//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: To Accept Poison // by TheMessenger //------------------------------// Success in the fashion industry was more than setting trends. True, those whose designs went beyond established conventions were the ponies remembered by the masses and immortalized by esteemed publications. The fashion following herds were, however, a forgetful crowd, and last month's issue of Fashion Finder Exclusive was already a month out of date. It never took long for the new hot thing to become last season, and trying to come up with the next big hit each and every month or so burned out many a promising fashionista. There was no shame, Rarity had learned early in her career, in following trends instead of trying to set them. If boots with soft wool linings were what ponies wanted this winter, why push galoshes? If frills were going to make a comeback, her dresses had better work with soft white frills running down their train instead of the red ribbons she had originally planned. Thus, as much as she strove to be a trendsetter, Rarity was just as much of a trend follower, and this month's trend was dried seaweed. Rumor was that the salty snack did wonders to the shine of one's coat while being healthier than traditional watercress. It was certainly a more elegant choice of snack than, say, potato chips, and perhaps just as satisfying to the tongue. A strip of dried seaweed floated just next to Rarity's pursed lips as the unicorn glared at the pictures before her. Designs of her next dress line, inspired by the city they were to be debuted in. Manehattan's skyline, the Mare of Liberty, the nightlife that was about to begin just outside her hotel window, which one would represent the metropolis best, the best dress to serve as the flagship for Rarity's Made for Manehattan line, exclusive for a limited time at Rarity for You? She took a dainty nibble. The skyline was, perhaps, the most unique aspect of Manehattan, with few other cities in Equestria housing as tall buildings and fewer still housing as many, and it's representative in cloth was a perfect reflection, with those slimming lines that trailed down a long silver back and soft silk collar that just hug the neck ever so gently. Then again, there was nothing as recognizable as the crowned mare watching over the harbor; the green wasn't the easiest color on the eyes, but her dress made it work, and the reminder brought Rarity more than a touch of pride. And, of course, who could forget Manehattan after dark, with all those bright lights twinkling like her dress's gold accents and plated buttons? A night on the town, with all the promise of adventure and danger, as much as the mare wearing that specific ensemble, with a hem that was, at first glance, a few inches too short, and a body that hugged all the right places, all the right curves, made of a dark blue velvet that was nearly see through. Speaking of adventure... Rarity glanced over to the clock sitting on her nightstand. She considered the remains of her seaweed before placing the rest carefully into her mouth. As she chewed, the unicorn made her way to the bath that came with the hotel room. The sink she now stood before was already crowded with glosses, blushes, lipsticks, shadows, and other necessities, but Rarity quickly made some room for her toothbrush. The running water, used to mask any hint of crude rinsing, was applied softly to Rarity's checks before the unicorn looked up to examine herself more sternly in the bathroom mirror. Her horn lit up, and half a dozen brushes and combs flew into the air. A lash extension here, curls at the ends of her mane, a touch of rose to her white cheeks, some shadow on the edges of her blue eyes, and perfection! No, Rarity amended with a frown. A stick of lipstick flew by and painted a coat of red over her pressed lips. She kept them pressed as she fluttered her lashes at her reflection. Better, but something was still missing. Rarity returned to the bedroom and yanked open the closet. One dress hung separate from the others, a dark red one with sapphire straps and a blue bow around the waist. The dress leapt forward as if on its own, folding itself around Rarity. She turned to the full mirror. The straps draped loosely over her shoulders, daring wandering hooves while the bow kept the dress tight around her flanks, hinting at just enough to entice one's imagination. Rarity smiled and narrowed her eyes as she stepped forward with a slight sway of her hips. The sultry smile fades. "Well, it'll have to do," the mare said with a sigh. She gave the clock other look as she picked up her purse, red to complement her outfit. "Fashionable late, but only just." She tapped her chin. "Well, I suppose a true gentlecolt wouldn't mind waiting on a lady a few minutes longer. Perhaps I could, well, maybe--" Rarity took a deep breath, stopping herself. "Well, Rarity, the night awaits." The unicorn reached forward and switched off the nightstand lamp. The room went dark. The door locked with a quiet click. * The young doorpony nodded toward her as she left the hotel. "Good evening, Ms. Rarity," he said. "Yes, it is quite a nice night," Rarity sang back. She watched the uniformed stallion's eyes dart around, always drawing close to her lower half before retreating back up. Rarity fought the giggle threatening to surface as her hooves hit the cold city pavement. As always, the Manehattan streets were bustling, though thankfully less crowded than they were during the day. Families and groups of friends made their way to dinner or to the theater as couples wrapped around themselves glided to popular dating scenes. Even more eyes found themselves drawn to the unicorn in the red dress, some envious, others jealous. Rarity continued through the city, passing cheap diners and souvenir shops as well as the occasional clothing store. No real competitors, those were all on or around Saddle Row. She moved past them, past the hotels and towering buildings until at last she