My Heart's Content

by Doctor Disco

5 - But Now I

I ponder the words of Derpy as I begin to settle into her house.

What does she mean? I’m perfectly fine, there’s nothing wrong with me! I’m as happy as can be right now, can’t she see that? It doesn’t make any sense to me… and yet, a part of me still knows she’s right. But I don’t know what to talk to her about… Unless she means… them. They have to be fine. They’re my best friends, I can count on them to be okay.

I really hope their okay.

But I know they’re fine. I’m sure they are. They can handle themselves.

I look around at Derpy’s home and already see it is bigger than my own apartment, with a second floor. Although it isn’t too large for there to be a lot of empty space, it’s big enough to feel like you have free movement and yet feel cozy at the same time. It has a nice smell, faintly of lavender and vanilla, yet it seems amplified thanks to this new snout of mine. Very nice. Pictures line the walls of her home, trinkets and frames adorning her various tables and cabinets. At a glance, I see a photo of Derpy hugging a contraption which looks like it could fall apart at any moment, with a 1st place sticker on it. Moving onto another, I see a mare with a rainbow coloured mane and tail (is that possible or is it just dye?) with one foreleg draped over Derpy, both smiling at the taker of the photo.

But wait… if they have these photos, that means they have cameras! They have technology! I then watch as Derpy flicks a switch light surrounds me. I look up to see a bulb screwed into the ceiling and smile. So they do have technology! But it seems to be sparingly used. I guess it makes sense. They already have magic and spells that can do just about anything (or at least, that’s what I assume), so why bother with something that consumes energy and wastes resources all the time? I’m sure they still have it running more profusely elsewhere, but here it seems to be just another simple commodity of no real importance.

“Your home is lovely,” I comment, and Derpy smiles and nods.

“Oh? Thank you, Melody. I do try my best, though I tend to muck things up every once in a while. Takes a bit of time to clean up, but nothing too bad,” Derpy responds as she hums. As she begins pouring ingredients into a bowl and preparing for something, I look at her with pity. She probably doesn’t like pity, with what little I’ve gotten to know of her, but it still rests within me.

“So, watcha making?” I ask casually, walking up to the counter opposite of Derpy. Adorning her figure is now a baker’s hat and an apron with the words ‘#1 Mail Mare’.

“I already told you before, didn’t I?” she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “Muffins! So I can cheer you right up, and so the others have a treat when they come over.”

Wait, ponies are coming over? When did that- oh. Oh yeah. Sleepover. Right. Makes sense. But she said ponies plural, which means more than just Octavia. Would that mean Pinkie might come around too? As much as I love the pink party mare, I can’t imagine how I would survive a whole night with her. And if not Pinkie, than who? More ponies to make friends with? I’m still relatively fresh to this insane world, I’m not sure if I can handle a whole group of talking ponies as friends!

Maybe I can just be a background character? How about I just sit back and watch as Derpy have fun with her friends? That sounds nice. Can I just leave this world now? “So, uh, who’s coming?”

“Well…” Derpy mumbles as she puts a hoof up to her chin in thought. Unbeknownst to her, her hat was now slightly askew. “You already know Octavia… Pinkie can’t come because she’s with Twilight and the others seeing a concert or something…” Derpy then facepalms… Wait, wouldn’t it be a facehoof, since it’s a hoof? Anyways, she facehoofs and groans. “Aw, I forgot to ask them to get me an autograph from Countess Coloratura! Oh well, it’s too late now.”

“Who?” I question, now intrigued. Coloratura is an italian term for singing, much like my own name is directly related to melody in music, and if pony names are anything to go by, that would mean this is a singer.

“Countess Coloratura!” Derpy gushes. “She’s only one of the most popular singers in all of Equestria! Anypony who’s anypony knows who she is! She might even be better than Sapphire Shores!”

Pony names equals talents confirmed.

Plus, if the context of this conversation makes any sense, that would mean Sapphire Shores is also a singer. “Really?” I ask rhetorically before humming in the way that meant ‘cool’. It looks like that’s a universal sound to make because Derpy seems to understand. I really don’t know how I’m able to communicate with these ponies, it still makes no sense to me.

