Equestria's False Saiyan

by Denchik

Chapter 5: Reconnaisance

-Equestria, My Little Pony-

A couple of days have passed since the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Goku Black. For the most part, everything in Ponyville and Equestria was back to normal. The doctors who worked in the Ponyville hospital managed to stabilize the false saiyan. While he was unconscious, Rarity, by the request of Princess Celestia, made Goku Black custom hospital gowns and repaired his torn clothing. Twilight Sparkle and Spike moved from Canterlot to Ponyville, with the help of her newfound friends.

After moving, the purple mare, out of curiosity, wanted to visit the hospitalized false saiyan. She wanted to know so much more about the false saiyan: how he flew without the use of magic or wings, how he managed to defeat Nightmare Moon and almost defeat Celestia, what was he and why was he so evil. Many questions were present in Twilight's head and she really wanted answers to them.

"Spike! I'm going to the Ponyville hospital, watch the library while I'm gone!" said Twilight Sparkle to her assistant, Spike. The baby dragon knew of Goku Black and what he was capable of. Spike reluctantly agreed to look after the library while Twilight was gone.

"Alright! Be safe Twilight!" said Spike, worried for Twilight. The purple unicorn took a piece of paper, some ink and a quill with herself to the hospital. She put the 3 things into her bag and began making her way towards Ponyville's hospital.

After entering it, she was greeted by the same mare that she met when she entered the hospital with an unconscious Goku Black and her friends for the first time.

"Hello! The unconscious being that you have brought is in room 48." Said the mare who worked at the hospital's reception desk. Twilight Sparkle smiled whilst nodding, before heading towards the room that Goku Black was in.

She opened the door to room 48 and saw Black laying on his bed, alone in the room and still unconscious. He wore the custom made hospital gown, had bandages wrapped around his body, a chest cast and was under the drop counter. Twilight came closer to the false saiyan and noticed that he looked in a much better shape than he was when she brought him in.

She sighed and was about the exit the room and come back another time, until the door opened, revealing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna entering the room with a doctor who worked at the hospital. When she saw the princesses, she bowed.

"Hello Twilight! How do you like Ponyville so far?" asked Princess Celestia, smiling. Twilight Sparkle stopped bowing and smiled afterwards.

"It's been great Princess Celestia!" admitted Twilight Sparkle. The doctor came up to the purple unicorn and gave her a hoofshake.

"It's a good thing that you brought him in when you did. He would have most likely died if it weren't for you… He had shattered ribs, punctured lungs, internal bleeding in multiple places and a dislocated shoulder." Said the doctor, which surprised Twilight. She didn't know that he was hurt that badly after fighting Celestia.

"I see… Could you leave us for a bit? We need to discuss something…" requested Princess Celestia of the doctor. The stallion agreed and left the room, leaving Celestia, Luna, Twilight and an unconscious Goku Black alone.

"So, Princess Luna… If I may ask, why did you come?" wondered Twilight Sparkle.

"I wanted to meet this… being in person. My only memories of him were when I was as Nightmare Moon." Admitted Princess Luna, nonchalantly.

"I'm also here to view his dreams and figure out a bit more about this being. We also want to help him with his 'problem'." said Princess Luna while giving Celestia's student a smile.

"What's wrong with him? Besides him wanting to exterminate all living things?" asked Twilight Sparkle.

"Well, during our battle, he told me that he despised mortals due to them threatening the universe's peace and destroying the planet's beauty. That's also why he got so mad when you thought that he was a human." Said Princess Celestia, looking at Luna. Twilight Sparkle nodded, somewhat understanding his motives. The purple unicorn then took out her quill and the piece of paper, starting to write down what Princess Celestia said afterwards.

"Alright, let's begin." Said Princess Luna. She closed her eyes. After she closed her eyes, her horn began glowing purple, with her concentrating very hard to enter the false saiyan's dream…

-Goku Black's Dream-

Princess Luna appeared on a planet, much different from her own. She looked around and saw the remains of buildings and lots of fire. Due to her curiosity, she began exploring the demolished city, horrified as to what had transpired.

