//------------------------------// // Study // Story: My Little Universe: Season 5 // by EquestrianKirin //------------------------------// The world on Earth may be a busy time, but back on Homeworld, everything seemed to have stopped. Inside the Blue Diamond palace, Yellow Diamond was pacing back and forth, over and over again. It was really becoming a true bother for her at this point, as she was expecting someone to show up, and yet to see her. The longer she had to wait, the more aggravated she was getting. Yellow Pearl simply stood aside, quietly, and watching Yellow Diamond in her pacing. She continued going along her way back and forth, until she finally began to hear someone come in from the front. Today, the visitor was somepony Yellow Diamond was hoping would help her out. Landing after a short flight from the Warp Pad, Celestia and Luna were now in front of Yellow Diamond. "It's about time you showed up. I've been waiting all day," Yellow Diamond said, aggravated from the wait. "Sorry for that, we had to handle preparations for the royal summit. What might be the trouble?" Celestia asked. Yellow Diamond waited for a second before she gestured Celestia and Luna to follow her. Celestia, Luna, and by extent Yellow Pearl, followed Yellow Diamond through some of the palace hallways, until she stopped over by another room. Although they were just outside of the room, they began to hear someone moving around. Yellow diamond knocked on the door, and the noise was quiet for a little moment, until Blue Pearl quietly answered. Blue Pearl just needed to look once before she looked back inside the room. "My Diamond. The Alicorn princesses are here to see you," Blue Pearl said. Blue diamond didn't seem to respond, and Yellow Diamond walked in anyway, with Celestia and Luna behind. The room lead out to the upper balcony of the palace, Blue Diamond sitting over at the edge, and staring off into the cosmos. This had been Blue Diamond's pastime for months now - literally. It was rather clear that Blue Diamond hadn't coped well since the White Diamond affair. ... "She's been miserable for months now. ... Well, do something. Talk to her, make her feel better," Yellow Diamond insisted, looking to Celestia. Celestia and Luna both looked to eachother, before they started flying over to Blue Diamond's side. On her face, the two alicorns could see that Blue Diamond had tears in her eyes, some dripping down on the ground. "... Blue? ... Blue ..." Celestia asked. Blue Diamond didn't answer them. "... Yellow said you've been feeling down for a while. ... Care to share why?" Luna asked. Again, Blue Diamond was a little quiet about it, the only response they were getting was her pulling herself together, her head to her knees. "Blue. ..." "... She's gone. ..." Her voice was barely audible, but Luna just managed to catch the words in her own ears. "Gone? Who's gone?" Luna asked. But, just before she could answer ... *knock**knock**knock**knock* This time it was Yellow Pearl who went over to the door to see who it was this time. Yellow Diamond wasn't expecting any extra guests, but the second Yellow Pearl peeked outside, she immediately grew almost frantic. "Who is it?" Yellow Diamond asked. "I-It - s-she." Yellow Pearl couldn't get her words out right, so instead she gave a sudden diamond symbol salute with her hands. After showing that, she pointed to the door, equally frantic and troubled. It took a little bit, but Yellow diamond did manage to figure out what her Pearl was trying to say, and she immediately turned to Celestia and Luna. "Celestia, Luna, get out of sight," Yellow Diamond said, quiet and urgent. The alicorns, not sure exactly what was going on, decided to comply and flew over just outside the window, above the balcony sill. And not a moment too soon, as the door fully opened to reveal the other Diamond showing up, her White Diamond gemstone for all to see. Rather than a hello, she took one look at Blue, and ... "You must be joking." "W-White Diamond," Yellow Diamond said, as White Diamond, accompanied by two of her White Pearls, walked inside. The duo Pearls stood over by Yellow and Blue Pearl, Yellow Pearl glaring at them for a moment. Celestia and Luna heard about what happened with the others and White Diamond, and knew of the danger just as well. Blue Diamond didn't seem to react much on hearing White Diamond's stern voice. White Diamond stood there for a little bit at first, before turning to Yellow Diamond. "Yellow, what is she doing?" White asked, almost bored in tone. "She's been like this since you told us about -" Yellow Diamond quickly paused herself as she glanced at Blue, before leaning in towards White. "- ... You-know-who." "Still?" White Diamond sighed. The superior Diamond went right up to Blue Diamond, who was still grieving. "Blue, it's been months now, and you still can't get over this common fact?" White said, not remotely caring much for her sympathy. Blue Diamond couldn't even look at her. "But ... she's -" "I know she is, but moping all eternity will not help in any way. You got a race to lead!" White Diamond cut off, stepping to her side, only to have Blue turn away. "Why can't you just let me grieve?" "You can't act this way forever!" Snapped White. "Why not?!" Snapped back Blue. Blue and Yellow Pearl exchanged glances, and Celestia and Luna couldn't help but do the same. White Diamond was losing patience with Blue, but she had a better idea on why she was acting this way. She gave a bit of a rough groan, but it would be at least a try. "Pearls. Start your chorus in five tone, if you may," White Diamond instructed. "Yes, my Diamond. Ahem ... AHEM!" The two White Pearls got the other Pearl's attention. "Ok, ok, ok," Yellow said. "Oh ... uh, aha," Blue Pearl added. So they began. (What's the Use of Feeling, Blue parody) Pearls: Aah haa haa, aah haa haa Aah ha aah ha, aah haa haa Aah haa haa, aah haa haa Aah haa haa haa haa