My True Self

by _Undefined_

Chapter 9: Side by Side

As autumn came to Ponyville, Bon Bon and Lyra continued to enjoy their friendship. While they didn’t get to see each other every day, they did see each other on most days, and they had fun with one another throughout the season, from attending the fashion show that Rarity held near the beginning of autumn through the Running of the Leaves near the end.

They talked about many things, but never about their romantic aspirations. It had come up in conversation one time early on, but rather than make up excuses and lies, both Lyra and Bon Bon quickly said that they weren’t looking for anyone at the moment. They were happy being single, they told each other.

Each tried to convince herself that it was true.

Eventually, winter arrived. Most of Ponyville’s community events took place outdoors, so with the cold weather making it difficult to spend long periods of time outside, there weren’t as many things for Lyra and Bon Bon to do during the week. Their apartments were each furnished with a small standing fireplace, though – a perfect size to heat the compact space. So they spent more time simply hanging out with one another. Usually, Lyra would visit Bon Bon’s apartment and keep Bon Bon company while she made candy.

One day, near the middle of winter, Bon Bon was returning from the marketplace. She was already growing tired of seeing so many root vegetables during the cold, snowy months, even though she knew the fresh spring produce was still several weeks away. As she carried her saddlebags back to Beech Tree Apartments, she saw Lyra in front of the building, dressed in a coat, scarf, earmuffs, and hoof warmers. She was collecting snow and packing it into a wide cylindrical shape.

“What are you doing?” Bon Bon asked.

“Making a snowpony,” Lyra answered.

“Isn’t that usually done by foals? Or families that have foals?”

“Why should we stop doing things that are fun just because we aren’t foals anymore?” Lyra said. She started to collect snow for the second leg. “Come on, make one. My snowpony’s going to want to have a friend.”

The previous winter, Bon Bon wouldn’t have even entertained the idea. She would have worried about the other ponies in town staring at her. But now, she didn’t hesitate.

“Just let me put these away first. I’ll be right back.”

Bon Bon quickly ran upstairs, put down her saddlebags, and swapped her front two boots for a pair of knitted hoof warmers so she could more easily mold the snow. She made it back to the front of the building while Lyra was still working on building her third leg.

“It’s been a while,” Bon Bon said. “What do I do?”

“Grab some snow and put it in a pile,” Lyra said. “Don’t worry about making it perfect. Just have fun.”

Bon Bon followed Lyra’s lead and began to create four small piles of snow about half a body’s length away from Lyra’s snowpony. Bon Bon’s piles were wider and less uniform than Lyra’s.

When Bon Bon had finished forming the legs, she realized that she had been so engrossed in her work, she hadn’t watched what Lyra was doing. Now Lyra had already placed a body onto her set of legs and was rolling some snow to form the head.

“What do I do for the body?” Bon Bon asked. “Do I just start piling it on?”

“Try to make a big bean of snow, then lift it onto the legs.”

“It’s a good thing I made my legs so sturdy,” Bon Bon said. “Clearly, that was my intention the whole time.”

Shortly, Bon Bon had formed a wide tube of snow. With some effort, she lifted it onto the legs. The legs were set farther apart than the sides of the body, so she began to pack more snow onto the trunk.

After a couple of minutes, Bon Bon said, “My snowpony is looking kind of fat.”

“Good,” Lyra replied. “It’ll keep her warm during the winter.”

“Snowponies need to stay warm? I always assumed they had ice running through their veins.”

“If snowponies don’t need to stay warm, then why do they wear scarves and hats?” Lyra said as she finished her snowpony’s head.

“Maybe they received them as gifts and feel like they have to wear them,” Bon Bon said as she continued to add snow to her snowpony’s body. “One year, when I was a filly, my mom decided to take up knitting and made me a sweater for Hearth’s Warming. It was way too thick and way too scratchy, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I wore it for the whole rest of the day. The entire night, I couldn’t stop itching, even after I took it off. I think my mom got the hint, as she didn’t ask me to wear it again and never knitted anything else.”

