Relationships are Evil

by TheTimeSword

Chapter 32: Sick Day

The darkness evaporated like heat in a freezer, destroyed by the light of the hall. “Gooood morning, Twilight!” The curtains drew back, brightening the bedroom even more. “Today’s the day! A little trip to Canterlot, some time together, just you and me. Well, Fluttershy too, but I’ll shoo her off in a jiffy,” Discord said with glee. A stir from the sheets was the only response to the draconquus’s greeting. “Twilight?” He placed his paw on the edge of the blanket and slowly lowered it, wary of her privacy. “Oh… You look awful.”

“Wha-what do you mean?” The alicorn shielded her eyes from the early morning sun, wiping her nose with her other hoof. “That’s a pretty… pretty-” A sneeze shot snot down onto chest, covering it in the mucus “-a pretty mean thing for you to say.”

Discord’s cheeks went green as he covered his mouth, choking to hold back from the revolting sight. He quickly grabbed tissues from one of the bookshelves and shoved them onto her chest and nose. “I’d hate to say it, but… Twilight, you’re sick. And not the good kind, like twisted or corrupt with power.”

“Sick?” she choked. “I’m not sick. It’s just, uh, allergies! Yeah, that’s it! You can wait for me down in the foyer and I’ll be ready to go in no time.” The tissues fell to the side as she began to rise from the bed. Her knees wobbled underneath her before eventually giving way. “Alright, maybe it’s not allergies,” she confessed from the floor.

Discord lifted her back into the bed, carefully trying to avoid touching her chest, and covered her in the blanket. “Let me get you some water and a warm towel. Or is it a cold towel? Either way, I’ll go get Fluttershy in a little bit. She’ll know what to do.”

Twilight couldn’t even give a response before he had vanished from the room, nor did she notice the warm towel that sat on her forehead. The light that had been shining from the window was suddenly blocked and a voice awoke her in a haze. “W-Wha? Who is it?”

“I’m not sure what I can do, Discord. I work with animals, not ponies.”

“Surely there’s something we can do! Look at her, she looks like Tirek… on a good day.”

“I think that perhaps she needs a doctor or nurse. Somepony who could prescribe her medicine.”

“You got it!”

“Discord, I’m not sure sending you down there will be the best decision. You could try to keep her company while I go get a doctor. Maybe see if she can eat something. Okay?”

“F-Fluttershy?” Twilight’s voice had been so quiet that neither the pegasus or draconequus had heard her. She could barely lift an eye open only to have to shut it just as quick from the light blinding her. “Discor-” His name hung on her tongue just before a coughing fit set in. When she finally stopped coughing and managed to open both eyes she found that she was alone. The curtain had been drawn and the door was closed. Any heat in the towel had vanished, leaving a cool wet spot atop her forehead.

Another coughing fit was set off as she tried to suck air into her blocked nasal passage. She felt for the box of tissues, aching to spit whatever tasted wrong in her mouth. Her head ached as she tossed the tissue onto the floor, leaning her head back on the pillow. She continued to breathe through her mouth, waiting for the next coughing fit to begin.

“Alright, let’s see how she’s doing.”

The voice startled her awake. She hadn’t even known she’d fallen back asleep. The cold of the stethoscope felt nice on her sternum, causing her to open her eyes. Once she saw the face of the doctor she wished she hadn’t, as he shined a light directly into her retina. She moved and groaned, shutting her eyes in pain.

“Open wide, Miss Sparkle.”

She didn’t even have a chance to understand what he had meant. Her mouth was pulled open and she could feel a soft touch of wood on her tongue. With a sense of caution, she opened her eyes once more, wary of the stallion. He had finished with her mouth and eyes and had moved on to her ears.

“Give it to me straight, doc. Is she going to make it? Does she have to go the way of old yeller? I just can’t take another one behind the barn!” the draconequus shouted.

“Discord! You shouldn’t make jokes like that!”

“Oh, relax, Fluttershy. She’s going to be fine. She will be fine, right Doctor?” Discord asked, a slight bit of concern seeping through as he spoke.

