The Ponyville Colt Air Force (P-CAF)

by ShadowBrony21

The Prolonging

"IT HURTS SOO MUCH!!!" Button whined as he stumbled forwards while vigorously rubbing his forehead.
"That's what you get for trying to slurp do your order in one go," Rumble mumbled.
"Why? Just why do you keep on doing that?" First Base cried as his mind couldn't comprehend Button's actions.
"It's on my bucket list!" Button said aloud while pressing his hooves on the side of his head.
"You don't have to do it now at such a young age," Rumble said.
"But what if I go to sleep, and the next morning, I never wake up?" Button asked.
"That's stupid," First Base replied. "One, you don't even have to complete a bucket list. A bucket list is just a goal set by yourself that doesn't achieve anything besides bragging rights. And... Two, who would waste their time, effort and energy to kill a small and useless brown colt who is nothing but a pain in the arse!" First Base huffed at the last comment, suddenly pausing and then thinking aloud. "That doesn't help does it."
"Oh no... That worked magnificently!" Rumbled sarcastically spoke aloud as Button shivered so much, it would even rival Tender Taps'.
"Alright! Let's throw this topic away and continue on a more important one," First Base cheerfully cut in through the silence. "What should we do now?"
"Your putting entertainment above the safety of my life?!" Button cried out.
"Come on, you'll be fine," Rumble dismissed. "Just don't piss anyone off."
"We piss off Diamond Tiara all of the time. Will she kill me?" Button asked whilst trembling in fear.
"No," First Base interrupted. "She wouldn't kill you herself. She'll hire professional assassins to do that for her."
"No!" Rumbled cut in front of Button, putting himself physically between Button and First Base as Button froze. "We didn't piss her off. She pissed us off and we just retaliated. Therefore, we have the right of attack."
"Right of attack? What's that?" First Base asked.
"It's in fencing." Rumble humbly replied while trying the shake Button out of his broken state.
"Fencing... Hey... Wait a minute...!" First Base thought aloud, before putting on a face of confusion and nudging Rumble in the shoulder. "Technically, that means she has the right of attack!"
"What? How?" Rumble asked.
"She attacked first, that means she initially has the right of attack! The only way for us to get it off her is either to disengage and attack first or to successfully defend, then retaliate!"
"That! Is not helping!" Rumble pointed behind him at the broken down colt.
"Well it's the truth!" First base shouted. "It's like deluding yourself that you are the centre of the universe and that everything is all lovey dovey when it's not!"
"Just... Shut up!" Rumble burst out.
"And now your denying the truth! It's like your the guy who wouldn't listen to a single bit of criticism! Just covering you ears and looking away even though everything he's done in his life is going to Shat!"
"Your as stupid as a person who drops a piece of bread on cow's pat and picks it up and pretend nothing happen!"
"THEN JUST PUSH THE BUTTON! Oh..." First Base uttered in realisation as he looked towards Rumble trying as hard as he could to get Button to respond. "Oh dear. That ain't good."
"Thanks for noticing Mr Observant," Rumble sarcastically said as First Base tried to get Button moving himself.
"No... Nothing's working!!!!" First Base cried out in desperation as his hoofs waved in front of Button's shrunken pupils picked up speed.
"Oh... jee, didn't realised that," Rumble added another sarcastic comment.
"What... What should we do?!"
"I don't know, I totally haven't been trying to figure out what to do for the last five minutes!"
"That wasn't five minutes!"
"It's an exaggeration! jeez..."
"Okay! Okay! How should we do this? Should we try fixing him up without any pony knowing?"
"Well it's not like we can dress him up as a dog and give him to a vet! We gotta come clean to somepony who knows what their doing."
"Twilight Sparkle?"
"Nah, that ain't gonna cut it."
"Time turner?"
"No. we need somepony who really knows what their doing!"
The colts pondered in silence before being interrupted by First Base's voice.
"I know! Button's mom!"
And so the colts carried a frozen Button towards the household of Love Tap.
"By the way, when a button isn't responding, you don't desperately push it again and again. Beacause it won't..." Rumble stated out of the blue.
"Shut up!"