haa haa haa haaaaa As they did that, White Diamond then began her singing, eyes directly on Blue Diamond. White Diamond: Why would you want to be here? Why act this way, my dear? Does it make you better when you do? And tell me, what's the use of feeling, Blue? As the Pearls joined chorus, White diamond walked over to Blue Diamond's side, still trying to convince her. Blue stayed staring outside as she did. Why would you want to trust her crystals that destroyed her? Why keep up your silly truce? Oh, tell me what's the use of feeling, Blue? An attempt at mistrust, obviously, and one that got both the alicorns, and Blue, and Yellow Pearl a little worried. Blue Diamond was still not answering her questions, and she began to get up and move away from her, as White continued. A Jasper has her use - she can help you win a war. A Sapphire has her use - she can tell you what it's for. An Agate terrifies, a Lapis terraforms, Where's their Diamond when they need her, Blue? You got to be a leader, Blue! Blue Diamond still was not ailing to anything, so instead, White Diamond tried something else, as she calmed herself down, walking over to Yellow for a brief moment during her singing. Yes, of course we still love her and we're always thinking of her. But now there's nothing we can do for her so What's the use of feeling - White Pearls: What's the use of feeling? WD+Pearls: What's the use of feeling, Blue? Next, White Diamond brought her hand down, and both of her Pearls stood on it to join in the song, Yellow and Blue Pearl staying where they are. White Diamond: Ohh How can you stand to dwell with it all? White Pearls: Dwell with it all? White Diamond: Drowning in all this regret. Wouldn't you rather forget her? White Diamond's Pearls starting to dance to the song on White's hand as they continued. White Diamond: Ohh Won't it be grand to get rid of it all? White Pearls: Rid of it all? White Diamond: Let's make a plan of attack! Think of the future, and not of the past. White Diamond placed her Pearls down, as she went down to Blue's eye level, eye-to-eye with her. White Diamond: YES, of course we still love her and we're always thinking of her But there is nothing we can do. for her, Blue. White Diamond stood back up to finish it off, thinking she might've got something to Blue. ... White Diamond: What's the use of feeling what's the use of feeling What's the use of feeling, blue? And there, the song was over. White Diamond thought she was actually getting through to Blue in some way, but when she glanced over in her direction, Blue diamond didn't look like she was even listening to her. If anything, she looked even more depressed and distraught about the whole thing. White was more agitated now. "Really, Blue! I spent two minutes singing a song, and THAT didn't work?" White groaned. "... Just leave me alone ..." Silence hung up in the air for a bit longer, White diamond looking like she was about to blow a gasket. Blue Pearl walked over to Blue Diamond, standing right by her side, as Yellow Pearl stayed put in her position. Yellow diamond thought it would be helpful to her, though just taken aback by Blue's reaction. It was then that White Diamond came to her decision. "Obviously Earth is on your mind too much, to the point of emotional investment. So, you are not allowed to step a foot on that planet until further notice." "W-What?!" Blue gasped, eyes wide open, and tears flowing. White Diamond rolled her eyes. "You've been thinking about Pink Diamond far too much since we last met. Time away from that planet will hopefully snap you out of this." "But White -" "Don't you start that, Blue," White snapped. "She's correct, Blue. Perhaps some time away from that planet can be good for you," Yellow suddenly agreed. Blue was left quiet for a moment or two, before talking again. Blue Diamond knew she couldn't talk out of it, and all she did was stay quiet, as White Diamond turned away, and looked over to Yellow Diamond. "Yellow, may I have a word with you? I didn't come back here just to talk to her," White informed. Yellow Diamond was unsure if she should leave Blue Diamond on this note, but orders are orders. "I won't be long," Yellow finally decided, before she went out with White Diamond. Their Pearls left with them too, and soon leaving Blue Diamond, Blue Pearl, Celestia, and Luna alone. Only when White diamond left that both alicorn princesses flew back into sight, trying again to comfort Blue. Now, Blue Diamond was depressed AND punished. ... "... Intriguing ..." ~~~~~~ "Thanks for the returning the book, Garnet," Twilight said, as Garnet returned the book over at her library. Garnet had gave it a lookover for a while, but since it was Twilight's book technically, she had to return it at some point. After retrieving back her monster guide, Twilight trotted back into her library with the book back in her possession. She hoped it helped out the other Gems, and now that she had it back, she wanted to look it over again, especially after coming across that giant bird a while back. "Let's see ... where is it? Where is it?" Twilight skimmed through the pages of her book, trying to figure out what this beast was. It took her some time to actually skim through the pages, but eventually one of the beasts stopped her dead cold, and it got her interested the second she saw it. On the page, right in front of her muzzle, was the exact same bird that she had faced! The same bird from the land of the Draconian! Twilight couldn't believe her eyes to the book. She was for sure this book was from Earth, since it already have the Thunderbird in it, which was indeed from Earth, but how could it have that AND the giant bird from the Equestria world? Not too long after that, Spike soon showed up, seeing that Twilight had the very book. "Hey, Twilight. What's up with you?" Spike asked, walking over to her. "It's this book. Look here - that's the same bird that I faced