//------------------------------// // Bob // Story: Equestrian Fanfiction // by Lise //------------------------------// Cassandra started at the door. I'm not supposed to be here. She shifted her weight from her left foot the right. Her brother had spend years trying to destroy the power within the house, her father—decades. Both of them had warned her of the consequences were she to approach any of the chosen. She had a career to worry about, a future. A few more years and the protectors would surely fall, leaving her father to fulfill the Titan pact and become Prince-ruler of Earth. None would be able to stand to him then—not the pack of children, not the gods, not even the whole of Equestria. Cassandra would see her family rise and reap all the benefits that came with it—power, knowledge, fame, any consort she'd like. And yet there was one thing that would be lost for her. "It was a mistake coming." She looked away. "I'm an idiot." "Of that we're in agreement," a voice said. A form flickered in front of the door, changing from invisible to semi-transparent, to the Megan herself. Cassandra bit her lip. "Did you really think I wouldn't sense you, Cass?" Megan crossed her arms. She was dressed in her pajamas—cheap cotton things that could be found in every store—staring intently at Cassandra. "Does the CEO know you’re here?" "I—" Cassandra but her lip. Why am I feeling nervous? I have the strength to level this house in a blink of an eye. "I just wanted to see if you're alright." She could feel sweat covering her forehead. "I— damn it, Meg!" She turned her head briskly to the side, her long black hair waving as she did. "Why must you be so dense!" That's it, Cassandra thought. I've said goodbye to my corporate future, my family, my self-esteem... why not add a heart to the mix? Not like I'd— "You always were an idiot, Cass." Megan put her hand on Cassandra's shoulder. "Give me a minute to change." --- Hello, losers :P I'm Bob, and while I don't like the series too much, I certainly could use the fics. And we seem to have a celebrity here (notice me, Brush!). Looking forward to all your love and arrows :) Bob @Bob: I only notice stallions. *snort* ...so, are you a stallion, bby? ;) Brush @Bob: marry me! @.@ Welcome to our Midnight Castle corner, and girl are we glad to have you here. You really touched on an interesting oat of the series. So little is said about the CEO's daughter that it's ridiculous. I must say I've been fantasizing about something similar for a while, but I never managed to get Brush to write it. Have you read any of the series, by the way? LyraHands Hello Bob, Welcome to Midnight Castle. I hope you enjoy it here. Be sure to check the Help and Rules sections, or ask here if you have any questions. The TechNightling We have a Rules section? CEOWitch @CEOWitch: yes. Since yesterday. Nothing major has changed. If there are new things, one of us will make an announcement to let you know :) In the meantime continue to have fun. Oh, and when will you post your stories, CEOWitch? I'm sure people would be curious to see. :) CodeFilly @CodeFilly: how did you know I had stories? CEOWitch I'm a code filly. What did you expect? ;) CodeFilly @Bob: OMG! Can I draw for you? I've pretty much finished doing illustrations for Brush (oh why are you so good, Brush?! :)) so could start focusing on other fics. Wow, is that scene hot! Please PM what happens next. PaintDrop I almost forgot. RRBB got into another fight today, so I'm not sure she'll be able to connect in the next few days. I'll try to see her after school, but from what I heard it might be a while before she comes back to school or sets hoof outside her room. PaintDrop @PaintDrop: :/ The usual target? I've told her a thousands times not to do stupid stuff like that! Ask her if she wants me to intervene. LyraHands @PaintDrop: I'm on business in ManeHattan so I could lend a wing as well. I have some influence in the education system. CEOWitch @CEOWitch: No offense, but I don't know you well enough to share personal details. @LyraHands: Thanks, I'll ask. PaintDrop @PaintDrop: Sorry to hear that. :( I like RRBB's Danny Saga a lot. Hope she gets things resolved, and tell her hello from a fan. Bob @Brush @Bob: What's this? Brush has competition? Please tell me you aren't obsessed with stallions. Equestria wouldn't survive two Brushes. Time and space would collapse, transforming everything into a huge harem herd! :P Bob, who's your favorite humie? MixaMax @MixaMax: Wow! :P Well, Brush can sleep safely. I'm not into stallions. And I don't write as well. Guess Equestria lives another day, eh? Would have been awkward to have Twilight knock on my door to ask me to quit the site for the sake of Equestria. :P Favorite human? Let me think on this. Hmm. Nope, nope... can't think of anyone. :P It's Cassandra. I have a thing for marginal characters. They give lots of freedom to shape them as you wish. And I totally see her having a crush on Megan. Megan isn't too bad either. Bob @Bob: whaaaat?! I love Cassandra! Well, okay, I love all of them... O:) But Cassandra is the hawt! Have you seen the collector cards? They were around when Mistmount Chronicles launched. Didn't sell that well so were discontinued. There were a Felina corp cycle among them, including one of Cassandra (at the time she was referred to as CEO Witch Cassandra). She was really ba-dum! LyraHands @LyraHands: I remember that one. There was a lot of speculation on the aethernet what she'll be. Originally it was "leaked" she'd be a commander of the sorceress squads. So much for that theory. CEOWitch @PaintDrop: sorry to ask this, but can you draw an original human character for me? Money's no problem. I think that'll be a sweet thing to have. Bob @PaintDrop: I want one too! Also, can you do a humanized version of your brother? O:) Brush Girls... *sighs* you're lucky you write so well... and that I'm so twisted. >:) I'll be starting a humie version of my brother as soon as I finish Brush's illustrations. I might also do some humie versions of other ponies as well. Hmm... @The TechNightling @CodeFilly @LyraHands: any chance of having an art section? PaintDrop @PaintDrop: not for the moment :( Art will have to remain hosted links only. I've paid for the most minimal aether package. That might change in a few weeks (as in I'll either have enough money or I'll be moving back to my parents’ place). Start drawing and I'll see what I can do, okay? ;) LyraHands You girls are the best! Love it here already! Bob