Lost Soul

by TheMajorTechie

Meeting the Squad - Fluttershy

While Twilight was reading over the letter, I took the chance that I was presented to go out again, and maybe meet the rest of these "Element Bearers" that seem to constantly save the world. Since I already know about Fluttershy, I'll probably see her first, and just keep going along with the chain.

For a house that supposedly belongs to an insanely powerful pony, I'd have to say that it's pretty... humble. From the directions and occasional strange glares I had received, I was able to figure out that the mare that I was looking for lived in a cottage on the outskirts of town. Said cottage was pretty hard to find too, considering how it was carved out an overgrown tree, like Twilight's destroyed library-house.

I waited patiently at the door after knocking, waiting for what I assumed to be another unicorn-pegasus or something to suddenly slam the door open on my face. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how this'll turn out though, and I just realized that I never told Twilight that I was leaving. I kinda just ran off without a word...

Anyways, Fluttershy finally opened the door a few minutes later, and surprisingly, she was a pegasus. A normal, definitely-doesn't-have-a-horn pegasus. I caught a glimpse of the supposed bear that she wrestles behind her, as well. It was just eating out of a bowl.

Wait... the bear that she wrestles is her pet?!

Well then. She doesn't look OP, but she seems to act the part in her home.

But yeah, so Fluttershy was a bit surprised, if not confused, at my sudden entrance. She was in the middle of feeding her animals, and from the looks of it, the rabbit that sat on her back wasn't amused by my intrusion.

Fluttershy was, amazingly, quite friendly for the fierce fighter that she supposedly was. In fact, she even asked if I wanted to stay for a few days.

Knowing that Twilight'll probably be wanting me back soon, I politely refused.

Next up, I guess... Applejack.