“Yep!” Derpy still answers. “Her songs are amazing! I especially love her first album, That’s What Friends Are For, and yet not many ponies even know about it. First published when she had just moved to Manehatten to get famous, she became a star right quick!” Derpy then puts a hoof beside her mouth and looks around before whispering, “Personally, my favourite song from her is ‘An Apple A Day’.”

Smiling, I nod at her with mirth in my eyes. “You should let me listen to them one time,” I suggest, and Derpy’s eyes sparkle… Quite literally. Which is a bit unnerving.

“Oh, you’re in for a treat!” she says before she finally gets back to her baking.

“So who’s coming again?” I ask, hoping this time we don’t go on another tangent.

“Well, there’s Octavia and I already told you that…” She pauses as she preps a muffin tray. “Then there’s ponies you still don’t know! That would be Minuette… Lyra, Bob Bon, Vinyl, and the Doctor!”

She didn’t mean… the Doctor, as in, the Doctor? Oh, I’ve always wanted to ask this question! “Doctor who?” I smile widely, and Derpy brightens.

“Oh, Doctor Whooves! Some ponies call him Time Turner, but I find it easier to just say ‘the Doctor’. He’s a bit of an odd pony, but I do love his weird box!”

“What kind of weird box?” I say, now truly concerned that there might actually be a Time Lord in their midst.

“One with all these crazy inventions in them. A lot of it’s fun, and he even made love-reacting fireballs!”

Oh thank goodness she didn’t say-

“And it’s bigger on the inside.”

Not going there. Nope. Notta. Never. Yeah-no. Nuh uh.

Maybe it’s time to just sit back and watch Derpy bake. That sounds like a good idea.


The oven finally made the satisfying ring of a finished batch of muffins. Now, I’m not saying Pinkie’s baking is bad or anything, but the smell of these muffins is heavenly. Seriously hard for me to say, but it smells better than Pinkie’s muffins. Wow, just wow. But, I guess I can’t say anything until I take a bite out of one. Luckily, it seems I may be able to do that soon. Very soon. So soon, in fact, that she’s already taking them off the cooling rack now.

“What kind are these, Derpy?” I ask, and she gestures to them with pride.

“My own very special recipe of strawberry and blueberry!” she exclaims, taking one in her hoof and stuffing it into her mouth. She cries in brief pain as it’s still fairly hot before she begins to chew normally and swallows, now gleaming with happiness. “The very best you might ever taste, mind you.”

“We’ll see about that,” I mumble in mirth before picking one up myself. Sniffing it, I can already tell it’s gonna be amazing, but nothing will prepare me for the taste that comes with it.

Taking a bite, it seems like the whole world had exploded into ten more shades of bright. The consistency is incredible, the sweetness is perfect! I can taste the strawberry and blueberry bits complementing the warmth of the bread-like… well, bread, I guess. Is there a word for that part of the muffin? Is there a word for the bit-part of the muffin? Anyways, it is indescribable. The words I am using are nowhere near the how they truly taste, and that is, godly.

“Thish ish sho GUD!” I say with muffin in my mouth, sighing in awesome taste. Derpy giggles at my antics and blushes.

“Thanks, it means a lot,” Derpy grins, before there is a knock at the door. As I glance outside, I see a few ponies of various colours. Light still graces the living room, but it has now turned a brilliant gold, the signs of sunset. With a gasp and a flutter of her wings, Derpy dashes to the the doorway and swings it wide open.

“Minuette! Vinyl! Bonnie! Doctor!” Derpy greets as she huggs each of them on the way in. She then frowns as she notices a pony is missing. “Where’s Octavia and Lyra?” Derpy asks for the both of us, though I don’t know who Lyra is.

The pony she addressed as Vinyl waves her hoof a bit before Derpy sighs. “Running late at another recital? Ponyfeathers!”

I rise and stand beside Derpy as I assess these new ponies. Now I’m really wishing I am a background character, so I don’t have to interact with new people- er- ponies! Luckily, or unluckily, I guess, I didn’t have to introduce myself first.

“And you must be Melody, hm?” the ‘Doctor’ asks, outstretching a hoof in greeting. A hoofshake, instead of a handshake, I guess. “My name is Doctor Whooves. Some call me Time Turner, though I prefer just ‘Doctor’. Yep, just call me ‘The Doctor’.” I notice his accent is considerably stronger than Octavia’s own British, although with the way ponies name their cities and countries I won’t be surprised to find that Britain has a different name as well.