'This is awful… Did he do it?' thought Princess Luna. She began removing some rubble with her magic and uncovered crushed, decapitated and bloody human bodies. She almost puked from the scene before her. She then heard a scream not too far away from her. She flew towards it and saw Goku Black walking towards two beings, presumably a mother and a child. He had his ki blade ready. The mother was hugging the weeping child, attempting to shield him from the upcoming monster. When he was close enough, he raised the hand that had the ki blade and swung it at them. When suddenly, he stopped midway…

'Why do I not get the same pleasure from bringing justice? It now seems almost boring and unfulfilling…' Sighed Goku Black. He lowered the ki blade and turned around, sparing the mother and the child.

"You pathetic mortals aren't even worth my time… It would be a pleasure to see both of you starve to death." spat the false saiyan. He looked up and noticed Princess Luna watching the scene unfold, which made the false saiyan scowl at the princess of the night.

"You've changed. You actually have some good in you…" Said Princess Luna, much to Black's distaste. He left the mother and the cowering child and headed towards the Princess of the moon.

"I was always a good guy. I'm doing a great deed, by slaughtering all of these mortals. Those two pathetic vermin are just lucky." Grinned Goku Black. He appeared next to her and folded his arms.

"How did you even get here?" asked Goku Black in a demanding demeanor. Princess Luna was surprised at the way he spoke to her.

"They don't call me the Princess of the dreams for nothing." Said Princess Luna. Goku Black frowned and began walking towards her.

"A mortal with an attitude… I like that." Smiled Goku Black, getting his ki blade ready. Princess Luna tried to strip Goku Black of his powers, but to no avail… She then attempted to change the scenario, but only managed to put out the fire and rebuild the buildings…

"Your magic isn't going to work here, princess…" said Goku Black while walking towards her. Princess Luna began gritting her teeth, not being able to put up with Goku Black's attitude anymore

"I'm not a mortal, you hairless ape! My sister and I can't die of old age! You're the only mortal here!" shouted Princess Luna. Goku Black stopped and went wide eyed. He then began gritting his teeth and lunged at the Princess afterwards. He swiped the ki blade at her, but only slashed through air. Goku Black frowned and made the ki blade disappear.

"Pathetic." Said Goku Black while turning turning around. He then stretched and frowned afterwards.

'But what if she's right?...' Thought the false saiyan. The though itself made him shudder...

-My Little Pony, Equestria-

After standing there for approximately 3 minutes, Princess Luna has finally opened her eyes. Princess Celestia and Twilight began approaching Princess Luna, with curious and worried looks.

"So, how was it? What did you see?" asked Princess Celestia.

"It was… Pretty horrible." Admitted Princess Luna. The Princess of the night began telling her sister and Twilight what she saw: the destroyed city, the massacred humans, Goku Black sparing a mother and a child, her magic failing to rid him of his power and failing to change the world that they were in.

"So, the reformation spell is working… Have you figured out anything else about him?" asked Princess Celestia. Luna responded by shaking her head, which made the Princess of the sun nod. Twilight Sparkle wrote down everything that Princess Luna said. She wanted to find a way to change Goku Black...

"I guess we're done here... it was nice to meet you again, my faithful student! Heres are two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala! It will be held in Canterlot Castle tomorrow, don't be late!" said Princess Celestia, smiling at Twilight. She used her magic to make 2 golden tickets appear, giving them to Twilight afterwards.

"Thank you Princess Celestia!" exclaimed Twilight Sparkle, much to Celestia's delight. Both of the princesses teleported out of the hospital, leaving Twilight Sparkle alone with the false saiyan. She took one last look at Goku Black and frowned. She began heading for the exit once again, but this time, she couldn't open the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked a tired voice behind Twilight Sparkle, which sent shivers down her spine. She turned around and saw Goku Black looking at her with a frown. He had one hand raised and was keeping the door closed with his telekinesis.

"J-just going to leave the hospital and you..." said Twilight Sparkle, fear evident in her voice. Goku Black then raised one of his eyebrows. He then began examining his surroundings, not believing Twilight. After he finished, he looked at her and nodded afterwards.

"Who... Brought me here?!" asked Goku Black, glaring at Twilight. He brought her closer with his telekenises, made a ki blade and put it against her neck.

"I did..." gulped Twilight Sparkle. The false saiyan face's expression softened slightly. He then unlocked the door and lowered his arm, removing the ki blade. His glare left Twilight Sparkle and he began staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"You may leave now, mortal. Before I change my mind, that is." said Goku Black, nonchalantly. Twilight Sparkle nodded and walked out of his room, putting the quill and the piece of paper into her bag and closing the door behind her..