//------------------------------// // A pain worth living for. // Story: The Witch of the Everfree Forest! // by FLUTTERxxDASH //------------------------------// The Witch Of The Everfree Forest Written By Serra Quill "I want you to stay as still as you can Scootaloo, this will be painful for only a few minutes as I open up your bloodstream. I am sorry that there is no other way." Twilight told her as she laid her hands just under the Valkyrie’s small wings. Looking back at Twilight with an unsteady grin Scootaloo nodded just as the pain began spreading from where Twilight was touching her back. It spread slowly as she could feel her blood pumping. By the point where vine like symbols spread over her shoulders, seeming to resonate with her heartbeat, she was locked in a silent scream and in too much pain to notice. She could’ think clearly through the pain, which though only passing in moments seemed to last for days. Then, with a splash, she fell to her knees in the shallow pond. Her ragged breathing leaving her desperately gulping at the air. Twilight sighed behind her before walking in front of her and kneeling in the water herself, cupping her hands and lifting water until it was above her shoulders and letting the cool liquid flow across her shoulders and down her back. Gasping, not in surprise but relief, Scootaloo relaxed as this went on for the next few minutes. "Are you alright to stand Scootaloo?" Twilight inquired in a gentle voice, holding her hand out to the young girl, "I won’t lie and say it gets easier, I would not do that to you, but the first time is always the hardest” Scootaloo looked up at Twilight as she grabbed Twilight's hand and yanked herself to her feet, Twilight not even moving. "b-but..." she started with a raspy breath, finding it hard to speak clearly, "but, it will help me, so it's worth it right?" She asked. Twilight casting a spell on the area around them causing the air to warm slightly, the flowers opening their petals and turned to face the centre of the spell. "There is quite a long road ahead of you. For now we can help your body slowly adjust to a state that will advance the growth of your wings and the overall state of health that your wings have," Twilight clarified as she tapped the young girl on the back, surprising Scootaloo that there was no pain anymore. "So, to recap, what exactly are we doing to make my wings healthier?" She asked, blushing slightly as she scratched her head, "cause', I ain't really the brainiest and it did slightly go over my head when you first explained it... Y'know?" Twilight giggled, causing Scootaloo to blush again about her apparent lack of knowledge, "It's perfectly fine, there are very few who could truly understand what I am doing. Well, to make it simple, it is to do with your blood flow; currently you do have a problem with your wings." she said as Scootaloo flinched. Twilight gave her shoulder a small squeeze to reassure her, "True enough. Though there isn't much we can do for your wings themselves, as I said earlier; your wings are stunted in growth. If they grow, it should counteract all aspects of the 'Angel Wing'. Yet, how does Angel Wing take hold in a Valkyrie..." Twilight asked. Scootaloo put her hand to her chin as she squinted her eyes and began to think, eventually just shrugging after not being able to think of anything. Twilight slowly ended the flow of magic from the spell she was casting in the area as she breathed slower, almost on purpose. "Firstly," she said, making a motion with a hand of the air flowing to her lungs, "you need oxygen; it is the fuel which muscles use. Secondly, the tracks which move the oxygen to the muscles needed widening, to more effectively use the oxygen. And lastly," she began, moving her hand to point over where her heart would be, "your heart. It is the epicentre of your whole body, it's the engine that pushes the catalyst amongst the tracks to where it needs to be, but, with the slowly widening of the tracks, the harder it is for the engine to run the system." "I think I get it... " Scootaloo said, "I think." "We can't rush this process. Sure I could open up your blood stream right now, you would be able to fly to the best of your ability currently, as well as your wings would begin to grow at an excessive rate.." Scootaloo looked confused as she wrung out part of her shorts that were still slightly wet, even after the dry spell, "So then why can't we do that then?" Twilight looked into the trees, hearing Spike lumbering closer, just on time, "Because you would probably only live for two- maybe three years before your heart would shut down from overwork... and that is if you were to not use your wings like you want to." Twilight explained as she shook her head, Spike’s muzzle lowering next to them quietly as he listened to the conversation. Twilight placed a hand on his scaled neck as she turned to face Scootaloo again, "So what we are doing is slowly opening up your whole system at regular intervals. It's slow, not to mention painful, but this way instead of what could be fixed in one night to give you at most a year's worth of the life that you want to live however you wish, we will spend the majority of this year, taking a small amount of time in the mornings strengthening your body, bit by bit." Scootaloo walked over to Spike's curled body as she slid down against his shoulder and sat on his claw, putting her arms behind her head and shutting her eyes. She sat in quiet contemplation, "well, I guess it can't be helped then," Scootaloo said with a grin, "guess your stuck with me for now." she chuckled. Walking through the trees, she lifted her hand to move the hair out of her eyes as the wind rushed between the ground and the canopy of the apple orchard, "Well if'n you ain't a sight fer' sore eyes. What brings you here sugar, would've thought you'd be getting ready fer Celestia's big party?" the jovial cowgirl said, picking up her basket of produce and swinging it over her shoulder. "Well, to be honest, that's why I am here Applejack." Sunset replied as Philomena blew a stream of fire, dropping a notepad and pen into her outstretched hands. Clicking the top of the pen and adjusting her glasses she put on her serious face, "On behalf of the Princess I would like to make a deal for Sweet Apple Acres to supply food for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration that is to be held right here in Ponyville." Applejacks eyes widened just before a massive smile broke out on her face, patting Sunset on her back with a laugh, "Well why didnt y’all say so, a'course Ah can help. Heck, what'er friends for?" Sunset groaned slightly from the stinging pain on her upper back as she readjusted her glasses which had slipped down her nose, "Well..." Slapping her back again as she hooked her arm around Sunset, Applejack gave a bark of laughter as she grinned over at one of her five best friends, "An’ why are you talkin' all rigid like? Loosen up will ya’." "But it's an assignment from the Princess so I have t-" Applejack stopped her by putting her hand over her mouth, "C'mon, she did tell you to have fun right? I'm right aren't I?" Applejack inquired as sunset huffed. Shrugging her shoulders with a groan of annoyance she slumped against the tree, "You got me again, just like all the other times." Snickering, Applejack walked over to the cart she had nearby and dropped the apples in, before setting the basket down again under the next tree, "Just' like every other time she has sent you from the castle against yer wantin’. Ya’ know ya’ might have a tad bit of fun if'n you just relaxed. We can gather the gals after this row and talk it out, sound good?" Resounding a sigh of defeat, Sunset shrugged her shoulders, "I just can't beat you Applejack. Sure, I'm gonna go say Hi to Granny, Mac and Bloom." She said as she began to walk away. Applejack tightened the fastenings on her fingerless leather gloves as she grinned over to Sunset, "Goin’ to see Mac, heh heh. Bloom’s out though an' Ah’ think Granny will be sleepin' round about this time of day." With a blush, Sunset turned around just long enough to give Applejack her best imitation of her friend’s infamous stare. Though not as scary, she did get an apologetic wave back from Applejack. It's not like I’m here to see Mac alone, she thought while frowning, but couldn't help a small tug at the corners of her mouth to inch up slightly. Applejack watched her walk away for a minute before taking her stance in front of the tree, Well good luck anyhow, she thought with another bark of laughter before her leg whistled with speed, colliding with the solid bark and shaking the whole trunk. Taking a step back from the tree, she took a calming breath, a second later all the apples in the tree came falling from the branches and straight into the basket. Still got it, she giggled.