//------------------------------// // Final Act // Story: Rainbow's Foal Hypnosis // by Zubric //------------------------------//                 Rainbow Dash lay upon one of the many fluffy clouds filling the partly cloudy day. The sun was shining and a light breeze blew through the town. It was just one of those at peace days where the world just hung in a limbo, all still and quiet. The tomboyish pegasus spread out on her resting spot, letting out a sigh. “Ah, this is more like it.” After a day of helping set up for yet another festival, it was nice to be able to relax. (There sure were a lot of festivals around Ponyville, that was for sure.)                 Rainbow rolled over, staring down at the school yard below. From her perch she could see a few of the pegasi practicing their flying and Scootaloo doing a few spin tricks with her scooter. The sight of the filly that never gave up worked a smile upon the athlete's muzzle.                 As she watched, her thoughts drifted, soon settling on the thought of Sweet Song.  Nearly a week or so had passed, allowing her to come to an understanding of herself. It wasn’t something she really wanted to admit to anyone really, but she did enjoy the slight comfort that came with such gentle care. The two perpetrators were still doing their service of course, they still had at least a month to go. But that didn’t mean Rainbow couldn't stop by Sweet’s house to at least talk to her about it, right? Her hoof moved the cloud around a bit as she thought about it some more. The pacifier was rather nice at night in its own odd way.                   With her choice made, Rainbow took to the air and began to fly towards Sweet Song’s home. She made sure whatever she chose would be on her terms instead of that mare’s prior ones.  Any kind of anger or annoyance had boiled away in the past few days, leaving her with a more or less level head for this task. Even so, her cheeks flushed a tad as she descended. “Can’t believe I’m doing this.” She muttered to herself, as she landed with one last flap of her wings and approached the door. Some tiny part of her wished Sweet wouldn't be home as she knocked softly. Moment later the familiar pegasus opened the door                 They both stared at each other for a moment until Sweet coughed. “Oh, hello Rainbow, didn’t expect to see you here so soon. What brings you over? I found some forest sounds for white noise tapes if you want them.”                 Rainbow rubbed her neck. ‘S-sure, but can we talk?” She shifted her hooves as if fighting her flight response.                 “Sure, come in and sit down. Do you want tea or coffee?” Sweet asked, moving to the kitchen.                 The house smelled of fresh flower and cleaning products as Rainbow went to the living room and sat down on the green sofa.  “I could try some tea, I already had my coffee for today. Twilight gets some good stuff from Zecora.” Rainbow replied.                  Sweet smiled as she turned on the tea pot. “Oh, the zebra enchantress? Yes, I’ve met her. What a wonderful mare she is. I don’t have anything that fancy, but I do have some crystal berry brew.”                  Rainbow just shrugged. “Eh sure, that works I guess.” She slumped back into the sofa thinking over what to say, while watching Sweet pour the powder into the pot as it boiled.                   The two stayed silent for a brief moment, before Sweet spoke up while watching over the pot. “So how’s the week been?” She couldn’t help but wonder why Rainbow was over so soon. The pegasus mare seemed rather calm, if a bit embarrassed.                   “Oh, just fine,” Rainbow shrugged and rubbed her neck. “I just wanted to talk about...um…” She hesitated, still feeling embarrassed to even mention it, especially to the pony who had started this whole mess. “T-the treatment.”                    Sweet Song’s eyebrow raised ever so slightly. “What about it Rainbow? I thought you never wanted to even think about what happened. I did go a bit over the top, and frankly I don’t blame you for avoiding me afterwards..”                   “Nah, we’re cool. I just well...ugh don’t make me say it!” Rainbow groaned, as she planted her face into her hooves, while her cheeks flared.                   “You liked the treatment? Like honestly liked it?” Sweet answered after a moment. She turned her head as the whistle went off, and headed to the teapot, pouring the brew into cups for them.                   “Well, some of it. I don’t know why ,but it worked I even use the pacifier from time to time,” Rainbow confessed. Once the cups were set down, Rainbow took hers, and carefully sipped it, smiling at the berry taste. “I was thinking maybe we could work something out. On my terms of course, there's no way I’m going to go to the bathroom in diapers again. Way too nasty!”                    “What are you talking about, you only wet yourself once or twice.” Sweet replied.                    “N-no,” Rainbow blushed. “I did do… the other thing… once. It was icky. I was actually kind of surprised you never found out. But you know, some of the other stuff wasn’t so bad.”                     Sweet felt surprised that Rainbow was even mentioning this to her, but at the same time she felt happy that the element of loyalty still felt some trust towards her. “That’s understandable, are you saying you;d like to be a foal sometimes?” Her smile grew as Rainbow rubbed her neck.                        Rainbow glanced closer at Sweet. “Y-yeah but on my terms, if I say I don’t want to do something I won’t do it. And it’s mostly for when I get stressed out and need a way to relax.” She crossed her hooves while narrowing her eyes.                        “I understand,” Sweet nodded. “I’m still sorry I took it so far. I suppose my desires overrode my intentions,” Sweet sipped her tea, while her ears fell flat against her head. “So, what exactly would you like to do?” She asked Rainbow, as they finished their cups and moved along the hall to the nursery.                        “Well, wearing the diapers isn't bad,” Rainbow blushed, and moved over to the toy chest, picking out the Daring Do plush and hugging it. “Hehe, I sort of missed this one.” She confessed, as she gave it a small snuggle.                         “You can keep her if you want, she was a gift to me from my parents, but I haven’t really slept with her since I grew up.” Sweet smiled, unsure as to whether she should hug the filly or not.                        “Thanks,” Rainbow replied, as stared around the nursery once more. “But why do all this anyway. The whole foal thing seems really out of nowhere.”                         Sweet smiled with a light blush. “Well, I’ve always kind of wanted to be a mother. But I could never could quite get into a relationship,” She rubbed her neck. “I think it really hit me once Mrs. Cake had her foals. It seemed like everypony I knew was settling down and having a family, except me. But I just couldn’t find the right stallion. Working at a daycare center in the next town over kind of helped for awhile, that’s where I got some of the supplies and toys. The rest I got from shopping around here in Ponyville.”                         “That kind of makes sense, but you never did tell me why you chose me to be a big foal, or why you pue me through that kind of treatment to begin with,” Rainbow commented. “It’s not like I go around telling ponies about things like that. Heck, I had no idea I even had a interest in being treated like a foal, before now anyway.”                         “To be honest, I took a shot in the dark,” Sweet confessed. “After observing you for a bit, I noticed small behaviour traits that you didn’t seem to be aware of. So when I saw the tapes were having an effect, I felt like I could step it up a bit. And that’s where Trixie came in, I knew you wouldn’t intentionally act like a foal, and if I suggested it you you’d want nothing to do with me. But I never anticipated the tapes and the spell would create that chain reaction.”                          Rainbow shivered, even though she had no recollection of the foalish things she had done her friends had informed in no uncertain terms. And while the worst they’d seen her do was eat sloppily or suck on her hoof, she shuddered to think what they could’ve seen had they not taken action. “That’s still kind of creepy, yet also kind of sweet...no pun intended.”                         Sweet couldn’t help but chuckle. “Okay, maybe I went overboard, but you do make a sweet silly filly!” She cooed, as she reached out and pinched Rainbow’s cheek getting a squeak out of the pegasus. She let Rainbow take her seat on floor waiting for her answer.                                                    Rainbow bit her lip still feeling embarrassed to admit she wanted to do this. “Uh, okay I have some time right now. Can we start with a diaper?”                          “Sure we can Dashie. Can I call you that?” Sweet asked set a diaper upon the changing table (even though most were still at Rainbow’s house at the moment, Sweet had managed to hang onto a few).                           “Sure, whatever. I mean, as long as that’s not a secret trigger word or something.” Rainbow replied as she laid down on the changing table again.                           “Of course not, I’m not about to get into trouble with the princess again,” Sweet reassured Rainbow, patting her on the head. “Now, raise your rear for me, please.”                           Rainbow agreed, only hesitating for a moment as she raised her rear up. She took a breath as the diaper was slid under her and the powder was put on her bottom. The filly still couldn't quite piece together why it was soothing. Maybe it was the fine care and gentle touch. Or perhaps, just something inside her liking the idea of just giving up responsibility for a time. She definitely couldn’t argue with the results of the other times, no matter how much brainwashing had been involved. They had left her feeling more relaxed, though some of the other effects she could very well have done without.                           Rainbow hugged her plushie, letting the caretaker do her thing. Once all snug, she shifted, blushing harder than ever before as she got up.                          Sweet smiled giving Rainbow the needed space to think. “Something wrong, Dashie? It’s okay to like it.”                           Rainbow rolled her eyes, while nudging Sweet. “Of course you would say that, you got me into this,” After a short laugh from Sweet, Rainbow wiggled her padding some more. “Mmm, got another pacifier? I was planning to take a nap.”                           Sweet Song was more then happy to oblige, as she pull out the spare pink pacifier. She didn’t wait for Rainbow to take it and just popped it into the filly’s mouth for her. “Hehe, of course you can have your binky.” She babied, still seeing the blush on the cheeks. But at least Rainbow willing to do it this time. Which, in a way, made her feel better.                          The filly chuckled, nudging the mare again. “Don’t get creepy on me, okay,” She lisped looking innocent as usual.  Rainbow didn’t suckle on the pacifier quite yet, but it did feel nice. Her hoof felt the padding, and she let out a yawn. “This is nice.” She moved over to the crib, and with a cute waddle, she fluttered into the crib, sinking into the mattress.                            Sweet moved over, pulling the blanket over the sleepy filly. ‘I’m just glad you’re not still mad at me.” She replied, as she got the sheet all nice and snug around Rainbow, hearing crinkles as the mare shifted.                         “Mmm, I guess if doing this makes you happy to then it’s all good. Just don’t even mention this, ever!” Rainbow blushed again, giving her pacifier a few suckles. She watched Sweet raise the gate on the crib before moving for the door. “ Wait, um Sweet Song?”                          “Yes Rainbow?” Sweet asked, as her hoof turned the lights out while waiting for Rainbow to respond.                          “C-can we make cookies later?” The filly lisped followed by the sounds of soft suckling at the pacifier bobbed.                          “Of course, Dashie, whatever makes you happy,” Sweet’s smile grew wide as she shut the door, heading to the kitchen to prepare.                           Rainbow yawned staring up the mobile as she closed her eyes. This kind of relaxation was still confusing, but in a nice way. As the ticks of the clock soothed her to sleep, the pegasus just knew that deep down this was surprisingly well worth the discovery. Her hooves grasped onto the Daring Do plush tighter and within a few moments, the padded mare fell asleep. At peace with the thought that someone was always there to watch over her.