//------------------------------// // Twenty Two - Rise // Story: The Infestation of Canterlot High School // by Bonster //------------------------------// Twenty Two - Rise Chrysalis pushed open the doors to the Castle of the Two Sisters with a swift pump of her arms. They opened with a deafening creak, but held strong. A dusty, faded red carpet made a pathway towards a pair of thrones, gold and dark purple, and several other hallways branched outwards from the great hall. “The lights are on,” Sweetie Drops observed, still on edge from their trek through the monster-ridden forest. “Is that typical of an abandoned castle here?” Twilight crouched down and eyed the carpet. “The dust is disturbed. Someone’s been here recently.” “There is no reason to fear,” Zecora said sagely. “It simply means we are not the only ones here.” “I dunno, that sounds like a pretty good reason to fear,” Luna said. “M-maybe we should go somewhere else?” Velvet suggested. Suddenly, a small, very pink horse popped into existence at their side. “Hi there!” “JESUS FUCK!” Chrysalis shouted, wheeling around to point her gun at the pony. “Wait, hold your fire!” Zecora thrust a hoof in front of Chrysalis. “I doubt that Pinkie Pie here holds much ire.” Pinkie Pie turned and cupped her hooves around her mouth. “HEEEEEY! YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHO JUST SHOWED UP!” Twilight leaned forward. “…Pinkie Pie?” Zecora reached out with a paste-covered hoof and smeared some on Pinkie. It glowed blue. She nodded. “This is no lie; she is certainly Ms. Pie.” Celestia squinted. “Why are you a horse?” She laughed. “I’m a pony, silly! Like Sunset!” Lyra raised an eyebrow. “Both of you turned into weird little mutant horse-things?” “Ponies,” Pinkie corrected. “And Sunset’s always been one! She just came through the portal and that made her not one!” Lyra looked even more confused. It was understandable. Pinkie turned and shouted again. “HEEEEEEYYYYY—” “We’re coming!” a raspy voice shouted from down one hallway. “You can stop yelling!” “Sorry,” a white, horned pony apologized as she and four others turned the corner. “We had to go fetch Sunset, and you know how she can—Twilight!” She waved. “You all look so… so…” “So much more like horses?” Luna offered. “Well, I was going to say ‘different’, but you’re not wrong.” The pony that could only be Sunset Shimmer walked up to Zecora. “Hi. My name’s Sunset.” “Mine is Zecora; it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Zecora said, taking Sunset’s hoof. “The counterparts of the elements, too.” She smiled politely at the five mares. Sunset moved on without so much as acknowledging Zecora’s rhyming. “Cool. So now that introductions are out of the way, let’s get down to business. First: why aren’t you on Earth?” Twilight grinned sheepishly and gestured to her locket. “We managed to save all the students, but… we had an accident.” “She had an accident,” Lyra corrected, brushing off Velvet and Celestia’s glares. “What are things like over here?” Luna asked. “In… Equestria, was it?” Sunset swept the crowd with her hoof. “Hello and welcome to the entire resistance.” Velvet winced. Chrysalis counted on her fingers. “So that’s two combat-trained agents, three middle-aged women with no idea what they’re doing, one teenager with a bad attitude, one teenager with next-generation technology that may or may not blow up in our faces, and a herd of zoo animals.” “We’re no more animals than you are,” Sunset argued. “And we’re not useless in a fight.” Lyra leered at Chrysalis. “Watch your mouth if you don’t want to see how bad my attitude can really get.” Chrysalis looked down at Bon Bon. “Can you tell your girlfriend to settle down?” “Can you stop being so inherently disagreeable?” Bon Bon shot back. Her tone softened. “We talked about this, Chrysalis.” Chrysalis grumbled under her breath and turned away. Sweetie Drops turned back to the crowd with a sympathetic smile. “Excuse her. I’m sure we’ll be able to put up a great fight!” “I mean, I hate to say it,” Velvet said, “but Chrysalis has a point. The changelings are much more powerful than us! What’s a couple of magical unicorns going to do against an army?” Rainbow zipped forward. “Oh! Oh! Sunset! Do something awesome!” “You mean show off? That’s your stage.” Applejack prodded her lightly in the side with a leg. “Aw, c’mon, sugar. I bet you could really scare the pants offa ‘em. Live a little!" Sunset smirked. “Oh, all right.” It wasn’t like she really needed much persuading. Fluttershy backed up to a safe distance of very far away. Golden streams of mana curled up and around Sunset’s horn, coming together in a shining ball of orange light at the tip. Her cutie mark began to shine, and her mane and tail became unnaturally saturated, floating upwards. All of a sudden, sparks of energy rocketed from Sunset into the air above her, igniting into fireballs and sticking together. Before too long, a massive phoenix flapped above their heads, its body a shifting mass of living flame. Sunset quickly re-absorbed the spell before anything could catch fire, and the phoenix funneled back into her horn, its only trace the stunned faces of Sunset’s friends. Twilight started vibrating. “EeeeeeEEEEEEE! Sunset! That