"You ring the bell," Rumble whispered.
"No... You ring it," First Base muttered back.
"I was the one who was trying to help him."
"Well, you can help him up now as well."
"My point is, that you should be the one confronting the colt's mother, whose son was is frozen, not breathing nor responding due to your actions."
"It's not my fault that Button is such a push-over, wait no... what's the word? Submissive? No... That's not right..."
"Just Shut up! and ring the doorbell."
"For you information, I happen to..."
At that moment, the door opened, revealing a cream colour mare with a brown mane.
"Oh, hi colts! What is it this time?" The mare happily greeted.
"Oh... um, hi Love Tap..." First Base stuttered, praying that the mare in question didn't hear too much of their previous conversation. "Wait... 'This time'?"
"Don't ask," Rumble muttered harshly. "We got more important matters in hoof."
The mare looked at the duo with a confused look on her face, before realising that there were only the two of them.
"Where's Button? Is this request about Button? Where is he stuck at?" Love Tap asked as she took a step out of the door to look around, only to be stopped by the two colts.
"He's fine." The colts stammered.
"If something bad happened to him..." Love Tap told the colts sternly. "Somepony's gonna find out and you'll have to take the blame anyway. So just tell me the truth instead of delaying the punishment."
The colts looked at each other with uncertainty.
"Not that I'm gonna punish you," Love Tap smiled at the colts before turning her face into one of pure seriousness and spoke in a low pitched voice. "Now where is he?"
The colts looked between themselves and both let out a sigh.
"Base, get him over here," Rumble muttered.
The orange colt drooped his ears in shame as he walked behind a tree and picked a frozen brown colt from behind it.
Love Tap's eyes widen, taking up half of her face, then she ran towards her son.
"Quick! Take him inside!" She commanded as Rumble ran over to First Base and the three carried him over to the door. "Tell me! What happened? Verbal or Visual?"
"Verbal," Rumble replied quickly.
"Talking about Life?"
"Yes," First Base answered.
"Any themes about death?"
"Alright," Love Tap acknowledged as Button's body was brought to lie down on the couch. "We just need to expose him to the truth."
"The Truth?" First base asked in confusion.
"Yes," Love Tap replied.
"The one from discord whooves and zerum 'truth'?" Rumble asked.
"Uh... No. What are you talking about?"
"Nevermind what I said," Rumble quickly answered.
Love tap ran the to cabinet and got a few games out of the shelf and into the gaming console, before setting the game up and grabbed a remote. Before passing the remote to Button, she sternly looked towards the two conscious colts and said in a vary low tone, "Never tell anypony about this and what you have seen."
"What?" The colts replied in unison and confusion.
"Oh... screw it," Love tap muttered beneath her breath. "Have any of youse afraid of action violence?"
"Uh... no," First Base answered.
"Nup," Rumble quickly added before all eyes could turn on him.
"Any of youse afraid or never been exposed to blood and gore?"
"Nah-da," First Base replied.
"Not exactly but..."
"Any of youse been exposed to, 'the birds and the bees'?"
"Um... what's tha..." Rumble asked as First Base cut his response off.
"I don't like where this is going. How about Rumble and I go upstairs and only come down when you need help or when it's safe."
Love Tap thought for a moment and then handed (hoofed:derpytongue2:) the remote to button, who somehow in his frozen state, took a firm grip of it and started pushing buttons and moving joysticks.
"Now! Go!" Love tap ushered towards them as the colt when up the stairs to the next floor.

An hour passed and the colts were still upstairs.
The colts had finished with Button's game console and were now fiddling with sticks, pencils, rubber bands and paperclips in their hooves.
"What's taking so long?" First Base asked in desperation.
"I don't know," Rumble quietly said as he made final adjustments to his paper aeroplane.
"We just talked to him about the chances of his death! Isn't that a bit over exaggerating? or is that not the right word?"
"Seems like to me that the author just doesn't know what to write and is just prolonging the story." Rumble replied, in a trance like state while checking his plane.
"What?" First Base asked whilst twisting his rubber band.
Rumble shook his head vigorously and looked towards First Base and asked, "What!? What happened? What did I say?"
"Nothing, nevermind." First Base sighed.