stopped. Purple curtains marked with a silver lion head kept the interior hidden, sheltering the patrons' privacy. The same lion was stamped on the twin doors guarding the entrance and on the large sign hanging above that read Tres Bien. With her magic, Rarity took hold of the bronze door handle. The door opened noiselessly and closed behind her just as loudly. A stallion standing at the podium greeted her. "Ah, welcome to Tres Bien. Is your party here already, madam?" "Yes, he should be," Rarity answered. "A Mister Powers." "Monsieur Powers." The stallion glanced down at the list in front of him. "Ah yes, party of two." He stepped off his platform and gestured to the side. "Right this way." Rarity followed her host through the restaurant. Most tables she passed were already occupied with well dressed ponies, mares in gowns and stallions in suits worthy of the Grand Galloping Gala, their faces illuminated by candle light. Elegant dishes, as picturesque as they were delectable, sat largely forgotten by those who ordered them. The host's announcement fell on deaf ears. All of Rarity's attention had been stolen, the thief sitting at the table in the center of the room. There was little she could say about the dark blue suit he wore itself, but the way the stallion wore it, comfortably to the point that it appeared natural while still tight enough to hint of the hard muscular flesh hiding beneath, made it impossible to avoid staring. He smiled as Rarity approached, his widening eyes more subtle in most in their wandering, but only barely, Rarity noted gleefully. "Lady Rarity," the stallion whispered, almost breathless. He took the extended hoof and placed his lips on it. Rarity could still feel their warmth as she took the seat across from him. A small poster suddenly obscured her view. "Madam, the menu," the host said. "You waitress will be here shortly to take your order. Might I recommend our special for tonight, a pasta in a rich Alfredo sauce with stuffed--" "We'll let our waitress know when we're ready, my dear Check," the stallion smoothly injected. "For now, we'll start with a wine, red, red as our lady's lovely dress," he added with another glance across the table. "The usual year." "Of course." The host bowed and left, leaving the two ponies to stare at each other without distraction. "I do hope you will find everything to your liking, Lady Rarity." The stallion held one of the silver forks to the light and made a show of inspecting it. "This is one of my most favorite restaurants, after all. How you feel about it may influence whether I'll purchase it." He smiled. Rarity smiled back, rewarding him with a soft laugh. "It is quite the establishment, Sir Powers, but I suppose it is missing that Powers touch." "Oh?" Powers leaned forward. "And, dear tell, what would that touch be?" Rarity gestured to the small group of musicians playing the corner. "More." She held up her menu and waved at it. "More." She looked up at the massive crystal chandelier and pointed. "More." Her smile grew suggestive as she turned to her date with fluttering lashes. She lifted a hoof toward him. "More." A glass bottle was set down on the table with a soft tap. "My good sir and lady, your wine," the mare sudden before them said. She removed the cork and filled the pair of thin crystal glasses that came with the bottle. The server positioned the glasses, now full of a dark red drink, carefully before her guests, then took a step back, the bottle still cradled in her hooves. "I will be your server tonight. Are you ready to order?" "We will need a little more time. Your chefs don't make choosing simple," Powers answered with a chuckle. "But leave the bottle." "Of course." The mare set the bottle back down, bowed, then left. Powers turned back to Rarity. "Now, where were we? Oh yes." He raised his glass. The wine danced against the edge, struggling to escape, as he rocked the glass. "More. Yes, I can most certainly see that." He lowered his voice and leaned forward. "Especially more of the two of us, together." Rarity returned Powers' hungry grin. She raised her own wine and knocked against his with a soft chime. "To us, together," she said, taking a sip. The slightly tart liquid soaked the top of her tongue, teasing the organ with tastes, before she swallowed and felt the alcohol's warmth slide down her throat and spread through her body. She prepared herself for another sip when she looked over to the other side of the table. "Is something wrong, Sir Powers?" Rarity asked, setting down her glass. "You're looking oddly pale." The stallion swallowed. Suddenly, the suit was several sizes too small. "It, uh, well, there is, ah--" "Yes, Sir Powers, dear. Please try to explain." The chill in the mare's voice banished what warmth Rarity's drink had provided. She turned to the newcomer standing behind her. "Pardon me, miss, but is--" "That's Mrs. Powers," the mare sniffed, her glare still upon the cowering stallion across the table. "And what I want to know is what you're doing with my husband." "Your h-husband?" Rarity turned to Mr. Powers, her eyes wide with shock. "But I--" She turned back to the simmering mare. "I assure you, I had no--" The entire establishment seemed to gasp together as Mrs. Powers grabbed Rarity's glass and flung its contents into her face. "Hussy," she heard the mare hiss venomously. "Love, please!" Powers suddenly found his voice. "Please, Honey, I can explain. Please wait." He leapt out of his seat and hurried toward the mare's retreating figure. The table shook in his haste, knocking over the opened bottle he had requested. As Mr. Powers' ignored pleads disappeared, the restaurant's patrons returned to their meals and their company, satisfied by tonight's entertainment. Nopony seemed to take notice of the unicorn sitting alone in the center of the room, drenched in wine. Nopony bothered with her, her face smearing from running makeup and her dress stained, save for her server who offered napkins and the host who offered the bill.