//------------------------------// // Chapter 19: The City on the Mount // Story: Well, this is new... // by CommunistTaco //------------------------------// A powerful jolt woke me from my slumber. Whilst still keeping my eyes closed, I listened for sounds around me. The steady pulse of the train told me that we're still moving at considerable speed but no other significant sounds graced my ears. I slowly opened my eyes, at first squinting while adjusting to the light. I groaned and rolled over onto the floor, planting all four hooves on the ground and stretching out my still asleep muscles. I walked over to the window and drew the curtains. What greeted me was a much different sight from before. "Wow..." was all I could manage as I took in the sight before me. The train was steadily climbing up a mountain face most likely towards Canterlot. But as the mountainside city still hadn't come into to view, the sight of the valley below was one to behold. I could make out what appeared to be Ponyville far off in the distance nestled right beside the lush green expanse of the Everfree Forest. Just as I was moving to sit down and further admire the view I heard the conductor's voice crackle over the speakers once more. "Attention passengers. We will be arriving at Canterlot Station in approximately fifteen minutes. Please be sure you have all of your belongs with you when you exit the train. We'd like to thank you for riding the Royal Canterlot Express and we hope to see you again." "Whelp, looks like hell awaits me in just a few minutes." I mutter to myself. If the part of Canterlot that I would be staying in was anything like Sunrise had indicated, than my trip would be less than exciting. While I was already not looking forward to this trip in the first place, my expectations had plummeted ever since I had embarked from Ponyville. Just as I was beginning to think of worst-case scenarios to take place in the days to come, I caught my first glimpse of Canterlot out of the corner of my eye. While the view of the large expanse below was amazing, Canterlot blew it out of the water. The city was an architectural masterpiece. Built straight out of the mountainside, the city was a feat of engineering that humans could only hope to ever achieve. And I would know being an engineer myself. The way the city juts out of the mountain would be a near impossible feat on Earth, but if I've learned anything about this world it's that Newton's laws of physics don't apply here. While the city itself was quite the sight, what really caught my eye was the palace. White marble pillars rose to the sky capped with lavender and golden domes and spires. Gardens and streams were littered throughout and waterfalls seemingly plummeted off the side of the city into the valley below. The city was truly the beacon of Equestrian society, shining brightly for all to see. I suddenly realized that my mouth had been agape for several seconds now and quickly shut it. 'Wow. Maybe there's something nice about this place after all,' I thought to myself as we approached the gleaming city. The train began to lose speed and we made our final approach into the station. We briefly passed though a tunnel dug through the mountainside before emerging into the city proper and arriving at the train station. As we finally ground to a halt with a jolt and a jerk, I took a quick look at the interior of the station. While Ponyville's train station was moderately busy, Canterlot's was booming. Hundreds if not thousands of ponies were walking about, waiting for trains or shopping at the various stores nearby. Some were wearing various suits, dresses, and other attire and others nothing at all as was common practice in Equestrian society. While Ponyville's population was decently balanced between the three main races, if not a bit earth-pony laden; Canterlot was heavily occupied by unicorns. While I caught a glimpse of a few pegasi, earth-ponies, and other species milling about, the majority of the populace appeared to be unicorns. I gathered up my belongings and made my exit onto the station platform. If the letter which I never bothered to fully read was correct, than there should be transportation waiting for me nearby. I carefully maneuvered my way through the crowds of ponies towards what appeared to be the exit. I passed through a gateway with a 'Welcome to Canterlot' sign emblazoned in gold overhead and took my first steps into the city proper. The Canterlot train station was situated in what appeared to be the commercial hub of the city. Shops and businesses of all kinds lined the streets for as far as the eye could see. Vendors shouted to passing ponies about their products and prices and smells of all sorts of foods filled the air. After thoroughly taking in the sights, I looked around for my transportation. A couple yards in front of me was a pegasus stallion in full golden armor standing next to what appeared to be an open-top carriage. In his mouth was a sign with 'Vladimir Korzhakov' hastily scrawled on it. I slowly trot over to him and caught his attention with a wave. "Vladimir Korzhakov?" he spoke with a low, scratchy voice. "Yes," I replied curtly. "ID?" He asked holding out a hoof. I gave him a curious look upon this request to which he replied "Standard protocol." I rummaged through my bags for a second to find my ID and presented it to the guard. He took the ID with