There is a Season

by ArdanBlade

What Shall We Fight For

Chapter 16
What Shall We Fight For

Applejack awoke with a start. Somepony was making a ruckus at the front door, and by the sound of it, they weren't about to go away. Pulling herself from her bed, the earth pony hobbled past Big Mac's room, pausing only to glance at the door. Her brother had left to find their sister, leaving her alone with Granny Smith. As she made her way downstairs, she grumbled to herself about the inconsiderate nature of some ponies. Another loud series of raps thudded against the door, slowly driving her temper up the wall.
"Ah'm a comin'! Hold yer horses!" She hollered irritably as she arrived at the front door. Pulling it open, she blinked in surprise at the small contingent of armed Guard ponies waiting for her. "Ah… is there sumthin' ah can do fer you gennelponies?"
"Applejack, by order of Captain Thundercloud, you are to be taken into custody. Resist and we will use force." Despite the Guard's calm tone, Applejack could feel the lusty aggression in his tone. This pony meant her harm. Anger began building within the already irate Applejack.
"Ya wanna know what ah got ta say ta that?" She asked, pushing open the door, stepping up to the bigger stallion. "Ah ain't goin'! If'n ya want ta make a fight of it, ah'l gladly oblige ya!"
Grinning cruelly, the possessed light flashed within his eyes as he lunged at her, moving to crush her under his body. Applejack was ready, and instead of backing down, she lowered her head, then kicked with her hind legs, ramming her straw maned head squarely into the stallion's stomach. With a gasp of pain, the stallion reeled back, trying to suck in air as the other Guard ponies lunged at the lone mare. Applejack lashed out in every direction, bucking and kicking her foes with her strong, workhorse legs. A blow to her side sent her reeling, followed by another and another as she was knocked to the ground, unable to aim any more kicks up at them.
Fighting just to breathe, Applejack felt panic overcome her senses as the ruthless Guard ponies beat her. Stars flashed in her vision as everything started blurring. The pain in her body was dulling away, as if everything were fading. At least… at least they wouldn't find Big Mac or Apple Bloom… they wouldn't hurt Granny Smith or… or…
Suddenly the Guard pony over her was thrown aside as if struck by an awesome force. Peering up through a blackened eye, Applejack could only barely make out the form of the dark grey-brown pony moving between her and the tormentors. The surprised Guard ponies lunged again, snarling and snorting at the wounded newcomer, reaching for swords and spears as they rushed forward. Taking one of the bandages in his teeth, the gelding whipped his head about, wrapping up the seeking spear blades within it's folds. Caught off guard by the maneuver, they were completely unprepared for the assassin's attack.
Diving between the nearest two, he slammed his head up, catching the pony squarely across the jaw with his blunted horn, sending the unfortunate Guard pony reeling! The second tried to turn, only to stumble as the deadly combatant kicked a leg out from under him, dropping him to the ground.
The remaining Guards pulled together and rushed their attacker. Applejack, having staggered back to her feet, managed to pivot herself, embedding a full on mule kick into the Guard's side, cracking the armored plate protecting him as he fell. One of the others, a massive unicorn, looked back at her, scowling as he turned to skewer her with a deadly spear thrust. Seeing Applejack in danger, the assassin leapt out instinctively, battering the spear aside as he embedded a discarded blade into the body of the unicorn.
The battered Guard ponies, seeing that the fight was lost, staggered away from the avenging stallion. Snorting heavily, the assassin held his ground long enough to watch them go. As the last one disappeared into the orchard, he looked back at Applejack, a smile forming on his lips. Then without warning, he let out a strangled sigh and dropped to the ground as his foreleg gave out, the once bandaged wound now bleeding freely again.
Applejack staggered up to her rescuer, distress written on her face. "Don' worry, ah'll getcha some help. Ah'll… ah… oh…" Overcome with weariness and wounds, the redoubtable earth pony collapsed to the ground, her mind going blank...