Lyra stopped and looked at Bon Bon. Bon Bon remained focused on forming the body of her snowpony. Lyra wasn’t sure how to respond – Bon Bon never talked about her parents. Ever since Bon Bon had told her that it was a sore subject, Lyra made sure to never bring it up.

Lyra decided that she was grateful Bon Bon was willing to share even that much with her. Rather than press any further, Lyra said, “I’m going to go find some decorations.”

A couple of minutes later, Lyra returned, wearing a floppy straw sunhat.

“Bold fashion choice for this time of year,” Bon Bon said as she began to sculpt the head of her snowpony.

“It’s not for me,” Lyra said as she levitated the hat off of her head, “it’s for Frostflanks here.” She lowered the hat onto her snowpony’s head.

“You named her Frostflanks?”

“Are you saying she doesn’t look like a Frostflanks?”

“No, that certainly describes her. Very literal.”

“Well, if you’re so great at naming things,” Lyra said as she started to dig in the snow by the bushes near the apartment building’s archway, “what’s the name of your snowpony?”

“Um… Snowball?”



Lyra gave Bon Bon a half-lidded stare. “And you’re complaining that I’m too literal?”

Bon Bon finished sculpting the head, then leaned down so that her ear was at its mouth. “She says she likes it.”

“Well, I guess I can’t argue with a snowpony about what a snowpony should be named.” Lyra levitated two rocks from the landscaping surrounding the bushes and placed them on her snowpony’s head to form eyes. She levitated two more rocks over toward Bon Bon and let them fall at her hooves. “Now she just needs a tail.”

Lyra looked around. She didn’t have an old broom that she was willing to sacrifice to the winter elements, so she needed something else. After a minute of thinking, she ran back to her apartment.

When Lyra returned, she was carrying a pom-pom that she had received during the youth hoofball game that had taken place the month before. The students of Ponyville Primary School had made a good effort, but the visiting team from Broncodessa soundly defeated them. Still, they had learned valuable lessons about always trying your hardest and being gracious in defeat.

Lyra stuck the handle of the pom-pom in the rear of her snowpony and took a step back. “Frostflanks is looking good,” she said.

Bon Bon had already put her two eye rocks in place and was bringing back some sticks that had fallen from a nearby tree. She placed them down her snowpony’s neck in a vague approximation of a mane, then stuck a few in the rear to form a tail.

Bon Bon stepped beside Lyra to take in her finished work. “Actually, that about looks like what I made when I was seven years old,” she said.

“I think it looks great,” Lyra said. “They’re just missing one thing. And we need a snack to replace all the energy we spent building these.” She ran back toward her apartment.

“You wouldn’t have to replace so much energy if you didn’t keep running back and forth!” Bon Bon called after her.

Lyra returned with two bananas. She levitated one to Bon Bon, who with a heartfelt “Thanks?” began to peel and eat it. Lyra quickly peeled her banana and, taking three large, rapid bites, stuffed the entire fruit into her mouth, then carried the peel over to her snowpony. She carefully placed the peel against the bottom of its head in the shape of a smile.

Bon Bon took the time to eat her banana in a more controlled manner while Lyra walked around, examining the snowponies from every angle to make sure they looked all right. Finally, Bon Bon finished eating and added a banana peel smile to her snowpony.

“That was fun,” Bon Bon said as she returned to where Lyra was standing. “And they do make the building look more festive.”

“Now we get to bask in the satisfaction of having created something,” Lyra said.

After a moment, Bon Bon replied, “Can we go bask indoors? My hooves are getting really cold.”


The two went up to Bon Bon’s apartment. Lyra built a fire in the fireplace while Bon Bon cooked some wassail over the stove.

When Bon Bon finished, she ladled the drink into two mugs. She then pulled the two seat cushions off of her loveseat and placed them on the floor in front of the fireplace. She and Lyra each took a mug, sat on a cushion, and warmed up in front of the fire.