“Relax, relax. Princess Twilight only has the flu,” the doctor replied as he placed the stethoscope around his neck. “Nothing more serious than that.” He shook two bottles, waving them at Discord. “Two of each of these every day. One’s for decongestant, the other’s a fever reducer. Give her plenty of water and rest and she should be good to go in five or seven days, ten tops.”

Fluttershy held Discord’s claw. “What a relief! We were so worried.”

“Have you both had your flu shot? If not, you may want to get one. Being around the princess may lead to you getting sick. I’d also recommend washing your hooves-” His eyes shot down to Discord’s paw and claw “-well, washing whatever you’ve touched her with. I’d rather not deal with an outbreak around town.”

Twilight watched the conversation through her blurry, sleep-covered eyes. Her muscles ached as she was forced to sit up, leaning her back against the headboard. Discord handed over two different colored pills and a glass of lukewarm water. Debilitated as she was, she still managed to take them both in one swallow. After passing the glass back off to Discord, she slumped back onto her pillow, facing away from the three.

Dreams came and went. Her blankets were off and then on. Night turned to day and day to night. Her cheeks burned as she awoke in a sweat, causing her to pant and heave from the unbearable, drenching heat. She couldn’t even tell the time of day with the curtains closed.

A noise caught her attention and the light of the hall crept in slowly. The door was pushed by the back of the draconequus’s arm as he steadied the platter he held. “Oh, you’re awake. Good. You might as well stay awake.” The lights of the room flipped on, blinding the mare.

“D-Discord!” she snapped with a nasally voice.

He placed down the platter at her bedside, removing the tepid glass of water at the same time. “Hope you like stew. Carrots, potatoes, and plenty of rice. Not sure if it’s something you’d normally eat, but, may as well give it a shot.” He stood to the side of the bed, staring down at her with a hand on his cheek. “You know, if you would stop being a baby and just let me work my magic this could all be solved… probably.”

“Work your magic?” she inquired. She moved her body back up to the headboard, giving her wings some time to stretch. “You can do that?”

His body seemed to stumble even though he stood still. “I, um, I already told you that I could. We had this conversation earlier. Don’t you remember?” With a dumbfounded look on his face, he said, “You told me that you didn’t like the idea of chaos being caused inside of you. And then I made a little joke about my… well, not really a little joke, per se. Oh, never mind.”

“I did? I don’t remember that at all – though that is a good reason.”

“Twilight… do you know how long you’ve been sick?”

She took a spoonful of the stew and held it to her mouth. “Not too long but something tells me you’re going to say otherwise.”

“It’s already been two days.”

Her mouth had been full but she managed to speak. “Two days!?” She swallowed, almost choking down the food. “It’s already been two days? It doesn’t feel like I’ve been sleeping for that long!”

The draconequus sauntered over to the chair at the desk. He plopped his rump down and kicked up his feet, placing his hands around the back of his neck. “I’m surprised you don’t remember yesterday when you forgot to lock the bathroom door. Luckily it was Starlight who found you and not Tirek or I. From my understanding you were so delusional that you splashed sink water at Starlight, thinking she was your mother and you were both at the beach.”

“At least someone is getting a kick out of this. I feel like I’ve been baking alive for the last hour.” She took the glass with both hooves and shoved the rim to her lips, taking big gulps every other second. Satisfied, she wiped her lips and said, “I’m just glad I haven’t been coughing, though my throat is still killing me.”

“Yes, well, because of you everyone had to get shots.” He pulled open a drawer from the desk and began to rummage through its contents. “I haven’t gotten a shot in over a thousand years. Now that I’m free from my stone prison there’s a lot that I’ve had to get used to. I don’t get to create chaos all the time, I’m almost in a romantic relationship with an alicorn princess, and now I have to get these horrible, vile, painful shots regularly. I’m about ready to be turned into a statue again.”

Twilight finished the bowl of stew, licking the last grains of rice from her spoon before setting it aside. “Cheer up, Discord. If you win me then you’ll get to deal with this every day. Won’t that be exciting?”