* * *

Perhaps it was Boldheart's presence that made Twilight feel safe, for though they were deep in the Everfree Forest, the fear she usually felt seemed so far off. Walking closely to him, she snuggled her head against his neck. After all that had happened, all of the confusion, she finally understood what Rarity had been so excited for. Love, pure and simple! Even in the darkest night, surrounded by fearsome things, she couldn't help but be happy knowing that he was right here.
A drop of rain snapped Twilight out of her reverie. Looking up, the lavender pony frowned as more drops started filtering through the treetops, plopping down heavy droplets across her. Smiling wryly at her companion, she shook her head to clear the water. "Maybe we should find somewhere dry before this storm soaks us through."
Boldheart nodded in agreement, smiling back at her. "You know, the raindrops make you look like a Princess with diamonds in her mane."
"Oh stop it!" She giggled, pushing a muddy hoof into his face.
"Stop it yourself!" He laughed, nudging her side, eliciting a cheerful squeal from her.
Twilight scampered away from the teasing Boldheart, feeling as lighthearted as a filly as she frolicked through the trees. He wasted no time giving chase, delighting in the game. Sweeping through the dark, rainy night, the two unicorns' merriment rang out as they trotted through the woods, far too lost in their play to care of any peril. Soon they were worn out, panting and nudging each other as they passed out of the darkened woodlands, onto the path to Ponyville.
"Ah!" Twilight exclaimed, recognizing the road. "Fluttershy's house will be that way. I'm sure she won't mind letting us come in."
Shaking out his rain soaked mane, Boldheart looked over at her. "I hope she doesn't mind. I'd hate to intrude."
"Don't worry, Fluttershy's always willing to help out." Twilight replied confidently as the pair made their way towards Fluttershy's tree home.
As they approached, Twilight started feeling something out of place. Speeding up to a trot, she hurried to the open, swinging door, alarm swelling inside her. "Fluttershy!? Is anypony here!?"
When no answer came, she rushed in, her eyes searching the darkened interior. The house was quiet, save for several startled looking animals peering out from their cubby holes and nests set haphazardly about the room. Suddenly a small white bolt shot into her, knocking the startled pony over with a cry.
"Twilight! Are you okay!?" Boldheart rushed in, and immediately started stifling a giggle at the scene. Twilight was on her back, being assaulted by the tiny white form of Angel bunny, who was bouncing up and down on her chest, making wild gestures with his forepaws. "Oh my, what a little terror you've found!"
"Angel? Where's Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, looking at the frantic creature.
Angel promptly began his pantomime again, gritting his teeth and swinging one fist as if hitting something. Then he softened his expression, put his paws out, pulled them in, and leaned forward. He returned to the angry face, and gestured for somepony to follow. He opened his eyes wide in mock surprise, waving his paws in front of him as if refusing something. Gritting his teeth again, he imitated grabbing something, then stomping off, ending his charade once he'd stepped clear of Twilight.
"Um… what?" Twilight looked nonplussed at the display.
Smacking his head, Angel gritted his teeth and started pointing towards Ponyville.
"Somepony came and took her to Ponyville?" Boldheart asked.
Nodding vigorously, the little bunny bounced up and down, now pointing wildly at Ponyville.
"Somepony forced her to go there?" Twilight asked.
Finally looking satisfied, Angel nodded vigorously. The two unicorns faced each other, worry creasing their features. "We should go find out where Fluttershy is."