over near Darastrix," Twilight said, pointing to the bird with her hoof. "Yeah, so?" "SO? This book also has the Thunderbird here," Twilight said, flipping back a few pages to show the Thunderbird to Spike. "And that bird is from Steven's world. Who could've gathered this information from BOTH worlds into one book?" "Calm down, weirder things had happened. It's not like that answer will just pop up by the door, and -" *knock**knock**knock* Well, Spike had to open his big mouth. Spike and Twilight both turned to the front door, wondering who that could really be. Garnet had just visited not too long ago, so it would be odd to just see her loop back and knock on her door. Spike, who was nearest to the door, decided to go and answer it himself, Twilight walking up behind him as he did so. Spike opened the door up, and ... well, the sight of what it was is ... surprising, to say the least. The figure standing right at Twilight's front step was by no means any pony, human, or Gem. It stood just a foot taller than a human being, although rather long, about the length of an alligator. The body of this creature was quite a mix match, almost something like discord would be. Its body was covered in amber scales, with the front furred legs and fur-tipped tail of a lion, and the thin back legs of a sparrow. Its head, on a long neck, belonged to that of a lizard, with one set of ram horns, and a single unicorn horn at the center of its muzzle. Its eyes aimed forward, matching those of Spike's eyes just as well. On its person, a handbag was wrapped around its midsection. It was sitting down casually, looking to them both as they simply stared at it. "... I couldn't had called it any better," Spike commented. "Hello there, alicorn," he started. Twilight and Spike weren't sure what was going on exactly, not seeing Garnet around, nor anypony that would be responsible. "Oh. Uh, hello. And you are ...?" "Mushussu. May I?" he answered. "Oh, yeah, sure," Twilight said, moving herself aside as Mushussu stepped into her library. He had to hunker down a little bit, but room wasn't much of a problem for this creature, as it looked around a bit. "So ... I don't think I've seen you before," Twilight asked, feeling awkward about things. Mushussu turned to her. "I just arrived into town. A nice one, might I add. Now, I know I'm sort of jumping to things here, but you wouldn't happen to have a particular book of mine, do you?" Mushussu asked. considering they were in Twilight's library, that question was a bit ambiguous. Didn't help the awkwardness either, but soon, Mushussu looked and noticed one particular book left open nearby, still open to the Thunderbird page. "OH, there it is. Been looking for this for days now," Mushussu said, gently lifting the literary guide in his lion paws. "Wait, that's your book?" Spike asked. "Sure. I did write it, after all." "You wrote it?!" Twilight gasped. Looks like spike's assumption was on point after all, as Mushussu looked through the pages of his guide. Twilight now found her author to this strange book, but she still had a number of questions for him (of course). She practically flew at him, skidding to a stop just a foot away, as Mushussu closed it, and bookmarked it. "Of course. I had it left in another library for safekeeping, but apparently somepony got a hold of it," Mushussu said. Twilight now felt a little embarrassed, face blushing, and ears tucked back. Mushussu couldn't blame a curious pony for borrowing a book from a library. "Eh, sorry. The librarian said nopony owned that book," Twilight admitted, hoof rubbing the back of her head. "Ok then. Well, it doesn't look damaged. ... Yeah, you're okay, mis ..." "Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced. Mushussu wondered a little bit on the name, scratching his reptilian chin as he tried to think. "Twilight. Sparkle. ... sounds familiar ... you happen to know the Gems, by chance?" Twilight was even more surprised now. "You know them too?" "I'm aware of their species, yes. Rumors are a buzz, too. But anyway, thanks for not ruining my book, Twilight. Now, I need to be on my way," Mushussu said, as he began to exit Twilight home. Such a quick exit so soon was not going to go by this alicorn without her curios mind getting the answers she needs about this. The alicorn flew out in front of him. "Wait, wait. I wanna ask you something, still," Twilight quickly said. Mushussu stopped himself before he could walk into her. "And what would that be?" "Those animals, they're not just Equestrian creatures. How'd you even manage?" Twilight asked. Even if he's aware of Gems, he couldn't had figured out these other animals so easily, and so quickly. Mushussu glanced to his book, and then to Twilight. "Well, I get around. It's fun to go out, seeking and studying the wildlife out in their element," Mushussu said with a grin, and a bit of enthusiasm in his work. Twilight though was still curious about him. "But how'd you get these Earth creatures? Things like the Thunderbird didn't exist for the longest time until recently," Twilight advised, as Mushussu quickly looked down through the pages over to the Thunderbird in question. The creature took a sec to read it over before addressing her again. "You know, I got more of these books back at my own library. And seeing how you're a fan of good literature, I can lend you another one if you'd like," Mushussu offered. Twilight didn't need more than two seconds to make up her choice, now VERY intrigued about Mushussu's library. "Wonderful!" Twilight beamed. "Ok then, sounds good. Here's the directions, and you can stop by when you want to," Mushussu said, pulling out a note book from his bag, and writing down the information to his library. Soon, Twilight was given the information she needed, and while a bit lengthy, was still straightforward enough. With a nod of his head, Mushussu turned and began heading off on his way back, leaving