She could see him grimace for a moment before a smile feigned on his lips. “I see your humor is returning. You must be feeling better if that’s the case.” He closed shut another draw and stood up. “Let’s see, shall we?” Placing his hand on her head, he attempted to feel her temperature, but all she could feel was the sweet coolness of his claw.

She dragged his claw down to her neck, embracing the icy touch against her throat. Her eyes closed as she succumbed to the relief. When she opened them again, she saw the flush rising into Discord’s cheeks. She quickly let go, realizing her want for respite had overwhelmed her. In a moment of doubt, her eyes turned away, only to draw back to his claw. Her mind numbed to the indecisiveness she had felt. I’m sick. It’s not weird if I’m sick, she figured.

His claw seemed to remain icy no matter where she moved it. Her neck, her shoulders, her wings. She kept her eyes closed, not wanting to open them and break into an awkward stare. Instead, she let the façade be, believing it to be an ice pack rather than Discord’s claw. She finally moved back to her forehead and heard him make a disgruntled grumble. Her eyes popped open, glancing up at his wrinkling, blush-covered nose.

“Look like it’s medicine time,” he commented, taking his hand from her head. He levitated the bottles from the nightstand and removed two different pills. “You have no idea how odd this is for me.”

After swallowing the pills and taking another swig of water, she asked, “What’s odd?”

“Taking care of you. Showing concern for someone else’s wellbeing. I’ve… I’ve never done anything like this.”

“Discord…” she hoarsely said. “You’re doing a pretty swell job if that makes a difference. Usually, Spike is the one to take care of me when I’m sick, and you’re just as good as he is.”

He thumbed the nightstand, pulling the draw out and examining the inside. “That is pretty nice to hear. It pains me to remember the day I was freed from my statue, playing my little game with you and the other Elements. Now, here I am, taking care of you.” He pulled a book out, examining the space in-between it and another. “I’d hate to say it but even chaos is off-putting now.”

Twilight watched the draconequus as he lifted papers from the desk and checked under the bed. “That’s very mature of you, Discord. I’m a little surprised and proud of that.” She smiled and continued to watch. He moved around the room, staring at random objects and looking underneath others. “Discord, what are you doing?”

“Who? Me?” He made a sharp turn to face the bed and the alicorn. “I was just waiting for you to finish your food. Oh boy, looks like you’re all good,” he replied with a quick, anxious tone. Raising the platter into the air, he headed for the door.

“Discord,” she called out.

He stopped at the door, keeping his back to the mare. “Uh, y-yes?”

“Were you being all sappy just so you could look for that drawing of me?”

She could see the sweat beginning to pour down the back of his neck, much like her own. She waited for him to respond, calling his name once more. Instead of answering, Discord rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. She shook her head, knowing exactly what his answer would have been.

An hour later, after sweltering through her fever, she used what little strength she had to get out of bed. The night air filled the room once she had pulled apart the curtains and pushed open the window. Her bangs moved with the gentle breeze as she stared out into the clear night sky. She brushed the snow from the window sill, watching it fall down the edge of the castle. This feels just as good as Discord’s hand.

A noise suddenly rang out, snapping her from her dreamy, feverish thoughts and causing her knees to buckle. It was a voice, followed by another, and then a third. She clung to pieces of furniture, making her way to the bedroom door. Cracking the door just enough to see out, she could see the three who were making all the racket.

“And because of that, I messed things up with Applejack. The only one that’s been on my side during this is Starlight and Chrysalis! I don’t believe for a second you didn’t plan it out this way!”

“Me? Did you ever stop to think that maybe Chrysalis is the cause? We cannot be held accountable for the way you act or react!”

Twilight watched as Rarity stepped between the stallion and dragon. “Both of you, stop this! There’s no need to quarrel. Spike, you know I care about you. We’re friends. And sometimes friends have to trust each other in what they’re doing.”

“You know who’s a real friend? Chrysalis! She’s the one I can rely on.” Spike turned and stormed off, but not before yelling, “She’s the one that has been there for me!”

