I Double Dare You!

by The Abyss

Getting Luna Off (Of the Pole)

As the snow fell around them, Celestia nuzzled her little sister’s cheek. “Are you warm enough, little one?” she asked softly. Feeling a shiver run down the back of her neck, she tightened her scarf and fluffed her wings. She still felt rather cold, especially on such a chilly night, so she wrapped her right wing around her sister’s side and tugged her up close. Luna shot a grateful smile up at her and nuzzled the side of her neck. She kept her head there, making Celestia hum softly in content.

“I am now, Celestia...” Luna whispered, watching as a snowflake landed on the tip of her muzzle. Her eyes went cross-eyed as she looked at it for a few seconds, then she jerked her head up and blew it away. “I sure do love this time of year... Everything looks so beautiful.”

“It sure does, though I prefer the autumn. I take great pleasure in watching all of the trees in our private garden turn all sorts of shades, though, my flowers...” She glanced off to the side and sighed.

“They will come back more beautiful than before, remember? It happens every single year, after all.” Luna lifted her head from Celestia’s warm neck, then paused as a blush appeared on her already rosy cheeks. Hehe, I know what’ll take her mind off of her flowers... She used her magic to gently guide her sister’s head back up, then planted her lips on hers, stealing a quick kiss from her. She blushed furiously as her ears flicked back, for nopony knew of their romantic feelings for each other, and she would greatly prefer to keep it that way. Although, kissing her sister in public always gave her such a rush, and she had no doubt that Celestia felt the same way. Glancing around the park, she let out a quick sigh of relief when she saw nopony around. She bit her bottom lip, then flicked her eyes up to meet Celestia’s warm gazee.

“Getting a little frisky, hm?” Celestia asked with a light giggle. “I am just glad that nopony is around... could you imagine the media frenzy if someone found out and managed to snap a picture of us kissing? As much as I love you, dearest sister, I would not want that to happen, not again.”

“Yes, that would definitely not be in our favor...” Luna snickered as she slipped out from under Celestia’s warm wing. “I can imagine the headline now... ‘Princess Luna and Princess Celestia... In Love?!?’”

“Indeed...” Celestia stopped under a magical light post and looked up. Much to her surprise, a little bit of mistletoe hung just below the softly-glowing light. “Hey, Luna?” She sat down on the path, thankful that there was very little snow there to sap the warmth from her butt. I am glad that nopony is around to see what I have in mind... she thought as she couldn’t help let a smirk slide on her face. She tried to mask it, but gave up after a few seconds.

“Yes, Celestia?” Luna stopped and looked over her shoulder. Seeing a smirk laying plainly upon her sister’s face, she squinted at her, trying to figure out what was on her mind. If only she was dreaming... I’d be able to see what she was thinking about... “What is it?”

“Just come and sit and front of me, please,” Celestia said, beckoning her close with a the tip of a wing. “There is something I wish to show you.” How to properly kiss your special somepony, for starters...

“Um... okay.” Luna turned around and sat in front of her, and as soon as her butt touched the path, she winced and glanced down. “Gosh, that snow is really cold...”

Celestia spotted her opening. She stood up and closed the distance between them, and as Luna looked back up at her, she leaned in and placed a hoof around the back of her head. Throwing all remnants of caution to the winds, she firmly planted her lips on Luna’s and pressed down, showing her sister just how much she loved her as her eyes slid shut. She heard Luna moan softly into her mouth, making her heart flutter with love as she tenderly flicked her tongue against her sister’s soft, warm lips. Celestia gently nibbled her sister’s bottom lip before she pulled back, a sly grin on her face. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Luna...” she whispered.

“W-What was that for?” Luna stuttered as her blush deepened. Celestia looked up, so she followed her gaze and found mistletoe right above them. “O-Oh... You just had to do that, didn’t you?” she asked, her ears flicking down to lay flat against her head.

“...Sorry, I could not pass up the chance to feel your wonderful lips upon my own,” Celestia admitted as she felt her cheeks warm up. “So...” She glanced away, biting down on her cheek for a few moments, then said, “I dare you to lick this pole and keep your tongue on it for at least one second, and if you choose to do so, I shall let you be the big spoon when we snuggle back in your bed later tonight.”

“R-Really?” Luna asked in astonishment. Her ears perked up as her eyes went wide. “You serious? You have never let me be the big spoon before!” She fluffed her wings as a shiver ran down her back.

“And that is because I am a bigger than you, little one,” Celestia said, nuzzling her sister’s cheek, wiping away the small amount of snow that had fallen on her muzzle. “You fit better in my grasp. And yes, I am serious.”

“I... am not sure about this.” Luna stepped up to the pole, then prodded it with a hoof. “It is pretty cold out, and I have heard of ponies getting their tongues stuck on poles, but if it’s only for a second...” Being the big spoon would be well worth it, though... and if I do get stuck, then I could easily use my magic to free myself!