Twilight excited as ever to find a new library to visit. If the monster guide was anything to go by, then this library was especially something worth looking over for both Equestria AND Earth. "Oh my Celestia, a new extradimensional library!" Twilight said, zooming off so fast, it left Spike in a tail spin. Spike quickly corrected himself, as he watched Twilight go. "Here we go." ~~~~~~ Meanwhile, monster hunting had to be put down on hold for a bit when it came to Steven and Amethyst. Their last excursion over in Draconian country left them rather worn out, not to mention giving Amethyst a new outlook. It did plenty of help when handling the unexpected winter at Darastrix, but while they were at home, amethyst just didn't appear to be upbeat. As Steven was starting up a video game, Amethyst was sitting by the sink, with an dozen of eggs next to her. Amethyst was dropping them down into the sink's grinder, and grinding them up one by one. "Hey, Amethyst, you wanna play?" Steven asked. Amethyst didn't answer him at first, continuing to drop eggs and grinding them in the sink. "No thanks. Making egg salad," Amethyst sighed. Steven could tell right away that his friend wasn't feeling too good, and he thought he knew why. "Come on, Amethyst. One round, you and me. It'll be quick," Steven promised. Amethyst, unchanged in her depressed tone, just sighed and walked up next to Steven. The Game Steven got up and running looked like a sort of car racing game, and he already set it up to who'll be who. It wasn't the first time Amethyst played this game, and she would usually be the same character, so Steven planned ahead, and even got the race course picked already. He did promise it'll be quick. Amethyst and Steven were soon starting the race, and around the first lap, it seemed to be doing well. Both sides seemed fine, and around the second lap, Steven began to take the lead. He felt good at first, but then remembered Amethyst's troubles. Amethyst still had a depressed, and now bothersome look in her face, and when the third lap happened up, Steven decided to choke. He swerved the wrong way, and Amethyst won the race fairly well. "OH, you beat me. You did a great job, Amethyst," Steven complimented. "... Steven, I know you let me win." Amethyst finally said. "What?! No, I did my best, you, uh ... nooooooooo?" Not very convincing. Amethyst just went over to the console, and turned off the game. "Don't try and cheer me up, Steven. I know I sucked back there ... Now I'm the runt of the Crystal Gems ..." "What?" Steven asked. Amethyst cringed. "You know what I meant, Steven. I completely suck," Amethyst sighed. "Amethyst, you don't suck." "Yes I do. What'd I just say?" "No you're not! If anything, I'm the runt of the Crystal Gems, not you." "Now I know that's a lie." Now Steven was starting to get a little upset with her and her doubting. He hated to think that Amethyst would think herself this way. "Amethyst, are you kidding? you have two whips - TWO whips! And that rolling move? you're a ton better than me!" Steven insisted. Amethyst though still had her own doubts at Steven's claims. "Yeah right! Steven, you have Rose's shield, you have that protective bubble, you can heal people with your spit for crying out loud! YOU blow me out of the water!" "My healing spit? I forget to even use that half the time! And the rest of my powers aren't guaranteed to work!" "They've been working fine for a long time!" "Coincidence! Besides, you helped stopped that Osicone while I was stuck behind in Blue Diamond's city!" "I barely could do ANYTHING there, everyone else did the heavy lifting!" "I didn't do ANY lifting!" This was a rather odd argument, but one both sides were set on winning in ... or losing in, whichever. As Amethyst and Steven continued their squabbling, their argument was cut short when they both heard a knock over at their door. Before Amethyst could go and answer it, Steven was already walking down. "I'll get the door - something a runt's only good for," Steven said, still trying to drive the point home. Amethyst looked down at Steven crossly, as Steven went on to open the door. He expected one of the Beach City residents, or perhaps the mailman Jamie. However, when they saw their new guest, it was enough to make them both stop cold. Two White Diamond Pearls, and Pearlis! "... Uh. ..." "Afternoon. My Diamond requested for you to come to Homeworld for a bit. She wants to see you," Pearlis informed. The news was out of nowhere to Steven and Amethyst, enough of a surprise to make Amethyst accidentally tumble off the second floor, down onto the couch with a loud thud. "White Diamond? NOW?" Amethyst asked, lifting herself up. "She's not still mad at us ... is she?" Steven asked, nervously. Pearlis looked to one of the White Pearls, which shook her head. "No. Don't know why she wouldn't be," Pearlis answered. Still, both Crystal Gems gave a sigh of relief. "Anyway, she wants you two to see her for a test royale at the latest convenience. Preferably when you don't have any of your own work to handle." "We can go, sure! Thanks to STEVEN, he got SO MUCH done! Right Steven? You're so good at missions," Amethyst said, trying to still prove to Steven who was the worse Gem of the two. Steven glared slightly, but Pearlis went along with it. "Then this should be fairly easy for you," Pearlis stated, before beginning to walk away, the other two Pearls waiting for Amethyst and Steven. It wasn't a monster match, but it was still something worth doing. The two glanced to eachother, when Steven finally decided. "I ... I'll challenge you! I'll show you how bad I am!" "YES! Let's do it!" Amethyst agreed, equally upset. What they both said next only sealed it. "MAY THE WORST GEM LOSE!!" ....... "Did you hear that?" A sly voice asked from the nearby rocks. Soon, two snake heads of Acid and Cyanide popped out to see the situation, just seeing Amethyst and Steven go out to join