Lyra took a slow sip of her drink. “This really puts me in the Hearth’s Warming spirit,” she said.

“You said you’re leaving in two days?” Bon Bon asked.

“Two days. It’s weird – I’ve spent every Hearth’s Warming with my parents and my sister back home in Canterlot, but this one feels different. Like I’m looking forward to it more.”

“You used to live at home while you were at the music academy, right?” Bon Bon asked.


“So this is the first year you haven’t lived there. You’re looking forward to returning home and seeing everypony again.”

Lyra smiled. “Yeah.”

Bon Bon smiled at Lyra. Lyra could see that while the smile was genuine, Bon Bon’s eyes betrayed a tiny amount of sadness.

“Are you okay spending the holiday here by yourself?” Lyra asked.

“Don’t worry about me,” Bon Bon said. She took a sip of her wassail. “I’ve spent the last five Hearth’s Warmings alone. I’m used to it.”

“If I could stay here and keep you company, I would, but…”

Bon Bon gently shushed Lyra. “I’ll be fine. It’s Hearth’s Warming. You’re supposed to spend it with your family.”

Lyra stared at the fire.

“Stop thinking about it,” Bon Bon said as she stood up. “You need to stay in the Hearth’s Warming spirit.” She disappeared into the kitchen. When she returned, she was carrying a small basket stuffed with thick peppermint sticks. “These are for you.”

“What?” Lyra said, setting down her mug. “You said we weren’t exchanging gifts!”

“What I said,” Bon Bon smiled, “was that I didn’t want you to get me anything. Making candy is what I do. This is no big deal. Now try one.”

Lyra obediently picked up a peppermint stick in her magic and started to suck on it. Soon, the mint gave way to a different flavor. Lyra bit down to discover that the peppermint was coating a smooth chocolate interior.

“This is delicious,” Lyra said. “Thank you.”

“Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“I really wasn’t expecting this. And now I feel terrible that I didn’t get you anything. And I can’t hurry and whip up something, because my special talent doesn’t really work for making homemade gifts.”

Bon Bon thought for a moment. “Tell you what. If you want to give me a present that badly, I know what you can do. I haven’t had a good Hearth’s Warming carol sing-along in years. You could give me that.”

“Okay!” Lyra said. She got up and raced back to her apartment, eager to give Bon Bon something.

After a moment, Lyra walked through the door, lyre suspended in her magic. As she entered, she began to play a familiar tune.

She sang, “Dashing through the snow…”

Bon Bon sang the next line. “As I pull you in my sleigh…”

They sang together:

“Over the fields we go, laughing all the way!
Bells on collar ring, making spirits bright,
What fun it is to trot and sing a sleighing song tonight!
Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,
You’ll have fun aboard a ride in my brand new open sleigh!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,
Oh what fun it is to trot and pull you in my sleigh!”

Lyra played a short bridge, then stopped. “Do you know the other verses?” she asked.

“Not really,” Bon Bon said.

“Yeah, nopony does. Next song!”

Lyra played another introduction, and they began singing “Deck the Halls.” This was followed by “Let It Snow,” a version of “Winter Wonderland” in which they stumbled over the lyrics, “We Wish You the Warmest Hearthstone,” “Santa Hooves Is Coming to Town,” “Sleigh Ride,” a break from singing as Lyra played an instrumental version of “Carol of the Bells,” and finally, “The Twelve Days of Warming.” Neither of them could remember what the correct order of gifts was from the sixth day onward – in the end, they just started making up gifts, culminating with “twelve flautists flauting.”

As they belted out their final “partridge in a pear tree,” they could barely contain their laughter. Their voices had been off-key in every song and they frequently mumbled their way through the words.

It was the best sing-along Bon Bon had ever been a part of.

Hearth’s Warming passed, and eventually, winter was wrapped up. Early that spring, Ponyville was thrown into disarray by the spirit of chaos.

