//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Changes Of Heart and Soul // by Tohshi //------------------------------// Deep in the darkness of the Everfree forest a group of shrouded ponies gathered. The ruins of an old castle surrounded them. A collection of metallic scraps sat in a pile inside a chalk circle that had been painstakingly drawn into the smooth marble that made up the floor. Arcane symbols filled every inch of the circle. “Bring forth the last piece of the armor and the sacrifice,” said one of the hooded ponies. He clearly was a unicorn as his horn held the hood up off his face. Another unicorn brought a large piece of metal that was bent and jagged. Behind them two earth ponies dragged a struggling pony up to the circle. A quick flash ended the poor ponies struggling as their life blood fell onto the circle powering it. The leader of the cultists pulled back her hood revealing a red and yellow mane on top of an orange body. She charged her amber magic and poured it into the circle. Slowly each piece of the metal started to glow with a dark purple energy. The energy wafted off the pile and started to collect as an orb a bit above the pile. Pushing more mana into the spell the lead cultist solidified the orb which formed a spherical black crystal. A flash of a cat-like eye tore through the crystal. “Success,” said the lead cultist. “When the time is right we will strike and this time the Elements of Harmony will be helpless to stop us.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nothing had hurt like that had. It was like I was being cut apart piece by piece at the smallest level. I could feel as every piece of me was torn from my form, twisted and purified before returning to where it belonged. And then the feeling of being stitched back together piecemeal. It was excruciating. Afterward I was left feeling numb and strangely whole. The six ponies who had just blasted me with the rainbow of doom looked exhausted. One of them, the yellow and pink one collapsed in a heap. Purple seemed to have taken the least of a kick from what they did and she slowly approached my form on the floor. Princess Luna and the other large pony came also approached. The other large pony was the exact opposite to Princess Luna. Where Luna was night this Pony was the morning sky. The purple ponies horn sputtered to life though this display of magic seemed to take more out of her than previous times. A magenta aura engulfed me tinting my sight slightly. I couldn’t feel anything though. “How is she, Twilight?” asked the white pony. She looked down at me with sorrow in her eyes and the vestiges of a tears filled her eyes. “As far as I can tell she is better. I don’t really have very good scanning spells but I can tell her leylines are where they should be for her pony half and seems to be so for her other half. I don’t know why the Elements left her in this hybrid form,” Twilight said. “From what I can tell she should live now though how well is beyond my ability to tell. The Elements took more from us than they usual do. I don’t think they are used to this use.” “I doubt they are,” the white pony said. “I don’t know if they have ever been used in this manner. Hopefully it shall be quite a while before the need of the Elements crops up.” The white pony’s horn lit up sending the barest shivers through my form. I was starting to get back feeling as the numbness slowly retreated from my core and out of my extremities. I could tell that this must be the same kind of magic as before though this time it hurt less and was more of a tickle. “Am I going to die still?” I asked quietly. “Not anytime soon hopefully,” said the white pony. “How do you know our tongue?” “Um Princess Luna cast a spell on me to be able to understand what you were saying,” I said. “I saw no spell on you. Maybe a side effect of the Elements. Are you able to walk?” she asked. “Um I think so. I haven’t ever walked with these legs before yet so I don’t think I am going to be any good at it,” I said. I stumbled to my feet like a new born foal. My legs were still weak and they barely held me up. I pushed my hair out of my face before realizing that I just flashed every one there. Standing I could tell that I was just a bit taller than the purple pony though only because of my upright torso. I was about a head taller than her but my lower back rested bellow hers. The other mares in the room started to collect around me. It was slightly frightening to be so crowded. The pink one was bouncing up and down with more energy that I would have thought possible for a pony while the yellow and pink pegasus looked at me with a strange mix of fear and wonder. “Why are you hiding under that dreadful cloak dear?” asked the white and purple unicorn. “I don’t like to have my self exposed. I should have clothes to wear but all of mine are a world away. Well if I had any I don’t remember. I just know it is important to me,” I said. “What is wrong with our cloak?” asked Princess Luna. “I happen to love that one.” “I meant no offense, Princess. I bet it would look wonderful on you but it clashes terribly with her mane and coat. I am glad I brought my tools. This calls for a whole wardrobe for you. Besides this will be fun challenge designing for her attributes,” said the white one. “Why don’t you let her get settled a little before you go and froufrou her up,” said the orange and blond mare. “Applejack, it is plain to see that the poor darling is uncomfortable with out clothes. How can she relax if she is uncomfortable all the time,” the