Pearlis for this royale. "A battle to prove who's the worst? Humans and Gems are such stupid creatures." "Just as well. This could make our job a whole. Lot. Easier. Shall we?" "We shall." ~~~~~~ "So, why're we going out to a boring library again?" It didn't take long until Twilight got her friends together, and soon she, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, Spike, and Rainbow were following her along towards their destination. In this case, the group had just stopped at the next train station, as the destination seemed to require it. The place they stopped at, according to the sign, is the train station at Hollow Shades. The town was more secluded than others like Ponyville, and not as populated, but it still was a nice stop anyway. "Rainbow, we should be able to get some sort of answer this way. If Mushussu really made that monster guide, then he must know what's going on back in Steven's world with these new creatures showing up," Twilight explained, trotting on ahead, looking at the directions to the library as she did. "Well, hopefully we will find that library soon," Rarity said, trying her best not to get her hooves dirty from the moist ground under her. Hollow Shades, since it was so secluded most of the time, wasn't exactly the most sanitary of places. It didn't help they were in a thick forest town either. However, Pinkie Pie, being happy as she was to be there, hopped on ahead, getting some dirt splattered on Rarity's hooves. "Pinkie Pie!" Rarity gasped, trying to clean her hooves of the excess mud. "Oops," Pinkie said, using her tail to clean up the mud a lot faster, in a sort of feather duster-like fashion. Not called for, but it got the job done fairly fast. "You two coming?" AJ called from further away. Rarity and Pinkie caught up with them, and Twilight and Spike were quite a bit ahead of the group. "Hey, Twilight, you sure this Mushussu is even here?" "That's what the directions say, Spike. Let's see now. ..." Twilight stopped for a moment, and as the others caught up with her, Twilight looked around Hollow Shades for a bit more. Around her were a number of shacks, but not much to resemble a library that she would know about. She looked around a bit more, even hovering in the air to get a better view, but most of the places looked rather dull for the most part. She took one more look at the directions again, and another look around the town, until something managed to catch her eye that could be where she was looking for. Soon, the others were at the spot in question, which took them over to the far eastern end of Hollow Shades, almost out of town altogether. The place didn't appear like a building in particular, but more like a sort of giant caravan, wheels included on the sides, and looking at the draconic symbol at the top of the door it once belongs to dragons. However, the wheels looked too worn out to move the thing, and they could assume it was made into a library after it was left. Twilight looked it over one more time. "This looks like the place," Twilight concluded. With that in mind, Twilight was the first to step up to the door, opening it up with a simple push of her hoof. Inside, the interior of the caravan had been strongly altered to suit the library and its owner. The size of the caravan left plenty of room for floors to be made, about three floors up, each one with plenty of books to read, different floors with different genres. "Mushussu? You in here? I'm here!" Twilight called. If Mushussu was going to be anywhere, it would be here. However, suddenly, a loud thud echoed in the room, followed by a loud yelp. The Mane Six were quick to rush over towards the source of the noise. They got over to the back, and around the corner, they all suddenly saw a pile of books on the ground, and a lion tail sticking out of it. Looked like it just happened too, and soon a head popped out of the pile, a book being lifted up on his unicorn horn, eyes spinning in a daze. "I thought I'm the only one," Spike commented, as Twilight helped with moving the books with her magic, moving them off of Mushussu. Not the most graceful way to make an introduction, but the sight of Mushussu made the others a little curious over him. "Are you Mushussu?" Fluttershy asked. "That's right. Nice of you all to come by. Interested in my guides, I presume?" Mushussu asked. "Well, yeah, that. I do want to ask you a few questions though, if that's alright," Twilight said. "Sure, sure. Right this way, I'll take you right to it," Mushussu said, starting to walk past them, and towards the stairs. With that, the group then went off and followed Mushussu around the library. Following the librarian just reminded them just how much was actually in it. So much for a single librarian to handle. As they followed Mushussu, the ponies still had a bit of questions for him. The first one to start was Rarity, who trotted up to his side. "I do have to say, Mushussu, you have quite a collection here. how did you manage?" "Oh, traveling around a bit, some donations here and there. It's not easy getting the collection together," Mushussu explained, starting to reach another part of the library. Eventually, one part of the library shelves, one the third floor precisely, Mushussu stopped, lifted himself back on his hind legs, and began to pick out a few of the books for Twilight and company. He got about five different books down, each one slightly similar to the one he took back from Twilight's house. "You wrote all these?" "One of my personal favorite literary works. I'm still working on another one, but please, help yourselves to those. Just be careful with those pages, I've worked for years on those things," Mushussu advised. "Will do, thank you," Twilight said. Mushussu went on to another part of the library, leaving the Mane six to their own. ~~~~~~ "Greetings, my Diamond. Your requested party has arrived," Pearlis announced. After about half an