//------------------------------// // The Oathbreaker // Story: A Bridge Between Brothers // by Rammy //------------------------------// ബഐബഐബഐ H.K. ബഐബഐബഐ "OATHBREAKER! You have much to answer for!" I yelled out as I stepped through the debris cloud that I created when I destroyed the door. Perfect. This is just perfect for my needs I smiled as I saw the shock and scared expression from a line of parishioners. Exactly what I needed witnesses. "Halt!" "Not this again." I grumbled as I picked up every guard in the room and slammed them against the nearest wall knocking them out. Pathetic, just pathetic... "Now, where was I?" I happily called out. I ignored the stares of the ponies as I approached the throne gesturing for Spike to stay behind. I could see that the shock of my entrance and quick defeat of the guards had warn off enough for a few ponies attempt to get out which I was not going to allow. A quick zap of my magic flipped the polarity of a specific ward. The one that usually prevents intruders from entering so that now ponies could enter but not leave. It wasn't long before panic over came the ponies as they realized they could not get out. "Princess save us!" "I have to get out!" "The door won't open!" So far the Oathbreaker had been silently glaring at me. Even as the panicking increased. She knew I wasn't going to attack before I had some words. CALM DOWN. I shouted using the Canterlot Royal Voice. Which did exactly what I wanted. At least for now... "You little ponies, at least for the moment, are safe. Now as for your Oathbreaker of a Princess..." "What do you want Har..." Oathbreaker finally spoke up though she was unable to finish when I slammed her mouth shut mid word. "You lost all rights to call me that when you broke your word Oathbreaker!" "My question still stands..." Oathbreaker growled out when I removed the bonds on her mouth. "You know the answer! You are found in violation of the treaty now twice and for that you and your ponies will pay dearly." I summoned my sword and held it in a battle ready position. "I think not." Oathbreaker vowed, her mana charging at the tip of her horn. So be it... I narrowed my eyes, waiting. A second later Oathbreaker sent of a golden beam of magic at me which I easily deflect around me with my sword. She then tried two more time for me to just as easily deflect or sidestep them. She has lost all her battle prowess to attack me with such weak beams. I retaliated by sending two beams of my own back at her which she blocked using a shield. I shook my head after I rushed forward and slashed the shield into pieces. I am beginning to see how Queen Chrysalis was able to overpower Oathbreaker. I was about to slash at Oathbreaker herself when a dark beam slammed the ground between us. I spun around to see that Luna was flying right at us her horn charging for another attack. "Tis bad enough thou dare to attack mine sister but to steal that sword. We shall cut thee down." Luna dived towards me, her scythe materialized as she did. "Unlikely." I chuckled as I prepared for her true opening attack. Just as she was about to slash I hooked my sword in the nook of her scythe and did a back flip taking Luna with me as I did. I then dematerialized my sword temporarily sending her spinning back towards the crowd of ponies. Luna quickly corrected the spin I put her, landing with a skid. Quite impressive. It seems that a thousand years on the moon has not dulled her skills all that much. The problem was that while she was napping I was still training. Not that she was ever enough on her own to beat me. Speaking of that... I pulled up a quick partial shield as Oathbreaker shot another beam at me and judging from the strain on my mana she finally was getting into the fight as the beam was twice as powerful as her earlier beams. I had no time to analysis anything more as Luna try once again to slash me. But all she got was air as I teleported away and shot several beams at Oathbreaker much to Luna's annoyance. Oathbreaker shielded herself from my attack though this time her shield cracked from the strain. "Have thou forgotten us?" Luna shouted before she tried a third time to slash me throwing her scythe at me like a boomerang. "I haven't, but I am not here for you." I answered back by grabbing the scythe with my telekinesis stopping its spin at the same time much to her shock. I enchanted it with mana flame then threw it just like Luna did but instead at Oathbreaker whom froze in shock. Looks like she remembered what mana flame could do if it hit her or her mana. The only way she could survive was to move out of the way without the use of magic. "Sister!" Luna shouted. Time seemed to slow down as she rushed to intercept. I could tell she was going to be too late to stop it and with Oathbreaker still frozen the scythe was going to connect. At least it was until Luna managed to clip the scythe with the very tip of her hoof causing it to wobble off track. Time then resumed when the scythe missed the top of Oathbreakers horn by inches, taking off the top of her throne and embedding itself in the wall behind it. Suddenly I started to cough hard. Damn it, not now! I over did it again! I used too much mana too quickly. I stumbled onto one of my knees as a violent spasm rushed through my body. "H.K.!" Spike yelled, rushing over to me as I vomited steaming pile of black goo. "I'm fine young dragon." I waved the concerned Spike off. I only needed a moment to recover. My nausea slowly disappeared as I slowly got back onto my hooves "H.K.!?" Luna questioned as she slowly approached us surprise on her face. "Did you say H.K. young dragon?" "Uh, yes..." Spike shrunk back in fear. I slowly shook my head just enough to prevent Luna from revealing anything further. Now was not the time for Spike to know anything more of whom I was. He was already emotionally in turmoil, and if he was going to be able to save them then he needed a clear head. "Now... where was I?" I idly wondered before I remembered. The Oathbreaker. I picked up my sword and held it backhooved in my magic and I walked towards the throne this time unimpeded. "Ah yes, the Oathbreaker." "So tell me... Oathbreaker. " I sneered as I made my way up the side of the throne and causally pressed my sword up against her neck. "Why should I let you and your precious little ponies live?" "Your br..." "Ah, ah, ah.." I stopped her. "You lost the right to mention him the moment you became an oathbreaker." "H.K.!" Luna shouted in panic. "Silence Bringer of the Night, I have words for the oathbreaker that is your sister." "Please don't hurt her." "That is still to be determined..." I called back to Luna before returning my attention to Oathbreaker. "So tell me why what made you sign your own death warrant?" "But I had too..." Oathbreaker gulped as I pressed my sword into neck a bit more. "For him... for if she died... then he might..." "Might what?" I narrowed my eyes at her dancing around my question. "Do what Discord did..." "Do what Discord did?" I questioned a bit confused on where exactly Oathbreaker was going before it came to me. My eyes widen as the realization hit me fully. "But there is nothing..." "There is one way..." Oathbreaker interrupted. "You don't mean?" I went wide eyed as I realized what she was trying to do. "Yes." "You thought I would say no!? That I would interfere?" "No, not you..." Oathbreaker's gaze moved past me and to the crowd beyond. I turned to match her gaze to see Spike standing to next to Luna worry etched on his face and his tail in his hands. I see... That is definitely a possibility especially if his dragon instincts fully awaken at the wrong time. "That doesn't change the fact that you broke your oath not once but twice now." "I had to..." "You had to!? You really don't get it do you?" I shook my head at her blindness to the seriousness of what she had nearly done no matter how good the intentions. "Bringer of the Night do you accept?" "Uh... Yes?" Luna hesitantly agreed, clearly not knowing what was going on. "Good." I smiled as I teleported a copy of the Draco-Pony treaty to her as I walked down the throne. "Read, memorize, then burn this. You are now responsible to make sure that it is carried out for if a single letter is broken there will be war and I really doubt Equestria will survive a forenight." "Come young dragon." I said as I walked past Spike. "Where are we going?" Spike rushed to follow me after a moments hesitation. "And what makes you think I will go with you?" "We are heading to the Crystal Empire to hopefully rescue Twilight."