Twilight’s heart ached for the dragon. I’ve been spending so little time with him, and he’s gone through so much. I need to go to him. She pushed open the door and took a step, only to lose her balance and land face forward on the floor. The cool, crystalline flooring was a better relief than Discord’s hand or the night’s wind. She wanted to lie there forever, but it soon was lost as the two unicorns pulled her onto their shoulders.

“What are you doing out of bed, Twilight?” Rarity’s voice boomed with concern. “Come on. Let’s get you back inside.”

Sombra leaned her onto the silken sheets as Rarity pushed the alicorn from behind. Once she was in, Rarity levitated the blankets up to her chest. As Sombra went to close the window, Twilight strained to yell, “No!” He stopped and nodded, bringing the curtains closer together instead. She could hear Rarity ask something else but did not answer.

The first thought she had when she awoke was of Spike and the night before. Her chest still ached and her throat was sore. After coughing up her morning phlegm and downing her meds, she leaned back on her pillow and gave a stretch. Just as she regained her comfy position and closed her eyes, the door of the bedroom swung open. She didn’t move an inch and kept her eyes shut, hoping whoever it was would leave. Didn’t the doctor say I needed rest? And yet no one seems to let me get some.

She felt the warm touch on her forehead and heard the sound of metal scraping against the nightstand. Trots echoed in the small room as whomever made their way to the other side of the bed, examining the pill bottles and moving around trash. A voice finally spoke and she recognized it immediately. “I wonder if I should wake her,” Tirek murmured. “She seems so peaceful.”

His hand brushed the side of her mane and she could feel the tickle of hairs pressing her neck. “I’ve never been sick in my life. Perhaps it’s one of the beauties of having been trapped in Tartarus for so long, but even before that I had never caught a cold or flu, not even as much as a cough. My father had, and my brother. I remember the time my brother became incredibly ill. It was right around his seventh birthday. My parents were unsure what he had caught, but after six days of being bedridden he fell asleep and wouldn’t wake up.”

Twilight stirred as she listened, almost wanting to turn and face the centaur. But she didn’t, keeping her eyes shut and her ears locked on his voice. Does he know I’m awake? Why is he telling me this?

“I sat with him for days. Reading to him, talking to him. Then one day he finally opened his eyes and reached out, pressing his hand against my face. He asked me why I was crying.” He paused and took a deep breath. He continued to pet the fur on Twilight’s back. “I’ve suppressed a lot of those types of memories but the time I spent in Canterlot helped me remember a few. It’s hard to get past the anger and contempt I’ve harbored for Scorpan.” He stopped petting her, keeping his hand still as he said, “I hope you get better soon, too.”

He went silent for a while before she heard him get up and leave, shutting the door behind him. She was glad he didn’t come to the other side of the bed. She didn’t want him to see her wipe the tears from her eyes.

Hours went by before another knock came to the door. “Come in!” Twilight called out, taking her eyes off her book.

“Good to see you’re awake. Feeling better?” Starlight asked as she trotted around the bed.

“Mhm,” was all she answered. “How’s the outside world been?”

“The changelings have been having a non-stop party for days now. Even Pinkie was surprised by how long they’ve been at it.” She set down some books she had been levitating onto the bed. “Figured you’d want some new reading material.”

“Thank you.” Twilight lifted the books up and smiled at the covers, happily flipping through the pages of a few. “Have you been visiting the changelings regularly? I know I’ve been a little out of it but it feels like I haven’t seen you or Spike since I’ve been in here.”

Starlight lifted the alicorn’s pillows and fluffed them up with her magic. “I’ve been in and out. Chrysalis and I have been helping the other changelings get suited to their new life, along with setting up their work schedules. Can’t really say for Spike, though he’s usually by Chrysalis’s side, like me.”

“Really? Well, isn’t that something.” Her voice hung with a hesitation of vexation.

“Yeah, Chrysalis has been really thankful as of late. She seems to be enjoying herself now that her own kind are here. I must admit, I do envy her slightly. Those changelings really care about her.”

“Hopefully she’ll be able to become reformed soon then. Has she said anything about when she wants to go to Canterlot?”

Starlight shook her head. “I’ll try to push her towards it. You don’t need to worry about a thing, I’ve gotten it all taken care of.” She gave a smile to her mentor before stepping out into the hall and closing the door behind her.

Worry? That’s all I can do right now. Maybe it’s not Spike who needs to be talked to. Maybe there’s more to it, Twilight pondered. Her eyes drifted to the new books and scanned over one, smiling at the cover. The Superb Sorceress of Oys.

Hours flashed by as she read the tale, trying to imagine some of her friends as the Scarepony, the Tin-Stallion, and of course, the Spineless Griffon. As she drew close to the end, a knock disturbed her concentration. “Come in!” She looked up to the door.

Discord peered inside, his face blank of emotion, that is until he noticed the book she held. He pushed open the door and brought another platter of food to her nightstand. “Well, well. Even when you’re sick you still go back to the old tales.” Taking a seat at her side, he asked, “Does it remind you of anyone special?”

Trying her best to put on a genuine smile, she stared deep into his eyes. “Yes, it does.” She motioned for him to lean closer, and he did so. She seductively licked her lips, waiting for him to get closer. Just as their muzzles were almost touching, she said, “My mother.” She quickly flung herself back against the headboard and forced a devious grin on her face.

He drew his eyebrows together with a frown. “Oh ha ha. Very funny.”

“Did you think I meant you?” Her grin stayed. “Perhaps if we were to read together more often then that might change.”

One of his brows tilted before his whole face lit up. “Well we may as well get started right now!” He shot up from the bed and ran over to her bookshelf, eyeing over each of the spines. “How about this one?” The book was titled ‘The Color of Mirrors’.

“That one’s a bit creepy, but it’ll do. I think I can read all the way through that.”

“You?” He laughed. “You’re sick. No, no. I shall take us on this little adventure. Now scooch.” He waved a dismissive hand at her before climbing into the bed and lying next to her.

She leaned her body against him, listening as he did the voices for each different character. His talent for a deep, dark voice amplified the scenes like she had never experienced. She clung to him even though she knew how it ended, believing every word he spoke as if it were happening at that very moment. As the ending came, she wrapped her forelegs around his arm, preparing for the conclusion.

“Well then. That was certainly interesting,” he commented, snapping the book closed. “Not nearly as happy of a tale as I would have expected.” His eyes met the alicorn’s. “Why do you even have something like this?”

“What do you mean?” She removed herself from his side, giving a stretch as she did. “It’s nice to be scared every once in a while, especially when there’s no danger. It’s like reading a sad tale or a romance plot. There’s a variety of different stimuli. Reading the same types of things provides nothing new, you’d be stuck in the same old same old.”

“I suppose that would be like staring into a mirror every day.”

She chuckled. “Yes, I suppose that would be a good analogy. I have to say, Discord, I really enjoyed this. We should read together more often.”

“Personally, I’d like to do it for the rest of my life,” he sincerely said as he rose from the bed.

Her mouth fell open but no sound echoed from her throat. She stared at his back, trying to process what he meant and how she should feel. “Did you just say… what I think you meant?”

As he scratched his lower back, he tossed a disinterested look over his shoulder. “Would I really be in a bet for you if I didn’t mean it?” He shook his head and gave a shrug.

“Discord… I…” Her hooves covered her mouth and she could feel herself becoming hot. She quickly pressed against her forehead, checking her temperature. Wait, I don’t have a fever. Then why am I so hot? Oh no. She hopped out of the bed and trotted over to the door. “Discord, I,” she hesitated.

“Yes?” His arms fell to his sides as he stood in front of her, curious as to what she was about to say.

She chewed on her bottom lip, knowing she was doing it but couldn’t stop herself. Every beat of her heart felt like a hammer. “Discord.” She smiled. “Let’s do this again soon, okay?”

He returned with his own toothy smile and gave a nod. “I’ll even let you read next time.”

Once he was gone, she closed the door and fell onto the bed. A groan echoed from within the satin sheets as she pressed her face into the fabric. A second later and she gasped for air. “I need a cold shower.”

