//------------------------------// // Hopeless // Story: A changeling's purpose // by SwarmLordAbdonis //------------------------------// How can one describe their feelings after going through what I have suffered? Only a few words can suffice. Emptyness, loneliness and... pain. Like a balloon against a needle I have become undone. Become lifeless. Days have passed since the traitor Thorax took the hive and forced the queen to flee. The changeling race was almost gone, only to be replaced with those I know only as converted drones. Former beings of their true selves. Each and every one of them standing at the side of the new king without shame, without loyalty to their former ruler. Am I the only one who understands that word? Loyalty? Not that it matters now. What does any of it matter? What do I matter? I am but a single changeling warrior. A swarm leader fitted with the role of leading changelings into battle. That has been my role ever since the trials of the greater warrior, where I, out of many proved my worth, my determination to the hive. Only a handful of swarmleaders are selected to rule for an age before being replaced with another more capable for the role. Though my time of leadership and command lasted two years up to this point, I would at least like to belive I performed to the best of my abilities and proved not just to my kind, but to all that I was ready to do my part for the hive. But now... I begin to wonder. Do I even have that right? To call myself a warrior, let alone a swarmleader? A sigh escaped my mouth. I removed my helmet and stared at the very top of it, seeing my own reflection stare back at me. The face of a coward who ran. But... running to survive, to preserve both my purity and the remaining purity of the once great changeling race, surely that isn't what a coward does, is it not? Do I even have the strength inside me to answer my own question? Without a second thought, I tore my gaze from my unforgiving reflection and placed my helmet back on my head where it belongs. I then looked down to the forest floor hundreds of feet below me. After days of travel I had to take some respite. And the nearby forest seemed like an ideal stop provided I didn't get too close to the ground. Even from the branch I'm sitting on, the snarls and roars of unknown beasts can be heard as clear as the day itself. I have been listening to those sounds for an hour. Probably longer as there was no way to tell the time. If I could continue travelling I would, but my wings ache, and my heart beats so fast and so loud. It is impossible to continue forwards towards an unknown, and probably pointless destination. The headache is of no consolation either. When was the last time I feasted upon a fresh source of love? Too long. It was just another problem to add to the list, but one that would become more and more of a burden in time. After an appropriate amount of time passed, I took flight once more, hoping to the queen that my struggles would not be in vain as I continued my path towards the unknown. As more days passed, the more my headache grew. And with it, hunger, frustration and stubborness. I became stoic and unreadable, as though my brain had shut itself down and my body had taken over. It did me little good. But one fateful night was what pushed me over the edge. It was dark and cold. Rain hit my chitin body like miniature spears. The wind unforgiving as it tried to swallow and carry me away. But even that was nothing compared to my own self torture. My headache and stubborn side convinced my foolish self that it would pass and to ignore sheltering within the endless forest. Perhaps that was my determination? That I was so sick of seeing nothing but endless forest for days, that I just wanted to see the sight of something new? Not that I could see since I was shielding my eyes from the hard rain. Or had I allowed my foolishness to cloud my instincts? I suppose it does not matter any more. With every buzz of my wings I once again grew more and more exhausted until at last my body gave as little resistance as a single leaf in a tornado. The futile fight against the elements had come to a predictable outcome. I crashed. I felt every bump, every scrape, every tree I was thrown against. Though I would not dare admit it at the time, I was helpless. Only when I was lying on the soft yet freezing ground of the forest was I safe from the winds relentless power. However, when I thought the worst had passed, nature was quick to remind me of its cruelty. Even with the howling of the wind, it was easy to hear another kind of howl. The howl of a predator. Wolves. With my remaining strength I forced myself to my four hooves. One of them twisted making it hard to run on. My wings were crushed making it impossible to fly. And even then I would not dare risk the wind again. Were it not for the chitin that covered me from smashing into those trees, I would make a very easy meal for the beasts. I can't remember much of the chase. Only that I tried to escape in vain as the creatures caught up with ease. It was clear my fate was no longer mine to control anymore. I made it to a large tree and turned my back to it. Like demons from tartarus, several pairs of bright yellow eyes stared from the darkness and the safety of the bushes. Snarls from bloodthirsty monsters, existing only to take life from everything they encounter. Is this where it all ends? With me being taken down by savage beasts? This is my fitting end? Where my loyalty, my determination and pride has led me? Perhaps... perhaps. But death shall not see me cower in my fallen hour. Nor shall it see me run or create sounds of terror. But instead it shall see a final act of bravery from a changeling. An act of strength and nobility! I am a swarmleader! If I am not that, then what have I left to hold onto? Nothing. Nothing at all. "Bring your worst"! I barked. Those were my final short words. And whether they heard me or not, they charged with snapping jaws. My only regret was that I lasted for a maximum of ten seconds. A couple of well aimed blasts from my horn were enough to send a couple of the black furred mongrels back into the darkness from whence they came, but all it took was one to knock me off my hooves. I had no more strength to fight with. I had exhausted every last ounce of it. It wasn't long until the hot breath of one of them could be felt on my head. My helmet would provide no protection. It had flown off when I had been knocked down. Now it laid forgotten somewhere nearby. Low snarls sounded right next to my ear. I didn't even have the strength to care. At least my final moments, the final moments of the last loyal changeling, I could hold my head high and mighty. That was all that mattered to me anymore. That was all there was to it. My eyes were too weak to stay open. I closed them and all noise withdrew, becoming silent. And, perhaps within my critical state I began to hallucinate, but before my eyes shut for the last time... I could have sworn there was some-ling behind the wolves, running... this way. Speaking. Only when my eyes closed could I have sworn I heard what was said. Something along the lines of... "Protect"? And soon to be followed by muffled blasts... And before my long awaited moment of death, I heard... "Everything's going to be alright". If only that were true. If only...