was a spell! Real magic!” Sunset looked at her quizzically. “I, uh. Yeah, I know.” “Well,” Celestia said, struggling to think of anything else to say. Velvet was still staring at Sunset by the time her tongue remembered itself. “I take back what I said.” “Oh, and one more thing,” Luna said, entirely unfazed by Sunset’s magic, “what’s with the whispering?” “Whispering?” Bon Bon spoke up. “The principals have been hearing whispers that none of us can hear. Would you happen to know what that’s about?” Celestia blushed slightly. “I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it’s happening.” “Don’t worry, we believe ya,” Applejack said. “Trust me, that’s about the least weird thing we’ve seen all day.” “What are these whispers saying?” Sunset asked. “W-well, it’s kinda hard to make out.” “Can you try?” Celestia and Luna closed their eyes for a few seconds, and everyone went quiet. A second later, they spoke, nearly in unison. “Raise me.” “Lower me.” Sunset broke into a grin. “Oh, yes! This is perfect!” “What does it mean?” Fluttershy asked. Sunset’s smile grew ever wider. “Celestia, Luna, congratulations! You just became the new goddesses of the Sun and Moon!” “Excuse me,” Chrysalis said flatly. Celestia and Luna stared in disbelief. “Like, Apollo and Artemis?” Bon Bon asked. “Not really. See, their counterparts, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, are responsible for raising and lowering the Sun and Moon each day, but they’re incapacitated. They must be looking for new hosts.” Velvet’s brow furrowed. “That can’t be true. That breaks so many astronomical laws.” “The force required to move the sun even an inch is… is…” Twilight struggled for words. “That’s impossible! Nothing, human or pony, can do that!” “Equestria’s Sun and Moon don’t work the same Earth’s do. They’re sentient, for one, and are more akin to forces of nature than actual physical things.” “But… but…” “Just roll with it,” Lyra suggested. “It’s easier that way.” “But we’re just principals! Why would the Sun think I’m in any way capable of moving it?” Celestia protested. Chrysalis shrugged. “Must be pretty desperate, I guess.” Luna glared at her. “The balance between night and day is more important than I can say,” Zecora said, stepping into the conversation. “The Sun and Moon are like yang and yin; if they are not equal, the world grows grim.” “So what are we supposed to do?” Luna asked, still in denial. “Yell at them until they start moving?” Sunset smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I have no idea what you’re supposed to do.” Celestia was beginning to hyperventilate. Luna ran over to one of the large castle windows and looked up at the moon. “Hey, Moon!” she shouted. I am here. There is no need to speak aloud. Luna screamed. “It’s in my head!” Relax. I am simply here to guide you. Yeah. Yeah, I’m calm. She was not, but the Moon had the decency not to correct her. So I just think at you like this? Correct. So, why are you talking to me? My usual host, Princess Luna, is unavailable. You are close enough to her in nature that you are able to host me until her condition is remedied. Right. So do I get any sweet superpowers out of this? I always wanted to be able to teleport. Or instantly complete paperwork. You may use my power only while I am awake, or when I deem it necessary for your own protection. What about, like, fighting evil bug queens? I have no patience for your mortal qualms. All I desire is for the cycle to continue as it has for millennia. Outside of that goal, I shall not intervene during the day for any reason. Well, that’s stupid. I… beg your pardon? You’re having me do all your work for you, and you won’t help me save a country? The Moon is as impartial as the Ocean. I do not see your species, your borders, your laws. It is not my place to interfere. If I give you too much power, you risk corruption. The Princess learned this the hard way, and now, she understands why my limits exist. Look, in, like, probably two days, I’m either going to be dead or in a different dimension. I doubt I’m going to get drunk on power that quickly. You shall not, because I shall not allow it to happen. That’s— You can argue all you want, my terms shall not change. Now, it is time to lower me. Our sisters are ready. Luna returned to the real world. Celestia was standing next to her, and she looked at Luna with trembling eyes. Suddenly, Luna felt herself reach out her hand. She hadn’t told her hand to reach out, it just kind of did. Do not be alarmed. I am guiding you through the process. After this, you should be able to do the same on your own. Luna felt herself rise into the air, a deep blue light spilling from her body. Her hand positioned itself so it looked like she was planting her palm against the surface of the Moon, and she felt a magnetic-like tension hold it in place. Slowly but surely, her arm arced towards the floor, the moon moving with it, even after it had moved out of the window’s view. She was vaguely aware of the castle getting brighter as she did so, but she was too focused on moving the goddamn Moon to properly notice. I am in place. Thank you. The unnatural blue light faded, and Luna dropped to the ground, landing