever you please. I will go ahead and have your guards prepare a chamber for Sunset in your castle." Celestia stated.

"Yes Princess Celestia." Twilight replied.

"A-Actually Princess Celestia. I do have another question." I called out before she had the chance to leave.

She turned back towards me and tilted her head. "Okay, what is it?"

"Twilight and myself still have our friends here. Would it be alright if we can visit them every now and then?" I asked, hoping for the best.

She smiled and nodded. "Of course you can. We would I not allow something like that?" She asked.

"W-well, when you said that if I failed, that the portal between worlds will be broken. I was kind of scared that we wouldn't be allowed to visit them at all, even if I was to succeed." I said, slightly ashamed of asking.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't do that unless you failed. Which honestly, I know for a fact that Twilight's magic has come to surpass my own. If she wished to, she could create another portal into this world." She said, looking over at Twilight who was confused.

"M-My own magic? Princess Celestia, I am no where close to you in magic prowess." She said, extremely confused.

Celestia smiled and shook her head. "No, my dear Twilight. You have already shown that your magic surpasses mine in the fight with Tirek. There was no hope that Cadence, Luna, or myself together could defeat him. You shown that you are more powerful than you expect." She said with a gentle smile.

Twilight sat there for a moment in awe at the fact that she was just shown. "A-Am I really that powerful?" She asked herself.

Celestia laughed softly and smiled. "Now, if there is nothing else that you two need to ask me, I will take my leave. If you two wish to return today or tomorrow is up to you. We all eagerly await your arrival Sunset." Celestia said before turning to leave.

As we heard the door shut, a wave of relief hit us as we cheered for joy. "This is so amazing! I was expecting so much worse." Twilight said, holding me close. She pulled away and then looked up at me to see that tears was running down my cheeks. "Sunny, is everything alright?" She asked me.

I nodded softly and held her close to me. "I-I was just so scared that I was going to lose you." I sobbed out, crying into her shoulder, finally able release my built up fear. "I was terrified that she was going to look at me and demand that I was to remain here. I mean, I know I have to stay here long enough to graduate, but I was thinking forever." I said, releasing all the panic that I've had trapped in me.

She looked up at me and gave a heartfelt smile before placing her hands on my cheeks to bring me into a kiss. "Sunset, regardless of if that was true or not. She was right. If that was to happen, then I would do everything in my power to be able to see you." She said, using her thumbs to wipe away the tears from my eyes. "Regardless of what happens, I will only love you." She said, as she brought me to her in a tight embrace.

I held her close to me as if it was our last embrace. I smiled and nodded softly. My whole body still shaking from my nerves. I just held her close and sobbed, letting lose any emotions that I may have built up over the past few days. "I-I'm sorry for the waterworks." I said, holding her close, finally able to laugh between tears.

She smiled and shook her head. "It's alright. I understand Sunny." She said as she held me close until I managed to finally calm down. This is what I needed at a time like this. So much stress has built up, so much fear, so much worry, finally able release it all with some fantastic news.