his hoof an examined it thoroughly before handing... hoofing? the card back to me which I placed back in my saddlebag. "Alright sir, go ahead and climb aboard. We'll have you to the palace in no time," he said motioning to the carriage. "Thanks," I say nodding to the guard before hastily clambering up onto the vehicle and taking a seat and placing my saddlebags beside me. I was sitting in what could only be described as the pony equivalent of one of those open-topped cars politicians used to ride in the early 20th century. The carriage was extremely ornate with golden trimming and what appeared to be gemstones placed throughout which made me question how much these things were really worth in this universe. Gold seemed to be everywhere in Equestria. From the currency, to the roofs of Canterlot and the palace, to everyday objects. Hell, even the royal guards appeared to be wearing golden armor. Either this wasn't real gold or gold was so plentiful in this universe that it could be used on a whim. Though I suppose if magic was real then alchemy must be a thing which could account for all the gold. The guard who had greeted me moved up to the front of the carriage and joined another guard, an earth pony in identical armor, who I hadn't noticed before. They strapped themselves in what was essentially a harness designed for ponies before setting off. It took them quite a bit of effort from what I could tell to get the whole thing moving, but once it was rolling they seemed to not mind pulling the weight of both the carriage and myself. I settled back to enjoy the ride and began looking around at the city I was in. This was truly like nothing ever seen on Earth. The city itself was like a giant platform etched into the side of a snow-capped mountain. Homes and businesses of all sorts lined the cobbled streets which were so smooth that only magic could explain them. Trees and greenery were everywhere, lining the roads and giving the city a natural look. High above, a massive waterfall cascaded down from the mountainside splitting into several rivers and streams which seemed to flow through the city itself. I found myself awestruck at such a beautiful place. It was one of the few times that I was truly glad to have been pulled from my home dimension. Too see something like this was a once in a lifetime experience and I was humbled to be the first, and likely last from my world to witness it. As we wound our way through the streets towards the palace, ponies cleared the way for the guards without issue to allow them through the packed roads of the commercial district. Most ponies payed us no mind and the ones that did simply glanced up at me to see who was being escorted to the castle. I kept a neutral expression on my muzzle as not to attract any undue attention and just took in the sights. We soon left the commercial hub and into what appeared to be a more residential area. The ponies in the streets thinned out and the buildings became smaller. Most houses in this area were simple two-story affairs with white marble walls and either gold or lavender roofs to match the color scheme of the palace. This must be the area of the city where the common ponies lived, away from the nobles or the hustle and bustle of the business district. The guards picked up their pace with less obstacles in the road and soon we found ourselves in what appeared to be a central plaza of sorts. A large fountain sat in the center and a wide segmented ring of trees and grass circled it. Many ponies were milling about, relaxing on benches, or talking to friends and family. This seemed to be the actual center of the city as streets came from all directions to meet the plaza in a compass-like arrangement. After working our way around the plaza we set out down a different street which seemed to run straight to the palace. As we approached closer to the high walls that seemed to surround the castle from all directions I began to notice a change in the buildings lining the road. Homes progressively began to get larger and more ornate. Many homes had gardens and I could see an occasional gardener or maid working on the properties. I realized that we were entering the noble or wealthy district which Sunrise had warned me about. As much as the buildings changed in this area, so did the ponies on the streets. Many more ponies wore clothes and jewelry and seemed to have an almost pompous aura to them. I even saw a few in carriages similar to mine with their own ponies to pull them. It was in this area that I began to feel very out of place. I could sense the stares and the loathing of the ponies around me as we went. Mares and stallions alike took once glance at the rabble-looking pegasus atop a carriage pulled by royal guards and turned their heads in disgust. I even caught the tail-end of several whispered insults. They ranged to all manner of things whether it was my appearance or my "lack of posture." It got old very quickly and soon I was giving glares to anypony I caught staring. At long last we reached the castle walls where the street began a slight incline towards the palace gates. The castle itself appeared to sit on higher elevation than most of the city and overlooked the cliff and valley below. We crossed over what appeared to be a small moat which was flowing around the castle like a rock in a stream. We approached the castle gate which was a tall arch