A Bridge Between Brothers

by Rammy

The Envious

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

"I said OUT." I spun around when I heard H.K. scream just in time to see Garble being slammed out of one the sleeper rooms.

"Garble!" I jumped up to go check on Garble who was passed out in the hallway.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Garble tried to shrug me off as he attempted to get up.

I wasn't so sure. He looked quite dazed from being slammed into the wall. I'm surprised that the train wasn't derailed from the impact. out of habit I tried to help Garble when he stumbled as he took his first steps.

"I said I'm fine." Garble growled out before flinching back. H.K. really did a number on him to get him to be scared of growling in mild anger.

"Relax!" I backed away to give Garble some space in hopes he would calm down.

Garble slowly walked over to one of the benches and sat down. He said nothing as he looked out the window. It seems he was as lost in thought as I was earlier. I decided to join him as I still had a lot to think about and it would be many hours before night fall and several days until we reached the Empire.

"I was jealous..." Garble suddenly whispered out.

"Jealous? What are you talking about!?"

"Of you." Garble answered, still looking out the window.

"I don't understand what do you mean you were jealous of me?"

"It was because you came from the ponylands the birthplace of him."

"Him? You mean H.K.?"

"There are tales among the dragons of the Wastelands... Of a dragon warrior without a face. Though small in stature can take on many foes many times larger... Whose name is unknown... and only goes by a title: Keeper... He is the one you call H.K. and the one I have to call Master..."

"Him?" I exclaimed. "But he's not a dragon!"

"What do you mean he's not dragon?" Garble looked at me like I had sprouted two heads. "Of course he is."

"But he looks like a pony!" Well except for the eyes... and teeth... I added to myself.

"You've seen what he looks like under his cloak?" Garble looked at me in shock before it faded into disbelief. "Probably just using a spell to mask his looks just like his cloak... You really have no idea do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you ever use your nose?! I mean you can smell, can't you? The smell from him is as plain as it can be."

"Smell what on him?"

"The fire that all dragons have."

"You mean the brimstone and ash smell?" I sniffed myself to and as usual I could detect the faint scent of ash and brimstone and just a bit of dusty books and ink. "But anything can smell like that given enough time. Twilight even has a slight hint of that..."

"By the Eternal Flames didn't your parents teach you anything?" Garble facepalmed and shook his head. "No the fire. The flame within all dragons. "

I sighed sadly. I wished I had parents but my egg was orphaned and abandoned. Twilight was my only family I had and she was more of a sister then a mother or father. There was times especially the past few months where I wondered what my parents. What they might have been like and how my life could have been if I was hatched and raised by dragons instead of ponies.

"But how can fire itself have a smell?"

Garble just shrugged.

"Gah, you are worse then H.K." I grumbled.

"I hope not..." Garble shivered.

"I'm sorry Garble I didn't mean in that way." I waved my arms frantically trying to backpedal my remarks. I didn't mean to hurt Garble by saying the he was really like H.K.... Just that he was just as cryptic not cruel... well mostly... well he was more of a jerk then cruel at the Migration.

"Its okay..." Garble murmured. "I know what you mean... By the way... The raid wasn't about smashing that egg it was about getting a phoenix as a companion. To have a phoenix companion is a big deal among dragons."


"Phoenixes are living flame. Have you ever tried to catch flame in your claw or capture it in a jar? It can't be done. In order for a phoenix to become your companion you have to prove yourself worthy."

"Not true, I once saw Twilight put some flame in a jar for one of her experiments."

"Gah!" Garble facepalmed. "You are dense you know that."

I growled out in irritation. I am not dense!

"What ever happened to that egg by the way?"

I smiled at that. It was the one bright spot in my life recently. "Oh, he hatched not long after I got home, named him Peewee."

"That is so cool, dude. You are so lucky to have a phoenix as a companion."

"Maybe," I sighed at a bittersweet memory. "But I gave him back to his parents a few weeks ago..."

"But, why?!" Garble blinked in surprise.

"Because... " I paused as a few tears fell, "Because I know what it's like to not know my parents... I couldn't let Peewee to also not know his parents... to not be raised by them... Sure Twilight hatched me but..."

"Wait you don't have parents... and a pony hatched you!?" Garble stared at me wide eyed. "Then that means..."

"Garble?" I panicked as Garble started to shake and lose all of his color. Why would the revealing that I was an orphaned egg hatched by a pony get this kind of reaction?! "Garble?!"

"I... I have to go sleep, yeah sleep..." Garble stuttered as he scrambled away and to a different sleeper room than H.K. and quickly closed the door behind him.

"Okay..." I scratched my head at Garble's strange reaction. "What's gotten into him now?"