on the floor in a heap. You coulda warned me I was going to fall, you know. The Moon did not respond. Luna made to get up, but stopped dead when she saw Celestia. She had a disbelieving look on her face, and was staring unseeing at her hands, but what really stood out was her hair. It was flowing in a nonexistent wind, its rainbow locks shifting and waving in the sunlight. Luna reached back and felt at her own hair—it hadn’t changed. Luna made a note to complain to the Moon about that as soon as the opportunity presented itself. “Huh,” Lyra said from behind them. Luna turned. Their audience was staring, expressions ranging from disbelief to awe to giddiness, and in Chrysalis’s case, jealousy. Luna looked from the crowd to Celestia to herself. “I wonder if being a princess pays better than being a principal,” she mused. Queen Chrysalis had just finished hanging the last of the ponies they had captured in the caves from the weird tree in the throne room of Friendship Castle. Presently, she was using them to replenish her love stores back to maximum. Her stock of liquified love had been running dangerously low, and she wanted to save the last of it for emergencies, so she was being old-fashioned and absorbing the love she needed from her prisoner’s memories. Pony love was always so delicious. She could live like this; drink love, sit back and relax in a conquered empire, sunbathe—wait what. Chrysalis rushed over to the window and threw up a hoof to block out the Sun’s glare. This couldn’t be happening. Celestia and Luna were imprisoned! All the other alicorns, too! Who else could move the Sun and Moon? PRAXX! Hey, my Queen… how’s it going? The Sun is up! Don’t tell me Celestia escaped! We, like, just reapplied the silk, I think… no way she’s out… Straighten up, captain, and go check! Aw, but I can’t right now… y’know, you should really get over here… What? Why? What’s going on? Why are you thinking so slowly? There’s these… beautiful ladies… They have the best singing voices… Chrysalis inhaled sharply. What do they look like. Oh, just, beautiful… ya know? Praxx. What. Do they look like. They’re, like, fish? But with cow hooves, and flying? Dunno, you’re highness, it’s hard to focus when their music’s so… consuming… Chrysalis cursed and switched channels in the hive. Braxx, are you in the library? Of course my Queen. I haven’t catalogued all of the books yet, though—the Princess kept a frankly incomprehensible organization system. Can you send me some pony book on mythical beasts or something? I… have a few books that might fit that bill. Sending them now. Not ten seconds later, a stack of books plunked themselves down in front of Chrysalis. Thank you. You are dismissed. Chrysalis sped through the books’ tables of contents. “No, no, no, no… Aha! Let’s see, page 46… “…It is said that the great Starswirl the Bearded banished these sirens from Equestria. However, as Tartarus would not be discovered or used for some time yet, it is likely that Starswirl may have banished them to another plane of existence entirely; this would not be beyond his alleged abilities, and it would explain why the sirens have not made a second appearance, unlike nearly all other previous threats to Equestria.” Chrysalis stopped reading. Those three… she knew her mother should have killed them while she had the chance. Another one of her problems Chrysalis would have to clean up. Dammit. Things never stopped going wrong for her, did they? “Aaah, aah; “Aaah, ah. “Aaah, ah-ah; “Aah, Aah!” The sirens kept it up until the crowd of changelings below them was sufficiently massive. When Adagio deemed it so, she thrust a leg to one side, and her sisters stopped singing. “Changelings?” Sonata whispered. “I thought this was a pony city.” “Maybe Silky finally did give up the throne. Muses know she wouldn’t be able to conquer anything,” Aria drawled. Adagio grinned. “Changeling, pony, yak, griffon, dragon, minotaur, zebra, it’s all the same. Nothing can resist our influence.” She paused and looked expectantly to her sisters. “Number four; follow my lead.” They quieted, and the changelings did much the same, waiting in fragile suspense. Then, the sirens began to sing. [To the tune of “Let’s Have a Battle (Of the Bands)”] “We heard you want to get together “We heard you want to rule Equus “We have a way to do it better “Why don’t you conquer it with us? “Don’t think all tyrants are the same “When some of us shine brighter “We’re you chance to win some fame “Why help your Queen when you can fight her? “Me and you, you and me “Together we could be better! “You don’t have to be “Slaves to a dumb queen! “Oh what’s so wrong “With some insubordination? “We’re teaming up and “Taking over the nation! “We have power and you know it “Yeah we rise above the rest! “You can really have it all “If you’re just following the best! “Ah “Aah “Aaah, AAAH “Betrayal! “Work for the Dazzlings! “Let’s stage Betrayal! “Betrayal of your Queen “Let’s stage Betrayal! “We’ll make a great team! “Let’s stage Betrayal! “Betrayal! “BETRAYAL! “CHRYSALIS CAN STICK IT!” The inexplicable instrumentals faded into the background, and the changelings below went wild with applause, even drowning out the sirens’ maniacal laughter.