white one said. “Hi. I’m Pinkie Pie. This is so exciting. I have never met someone from another realm before. How was it? Do you like cupcakes? I am going to have to throw you the best party ever,” said the pink mare. She was too intense for me and I shied away from her. A magenta aura engulfed her and pulled her over to the purple one. “I think we should all let her rest for now,” the large white pony said. “There is plenty of time for introductions tomorrow.” Her horn lit up and I was lifted in the air by a light amber aura. I tried to relax in its grip and found that I was quiet tired. I was asleep before we made it to where ever she was taking me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shinning Armor paced back and fourth waiting on Princess Celestia to return from what ever business kept her from their usual meeting at the end of the day. It had been a long day for Shinning Armor with all the training and meetings that he had. There was another later that day with Princess Luna and the rest of the military heads. It was about time that there was a actual driving force to revamp the military. It was good to see Princess Luna come into her own after her return. If it weren’t for the mark on her rump Shinning Armor would be certain that she was the Alicorn of battle based on how much the princess knew. She had really turned the heads of military minds for the better. Even Shinning felt more able with her guidance. It still weighed heavily on his head that Shinning Armor had been tricked by Chrysalis mental controls. He would never make it up to his wife or country but Princess Celestia had regretted his resignation. She had reminded him that even under her control he fought to keep the city safe from the threat that the changelings posed. She had even taught him some ways to resist better the next time but he had yet to master them as Princess Luna could still break into his dreams at night. The door opened and a strangely exhausted looking Princess Celestia walked into the meeting room. Her face was stoic as ever but it was her eyes that gave the sense of weariness. Shinning Armor jumped to attention and saluted Princess Celestia. “At ease,” Princess Celestia said. “It looks as if your day has been as long as mine. Your sister has once again stumbled into magic best left alone. I really should lock all of Starswirl’s journals up better. But enough of that. Tell me your report.” “At once, Princess,” Shinning Armor said. He was worried about Twilight. She had a tendency to go over board with new magic. “The training is progressing as well as to be expected though I do feel like we are still behind where we should be. I will redouble our efforts. The first shipment of new armaments arrived for the Day Guard today and we are about a fourth of the way equipped. We caught one attempted intruder in the gardens this evening but they didn’t get far before they were caught.” “All good to hear. Sadly I have to add more to your plate. I want you to start organizing a new branch of the military. Take from the army and airforce as needed. Make sure you have a good mix of experience. I will be picking the new captain. There is need of a Dusk guard. Your sister is nearing ascension. There are already hints of pegasus and earth pony magic in her. I don’t know how long it will take before she ascends but I want a guard for her ready before then,” Princess Celestia said. “As you command,” Shinning Armor said. “So it is finally happening? Does Twilight know yet?” “I don’t think so. I want to keep her in the dark for the moment. She would just unduly panic about things and it could be upwards of a year still yet. Though I do expect sooner.” “Do you think she is ready for this?” Shinning Armor asked. “I know we don’t really have much choice in the matter but still I worry for her.” “As a good brother would,” Princess Celestia said. “But I do hope she is ready. It will be a big change for her that much is certain but I am worried as well for her. With that said I know she will rise to the challenge.” “After a lot of panicking,” Shinning Armor said. “One more thing there is a strange guest of mine in the medical room of my personal quarters. I want you to have the guard keep an eye on her and keep her to restricted sections of the castle. I don’t want her existence to be known by the media yet,” Princess Celestia said. “She is a hybrid which can only be made by magic and many out there will react badly to her.” “As you command, my Princess,” Shinning Armor said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “We must strike before they grow any more powerful,” said a large minotaur bull said. “They keep finding damnable Alicorns out of seemingly nowhere. I know the stories of how brutal Luna can be in battle.” “Yes but the other two are useless. We must be careful to not draw popular support for Equestria from inside the Griffon Empire. I would rather not have a war on two fronts,” said the much larger dragon. “My queen can handle the Lunar brat but the armies of the griffons is much more prepared than Equestria’s. But don’t worry before the year is out we will strike.” “We had better I don’t know how much longer I can hide our build up from the Equestrians. They may be weak but they are not dumb,” said the minotaur. “My forces are ready to deploy at a moments notice and they are itching for battle. I’ll not linger much longer.” “You will bide your time till you are instructed to attack,” the dragon nearly shouted. “We will strike soon but a final piece must fall in place first.”