//------------------------------// // The Declaration // Story: A Bridge Between Brothers // by Rammy //------------------------------// ബഐബഐബഐ Garble ബഐബഐബഐ I could tell that Spike was saying something but it was far off and echoy as all my attention was to the dragon in the sky. I could feel my flame become icy cold. Of all dragons that could be flying overhead it had to be him. "Dr-Dragon Lord T-t-torch..." I stuttered out through my chattering teeth. "Wait...' Spike muttered thoughtfully, "that is the same name that Celestia mentioned when we got back." "He is the leader of the Wasteland Dragons..." I explained as I continued to watch Dragon Lord Torch, "and his temper is said to be greater then H.K.'s" "All the more the reason we need to get to Ponyville so we can warn..." A flash of light interrupted Spike and blinded us both for a moment. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision only to see the fabled pony princess of the Sun, the Daybreaker standing in front of me. What is she doing here?! If she here to punish me was well for my roll in trying to hurt Spike and his pony friends? "Celestia!" Spike exclaimed in shock. "There is a dragon..." "I am aware, Spike. That is why I am here." "What are we going to do Celestia?" Spike squeaked out, panicking. "Hopefully just talk... which is why I came for you both." "Us both?!" We cried in unison. Why would she need me of all dragons!? I could guess why she needed Spike. "Please leave me out." I backed away waving my arms and readying to take flight. "If Dragon Lord Torch sees me then I'm worse then ash..." "I am aware of Dragon Lord Torch's volatile temper... Rest assured I can stay his claw." That I doubt... I grumbled, but dared not voice my doubts. A pony that can move the sun was not someone I wanted to make angry. I made the mistake of angering powerful beings once before and not again. "Okay, but why must I go?" Spike asked. "Twilight and her friends make more sense especially after then managed to get rid of the sleeping dragon." "It concerns you..." The pit in my stomach twisted even worse at that. As I had guessed. So if Dragon Lord Torch was truly here about Spike a pile of ash would the good result. "But I don't under..." "I'm sorry, Spike," Celestia held up a hoof stopping Spike mid question, "but if we are going to get back to Canterlot in time we must go." Before I could protest again Celestia's horn lit up and in a flash the world around us swirled into nothing then swirled right back. I wasn't able to take in much of our new surroundings as I doubled over with nausea. Gah, its worse then when H.K. first teleported me to his home. I think I can taste that cockatrice coming up. I like cockatrice but not that much. "You okay Garble?" Spike waddled up to me as I attempted to not puke into a plant. "Yeah, just I never did well with teleportation." I gasped out. "But Spike I must warn you... Do not for any reason... speak unless spoken to. