//------------------------------// // "My hair tastes like WHAT?!" // Story: Bacon-Haired // by thegamerator10 //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer strolled through the halls of Canterlot High, saying hello to her fellow students along the way. It was lunchtime, and the bacon-haired girl soon made her way to the cafeteria. She got her lunch (an apple and a salad) and proceeded to find her best friends. "Sunset Shimmer! Over here!" Pinkie Pie called from a few tables away. With some haste in her step, she eventually sat down at the table, right next to Pinkie. The seven friends talked as per usual, mostly about current events in their lives, the Friendship Games (which Twilight was visibly uncomfortable with), the normal deal. At least, so it was until Pinkie asked an odd question. "What do you girls think your hair tastes like?" Everyone was taken aback at the question. "Uhh, pardon, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, a confused look on her face. "I asked what you think your hair tastes like!" Pinkie repeated, a smile across her face. The entire group was puzzled. Who asks what someone's hair tastes like? "Wait, Pinkie, do you... Eat your hair? That's pretty unhealthy," Twilight said. "I don't eat my hair, silly! I just taste it and sometimes chew it! It tastes like cotton candy!" the pink girl beamed. In the end, the group simply dismissed the matter as "Pinkie being Pinkie," and continued on with their conversation. Pinkie, however, had other plans for later. It was now the end of the final period, when most students that are part of after-school clubs go to those clubs. Sunset went to the band room for practice with her guitar. However, when she got there, all her friends' hair was thoroughly messed up and... Chewed? Sunset was visibly concerned. "Whoa! What happened to your hair?" she asked, flustered. Twilight answered first. "It was horrific... P-Pinkie came along and... And..." "SHE CHEWED OUR HAIR!!!" Rarity screamed. "My perfectly-made hair! Ruined!" "Why would she do that?!" Sunset said, sweat beads forming on her forehead. "'Cause she wanted to taste our hair! She said mine tasted like some fruit-flavored candy! And I thought it was all a prank..." Rainbow Dash replied. "Now, she's coming for you..." Fluttershy said, worrisome. " I... I gotta go!" Sunset yelled, and ran out the door. She could hardly get five feet from the door when she heard, "Sunseeeet..." Sunset's eyes dilated and her mouth became a frightened frown. She slowly looked behind her, to see Pinkie Pie, standing in the middle of a hallway whose light was flickering. Sunset's fears came to be true when she saw Pinkie licking her lips. "I wonder if your hair tastes like bacon..." the pink girl said creepily. Without a moment's hesitation, Sunset bolted away, with Pinkie in close pursuit. It felt like she was getting chased by a crazy girl with a big knife wanting to turn her into a cupcake. In her mad dash to escape, she went for the library. Surely, there's gotta be somewhere I can hide in there, she thought. "You can run, but you can't hide, Sunset! I WILL taste your hair!" Pinkie screamed. Sunset entered the library, which was actually quite empty. Sunset tried to find a place to hide as she looked around the room, to no avail. I hope this works... she thought, as she grabbed a big comic book off a shelf and covered her face, looking like she was reading it. She heard Pinkie enter the room, and beads of sweat began to form on her head. She could hear Pinkie walk around the room, sniffing for her like a bloodhound. Sunset heard Pinkie slowly make her way near her position, then Pinkie froze. Seconds felt like hours as Pinkie didn't move from her spot. Sweat was dripping down Sunset's face as if she just ran a race and lost all her stamina. "Wow! The Awesome Adventures of Greatman! I love that series! Don't you?" Pinkie suddenly said. Sunset only replied with a nod that Pinkie could see. "Say, what's your name, miss..." Pinkie started to say as she pulled down Sunset's comic book. As soon as she saw who was "reading" the book, Pinkie gasped and opened her mouth wide. Sunset took the few factions of a second she had to escape. It didn't take long before Pinkie was back in pursuit. Sunset ran as fast as she could to the cafeteria. She had hoped she could hide under a table, behind a pillar, or... Over the counter! Sunset jumped and slid across the countertop and hid just underneath it. No sooner than Sunset hid that Pinkie entered the cafeteria. She was like a sentry robot, scanning the room for Sunset. "I know you're in here, Sunset. I know your hair will taste like bacon. I can feel it!" she yelled. Pinkie started checking under each table for Sunset. It was only a matter of time before Sunset would be found out. Sunset realized she needed an escape plan, and fast. The only way she could get out of the cafeteria would be to sneak out and evade Pinkie. Easier said than done. The entrance to the kitchen was quite far from the cafeteria doors; however, given that Pinkie would probably check under the last table by the time Sunset got out, it gave the latter a surprisingly large window of time to escape. In this situation, the pros certainly outweighed the cons. So, that was Sunset's plan. Shortly thereafter, she could hear Pinkie walk over to the counter, which was cue enough for Sunset to put her plan into effect. She crawled over to the entrance to the kitchen and made it past Pinkie, who was on the other side, checking underneath for her. Pinkie jumped over the countertop to the kitchen and searched for Sunset. The latter was quickly tiptoeing to a pillar to get some time to calm down and lower Pinkie's guard. Pinkie quickly glanced over after Sunset made a large step. Luckily for Sunset, she already snuck behind a pillar, and Pinkie resumed her search of the kitchen. Muffling her steps, Sunset ran out of the cafeteria. She felt happy to be out of there, but she knew that before long, Pinkie would leave the cafeteria. Her safest haven was the bathroom. About thirty seconds passed between Sunset escaping the cafeteria and entering the bathroom and picking the stall closest to the far wall to hide in. There were four stalls in all. She climbed up on the stall's toilet and squatted down, hiding her legs and her head. Sunset was freaking out, enough to rival Twilight during a huge test, and was hyperventilating. She felt safe, however. She was free for the most part. However, she could feel her world die as the door to the bathroom creaked open. She could tell by instinct that it was Pinkie. A high-pitched voice creepily hummed a children's tune. She knew immediately that it was Pinkie. Seeing Pinkie's boots confirmed her thoughts. Pinkie proceeded to fling open each stall door. Sunset could only watch in suspense as she witnessed Pinkie's boots getting closer... Closer... Until finally, they stopped at Sunset's stall door. Pinkie just stood there, facing the door. Sunset's heart was beating fast, and she had to muster al her willpower to not hyperventilate or scream. Nothing but silence. Sunset close her eyes tightly, not wanting to open them. After about thirty seconds of internal crying, Sunset assumed Pinkie wasn't in the bathroom anymore. Perhaps she silently and covertly snuck out? Sunset only had to muster the courage to open her eyes to prove it. She opened them and looked up. She was downright petrified, as Pinkie's figure stood over the bacon-haired girl, looking like she was insane. Pinkie's mouth opened as she gripped Sunset's hair. "PINKIE, DON'T!!! I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE!!! PIIIIIIINKIIIIIIIIIE!!!!!!" Sunset learned two lessons that day. 1.) Always watch out for Pinkie. 2.) Her hair really did taste like bacon.