Lauren's Wonderland

by Hazel_Hester777

Tea at the Shipping Group

Lauren followed Hazel and Hester as they went around the realm. Hazel had introduced her to the facilities and the rest of the groups. They lead her to the divisions of the areas. There were areas that put different boundaries, depending on the field where the Brony or Pegasister wishes. It turns out that every Brony and Pegasister comes here at night when they sleep, as soon as they are summoned by Twilight Sparkle. From every site where the fandom was, the fans that were there would come here. They all were here. The ones from YouTube, from Fanfiction, from the Archives, from Deviant Art, from Facebook, from Fimfiction, from every site, they’re all here.

Lauren was also shown that some places had a system to keep balance. Bronies and Pegasisters were split into two types: Hider and Biter. Hiders are shy and on defense in terms of battle. Biters are confident and on offense. She was also showed the cemetery where they kept the memory of those who died. Among them were what looked like the precious jars of which they kept who seemed to have played something important in life. They showed her about this part was where they kept Hidebrits, those who were a mix of both Hider and Biter.

To lighten up the mood, the Familiar began to sing,

Oh, we come from a realm, from an otherworldly place
Where the Fandom and Haters roam
Where it’s divided and immense and the war is intense
It’s barbaric, but hey it’s home
When the Bronies from the East, and the Pegasisters from the West
And the Familiars know it is right
Come on down, stop on by
Grab your wings and fly
To another Wonderlandian night!

Wonderlandian Nights!
Free from real-life human days
More often than not
And hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Wonderlandian Nights!
Like Luna’s moons
An Anti’s cold heart
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes

Right then the duo shared a hearty giggle and a brohoof. Lauren was just happy that they both were all better.

She was then showed about the Record area, where they kept records of everything that happened in the Fandom. And soon, after, Lauren was lead to the Group section again, but this time to the Shipping Area. She couldn’t help but notice that every time they passed by a Flashlight Shipping Verse, the duo would look away as though in disgust. But if they passed by a Fluttercord Verse, they would seemingly cringe.

She had to ask. “Why do you both look so afraid if we pass by a Fluttercord Verse?”

Hazel looked up. “Oh, uh…”


Hazel and Hester ran as they got out of the Verse containing the story, “The Corpse Bride”. It was about Discord keeping Fluttershy with him as a zombie. The ending was just enough to make the duo run out terrified.

As soon as they caught their breath, Hester spoke up. “Okay, it was just a one-time thing” she looked back at the scene before looking back to
Hazel. “We were never here”

Hazel nodded. “I agree with you, Hest”

It was all needed to make the two run away and hide.


Lauren nodded when Hazel explained it.

“By the way, can you stand Twishy, Appledash, and Rarixie shippings?” Hester asked as they went to the entrance of a particular verse.

“I guess, why?”

“Cause that’s where we’re going” Hazel said before they all entered the She knows How to Treat a Lady Verse.

Lauren looked ahead as she followed them. There was a large table under a tree infront of a fancy house. There were many tea things out on the table. There were seven chairs surrounding it, but only three were occupied. Then Lauren saw them. One was a filly who had a yellow coat, and a mane like Twilight Sparkle’s, and the same eyes, and she was definitely a Pegasus. Opposite of where she was sitting was a colt who had a blue coat and Rarity’s mane, and was a Unicorn. At their center was another filly who looked almost exactly like Rarity, save that she was a Pegasus.
When they noticed Hazel, Hester, and Lauren, the filly resembling Rarity stood up and flew from her chair and to the trio.

“Hazel, Hester, what a fine day to see you here!” she greeted as she shook hooves, hands, and paws with the duo.

“Pleasant to you too” Hazel greeted.

“Indeed” Hester greeted.

Then the filly turned to Lauren, “My, who do we have here?”

“I’m Lauren, I’m new here” Lauren greeted the filly.

“Lauren, a lovely name for a lovely girl like yourself. Please, have a seat, all of you”

The trio sat down at the table. Lauren noticed that some of the teapots were able to move on their own. Though she was a little surprised at first, Hazel and Hester acted like nothing was wrong.

“Allow us to introduce ourselves” the filly said as she sat down.

“I’m Sunny Shores, daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy” the yellow filly said.

“I’m Clementine Jr., son of Rarity and Trixie” the colt said, taking a bow.

“And I’m Anastasia, daughter of Rarity and Trixie. I’m also Clementine’s little sister” the white filly said.

“Nice to meet you, all of you” Lauren said.

“Oh, shucks. You’re too kind” Anastasia remarked.

Lauren whispered to Hazel, “How is that possible? I mean, they’re all children of two mares”

“A spell Luna used allowed Twilight and Trixie to turn into stallions for a night and you can guess what’s next” Hazel whispered.

Lauren nodded.

“What brings you all by?” Clementine asked.

“Wanted to see you, and I’m afraid Lauren had a little accident when we were outside the barrier” Hester showed the hurt arm.

“Oh you poor thing” Sunny Shores took pity.

Anastasia spoke up. “You’re in luck. We have a new batch of Healing Tea ready just today. Sunny, be a dear and fetch it for Miss Lauren”

“Of course, Anastasia” saying so, the filly left the table and went into the house to fetch what she was being told to.

“Hazel and Hester, you have been looking better since your last visit here” Clementine said to the duo.

