//------------------------------// // Chapter 21: A good work ethic // Story: Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall // by LucidReverie //------------------------------// Dust. Spring Mist wandered the communal study level of the astronomy tower. The sun had set only a few minutes ago. He was surrounded by tall bookshelves and desks piled with papers and documents. A few scholars milled about, preparing themselves for their usual nightly studies. Assistant ponies pulled trailed papers telescopes, sextants, and various other assorted items behind them. Mist had a job to do: speak to each scholar and try to understand life in the tower. Then evaluate and collect reports on studies and observations. Then survive meeting with Honey Sweetroll. Actually, that last one was probably the easiest. Mist had learned very quickly how to handle Sweetroll, so he was confident that he would be able to do so when the time came. Mist spotted his first ‘victim’: a brown unicorn pony with a beige mane, and a sextant cutie mark. He was standing next to his assistant, a small yellow-maned, light green earth pony. “Fine evening friend. Apologies for the interruption, but I was wondering if you might be willing to answer a few questions?” Mist asked, putting on his most winning smile. The scholar regarded Mist for a moment, “Ah, you must be the new addition to our little family. I must say that your joining has been most unorthodox. Nonetheless, welcome. My name is Copper Sun, and I shall be of any help I can.” He finished with a flourish and a bow. Mist smiled more naturally, glad to have found yet another pleasant pony. “Thanks you, ser. I am Spring Mist. Caramel Tart charged me with ‘interrogating’ my new fellows so that I can learn as much as possible. She also asked me to gather up any reports that anypony may have written.” “Well, it would be my pleasure to share what I know. As for the reports, you would have to ask the assistants for those; like Noted Page, my personal assistant and protégée. He should be able to help you with that.” The assistant pony nodded his head, “Of course. I would be more than willing to gather Copper Sun’s reports and deliver them to your quarters, if you wish. Would that be acceptable, ser?” Mist looked to Copper Sun, who offered a nod, “Thank you, Ser Page. You are most helpful.” Noted Page bowed and eagerly trotted off to another section of the tower to perform his new duties. Copper Sun gestured for Mist to follow, and the two headed into a room that seemed to function as a workshop: copper and brass instruments lined the walls, lay scattered on desks. Schematics were posted in various areas of the room. Soft light glinted off of the shiny, polished surfaces. Mist stared in wonder at the marvels before him. “What is this place?” Mist asked. “My workshop,” Copper Sun replied, “I am in charge of instrument and tool construction and maintenance. Any telescope, measuring tool, ocular device you see, I have built and fixed. I also work on creating new versions of the tools we use here. Actually, come look at this.” Mist trotted over to Copper Star, who was standing over an object obscured by a light cloth. The covering was pulled away, and beneath laid a mish-mash of brass rings and tubes, screws, glass lenses, and brightly-colored crystals. Mist looked at the group of items and tried to figure out their purpose, taking a guess anyway, “A broken telescope?” Copper Star shook his head so vigorously that Mist was afraid it would fall off, “No, no, no, my dear boy. Not a broken telescope. A new telescope.” “A new telescope? Makes sense, but I’m guessing then that there is something special about this one?” “Yes!” Copper Star exclaimed excitedly, “It is a new design. See, the idea is the same as a regular telescope, but the addition of magically-charged crystals focus the lenses in new ways. The idea is that, with this telescope, a pony could be able to see the surface of the moon. Or even the sun!” “What about just creating an enchantment in a room, like in Caramel Tart’s quarters?” “Oh, you mean the Void? Not everypony has access to such a room, and the enchantment itself is a mystery to everypony. Even the Head Scholar – they only know spells to use the enchantment, not duplicate it. No, I want to make this available to everypony. Imagine – sitting on your roof, looking out to the stars, and being able to see them as if they were only a few hoofsteps away, the surface of the moon almost joining with the surface on which you stand.” Mist was impressed, “I wish I had something like that. It would certainly make things very interesting. When can I get one?” Copper Star covered the telescope again, “It’s a long way off from completion, sadly. Now come, I will show you a bit of what I do.” Mist followed Copper Star around the workshop, asking questions like an excited colt, learning as much as possible about fixtures, apertures, gears, lenses, and any other part of any astronomical instrument Mist could imagine. He also looked at a few designs for new instruments, some technical, some magical, but still some of the most outlandish things a pony could see. Miniature stars, enchantments like the Void, even a way to travel to the stars. Copper Star enjoyed speaking about his trade, and rambled for quite a period of time. Finally, Mist dismissed himself, thanking Copper Star for the tour. “Of course! You stop by anytime! I’ll be glad to show you some more of my ideas!” Copper Star called after Mist. Mist