And if his ‘cutie mark’, as Octavia had explained on one of her visits when I asked about the image on her flanks, is any indication of his talent, I wouldn’t be surprised if this pony actually is the Doctor reincarnate.

Buuuuuut I’m still hesitant to go that far and say he’s a Time Lord just yet. Maybe if he shows me a Police Public Call Box, but other than that, my mind hurts just thinking about it. This world is already comical enough as is. I don’t need speculative immortals from a sci-fi T.V. show to break my mind any further. I mean, his cutie mark is an hourglass? Something related to time?... Yeah, let’s not think too hard about that.

“Y-yes, I’m Melody,” I stutter. Why did I stutter? Probably because my mind is short-circuiting. Nice one, pony world, you’re slowly breaking me. “Nice to meet you, Doctor Whooves.”

“And you, my equine friend,” he says dubiously. Nope. Still not thinking about it. He walks past me and I lose my focus on him as a smiling pony meets me.

“Hello, I’m Minuette, and this is Bon Bon!” the light blue unicorn introduces and I shake hands… I mean hooves with them as well. She gestures to the cream coloured normal pony like me and I smile at the both of them.

“Afternoon! I’m Melody, nice to meet you,” I say.

“We’re so happy to see you’re much better now. Especially since Derpy told us about how she found you…” Minuette trailed off and began to look uneasy. “Yes, sorry about that. Must be bad memories for you. I’ll just, uh…” She looks for an excuse to stop worsening her own situation before she spots the muffins. She hastily says she’ll just go try some of Derpy’s muffins while Bon Bon stays behind.

“Sorry about Minuette. She’s not exactly the best at being subtle,” Bon Bon tells me, and I laugh a little.

“Yeah, I noticed.”

“Plus, she’s not really from around here. She’s usually in Canterlot, but she comes to visit most of the time. In fact, just a few weeks ago, Twilight went up to say hi to her and a few more of her old friends. I’ve got to say, Minuette sure does a lot of travelling for one who’s so focused on saving time.”

I then notice the same mark Doctor Whooves has on her flanks and a thought crosses my mind. Immediately, I push it away. Definitely not going there. “So it must be an extra special occasion if she came all the way from Canterlot to have a sleepover, hm?”

“Well, partly,” Bon Bon nods. “It’s also so she can say hi to Twilight before she leaves back for Canterlot, and to also reconnect with us after her last visit and that…” She trails off as well as a faint blush creeps onto her cheeks. “...that wedding. Mm hm. That was one crazy day.”

Nodding, I now want to ask what happened on this ‘Wedding Day’. It seems to have happened during my post-recovery recovering (I’m not a doctor, I don’t know what it’s called when I have to stay in my hospital bed) and I can still remember when Derpy came late that evening pretty tuckered out.

“I’m beat,” she had said when she came around and had fallen asleep on my bedside. I had actually seen some eyebags under her eyes. That’s some pretty stressful stuff she must’ve encountered if she had eyebags after one day.

“What is it with this wedding, anyways? I keep hearing peop- I mean ponies mentioning it.”

“Oh, you really don’t want to know,” Bon Bon replied quickly before seeming to notice the muffins right then as well. “Oh look! It looks like Derpy’s made muffins. I think I’ll, uh, go try them out, hehe.”

What is it with these ponies? Dang, I really want to know.

“Alright, thanks DJ,” Derpy says before the white unicorn nods silently. She then smiles as she passes me and nods at me, waving a hoof in what I assumed was a gesture of greetings.

“Alright everypony, I guess we’ll just have to have or start this sleepover without Lyra or Octavia.”

My heart drops a little to know that Octavia might be late but I hold my peace.

“Let’s get started!”

And with that, it seems we have now switched into sleepover mode, as pillows and blankets have now been revealed from nowhere and the atmosphere has already changed from one of airy and cheerful peace to ecstatic energy and unbridled potential. With all the smiles in the room, I can’t help but grin myself. I’m just hoping Octavia and Lyra are able to make it.

“This'll be interesting,” I mutter as everyone starts to whoop and holler.

Looks like this is going to be a good night.