//------------------------------// // Sunshine, sunshine? // Story: Moments of Heaven // by Slick Dash //------------------------------// “And you see that? That’s the rune for water.” Cadence pointed to a mark scribbled in the top left corner of the page. “It is?” Twilight frowned, “But then what’s that?” She pointed to three consecutive curvy lines. “I thought that was a current of water.” “You almost have it, it’s a current of air. That’s the rune for wind.” Twilight face hoofed herself. “I’m such an idiot! I was trying to get Spike a glass of air, not water!” Cadence couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s ok Twilight, I did the same thing, except when aunt Celestia wanted a gentle breeze... I nearly drowned her!” Twilight stared in disbelief. “Honestly?” “Yes. It’s true.” The two girls fell about laughing, revelling in their silly mistakes. After their three years together as foal sitter and charge, they had grown very close. Almost like sisters. Seeing as Twilight and Armour’s parents lived quite far away, and Twilight needed to live in Canterlot for her studies, and Armour for his duties. Cadence had almost become like a mother figure for Twilight. Now more of a visiting friend than a foal sitter, seeing as Twilight was so much older. Unfortunately, over the years the filly had grown and needed Cadence less and less. As she grew older, she was able to be left to her own devises more. Now she spent most of her time in the library in the city, studying with her assistant Spike. Sometimes it hurt to know that soon she wouldn’t be needed, but also at the same time she was sure that it wasn’t just because she wouldn’t see Twilight anymore. There was something...else. “Guess who’s back!” Armour cried as he came in through the door to find the two lounging around on the floor. “Big brother!” Twilight cried, leaping into his waiting forelegs. Cadence still lay there, but flipped around to face them right side up. She watched as the stallion spun on the spot holding his sister close, bringing a gentle smile to her lips as she watched. Twilight regaled her brother with the stories of the day, laughing at her own silly mistakes and how Cadence had been the same at her age. All to which Armour smiled, and listened patiently. When she had finished, he gave her a gentle ruffle of her mane. “So what now?” He asked. “Well, I was waiting for you to get home, now I think I’m going to go to the library with Spike!” Twilight turned back and approached the princess. “Thanks for looking after me!” She chirruped as she began to trot in place. Cadence smiled, hopped up and imitated the movement. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!” They both sang as they did their own personal hoofshake. Once it was over, the two erupted into little fits of giggles. And with that the young mare trotted away to the front door to find her assistant, leaving Cadence and Armour alone. In the wake of her leaving, the room was deadly silent. “Sunshine, sunshine?” Amour asked, obviously suppressing a laugh. “Don’t joke about it, Twilight came up with that whole thing herself!” Cadence defended. The two smiled. They barely spoke these days, with Armour so busy with his career, and Cadence with her duties as a princess. These sparing moments of convocation had become fewer and fewer. Though recently cadence had realised she relished these now rare times she spoke with Armour, and though he never said it, the way he acted suggested he felt the same way. “So?” the stallion asked, scratching his neck absentmindedly. “She wasn’t any trouble was she?” “No, not at all. An angel as always!” Cadence smiled. “Good...good.” Armour seemed distracted to Cadence, what was wrong? “Look...” The stallion made his way over to where cadence stood. “I’m thinking of applying for the captain’s position.” Cadence smiled, her eyes twinkling deviously. “Captain? You mean you want to be the next ‘FRIGD gold?” Armour sniggered slightly, then quickly pulled himself together. “His name RIGID Gold and you know it Cady!” The two laughed slightly. “So what do you think? Should I go for it?” Cadence’s eyes widened. “You? A captain? Oh I can just see it now! All those rippling muscles under a captain’s uniform!” She pretended to swoon, flinging a hoof to her forehead and falling back into the body of Armour. When she landed gently against him, she gazed up with falsely idolising eyes. “I think if I saw you in that, I’d have to have you! No mare would ever get near you again!” Armour smirked. “So you’re saying not to try then.” Cadence’s mocking face fell into genuine shock. “Armour!” She scolded. At which point, the stallion moved suddenly, causing the princess to actually fall backwards. When he realised she actually had no footing, he swooped in quickly to try and help. but it was already a lost cause. Cadence’s flailing hooves caught armour, and pulled him down with her. Both let out a cry as their bodies plummeted to the ground. Their gaping mouths spread in both worry and amusement as they fell. Then Cadence gently hit the floor. And Armour fell on top of her. The two laughing mouths came close to each other in seconds, without any knowledge from their owners until it was too late. Both cries were cut short as their lips met and sealed the hole making noise. Leaving the two of them laid there, all hints of laughter gone in an instant! Both their eyes grew wide with surprise, as they lay there realising what had happened. Yet still they didn’t move. From only a few inches away, Armour’s deep blue eyes looked back at Cadence’s gentle purple ones. He frowned at her focusing down at where their faces where touching, then back up to Cadence’s who began to do the same. Suddenly, finding strength in his forelegs, Armour pushed himself up bashfully and proceeded to help Cadence up. “You ok?” He asked, concerned he may have hurt her. “Uhh... no I-I mean yes! I’m fine!” the princess spluttered as she got to her hooves. Giving a nervous laugh, she nudged Armour in the ribs. “I said when you’re captain big boy!” Armour blushed, but sighed with relief that nothing too dreadful had happened. “I...think I should get going.” And with that Cadence trotted over to the door. As she passed him, Armour caught a waft of that beautiful scented perfume she always wore. And as she left, Armour was sure he could still smell it. Glancing down at his own body he took a quick breath and realised, some of her smell must have rubbed off on him as they’d fallen. He wasn’t sure, but he though he liked the scent, and he definitely like the sound of being a captain now! Even if she had only been joking!