with several guards posted underneath preventing ponies from entering. Arriving at the gate, the guards saluted to each other before one unicorn guard came up to us with a serious case of stone face. She turned to address me and spoke in a calm but firm demeanor. "Alright sir, we just need to do a quick magical scan of you, your belongings, and the carriage for safety. This should only take moment." I nodded in response not knowing what to expect. Her horn lit up and encased the entire vehicle as well as me and my saddlebags in a pale red aura. It didn't really feel like much of anything and after a few moments it was over. The guard gave a quick nod to her compatriots which must of meant 'all clear' because they stepped aside to allow the guards harnessed to my ride to begin pulling the carriage into the castle grounds. The palace itself was a few hundred yards away and it took the guards only a few minutes to pull us to the entrance. I noticed the castle grounds had a large garden with a hedge-maze as well as several out-buildings which the purpose of I wasn't entirely sure. A large courtyard sat outside the entrance to the palace where I assume guard drills could be held or royal decrees by the princesses could be announced. After we had come to a stop, I gathered up my stuff and carefully jumped down from the carriage, landing on all four legs in a bit of an awkward manner. I quickly regained my composure and slowly walked through the massive entrance doors of the palace. If the outside was amazing to look at, the inside was equally as beautiful. I entered into a gigantic corridor with high arched ceilings that reminded me of a cathedral. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, shining with the magical lighting that was all too common in this world while stained glass windows allowed sunlight to stream in. Over to the left of the entrance was a large wooden lectern with an older gray unicorn mare stationed behind it, spectacles situated on her snout and a small line of ponies waiting to speak to her. With no further instructions from my guard escort, I stepped into line behind about eight other ponies and patiently waited my turn. From what I could hear from the back of the line, it appears all these ponies were here to petition Princess Celestia for something or other and were checking in to receive directions to the throne room. The mare behind the lectern would simply ask their name and reason for being there and point them to the direction that the throne room must lie. She then proceeded to give them some instructions that I couldn't make out before sending them on their way and jotting down something with a quill into a book in front of her. It was a pretty quick process and after just five minutes in line it was my turn. "Hello sir. Welcome to the Royal Palace! May I ask your name and reason for visiting?" the mare asked in polite and professional tone with a practiced smile on her lips. "Hi, my name is Vladimir Korzhakov and I was invited here," I say simply, procuring the invitation letter from my bag and hoofing it over to her. She quickly read over the contents of the invitation before glancing back up at me with what seemed to be a more genuine grin. "Ah yes, Mr Korzhakov! The princesses have been expecting you. I will have a maid escort you to your guest quarters." She turned to her side and rang a little bell hanging from the wall next to her. Just a few moments later, a smaller earth pony mare appeared from around a corner dressed in what I could only call the stereotypical maid outfit if it were made for an equine. "Clean Sweep, could you please escort our guest to his room. I believe he is in the royal suite," the lectern mare said nodding to the maid. "Of course Ma'am, I shall show him the way at once. Please sir, follow me to your room," the maid replied motioning for me to follow with a hoof. "Thank you," I reply curtly taking the invitation back and quickly following the maid as not to hold up the line. We began winding our way through corridor after corridor and up several flights of stairs, the maid seemingly knowing the place by heart. To me it was a maze that I could easily see myself getting lost in. 'Note to self: Don't try to find anything in here without an escort.' I mused following the maid up a long spiral staircase into yet another hallway. Nearby was a particularly interesting set of doors that seemed to not match the rest of the castle color scheme. They were a mix of dark blue and indigo with a large white crescent moon in the center. It left no doubt in my mind that these must be Princess Luna's quarters. On either side of the doors were two guards that seemed to match the night theme. They sported gray coats and lavender manes and tails. Their armor was a mix of lavender and indigo in a more ornate pattern than the royal guards I was used to seeing. On their backs were wings that more resembled a bat than a pegasus. Their eyes were slits like that of a predator of the night. It was pretty badass to be honest, props to Luna for having awesome guards. 