“And no magic if you get stuck, either!” Celestia piped up with a giggle.

Luna simply glared at her. “That doesn’t help, Celestia.”

Celestia let a smirk slide on her face, knowing what would help her sister make her decision. “Well, I double dare you to lick that pole then! If you do not, then you are a chicken!”

“Oh yeah?” Luna fluffed her wings again and leaned in close to the pole, then shot her sister a confident grin. “I’ll show you!” With that being said, she licked her lips, then licked the pole. “Thee? I tolb you!” After a few seconds passed, she pulled back, but found that her tongue was firmly affixed to the pole. With her eyebrows furrowing in both confusion and a small amount of fear, Luna pranced in place as she once again tried to pull away. She pulled so hard that her tongue started to hurt, so she stopped as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. “Cewethia! Halp me!” she whimpered as she flicked her tail.

Celestia did not waste a moment in standing up to help her little sister. “There, there, we shall have you free in no time, little one,” she cooed, nuzzling Luna’s cheek. “And I have just the way to do it!” Hearing her sister’s whimpers drove a rusty nail into her heart; she did not mean for her to get so worked up. Before Luna could utter something else, Celestia lit her horn and pressed her lips against Luna’s as best as she could, using her magic to heat the area of the pole that held her sister’s tongue in its icy grasp. As ice started to slip from the pole, Celestia wrapped her tongue around Luna’s, using her warm breath to aid in her escape.

Luna couldn’t help but let loose a soft, surprised squeak as her tongue finally broke away from the pole. Before she could even pull it back in, she found Celestia pushing her tongue back into her mouth for her, followed by her own tongue. Much to her surprise, Celestia pinned her tongue down, but when she cocked her head to the side, she was able to slip out from under its grasp. Their tongues danced a quick, furious tango of passion until she heard the faint sounds of somepony’s hoofsteps crunching in the snow behind her, further down the path.

Her eyes going wide in fear, she reluctantly broke their kiss and shot a glance over her shoulder right before she saw a bright white flash, followed by the familiar sound of a camera. With a sinking feeling in her gut, she whipped up her wing to cover their faces, though it was all for naught, for whoever had just taken their picture was dashing through the snow, disappearing into the falling snow without a trace.

Celestia stepped up next to Luna. “So... You know what I am going to say, right?”

Luna sighed as her head hung low. “Yeah... Tomorrow is gonna be awful, though; everypony is going to find out about us!” She stomped a hoof on the ground and huffed. ‘We can probably still catch him if we’re fast enough!” she said, spreading her wings wide as she ground a hoof into the snow. Right before she flapped her wings, she saw the familiar flash of light of someone teleporting away. With a great sigh of disappointment, she folded her wings and glanced away, avoiding Celestia’s gaze. Why couldn’t I have just waited until we had some privacy?

“He is long gone now, little one... We will just have to deal with the fallout when it comes, just like we always have.” Celestia wrapped a wing around her sister’s side. “I do know of something that will lift your spirits, though!”

“Oh?” Luna lifted her head and laid it against her sister’s neck, letting a soft smile grace her lips as her sister’s mane flowed around her. She felt Celestia’s head come to rest upon her own, so she softly nuzzled her chin. “And what might that be?”

“I did promise to let you be the big spoon tonight, Luna, or did you already forget that?”

“...Oh. Right, I guess I did.” Luna pulled her scarf tighter, then flicked her tail once more. “Shall I teleport the both of us back to my room? It is getting rather cold out now.”

“That would be lovely, dearest sister,” Celestia said. She closed her eyes, and when she heard a pop, the warmth from the fire in Luna’s fireplace banished the wintery cold from her coat in a matter of seconds. She trotted across the room, shedding her scarf, then lay down on Luna’s bed. Using her magic, she lifted the sheets and slid underneath them. She held up the edge of the sheets for her sister with a wing, smiling when she felt Luna slide in behind her. “You sure that you want to be the big spoon, little one?” she asked softly. “We can switch if you want.”

“I’m sure,” Luna whispered back, her voice filled with joy as she lay down behind Celestia. She wrapped a foreleg over her sister’s, pinning them to her soft chest, then wrapped a wing around her belly. After flicking her tail over Celestia’s, she lay her head down on Celestia’s neck. “Goodnight, Celestia... love you...” she whispered, letting her eyes drift shut. “And thanks...”

“Anytime, little one... anytime.”

Luna cracked open an eye. “How about for the rest of our lives? I kinda like being the big spoon...” she muttered with a small smile.

Celestia simply giggled once at that, and when she felt her sister’s breathing slow, she let sleep finally take her to the world of dreams, held in Luna’s loving embrace.