walked back into the main study area. The other ponies had moved off into their own sections of the tower, so Mist had a bit of hunting to do. He decided to try to find Bloom and see what he was doing. After a brief walk around the library, Bloom was found sitting at a desk, pouring over what looked like an especially complicated formula, his face scrunched-up in concentration. “Don’t burn your brain out on that,” Mist said, only half joking. Bloom looked up and gave a smile of respite, “I try not to, but sometimes these things are just really something else. And that’s when they work. You should see them when they are done by some pony who had no idea what they were doing.” “What are these, exactly?” “Oh, these are formulas, or formulae if you wish, and theories on the nature of the night sky, the celestial bodies, and the various cosmic phenomena that we witness.” “Okay, so… An example would be great, I’m sorry.” “Oh, not at all. Gravity. There is a theory of gravity and it has formulas attached to it so it can be explained mathematically. Likewise, many new theories are imagined and then sent off to me. I look at them, double-check the math behind them, and file the more plausible ones for consideration. However, some of the theories are really quite unbelievable. I mean, take this one –” Bloom picked up a piece of paper and showed it to Mist, “– this theory states that the stars are actually fireflies stuck on, quote ‘some big, bluish-black thing’. I mean, really. And this was sent in a week ago.” “Really now? How interesting. So your job seems fun.” “Sometimes it really is. Anything you want to know in particular?” “Only what you’d like to share. And I should probably talk to your assistant. I need any reports you’ve done.” “Oh? Well I’ll have him take them to your room. I’m guessing that’s your job now? Though, I imagined greater things than ‘secretary’…” “No, I’m just learning how to do things around here. I’ve been asked to be liaison to the Princesses’ desks. Reports are a part of that job.” “How fun. But that’s quite the set of responsibilities placed on you. Are you going to be alright with the work?” “I think so. I hope Caramel Tart hasn’t misplaced her faith.” “Well, you let me know if you ever need help.” “Thank you Bloom. You’ve been a real friend.” “Of course, Mist. Now are you excited about working with the Princesses?” “I don’t know if I’m working with them, but… yes! I can’t wait. But I’m a little worried, too. I mean, Princess Celestia is just fine, graceful, helpful, calm. But Princess Luna… well, let’s just say that I seem to have developed a talent for upsetting her.” “Oh, Mist. I wouldn’t worry about it. If what Caramel Tart says is true, then you have nothing to fear,” Bloom caught Mist’s glance, “And, yes. She told me about your little ‘private meeting’ during the party last night.” Mist groaned at the obvious teasing, “I get enough of that from Sweetroll. I don’t need it from you too.” “You get enough of what from me?” came Honey Sweetroll’s voice from behind Mist, “Pick your answer wisely, guardboy.” Bloom and Mist straightened up, and Bloom was first to speak, “Honey! You’re back. How was the journey?” “Fine. But don’t defend guardboy here. Answer me.” Mist smiled and looked her straight in the eye, “Why your lovely charms, of course. Your sweet words of affection and encouragement warm my heart and brighten my day. Can’t you tell?” Sweetroll rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Please, guardboy. I have anything but words of affection and encouragement for you.” “I was being sarcastic. I’m really surprised you missed that,” Mist said, standing. “I was being serious. I’m surprised you missed that,” Sweetroll’s voice rose with aggression. Mist and Sweetroll stood facing each other, shooting daggers. Bloom coughed, and snapped them from their staring contest. “Well, you seem to fit the robes well,” Sweetroll said flatly. “Thank you. I find them quite comfortable. Now, I need something from you.” “Ugh, what?” “Your reports from the meteor site, and your job description,” she was about to protest when Mist added, “Caramel Tart’s orders.” “Fine. My report is on my desk in my study. Upstairs, third door on the right. And what do you want to know?” “Well, let’s start with what it is exactly that you do, besides being a bit challenging to everypony?” “Funny. My area of expertise is actually cosmic phenomena as they relate to us. I dabbled in geology and pony studies. That’s why I was at the meteor site. Anything else?” “Am I going to get anything else?” “No.” “Well then, I’m done. I’ll go get your report. Sweetroll, as always it has been a pleasure. I’ll tell you about the party later, Bloom.” Mist offered a nod as he turned to leave the room. He headed in the direction of Sweetroll’s study. Mist found it on the floor above the library and entered the second door on the right. Mist was shocked the minute he walked into the room. He had expected barren office, instead what he found was a slightly horrifying collection of some very unexpected things: toys, trinkets, streamers, glitter, confetti, and little stuffed animals dotted the room, nestled on bookshelves, tables, a bed. A bed. Oh dear, wrong door. Mist bolted out of the room and turned into the correct room, where he saw the papers he needed sitting on the desk. Grabbing them, Mist rushed back to his room, vowing to forget what he had just seen in Sweetroll’s bedroom… until he could use it as leverage... Oh, life is getting fun.