'Now that you mention it, why do the royal guards look so identical outside of tribe, height, weight, and gender? These two ponies look almost exactly the same besides one being shorter. Is it some kind of enchantment? Or do the princesses breed ponies to look the same? I hope its not the latter cause that's downright fucking dystopian. I suppose I can ask them while I'm here.' As we passed the doors both guards eyed me with a look that screamed distrust so I made sure to walk at steady pace and avoid any sudden movements to not come off as suspicious. Once past Luna's room, we made our way to a set of simple golden doors further down the hallway. It was here that the maid stopped and turned around to face me once again. "Here we are sir, the royal suite. I hope you'll find it most suitable for the duration of your stay. As is policy for anypony staying in this room, we will post a guard outside that will be able to summon for anything you may need. Please do not hesitate to ask for anything that might make your stay more enjoyable," she said giving a small bow. "Thank you very much uh.. Clean Sweep was it?" I replied to which she nodded. "Is there anything else I should know about staying here?" "You can find all relevant information to the castle, and the services that we can provide in the left nightstand by your bed. Since you are a personal guest of the princesses, they may summon you to breakfast or dinner should they desire. Your guard will inform you if they do," she returned. "Oh, well thanks again," I say before pushing the doors open with a hoof. Inside was the largest bedroom I had ever seen. It was easily the size of my entire upper floor back in Ponyville. Situated against the wall across from the entrance was possibly the biggest canopy bed in existence. It looked to be able to fit twenty ponies if not more. Red silk sheets covered the bedspread and fluffy white pillows lay across the headboard. There were two large nightstands adorning either side of the bed with magical lamps on each and an antique table clock on one. Over in the corner was a dresser that could easily fit a multitude of outfits and a full length mirror to admire oneself in. In another corner sat a fancy armchair and coffee table as well two bookshelves stacked high will all manners of tomes. A fireplace sat adjacent currently unlit. Over to the far wall was a large curtained window hiding the outside view and a door that in all likelihood led to a balcony. And across from that lay the door to the bathroom which was currently open. From what I could see from here, the bathroom was also massive. It felt like a room that no one pony should ever stay in and yet here I was. "Damn..." was all I could muster. I quickly pulled myself out of my stupor and began to walk around the room taking in the details. I unpacked my saddlebags and put my jacket and the fancy suit that Rarity insisted I bring into the dresser. I put my tooth and mane brushes into the bathroom for later. The rest of my belongings went into one of the nightstands. I figure there wasn't much to do until either the princesses summoned me for a meal or I asked for one myself so I tried to think of what to do. I decided that if this room did indeed have a balcony then I should definitely check it out. I trotted over to the door and pulled it open to reveal exactly what I was hoping for. And it was overlooking... well... everything. I practically skipped over the railing to get a look at the view. To the left lay the valley and a view of a greater part of Equestria. I could see for miles upon miles across the endless expanse. I could spot towns and cities sprouting up and great fields of crops and grasslands stretching between them. Train tracks and roads zigzagged across the countryside connecting the ponies of the land with each other. There were forests, rivers, and mountains scattering the landscape displaying the topographical diversity of the kingdom. I spotted a massive floating city off in the distance which I had learned was called Cloudsdale. It was apparently a city made up of almost entirely pegasi that moved around throughout the year. Cloudsdale was where all the weather of Equestria was manufactured, as strange as that sounds. It was a place that was definitely on my bucket list to visit once I knew how to fly. Just thinking about it made my wings flutter in anticipation. I looked over to my right to see where exactly I was in the castle. From what I could tell, my bedroom was situated at the top of one of large main towers of the palace. It appeared to be one of the highest points in the whole building outside of the thin towers and spires that gave the castle its unique look. Even if the whole reason I was here was something I wasn't exactly looking forward to, the view seemed to make it all worth it. At least for now... I returned to the bedroom, shutting the balcony door behind me and went over to the bookshelves. I searched for a book I could read to pass the time before dinner and found one that piqued my interest. Darkness and Betrayal, The Story of Nightmare Moon was the title of the book which looked like it had seen quite a few years. I had heard the name Nightmare Moon before in passing while talking to Twilight about her and her friends' adventures, but wasn't exactly sure who or what it was. She likely mentioned it at some point, but her rambling on like a college professor made paying attention hard. Figuring this as good a book as any, I plopped down in the super comfy armchair and cracked it open. 'Time to relax and enjoy myself while I can. I have a feeling that this trip is about to get a whole lot crazier,' I thought putting on an amused smirk and turning to first page...