Another Twilight

by AleaJactaEst


        It was early in the morning. The palace only just started to wake up, even though it was about an hour after sunrise.

I trotted purposefully towards the Tower of Magic, the actual name of the castle tower were the archmages of the crown reside. It has six floors, two floors per archmage, and a basement, common for all three of them.

As I came to the entrance to the tower, I lit my horn just a tiniest bit, then knocked on the door three times. A flash of light later, and I appeared on the fifth floor, in the foyer. I looked around; seeing no sign of Sunset, I walked over to the cushion sat near the bookshelf, and made myself comfortable. I looked over the books present on the shelf. Only adult novels… never change, Sunset, never change. I thought, letting loose a chuckle.

For lack of anything better to do, I levitated a random one to myself and started reading through it.

Some time later, just as the characters were getting to the interesting parts, I could hear Sunset descending the steps to the sixth floor. I didn’t acknowledge her presence beyond flicking an ear in her direction.

“Morning, Celestia,” she said as she walked past me and into the kitchen, “Tell me, was it really necessary to barge into my personal apartments at seven in the morning?” she paused, probably to look out of the kitchen doorway, “Agh, and you had to choose that one of all the ones that I keep there.”

“Oh?” I was now genuinely curious about the book, “Why would you dislike my choice of reading material in my free time?” I asked, teasingly, “Especially considering what a wide variety I had to choose from,” I snickered.

Sunset groaned from kitchen, “Oh, come on Celestia. You know full well what books you will find there if you come without warning,” I could hear her heating something up. Intensively, “Could’ve learned already to bring something to read with you,” she grumbled, “and as to why I don’t like your choice,” I finally lifted my head, to see Sunset walking out of the kitchen with her breakfast in tow. She took a bite out of her sandwich, munched on it, and then continued “It’s about me,” Sunset deadpanned.

I blinked a few times, and then it hit me like a train. I snickered. I snorted. I fell off the cushion and laughed until I could laugh no longer, remembering everything I read in the novel and having little trouble repainting the main character to fit Sunset’s color scheme. Every scene that played out in my mind only served to fuel my laughter.

My lungs hurt a tiny bit when I finally came down from my laughing fit, “A-all, huh, the more,” deep breath, “r-reasons to read the entirety of it,” I managed to choke out, before starting to laugh again. This time, though, my laughter was short-lived as my lungs reminded me of their existence, quite painfully so.

Sunset was scowling at me the whole time, but Luna knows, was it worth it. She also was actually almost finished with her meal when I regained a bit of my composure.

“Sho,” she mumbled finishing of her second sandwich, “to what do I owe a pleasure of seeing you there, Celestia?”

“Just a friendly visit?” I suggested innocently. She just raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed, “I actually wanted to talk to you about the Hollow Shades accident personally.”

Her eyebrow rose ever higher, “Oh? Why would you give me a chance to explain the situation to Moondancer and Lyra in whatever way I wish?”

I sighed again, “Because that is exactly what I need from you. They will hear my word, but they only know all about me. You on the other side, they have seen in action. If I were to explain it to them myself, they will heed what I say because, well, me. If you were to tell them, they will take it seriously because of the camaraderie and friendly bonds you three have.”

Sunset hummed for a few seconds, “Fair, I suppose. But that means it’s more serious then I would’ve liked. Yikes.”

I giggled at that, “Yes Sunset, yes it is.”

She rubbed her head with a forehoof, “Okay, okay. Let’s back down and start simple. Twilight Sparkle was the cause of it,” it was more a statement than a question. I nodded, “Right. She surged, while being agitated in some way,” another nod, “and she used a meditation technique she shouldn’t have known,” I confirmed this one as well, “so, what are we-” at my sly smile she sighed, “no, what am I missing to solve the puzzle?”

I chuckled, “Where she learned the technique. The answer is simple: book. Care to guess which one?” I asked teasingly.

Sunset just rolled her eyes. I pouted at her not even trying, but soon gave up, “It was yours,” I giggled at her puzzled stare, “The one you never published, and decided to keep in the Archives,” the look of dawning horror on her face was as good as I expected. Moments like this I wish i had a personal cam, I thought, laughing inwardly this time.

That one?” I smiled coyly, and that was all the confirmation Sunset needed. She sunk into her cushion, hiding behind her hooves, “Oh Celestia, no.

My smirk grew into a grin, “Oh, yes. And judging from what I know about her, she read it all. Maybe even several times, just to make sure she didn’t miss anything. And once she connects the dots between Sunset Shimmer and Archmage Shimmer…” my grin grew to an impossible proportions.

By the time I said that, Sunset was banging her head on the wall. Once she was apparently satisfied with her self-trauma, Sunset sat back down on the cushion. She rubbed her head, and spoke up “This is terrible. I will never hear the end of it from her..." Sunset sighed, "Okay. So, I guess, you want me to find whoever took it from Archives, brought it to the town of Hollow Shades and gave it to her?”

I gave a nod, “Essentially yes. Although, I suspect that whoever did it was not the one behind it. I have a good guess as to whose initiative it was, but I need a confirmation.”

“And who might that be?" at my nonchalant expression she groaned, "Someone you want to keep secret, bleh… Though, Moondancer will kill me for dumping my duties on her anyway, even if it will be only for a day, so I probably shouldn't worry about it.”

I chuckled, “That she will. But this is not the only reason I came here. You can guess that when I said ‘A-level’ yesterday in the court it wasn’t truth,” she nodded in affirmation, “you should be ready for up to S plus level.”

Sunset whistled at that, “Plus? Dammit, Celestia. I knew you had an eye for talented foals, but don’t you think that this is a bit overkill even for you?”

I giggled faintly, “No, not at all, especially considering the circumstances,” I am pretty sure that she picked up on there being a hidden meaning to my statement, but decided not to pry.

I stood up from my resting place, “I think that is all for now then, Sunset,” I gave her a cheery smile, “I probably should get going to do my job now. Mind if I borrow this,” I held in a snicker, “interesting piece of literature? I promise, I will return it the moment I finished reading,” words for the twelfth time, went unsaid, but they didn’t need to be. Bet she regrets telling me it was about her already, I snickered inwardly.

Sunset groaned in exasperation, “Sure, take your time with it. Have a nice day, Celestia.”

“You too, Sunset, you too. See you later.”