hour, Amethyst and Steven both left Earth, and now were over on Homeworld. With some navigation, instead of being on White Diamond's station, Amethyst and Steven were brought to Yellow Diamond's throne room. Considering the latest events the Crystal Gems had with White Diamond, the two were a bit hesitant to actually face White Diamond by themselves, as they were guided to the center of the room by the two Pearls. Yellow Pearl was standing nearby, waving her hand to Steven with a small grin on her face. She only stopped that when the other Pearls stood beside her. Pearlis casually moved over by her diamond, as Yellow and White Diamond looked them both down. However, this was White Diamond's main idea, so she was the one who stepped forward to confront them both. "Quartzes. Glad you two could make it," White Diamond began. Amethyst and Steven stayed quiet, but ready for whatever challenge White Diamond would have. "Pearlis said you have something for us?" "My test royale. Yes. ... Had either one of you considered yourselves special? Considering after your transformation between both of you, and a full human being, last time we met?" Like the two needed a reminder about THAT event again. As nice as it felt, it was the same time Jasper and Lapis basically went missing, so they were fifty-fifty on it. "It's about time we see how "special" you two are," White decided. As she said that, she summoned her Gem halberd. For a moment, Amethyst and Steven freaked out. they barely managed to survive her before, and only then it was because of Lapis, so they don't stand a chance. However, White Diamond instead stabbed the ground in front of her, and made a full circle around the throne room. Yellow Diamond cringed on seeing her throne room getting this kind of treatment, as White Diamond finished up the barrier. Once that was done, White Diamond removed her halberd. As this was going on though, without anyone else seeing, two familiar adders slithered to a good, yet hidden perch to watch the fight. "What're you doing to my throne room? I thought we're settling this outside," Yellow griped. "I'm free to change my mind, same as you," White simply said, as she stepped outside of the ring. Not much Yellow Diamond could do now. Soon, Amethyst and Steven found themselves in a make-shift fighting ring. Not entirely complicated, but it would still prove their own points fairly well. Both sides got the idea. "No holding back?" Amethyst asked, putting her hair back in a ponytail. "No holding back!" Steven replied. Angry, Amethyst went on to make the first move, starting off strong with a rapid roll attack straight for Steven. For Steven, all he did was do side-steps to avoid her. Amethyst tried over and over again to hit him, but it wasn't working. During the dash around though, Amethyst actually managed to tie Steven up in her whip, and soon Steven was on the ground in a tangled heap. "Whoa. I did not see that coming! THAT WAS AMAZING!" Steven called. "NO, IT'S NOT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AMAZING!" Amethyst called back, before sending a fiery whiplash straight towards Steven. In panic, Steven summoned up his bubble, not only getting himself out of it, but making Amethyst's whip disintegrate! "That was amazing," Amethyst commented, summoning more whips. Amethyst got her whips around Steven's bubble shield, and began to swing him around to try and break it up. Steven kept it up for a bit, even after he was getting knocked into the ground, and even some of Yellow Diamond's walls. Suddenly, Steven stopped himself, when his shield ended up turning into a spiked ball! "WHAT?! IS THAT NEW?! Because it's awesome," Amethyst growled. "This is an accident! ACCIDENTS! AREN'T! AWESOME!" Steven shouted. At this point, some of the crowd watching was getting a little confused. Fighters don't usually compliment eachother like it's a bad thing to say. "Uh, I think they got it backwards," commented Pearlis. While White Diamond studied the fighting patterns more than what needed to be said, Yellow looked a little more into what they were arguing over than White was. ... Soon, Amethyst pulled him out of the wall. Steven got the bubble shield off, and slammed Amethyst square in the back with a well placed kick. However, that pull also pulled out a part of the wall, which would've crushed Steven if Amethyst didn't whip it in two. "INCREDIBLE!" Steven yelled. "Wrong! ANYONE CAN DO THAT!" Amethyst screamed, charging back at Steven again. Steven had to jump back again, but this time Amethyst caught him in her whip mid air, swung him up high, and slammed him down hard! The impact crushed the floor, and Steven was left under a rubble. However, Steven had the strength still to break out, a stray giant rock almost crushing Amethyst. "YOU SEE?! I threw you from the sky and you almost won, USEING A ROCK!" Amethyst screamed. This backwards argument was starting to get too off for the others, but the snakes saw this as a good opportunity. With a nod from Acid's head, Cyanide slithered away. ... Steven managed to pull himself out of the hole, tired and bruised up but still trying to prove his point to Amethyst in some way. "You ... you can totally beat me. You're not even trying," Steven groaned through strained breath, as he got himself out. "I. Am. Too," Amethyst groaned, as she tried to lift the large piece of YD's wall to throw back. However, both sides were getting rather winded, and while Steven failed to get some bit of floor to throw back, Amethyst couldn't lift her ammo at all. During this, Cyanide slithered into position, just inches away from a quick bite. ... "I guess we're too good to be bad fighters," Steven finally admitted, exhausted. "That's what you think." Amethyst said, also exhausted. "What does that even mean?" "I don't even know!" Yellow Diamond had enough. Without White's order, she rushed in, and her sword cut down right in between the two rebellious