With Discord wreaking havoc outside, Bon Bon quickly decided to stay inside and hope that everything would soon return to normal. Therefore, the only irritation she had to deal with was walking through the archway built into the apartment building – there, and only in that short, tunnel-like area, gravity had been reversed. It was extremely disorienting.

Lyra had a more difficult time during Discord’s brief reign, as her body began to act like a magnet that repelled every pony to a distance of three body lengths away. Not only did that mean she couldn’t ride out the chaos alongside Bon Bon, but she also had to stay in the center of her apartment so as not to upset her neighbors. She was glad the chaos magic didn’t last longer than it did, as being forced into what was effectively solitary confinement was maddening.

After Discord was defeated, Bon Bon spent more time than usual making candy, as she needed to be ready for Hearts and Hooves Day. Lyra was hesitant to ask if Bon Bon would be doing anything on the day itself – Lyra was free for most of the day, and she was worried about what spending the most romantic day of the year with Bon Bon would do to her.

Lyra was relieved, therefore, to learn that Bon Bon would be busy for the entire holiday, although Lyra did make it a point to visit Bon Bon early at sunup before Bon Bon spent the day selling candy. Bon Bon, too, didn’t have any romantic plans for the holiday, so she was glad she would be busy – she couldn’t think of a non-awkward way to suggest to Lyra that since neither of them had very special someponies, they could spend the day being single together.

Bon Bon knew it was irrational to keep daydreaming that her relationship with Lyra could be something more. She was content with being single – and likely remaining single for the rest of her life – but seeing all of the happy couples on Hearts and Hooves Day did make her wish that she too could find her own very special somepony.

But how am I going to find somepony, she thought, who’s as perfect for me as Lyra?

Soon after, it was time for the annual Ponyville Days festival. This year, it was being hosted by the Apple family at Sweet Apple Acres. There was delicious food, lively music, and a wide variety of fun farm games. Ponies had the option of competing in individual or team games, with blue ribbons given out to the winners of each event. Lyra and Bon Bon, naturally, had decided to compete together as a team. And even though they hadn’t come close to winning the milk bottle ring toss or the haystack scavenger hunt, they were still having a great time together.

“All right, everypony, listen up!” Applejack announced at the conclusion of the individual potato sack race. “This next event is for the team competitors. We’re gonna have ourselves a good old-fashioned seven-legged race. You’ve got five minutes to get roped up and practice your stride, then line up here at the startin’ line.” Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom began to pass out short lengths of rope to the team competitors.

Lyra looked at Bon Bon. “Are you ready for this?” she asked. Lyra knew that something like a seven-legged race might still be a little bit outside of Bon Bon’s comfort zone.

“Let’s give it a shot,” Bon Bon said. “So long as neither of us sprains a leg, I’ll be happy.”

Apple Bloom gave Lyra and Bon Bon their rope.

“Which side do you want to be on?” Lyra asked.

“Are you right-hoofed or left-hoofed?”


“Perfect,” Bon Bon said. “I’m right-hoofed. So if we tie my left leg to your right leg, we should be able to stay in sync without one of us having to run awkwardly.” Bon Bon stepped around to be on Lyra’s right side. Lyra used her magic to tie their forelegs together.

Oh, Bon Bon realized. We’re effectively going to be holding hooves for the entire race.

Try not to think about it, Lyra told herself. It’s nothing more than a really long hoofshake.

Both ponies slightly leaned away from one another.

“So, uh, let’s practice,” Bon Bon said. “Ready, go.”

Each pony slowly placed her dominant hoof out in front, followed by their tied-together hooves. Their rear legs naturally followed. The two tried to increase their pace to a walking speed, but when they did, they stumbled and nearly toppled over onto one another.

When they regained their bearings, Bon Bon once again said, “Ready, go.” As before, they started slowly and were successful enough at taking a couple of slow steps forward. But once they tried to move any faster, they nearly fell over.

“We’re not going to do very well if we can’t even get to the starting line,” Bon Bon said.