* * *

Rarity ran like she had never run before! Wildfire was close upon her, drawing nearer and nearer with every beat of his wings. She knew she had no hope of outrunning him, and that had it not been for the fact that he was toying with her, it would be over already. Swerving around between two buildings, the dainty unicorn gasped for breath as she charged down the narrow alleyway, her heart threatening to give out.
"Getting tired already?" Wildfire asked, a sinister grin upon his face as he closed in on her from behind. "I wanted to have some fun with you before I brought you back!"
"You wouldn't dare lay a hoof on me!" Rarity, too exhausted to continue her sprint, turned about, facing the menacing pegasus.
"Oh, this is gonna be fun!" Wildfire laughed, his hooves carrying him closer and closer to the retreating unicorn.
"No! Stay away from me!" She jerked away as he lunged, his possessed eyes filled with a revolting hunger as he swept down upon her.
"Leave her alone!" A small voice shouted from behind him, bringing Wildfire up short. He whipped around to face this new challenger.
"And just who are you?" He snarled.
"The name's Spike," the little dragon replied, raising a long dagger he'd retrieved from a Guard, "and I won't let you touch her."
"Big words for such a little runt!" The arrogant Guard pegasus smirked.
"Spike? What are you doing!? He'll hurt you!" Rarity called, fear spreading across her face.
"I'm doing what I have to." Spike replied grimly, and with an impossibly swift lunge, he darted down the alley towards Wildfire, heedless of his own safety.
"So you want to play! I'll teach you for messing with me!" Wildfire dragged his own sword free with a flourish, rising on his armored wings to swoop down upon his foe!
Rarity could only watch in horrified fascination as the tiny dragon clashed with the battle hardened pegasus. Blades danced in the night, singing against each other as the clouded skies began to rain. A sudden flash illuminated the scene far below as a roar of thunder punctuated the heavy clash of steel upon steel. Outmatched by the more skilled pegasus, Spike backpedalled, parrying as the heavier blade sought his flesh.
Seeing his opponent weakening, Wildfire pressed the attack, smashing Spike's dagger to one side. Desperately, the smaller combatant threw himself to one side, feeling the stinging bite of the sword on his cheek and shoulder. Twisting back against Wildfire's sword hoof, he bit savagely, drawing blood and forcing the Guard pony to drop his weapon. He didn't see the pegasus' other forehoof until it slammed into his face, sending him reeling.
Rarity, driven to fury at the sight of Wildfire beating Spike, threw herself upon his back, pummeling him with her hooves. Snarling furiously, the pegasus whirled, throwing the unicorn to the ground. Reaching out, he gripped his sword again with his left hoof, then brought it about in another deadly arc as he slashed at Rarity's chest. Lunging back, she breathed a gasp of relief when the blade hummed past her. Then the pain came. Looking down, the fashionista saw a long, bloody weal staining her fur in a vicious line across her chest. Staggering back, she fell to the ground, holding her hooves to the wound as she gritted her teeth in pain.
"Ahahahaha! Looks like you're finished, little filly!" Wildfire laughed, lifting the glittering, rainswept sword into the air as lightning illuminated the sky.
Spike shook his head, spattering raindrops from him as he regained his senses. His eyes fixed upon the scene, going wide at the sight. Gripping the dagger in his claw, the little dragon lunged from the ground...

* * *

Thundercloud walked towards Town Hall, escorted by Rocktrotter and his possessed Guards. Nearby Sgt. Ramrod was dragged limply along, new bruises and scars added to the old ones. Nopony would resist him now! He would soon have the Element Bearers, the Princesses were out of the way, and the only ponies who could stand in the way were either dead or in no condition to oppose his new rule! As he stepped up onto the covered walkway outside of his destination, one of the Guards trotted up.
"Sir, two unicorns are approaching. I think one of them is an Element Bearer."
"What!?" Thundercloud shouted, glaring at the unfortunate Guard. Had Wildfire failed to bring that prissy little brat to hoof? "When I get my hooves on that worthless…" He stopped cold. There in the road, illuminated by a flash of lightning through the driving rain, and very much alive, stood Twilight Sparkle, along with that worthless Guard pony, Boldheart!
"Thundercloud! What did you do with my friends!?" Twilight demanded, her eyes hardening.
"Ah, so I see you lived." He said lightly, then dropped his tone to a deadly serious one. "An unfortunate mistake. Don't you worry about your friends, they'll soon be going the way of Princess Celestia, to the bottom of a deep hole."
Twilight felt her heart seize up. "Wh-what did you say!? You can't talk about the Princess that way!"
"I will speak of her however I want! Do you not know!? Princess Celestia is dead!"
"Lies!" Twilight felt tears mingling with the rain. "You're a liar! How could you even think such a thing!?"
"You know, the truth hurts, especially losing a loved one, but it was her time, and soon, the throne of Equestria will be mine for the taking!" Thundercloud laughed. "You and your precious Princess are finished! My time is now!"
Boldheart drew up next to Twilight, glaring up at Thundercloud. "That's enough Thundercloud! I can't believe you would do all of this, after I looked up to you! I thought you were loyal, that everything we fought for meant something to you!"
"Oh don't give me that, you pathetic excuse for a Guard pony! You're nothing more than a pitiful runaway, who wouldn't even have made it into the Guard if that foalish Shining Armor weren't taking everypony he could get his hooves on! You're nothing more than an embarrassment, a disgrace! Look at you, simpering over that filly like you care about her, trying to be the big hero! But I see through your simple act! You just hoped she would make you look better in front of her brother!"
"No! I would never do that! She's my friend!" Boldheart shouted back angrily, doubt welling within his heart. He looked to Twilight, his eyes begging her to believe him.
"Is she!? Would you have even spared that bookish mare a glance had it not been for who she was related to!? You're no less of a grasping, greedy pony than you accuse me of being! Just admit it, you're nothing! A worthless little blank flank with nothing to show for himself save a crush on the Captain's sister!"
"No, no, no!" Boldheart felt his heart breaking, dropping to his haunches. "I-I do love her..! I do…"
Snorting at the pair, Thundercloud turned back towards the door. "Guards, take them away! I don't want to see either of them…" He looked back. "…ever again."