fighters, stopping the fight right then and there. It was enough to stop them both right away, and for Cyanide to cower behind the rubble to avoid getting spotted. as they both looked up to Yellow. "Yellow Diamond, no one told you to intervene." "THEY'RE WRECKING MY PALACE, WHITE!" Yellow yelled, cross as ever. White Diamond looked around the wrecked throne room. The walls were cracked, the floor dented, and rubble laid everywhere. "So they did," White sighed. Snapping her fingers, her Pearls immediately began to repair the throne room, as White Diamond herself went over to them. She got enough of her information from the fight anyway, even if it was rather unorthodox. Rather than answering them, White Diamond turned to Pearlis. "Pearlis. Did you happen to hear anything in particular on your route back?" White asked. "Well, the Rose Quartz and Amethyst did proclaim ... may the worst Gem lose. Apparently neither can decide who's better than the other," Seemed at least one of them got what was actually going on. Yellow Diamond removed her sword so Amethyst and Steven weren't split up. "What is exactly going on here? Apparently you two don't know how to insult correctly," Yellow Diamond asked, obviously upset over the damage in her palace. Steven decided to just let it out. Not a good idea to lie in front of Homeworld's Diamond. "I'm not insulting her, I'm trying to help her!" Steven said. "Help me with what? It's clear I'm the worst Gem, stop trying to make me feel better!" Amethyst yelled. Steven wand Amethyst readied for one more punch, just to have both sides miss, and fall to the floor. Yellow Diamond decided to get it through their heads first, with permission from White Diamond of course. "That is indeed true. When it comes to comparing both quartzes, Rose Quartz are considered more superior than Amethysts." "But that's not -" Yellow quieted Steven with a snap of her fingers in Steven's face. This allowed her to speak again. "Let's look at the facts for a bit. Rose Quartzes, as a race of Gems, are part of the healing group of Gems. They can heal Gems in various ways, have a strong sense of protection, have varying abilities to reflect as you've seen, and before particular events, were in charge of Zoo maintenance. And as for Amethysts, they're in the barbarian group. Gems that are released in the field to simply run wild without exact orders given to them. Tell me which one is "better"," Yellow Diamond explained. It obvious wasn't helping, and apparently she wasn't trying to. "... So, my kind's worse? It's not just me? ..." "Correct. If you have anything though, you at least have a Gem weapon. Amethysts aren't significant enough to have any at all, let alone a whip," Yellow Diamond admitted, though it honestly didn't help all too much, in fact Amethyst felt worse. Bad enough she sucks as an individual, but the fact she sucks as a species? If that was the case, what did that make her - a runt of an Amethyst soldier? Then again, this was just comparing her to Steven, but still. ... "... You could've buttered it up a little ..." "Pardon?" Yellow questioned. "Y-You heard me! Do you have any sense of tact?!" Amethyst snapped. Yellow Diamond summoned her sword, and almost poofed Amethyst on the spot with one swing! White Diamond was admittedly pleased to see Yellow Diamond come to senses (or at least, her senses) "... White Diamond has her information. You can go now," Yellow finished. Not under command, but White Diamond allowed her this time. Amethyst, feeling defeated and ashamed about it, then went off to leave with Steven. ... ~~~~~~ Reading through the books, Twilight Sparkle and company were doing a pretty good job in learning about these monsters through many of Mushussu's guides. Twilight alone had gone through about five of them, each one speaking about all sorts of creatures, nine times outta ten about creatures not found in Equestria. For Twilight, this was pure gold! After seeing plenty of these odd creatures, including a thunderbird, a arctic worm beast, and the recent giant bird near Darastrix, this could help them A TON! Although Twilight was pretty deep in the books, not all of them were exactly as interested in it as she was. "Can't we do something else now?" Rainbow asked. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to," Twilight said. But Rainbow didn't leave. She's still her friend, and she might as well stick around with her ... as much as she was bored. As they were waiting, some of the ponies did decide to wander around a bit. They didn't go too far, and checked out different parts of the library and what each books had to offer. Fluttershy stuck around with Twilight and reading through the monster observation guides, AJ went off to check some cookbooks alongside Pinkie, and Rarity went around to see if any stylish books were around for some inspiration. During her wandering around, Rarity and Pinkie Pie caught sight of something hanging off the wall, something they missed when stepping in from the entrance. Much like how Steven had a Rose Quartz picture above his front door, this place had a sort of snake-like creature, wings curled around the frame, and staring down with reptilian eyes. The color of the wings was what enticed Rarity to observe, feeling inspired just from seeing that alone. "See you like the artwork." Rarity turned her head to see Mushussu walking back out from one of the sections. "It is quite marvelous. The contrast in colors, the way the feathers almost glow in the painting, the lighting off the eyes. Really brings out the mystical nature," Rarity said, bringing out her sort of fashionista nature to speak of the painting. Mushussu felt pretty happy about it. "Know what you mean. Took the painter five hours just to get the wings right," Mushussu said. "I'd imagine. I'd love to know what artist made this. I could give her credit for such design when I cooperate it to my own fashion line-up, and