A Marty Stu invades the Multiverse (Chess Game of the Gods)

by Keairan


Once again, I woke up in the middle of a field. This tends to happen more than I like. Stupid djinn, stupid wish to travel the multiverse, and stupid wish to never forget anything. Alright, time to take stock of what I have this time around. I have fairly decent eyesight, but it seems I can't see the color red, though that might just be a general lack of it around. Pushing myself up, I noted I still had hands. Oh good, I still have hands, that'll make life a lot easier. I don't care what those idiots say, hooves suck! I then chanced to look at my lower body. "By all the hellsss?! I have a fucking sssnake tail! That'sss definitely new!"

Figuring I could have a proper freak-out about my new body later, I decide that summoning my armor to me was the first priority in this new world. Clearing my mind of all emotion, I reached out, not to the power, but the fragments of my soul that I left in my armor, my saber, and to my pack. My things all came to me, but not without the pain that always accompanies that summons. All of my limbs spasmed, and thinking back on it now, I'm grateful that I did not bite off my tongue, seeing as that was my new sense of smell and taste. Looking up, my heartstone plate-mail, my power-forged blade, and my pack all where in front of me. I quickly donned the breastplate and arms of my armor, then strapped my saber to my side. Having nowhere else to put it, I put the legs of my armor into my pack, moving about the stuff inside to fit them. Finally, I tested the fit of my closed helmet, which barely fit. I might have to make a new one for my stay here.

Time to go find a stream, I want to see exactly what and how this world has changed me. Instinctively flicking my tongue into the air, my senses suddenly bloomed. My gods, I thought diamond dogs could smell, this is a whole new kind of intense. The sensory overload rendered me semi-catatonic for a little while, my mind having a hard time comprehending all the information. Shaking my head in an attempt to clear my brain, something occurred to me. I'm going to have to be careful about doing that when I channel, that might be enough to cause true problems.

Flicking my tongue again, I tasted water on the air, seemingly coming from the north-east. Undulating forward, I found it to be a somewhat awkward gait, but like all things, what has to be borne, can be. Traveling onward, stopping to flick my tongue every now and again, I came across a small brook. I saw what looked to be a small pool further downstream. Moving forward, I looked into the pool, and was able to see my reflection at last. An imposing figure "stood" in the reflection. This face resembled my own in a lot of ways, but had clear differences. I had no goatee, and when I reached a hand up, did not feel any stubble either. Another thing I noticed was a barely perceptible outline over my entire body, like I had been drawn into existence. My jaw had another barely perceptible difference from normal, a slight snake-like muzzle. I wonder if I can detach my jaw? A quick test showed that yes, I could detach my jaw. The universe has a sense of humor. I've always wanted a girlfriend who could do this, and now I'm the one who can do it.

Taking my canteen out of my pack, I fill it with water from the brook, then take hold of the power and weave a thread of fire to quick-boil it. Makes the water taste nasty, but nobody wants cholera or dysentery. Repeating the process with my other two canteens, I let them cool before placing them in my pack. Satisfied with my preparations, I set off downstream, hopefully towards civilization of some sort.

As I "walked", I pondered the world I was in. Where am I? There's not been any defining characteristics to this world so far that I've seen. No industrial pollution, so that knocks out any heavily industrialized realities. I'm fine with that, The Imperium of Man are a bunch of xenophobic assholes, I would be experimented on by any industrialized instance of Terra, and... and. Probably a world full of magic, judging by my appearance. Toril perhaps? Abeir? Those are certainly possible. I doubt it's Equestria, I never ran into any snake people in any of my other visits to the Pony Realities.

Continuing on down the stream, I came across a sturdy wooden bridge. With no signs about what was one way or the other, I decided I was going to set up a camp there. I should probably stay here a while, it's a fairly good chance that I'll encounter a traveler here eventually. With that, I took my pup-tent out of my pack and began to set it up. Finishing with that quickly, I took my horn of plenty from my pack and blew into it, waiting for its magic to take affect. A small table appeared before me, with all sorts of meats in front of me. Some of them looked to be small, paralyzed rats. Setting those off to the side, I noted that the horn knew that I was completely carnivorous in this form, which I didn't much care for. I love broccoli, it's literally the best food out there, but that's besides the point.

Eating my meal quickly and in peace, I meditate on battles past while digesting my meal. The sun was going down, and decided watching the stars might tell me where I was.

A bold, beautiful moon came up above the horizon, few craters scaring the side that was facing the planet. As I watched, the stars seemed to appear one at a time, building up possible constellations. A stripe appeared well away from the moon, a possible galactic boundary? I began to look for familiar Terran constellations, but found none from either hemisphere. I tried other worlds, but none matched the sky. Toril is out, as is Abeir. It doesn't match any of the other human predominated realities I've been to. Then I spotted a few known constellations: The farrier, the river, Pegasus, and the four winds. I was on Equestria. There was no denying it. So much for it not being Equestria. I then chuckled around my tongue, an awkward experience to say the least.

Having had enough of star-gazing, I decided to go to bed, reasoning that if I didn't see any ponies or other resident sapients the next day, I would try Tel'aran'rhiod.