* * *

Princess Celestia felt her power waning away. How could she have let this happen? Her home, all of Equestria, was doomed because she had been too foalish to see what was happening. Despair slowly cloyed at her senses, threatening to drown her in the morass of the nightmare forever, and she didn't even feel like fighting back. What was the point? Everything would come to an end, Magus the Dream Taker had won…
She stared up to the sky, wishing that for one last time, she might see her beloved sun through the clouds. Her hopes dashed at the sight of the great dark gloom that drifted overhead, sweeping across the heavens. Wait, why were they moving? As the Princess watched, she saw that the clouds seemed to be going somewhere, as if intent and will were guiding them.
Spreading her wings, Celestia took to the sky, following the dark clouds across the vast ether, seeking their destination. Mist choked at her breath as tendrils tried to pull her back to the ground as she pressed further onward, stubbornly refusing to give in to the grip of despair.
What was that? A light! There was a light ahead! Almost overcome with joy, Celestia threw herself towards the source of the beam as it was choked off by clouds.
"Little Celestia, do you really intend to oppose me?" The voice of Magus boomed out around her like thunder.
"I don't know what you're trying to hide, Magus, but I will find it!" She called back, beating her wings harder as she drew herself up into the heavens, breaking through the darkness brought on by the Dream Taker's power. There! The source of the light!
Surrounded by thick, dark clouds forming into great fangs, Celestia saw down into Equestria, where Boldheart and Twilight were facing Thundercloud. Emanating from the two unicorns was a light, brilliant as the sun. As they talked, however, the light grew dimmer, stealing away the color and light that had beamed so brightly before. Then she saw Magus, his power moving in the clouds as he moved to consume them! The great dark cloak twisted around them, dragging the hopes and dreams of countless victims in it's wake.
Celestia dove from her vantage point, landing near them. She wanted to reach out, to comfort her student and give hope to them, but it was no use. She was a witness, nothing more. A massive claw of shadow swept down past her, reaching for Boldheart's flank. Stepping closer, Celestia's eyes went wide in surprise at what she saw. A cutie mark, that of a golden heart bound in steel, was trying to reach the pony, yet Magus had cast his claws out to hold it back, keeping the mark from it's pony.
"It's no use, little one. This is the realm of dreams, where I am King. There is no hope for these two. Their light is going out, and soon I will consume them as well." Magus' terrible visage smiled down from above, his soft, mocking tone taunting her.
Shaking her head, Celestia squeezed her eyes shut. "I can't let you do this! I don't care who you are, nor what happens to me! Let them go, or I will fight you!"
"You know how that would end, my little dawn star. I will not be challenged here."
"Then let it be my last act! I will not let you hurt my beloved student, even if it costs me everything I have!" Summoning what little magic she had left, Celestia focused it into a solid beam of light, casting it into the vast form! The darkness, unable to remain within the presence of the light, retreated from her power as if scorched!
"Aaargh! You dare! So be it then!" Magus flooded down at her, grasping and encompassing Celestia, the dark, oozing smoke choking every bit of light and joy out of her as it filled her senses, until nothing but a defeated, grey mare was left lying upon the ground.
"Foolish Celestia, you didn't have to suffer like that. I would have let you be, but your stubborn pride has cost you everything now." He scoffed, squinting down at the vanquished Princess.
He did not see the peace upon her face, nor the little heart that had descended, settling upon Boldheart.