A Collection Of Geodesic One-Shots

by GeodesicDragon

[2P H R A] The Letter

If there is one thing you loathe about Equestria, it's the early morning wakeup calls. If the damn rooster over at Sweet Apple Acres doesn't get you, then the first light of the sun will. No matter how closed you think those curtains are, Celestia will still find a way to get the sunbeam into the room so it can assault your eyes.

After completing your morning ablutions, you are sitting at the table with a newspaper in one hand and a spoon in the other, trying your hardest not to use your cereal as a pillow. The paper is full of the usual things from around Ponyville that count as news: the upcoming apple harvest, government stuff, damage caused by the most recent monster attack, and the price of hay.

The tedium from that second one alone is almost enough to send you back to sleep, but you are thankfully prevented from doing so by a gentle tapping on your front door. Putting the paper down, you stand up and answer it to find Twilight on your doorstep.

"Hi, Chris," she says jovially. "I was wondering if you could help me. I've got some stuff in my house I want to get rid of, and you are quite handy when it comes to carrying things." She looks at you hopefully. "Can I count on you?"

You shrug. "Yeah, okay, Twilight," you reply. "I've got nothing else to do today, so I can come over now if you want."

Twilight nods. "That'd be great, Chris," she replies. "And don't worry, I will gladly compensate you for your time."

You shake your head. "Compensation won't be necessary, Twilight," you reply. "Your company will be enough... although a spot of lunch wouldn't go amiss, either." You flash her a smile.

Twilight giggles. "That can be arranged, Chris," she says. "Anyway, shall we go? The sooner we start, the sooner we finish."

You get up from the table and follow Twilight as she leaves your house, closing the door behind you. Ponyville always looks beautiful at this time of the morning, with the sun just peeking over the tops of the buildings and bathing the place in a delightfully warm glow. The scent of freshly baked goods from Sugarcube Corner waft down the street, enticing the adults inside; the younger ones prefer to gaze at the window display, trying their hardest not to drool.

Pleasantries are exchanged between you and your neighbours, although the mare next door tries – once again – to flirt with you. You flirt back, even though you know it doesn't mean anything, and continue following Twilight to her house.

Upon arrival, she opens the door and you go inside to find a stash that even a pirate or a dragon would be extraordinarily proud of. Twilight notices your dumbfounded expression and nervously rubs the back of her head with a forehoof.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Chris," she says. "I guess I should have told you exactly how much stuff there was."

"It's no problem at all, Twilight," you say reassuringly. "I said I would help you, and that's exactly what I intend to do. Now, would it be right of me to assume that we are going to go through all these boxes and decide what is worth keeping?"

"Pretty much," Twilight replies. "If it's something of a personal nature to me then, of course, it will go in a separate box. Old bits of paper can be recycled or destroyed, rubbish will go in the bin, and anything that's left can be donated to the shop."

You clap your hands together. "Got it," you say. "Let's get to work."

With that, you grab a box and get cracking. The first box is full of miscellaneous pieces of paper, so you start looking through them. It just turns out to be full of bills dating back several years, although you do find a bank slip which shows that Twilight earns a lot more than you could ever hope to. Putting the slip aside, you leave the bills in the box and grab another one. This is gonna take a while...


You continue working, looking through box upon box of Twilight's belongings; by the time lunch arrives, you have filled six boxes with donations for the second-hand shop, two boxes with personal information that needs to be destroyed/filed, and three bags with rubbish which is only fit for the bin.

As you put the final box down, your stomach rumbles. "I think that's a cue for us to take a break." you chuckle. "Shall we?"

Twilight nods. "Yes, lets," she replies. "We can go to Sugarcube Corner if you want; I saw the smile on your face this morning when you caught a whiff of what they were making."

"You saw that, huh?" you rub the back of your head, your cheeks turning crimson for a moment. "Uh, yeah, okay. We can go there."

"Great!" Twilight chirps. "Let's go, we can finish this later."