Applejack, who had been watching all of the competitors prepare, walked over. “Y’all are too far apart,” she said to the two of them. “You’re tryin’ to walk forward, but your bodies are pointed in toward where the other one’s goin’. Straighten out so you’re both headin’ in the same direction. Don’t be afraid to get up flank to flank.”

Applejack left to give advice to some of the other teams. Lyra and Bon Bon looked at one another. Each was too preoccupied with trying to conceal the nervousness on her own face to notice the nervous smile on the other’s.

“Well,” Bon Bon said, trying to sound nonchalant. “Let’s try it.”

“Yep,” Lyra agreed.

The two tentatively made small steps with their rear hooves toward one another. After a few moments that felt much longer than they actually were, they had inched together close enough so that their flanks were touching.

“Okay. Ready?” Bon Bon asked, focusing on preventing her voice from cracking.

“Ready,” Lyra said, staring straight ahead.

“Aannd go,” Bon Bon said. They each slowly stepped forward with their dominant legs. Their tied-together legs followed. When their touching rear legs moved in sync, it took all of their concentration to not instinctively pull away from one another. As a result, they were able to continue moving forward. They slowly increased their speed until they were walking at a comfortable pace.

“This does work better,” Bon Bon said. “For racing.”

“We’re moving faster than before,” Lyra said, stating the obvious.

“Racers to your marks!” Applejack shouted through a megaphone.

Lyra and Bon Bon had to turn around to get to the starting line. Bon Bon took shorter steps while Lyra took longer ones, and they were able to make a U-turn to approach the starting line without breaking stride. They were one of the first teams to arrive – some of the other racers were having a more difficult time staying in step with one another.

Which meant that there was nothing for the two of them to do except stand together and wait.

Our forehooves are touching, Lyra thought. And our rear hooves are touching. And our flanks are touching.

I didn’t realize this would mean our barrels would be touching, too, Bon Bon thought.

Okay, Lyra. Don’t think about the fact that you’re pressed up against the pony you secretly have a crush on.

Think about the race, Bon Bon. Focus on the race. We’re only like this because of the race.

You can’t let her know how you really feel about her. About this.

Deep breaths, Bon Bon. Keep calm. You can’t let her feel your heart beating faster while she’s… pressed up against you. That didn’t help.

A couple of the other teams were still working their way toward the starting line.

I can feel her breathe, Lyra thought. Dear Celestia, I can feel her breathe. This isn’t fair. It was bad enough just knowing she’ll never date me. Now I have to know that I can never have… this.

This is as close as you’re ever going to get, Bon Bon. Her coat feels so warm.

They simultaneously wished that the race would both end and never begin.

Finally, all of the competitors were at the starting line. Applejack stepped back up to the megaphone.

“On your marks!

“Get set!


Each of the teams took their first cautious step forward. Three of the teams immediately fell down. Lyra and Bon Bon quickly increased their pace from a walk to a trot. They stayed perfectly in step with one another.

Only one other team – a male and female earth pony – was moving as quickly as Lyra and Bon Bon. Together, without saying a word, Lyra and Bon Bon gradually stepped faster and faster until they were at a canter. The other team tried to speed up, but stumbled. While they didn’t fall down, they were slowed enough that Lyra and Bon Bon took an early, commanding lead.

Neither Lyra nor Bon Bon looked backward. They continued to move as one, side by side, faster and faster, until they were at a full gallop. The first turn on the track came – as they had done in practice, Bon Bon took smaller steps while Lyra made up the difference. In order for the maneuver to work, Lyra had to lean into Bon Bon. They completed the turn successfully.

Almost immediately, the track made a left turn. Even though they hadn’t done it before, Lyra instinctively reduced her steps while Bon Bon rounded the outside of the track, pushing against Lyra in the process. They finished the turn and continued to gallop, now with a lead of over half the track.