Hours passed as she cleaned herself up. Her sickness had been all but gone save for a few sniffles and the aches and pains of being bedridden for days on end. She brushed her hair, making sure all the split ends were properly managed. After laying on the finishing touches, she made her way down the steps. “Good afternoon, Chrysalis!” Her voice boomed, leaving no signs of sickness as she stepped into the foyer.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the sickly little alicorn. How are you feeling?” inquired the queen.

“Better than ever, actually. What are you doing here?”

“I just came over to see if Spike wanted to hang out for a bit. My little changelings have been having a party for, well, days now. It seems like it will never end,” she groaned. “I just wanted to hang out with someone quiet for a change.”

“I was about to head over to the hive. Perhaps you could keep this sickly little alicorn company, instead?”

Chrysalis warmly agreed and the two headed off. Twilight made as much small talk as she could for a pony who had been bedridden just that morning. As they got closer, she realized Chrysalis hadn’t been exaggerating the truth. The changelings had been partying and still were. She could hear the music blaring even before they opened the hive door. The entire cafeteria was filled to the brim with the dancing changelings. Tables had been moved to allow more room to party, and a white unicorn with blue hair sat in one of the corners, managing the music.

“Everyone looks like they’re having so much fun!” Twilight yelled over the music, her throat aching as she strained to do so. If Chrysalis had replied, she hadn’t been able to hear it. The sea of black moved like that of a real ocean, the changelings rocked steadily back and forth with the music. She moved and bumped into the crowd, feeling the wave of sound around her. As she reached the middle, a scratch on a record shot off, silencing the song.

The music quickly started playing once more with a slower beat and soothing melodies. Twilight looked around for a moment, wondering what had happened. Most of the changelings turned and stared at her, their mouths opening as if they were gasping at something, though she wasn’t sure what. “Care to dance?” Chrysalis asked from behind.

The queen’s bright green eyes flickered above her sharp smile. Twilight wanted to say no, make up an excuse or blame her illness, but she didn’t.

Chrysalis placed her left hoof on Twilight’s neck while Twilight placed hers on the changeling’s shoulder. The floor cleared for the two as they stepped back and forth, matching each other’s sways and gentle movements. Chrysalis then pulled Twilight closer, placing her hooves underneath Twilight’s forelegs while Twilight was forced to put her hooves around Chrysalis’s neck. Their muzzles were close enough touch, and would have had Chrysalis been shorter.

This is bad. This is very bad. At this rate, she might try to do the unthinkable! The changeling’s green eyes were almost trance-like, Twilight couldn’t help but smile as she stared into them. She glanced at the changeling’s lips as they started to come closer. As if her own lips forced themselves to meet them, she was stopped mere inches away by another scratch of the records. Gasps soon filled the new silence as Twilight fell back to her hooves, giving the room a once over.

“What are you doing here, Discord?” Chrysalis growled before Twilight even noticed the draconequus.

“So sorry. Am I interrupting?” He pushed through the crowd of black carapaces with a parchment in his hand. “I’ve got a letter from Canterlot for Twilight. Spike asked for me to deliver this quick. It’s apparently very important.” As he lowered the parchment for Twilight to take, he pulled it back out of her reach. “Ah, ah. You two seemed to be having a lot of fun. How about a little dance first?” He snapped his fingers and the music began playing once more.

He placed the parchment on his horn and extended his hand. She happily obliged, placing her hoof inside his palm. Her whole body was pulled up to him, forcing her to stand bipedal. He raised the one hoof he held and placed his other hand around her waist, moving her as he moved. The awkward movements felt easy with him guiding her, and she couldn’t contain her delight. She grinned and laughed as they moved faster and faster around the circle. This. This is absolutely perfect.

Once the song finished, Twilight couldn’t help but push herself close to him. She stared into his eyes, happy that they weren’t a light green. “That was fun,” he said, releasing her hoof. She plopped to all fours and felt a frown form on her face. She quickly forced a smile to hide her frustration. “Here you go.”

Instead of using her magic, Twilight reached her hoof up and touched his hand, gently caressing it before taking the parchment. Upon unraveling and reading over the letter, she said, “Oh no.” She looked up from the parchment and stared at Discord’s curious eyes. “Pack your bags. We’re heading to Canterlot immediately.”