“Lauren saved Hester from the Anties, of course we’re happy”

Hester then looked at her watch. “We have to go, I’m afraid. We’re being called!”

“Oh! Sorry, I’m afraid we have to go, me and Hester that is”

“It’s fine. If summoned, you must go” Anastasia said.

Hazel and Hester nodded. “Lauren, as soon as your arm’s better, just ask them for a way to Queen Faust’s Garden. You’ll meet us both there!”

Lauren nodded. And right then, Hazel turned into a see-through type and she went into Hester. The Familiar then took to the air and that was the last time Lauren saw her in that bit.

“When is a raven like a writing desk?” Clementine asked to break the silence.

“Hmm, I don’t know. What’s the answer?” Lauren asked.

“I haven’t the slightest idea either” Clementine confessed.

“Well, why did you ask me a riddle that even you don’t know the answer to?”

“Forgive my brother; he’s a little like a March Hare”

Lauren rolled her eyes with a smile.

“What is taking Sunny so long? It should be easy to spot” Anastasia said as she looked at her pocket watch.

“I’ll go and look for her” Clementine stood up from the table.

“Don’t waste a second if you want to kiss her” Anastasia chuckled.

Clementine blushed. “We’re just friends!”

“Your blushing says otherwise”

“Ana!” Clementine grumbled before going in the house.

“He’s hiding it, I just know. If it ever pulls through, they’d make a cute couple” the Pegasus chuckled.

“How do you know? I mean, he could’ve just felt embarrassed or something” Lauren pointed out.

“My mother says that when they were being foalsat for a night, those two kept on playing together like two peas in a pod”

“Well, they could just be good friends then”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right”

“If, I may ask, among you three who’s the eldest?”

“Sunny Shores was born first in a late winter, then followed by my brother, and then a year after, I was born”

“If Sunny’s the eldest, then why do you seem to be the Leader?”

“Sunny Shores tends to have a little flaw in her life; she’s shy like her mother Fluttershy. Clementine is an illusionist in practice, and I still have yet to learn my own craft. But since Sunny’s too shy to play Leader, I took up the position”

“I see”

“Sunny fell asleep again” Clementine’s voice rang out from inside the house. The next second, they watched him help a half-asleep Sunny Shores out of the house. The filly was carrying a shuttle of tea as she stumbled to regain her balance. The container was green, with a glowing leaf for a design.

“Mm, I’m sorry” the filly apologized. “I haven’t been myself these past couple days”

“It’s fine, Sunny” Anastasia then turned to Lauren. “Sorry about her tiredness. She’s been up late at nights because those stories in the library really got her hooked”

“Can you stand now? Make sure you don’t spill any of that tea” Clementine said as Sunny began to open the shuttle.

The filly rubbed her eyes. “I’m fine now” she then began to pour the tea into a teacup. “Drink up, Miss Lauren”

When it was within reach, Lauren drank the tea in the cup. It had some peculiar flavor to it, but nonetheless tolerable. She checked her arm to see that it was beginning to heal completely.

“See? Healing Tea does its works” Anastasia said.

“Thank you. Who made this?”

“Sunny did, apart from reading stories late at night, she reads spell books at contain recipes in case of emergencies”

“Thank you Sunny”

The filly yawned, “No problem”

“Are you always this sleepy?”

“No, one time, Angel put a sleeping pill in my drink and I fell asleep early on the books”

“Then you spent the whole afternoon just to finish that book. If it’s not at night, it’s at the day” Clementine sipped his tea.

“Well, mom never runs out of books! I had to make up for lost time!” Sunny explained.

“Sunny Shores, Clementine Jr., no arguing at the table!” Anastasia snapped them out of it.

“Sorry, Anastasia” both said at the same time.

“Sorry about this, Lauren” the filly apologized. “Disturbances caused from the war tend to make us fight with one another”

Lauren nodded.

“Well, your arm’s looking all better” Sunny said as the last part of the cut was gone, not even a scar was there.

“Thank you”

They all nodded.

“By the way, do you know a way to…?” Lauren tried to remember what Hazel said a while back. “…Queen Faust’s Garden?”

“Oh, yes! Sunny, are you too tired to?” Anastasia turned to the elder filly.

“I’m fine! Follow me, Miss Lauren” Sunny got up from the table with Lauren and led her to a tree with a door on it.

“Just go into this door, and you’ll find your way to Fandom Central. There, you’ll find a hallway of doors that lead to different parts of this realm. Take the smallest one, which has the symbol of a red bottle of ink and a quill, beside a crown. Make sure you take the key on the glass table before you drink the bottle with the label, ‘DRINK ME’”

Lauren nodded. “Got it”

Sunny opened the door for her, and said her goodbyes. “Bye, Miss Lauren, I hope you can come by and visit sometime”

“Me too, Sunny. I hope to see all of you again soon. By the way, you really remind me of Fluttershy” Lauren said as she entered the doorway.

Sunny nodded, “Thank you, Miss Lauren”

Lauren gave the filly one last smile and wave before closing the door and looking around herself. It was the same place she was in earlier with Twilight. She saw the door and glass table with the key on it again. Learning from her past mistake, she took the key in her pocket first before she drank a little from the vial in the bottle.

She shrunk until she was about the right size and unlocked the door with the key, and went inside. There, she found herself in a beautiful garden filled with roses and other plants. Cool fountains were in the centers of each Garden.

No wonder this place was locked, she thought while admiring the area.