Scootaloo's Dreams

by Broneyofnoel

Ch. 7 Caught!

(Third Person omniscient!)

Applejack heard a heavy rustle, followed by a crashing sound coming from outside of the barn. She dropped the harness she was holding and rushed over to the area of origin of the sound. She found Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, both panting from the speed and the crash.

“What are you two doing crashing about on my farm?” Applejack asked, Rainbow did this all the time, and frankly Applejack was getting tired of it.

“What are we doing, what are you doing?” Rainbow said back.

“I beg your pardon?” Applejack said sternly.

“Why’d you let Scoots stay in the clubhouse during the storm last night?” Rainbow yelled, she really cared for the little filly.

“I did not!” Applejack yelled, meanwhile, Fluttershy was hiding behind a tree nearby.

“Well, she told Fluttershy that she did!” Rainbow pointed to Fluttershy, “Isn’t that right?”

“Y-yes, but," Fluttershy spoke up, but was cut off by rainbow’s next outburst.


“I didn’t know that Scootaloo stayed in that clubhouse.” Applejack said, “But I might know somepony who did.” she paused for a moment, “APPLEBLOOM!”

Not a second later, the small cream colored filly appeared,

“Yes ma’am, what’s wrong ma’am!”

“Why was Scootaloo staying in the Cutie mark Crusaders’ clubhouse last night?”

“Huh?” AppleBloom didn’t know, “Well, all I saw is that she was there real early and she said she just wanted to check on it.”

“Real Early is right.” Applejack said.

“So you don’t know why?” Rainbow asked.

“Nope!” AppleBloom said.


“Umm, maybe is we go over there, we can find her and ask her herself.” Fluttershy pointed out to the trio of them.

“Fluttershy! That’s a great idea!” Rainbow picked up Fluttershy and hugged her, which caused her to blush as well.

With that, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack rushed towards the clubhouse, each of them hoping to find Scootaloo.


After Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack ran off, AppleBloom decided to find Sweetie Belle. She hoped that she might have some answers.

AppleBloom ran out of the barnyard and started heading towards town at tremendous speeds. She had to find Sweetie belle and find out why Scootaloo was sleeping in their clubhouse.

She could see the boutique in the distance now, its carousel structure poking over the hill ever so slowly. She tried to run harder, but she couldn’t, reluctantly she kept her pace.

“SWEETIE BELLE!” AppleBloom yelled as she arrived at the front door.

Not three seconds later did the little filly meet AppleBloom at the front door. She looked at the heaving AppleBloom.

“AppleBloom, are you okay?”

“Scootaloo....clubhouse...trouble...hurry!” AppleBloom said.

“What?” Sweetie Belle was flummoxed.

AppleBloom took a deep breath, then continued,

“ScootaloospentthenightattheclubhouseandnowFluttershy, Applejack, andRainbowaregoingtogether!” she said in a rush.

“Slow down!” Sweetie Belle said loudly.

“Scootaloo spent the night at the clubhouse and now Fluttershy, Rainbow dash, and Applejack are going to get her!” AppleBloom said slowly.

“C’mon then, we have to help her!” Sweetie belle said as she ran past AppleBloom towards their clubhouse.

The two fillies ran as fast as their little legs could carry them, but they knew that they wouldn’t make it before Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow.


(First Person)

As the song finished, I struck a pose and unfurled my wings to make myself look like an angel. Although that was my favorite song to dance to, the next one made me feel the happiest.

The song started playing, I almost couldn’t dance to it, and the words made me feel whole, like I mattered. I leaped and danced in a circle in the small space that I had.

“I came to win...” I sang along as my wings propelled my small body a few inches off of the ground.

When Nickel Tiara came in, I sped up my dancing, crossing the room in mere seconds, I was back doing what I loved.

I edged towards the center of the floor, waiting for the chorus, when it hit, I sprang into action.

“I came to win!” I breathed, and my little wings picked me up off of the ground, I spun in the air, creating a whirlwind that spun my mane around my face.

I felt my tail touch back down to the floor, and I could hear the music dying down, I went in for my final move. I sped from hoof to hoof, leaving balance on each one, and at the final beat, I lowered my head and looked at the floor.

I felt a tear fall from my face and I heard it hit the floorboard, I trotted over to the record player, and put a record that I struggled keeping composure with in.

I heard the music begin, I broke, but I danced, I let the tears fly off in a hundred different directions as I danced, the song was powerful, too powerful against me. I danced fast, I wanted the memories to last forever, but I wanted them to end at the same time.

“Brighter than a shooting...” I couldn’t sing that word, I could barely say it.


Applejack had reached the clearing where the clubhouse was, she could hear music. She was followed not long after by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. The three of them made their way silently up to the window of the clubhouse. Inside, they could see Scootaloo dancing...and....crying?

“What in tarnation?” Applejack asked, but was quickly silenced by Rainbow Dash.

“Watch.” Fluttershy said, causing the other two to look at her, “She’s crying to this song, let her finish.”

“Fine.” Rainbow said, putting her hooves across her chest and sitting on her haunches.

“I didn’t know that she could dance.” Applejack said.

“Neither did I, I guess she kept it hidden to keep her tough filly reputation up.” Fluttershy said, coming to a realization.

“Yeah, I guess.” Rainbow lightened up a bit.

As the song ended, the three saw the filly sit down in the center of the room, facing away from them, crying her eyes out.

“C’mon y’all, I reckon now’s about the right time.” Applejack said as she rose and headed towards the door.

The other two obliged, around the same time, two fillies barreled into the open and looked up at the three mares, who looked right back.

“Shhh.” Rainbow ordered, the two fillies nodded and didn’t move.

Applejack paused at the door and allowed Fluttershy to open it. The door opened quietly to reveal a bawling Scootaloo sprawled out on the floor.

Nopony moved, except Fluttershy, who silently flew over to Scootaloo and pulled her up into a hug. She just cried into Fluttershy’s coat as the two other mares entered the room.


So we ended up with Scootaloo crying into Fluttershy's coat, how smile inducing.