The final obstacle was a relatively large mud puddle. It dipped down a couple of inches lower than the track, but even though they didn’t know exactly how deep it was, Lyra and Bon Bon splashed through it – moving so quickly, each hoof only touched the water once – with ease. In no time, they had crossed the finish line. Their nearest competitors were still working their way around the first turn.

It wasn’t until they crossed the finish line and were charging toward a nearby stack of hay bales that Lyra and Bon Bon finally fell out of sync. As they attempted to come to an abrupt halt, they tripped over one another and went flying into the hay, Bon Bon hitting the bales first and absorbing the weight of Lyra immediately after.

Applejack ran over. “Are you two okay?” she asked the two ponies lying on the ground.

“I’m fine,” Lyra said, trying to get up. She pulled at the rope with her magic, struggling in her hurry to untie it. “Are you okay, Bon Bon?”

As Lyra loosened the rope, Bon Bon slowly rose to her hooves. “Yeah. Just got the wind knocked out of me.”

“They’re okay!” Applejack shouted. All of the ponies who had watched the race erupted into cheers.

“Hoo-ee!” Applejack said to Lyra and Bon Bon. “I ain’t never seen two ponies run a seven-legged race as fast as that before! That’s gotta be some kind of record!”

Lyra and Bon Bon looked out at the cheering ponies. They looked at one another. At the same time, they turned their heads away, blushing.

“The winners!” Applejack announced. “Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings!” She attached a blue ribbon to the end of each of their manes. “Congratulations,” she said under the noise of the crowd. “You two make a heck of a pair.”

Bon Bon gave the crowd a small wave. Lyra dramatically raised the rope into the air with her right hoof. On instinct, she turned around and gave Bon Bon a triumphant hug. Also on instinct, she leaned her head back to face Bon Bon and nearly began to pucker her lips.

Lyra caught herself just in time. She froze in place, quickly pursing her lips together to conceal what she was about to do. After a brief moment in that position, Lyra released the hug and hopped backward. Bon Bon was still too dazed from everything that had just happened to notice Lyra’s unusual behavior.

“I’ll… be back in a minute,” Lyra hastily said to Bon Bon. “I’ve got to… go… hit the showers.” She quickly galloped off, giving high-hoofs to spectators to conceal the fact that she was running away.

Bon Bon was happy to have won, but she really wanted a minute away from the crowd so she could collect her thoughts.

Why, after all of that, did Lyra have to top it off by making me picture her in the shower?

Lyra ran all the way back to Beech Tree Apartments. She wasn’t lying – she ran up to her apartment, jumped in the shower, and turned on the cold water. The frigid blast across her head and body did momentarily distract her from her thoughts. It was also extremely uncomfortable, so she quickly turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and toweled off.

Even though Lyra had cooled down – so to speak – for the moment, it didn’t take long for her mind to go right back to what had just occurred. Lyra knew that she needed some kind of distraction. She walked out of her apartment, down the stairs, and over to the mailboxes. She was relieved to find a couple pieces of mail in hers – anything that would momentarily take her mind off of Bon Bon.

Lyra was surprised to see that one of the pieces of mail was from Lemon Hearts – Lyra hadn’t gotten the chance to talk to her since the winter holidays. She quickly walked back up to her apartment and opened the envelope.

Dear Lyra,

Good news! I don’t know what changed, but Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (the princess of love) has started to offer to help ponies who, as her representatives put it, “have a lot of unexpressed love.” I told them that I had a friend who loved somepony who couldn’t love her back, and they agreed to fit you in!

Appointment times were limited, so I signed you up for this coming Friday at 2:00. You can come up and join us for lunch, then meet with the princess. No guarantees, but hopefully she can give you the advice you need.

See you soon!

Lemon Hearts

Lyra excitedly trotted in place. She had a good feeling about this. Soon, she would be able to hang around Bon Bon without any awkwardness, simply as her best friend!

Lyra then realized that she had left her best friend alone at the Ponyville Days festival with two events left to go, and hurried back to Sweet Apple Acres.