give her a dress for her troubles," Rarity said, imagining the designs that could come from this, as any fashion designer would. Mushussu sat down, glancing at the painting first before turning to Rarity. "Well, I could. But, I dunno if you'll believe me," Mushussu said, a little sheepishly like what Fluttershy would act like. "How so? I've done long-distance customers before." "Well ... they're not exactly of this world ..." "Oh, is that all?" Rarity asked. Now it was Mushussu who looked puzzled. "You're not confused, miss?" "Not exactly. Some of my close friends aren't of this world either, so, me and my friends had some experience with it," Rarity explained, referring to the Germs and Humans back on Earth and Homeworld. Mushussu didn't expect as such, but wasn't as surprised as one would normally be. "I see. Well -" "Oh! Wait, I'll be right back," Pinkie said, bolting off. Suddenly, she raced back with Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Spike, and Fluttershy. Any revelations might as well have a crowd. "Warning next time, Pinkie Pie," AJ commented. Mushussu was a little quiet, but got his mind on the right path. "... Well, you were saying something about your friends?" Rarity said, getting herself together. Mushussu looked back to the portrait on the wall, which the others did notice. "Eh, yeah, right. You know how you know otherworldly beings, like the Gems, Twilight?" Mushussu started. "That's right. Do you have any Gems as friends too?" "No. No. I mean that ... I'm ... kind of from another dimension ... heh ..." Silence. Mushussu stayed a little quiet, embarrassed slightly, but thankfully the silence was broken by the pink mare. "GASP! ANOTHER DIMENSION?! Which world? Where? what's it like? how'd you get here? IS THERE CHOCOLATE RAIN CLOUDS AND OR GIANT BUNNIES?!" "Pinkie, calm down," AJ said, pulling the curious pink mare back. "What? It could be anything where he's from!" Retorted Pinkie Pie. "It's ok, it's ok. But, to tell you the truth, I don't visit my homeworld all too often. Most of the time I'm going around place to place to study and add to my books. Equestria's just one of them," Mushussu explained, a little more comfortable about the subject now that he's more aware of the crowd he's with. "So you don't remember your own world?" questioned Rainbow. "No, I do I do. Just a bit hazy that's all. I still know the main details of it." "Including the picture," Rarity figured, a hoof aimed to the portrait. All Mushussu did was nod. "That picture represents Quetzalcoatl." "Quetzal-what-now?" Pinkie questioned, head tilted. "Well, this world has the Alicorns. The Gem's Homeworld has the Diamonds. Mine has the feathered serpents like Quetzalcoatl," Mushussu summed up, which got the point across well enough for them. This Quetzalcoatl seemed rather interesting, but Twilight decided to get to the point she tried to get to all day, as she levitated the book to show Mushussu. "Ok, look. I want to ask you about the guides here - why I wanted to come in the first place." "Oh? What's that?" "These monsters, look. I've seen these - we've seen these in the Earth Gems are on. But, none of these showed up until recently. So, how did you write THIS much down about them? Do you know where they're coming from?" Twilight asked. During her talk, Twilight opened the pages to the monsters they've come across: the Thunderbird, the Remorhaz, and the giant bird from Darastrix. Mushussu looked to the creatures in question, and thinking about what she was saying before connecting the dots. "OOHHH ... So you're world's matching too, huh?" "Matching? Matching what?" Spike asked. "Dimension rules!" Mushussu revealed. "... Dimension rules?" "See, I came across one dimension where not only did Earth and Equestria met, but also when these creatures came around WAY LONG before this one did. Not saying this world's an exact copy of it, but it's worth mentioning since it looks like it's following a similar direction according to these animal sightings here. You know, following similar dimensional rules. It's how I got these beasts so early on, not to mention all the other stuff. I'm a dimensional jumping studier!" Mushussu said, full of pride. This news excited some of the ponies a little more. The idea there's a dimension that their worlds met long before theirs did already. "Did their Gem homeworld get reunited as this did?" "Well, I don't know, I don't think so. I didn't see the similar Warp Pad, or anything like that, so I think yours had more luck than theirs did. ... It's funny like that - you don't know what you'll truly come across," Mushussu explained, as best he could really. Twilight Sparkle wondered a bit as she looked down to the book again. "Mushussu? You wouldn't mind if we kept this, would you?" "That one in particular? Good option for your scenario, but no. I can give you a copy for ten bits though," Mushussu offered. "... You prefer an I.O.U.?" "Rainbow," Rarity hissed, before trotting out. She had a few bits, but just shy of two. Mushussu tested the bits with the old 'bite' technique, and found them genuine. "Hmm ... Alright, close enough. I appreciate your business, I'll be right back," Mushussu said, running off for a bit. It took only a short minute, but he soon came right on back with another copy of the genuine book. Nice copy, good in condition, and something that can help them out in future. This could work out wonderfully for everyone. "Thank you very much, Mushussu. Come on everypony, we're good here," Twilight decided. "About time," Rainbow spat out, flying right out the door. She wasn't sticking around any longer, and the others, including Mushussu, understood why for a pony like her. The others began to head off on their way, as Mushussu grabbed the authentic book. The mane six have their monster guide for the future, and now get the idea on what's going on here. Great news for them, really. "Thank you, come again."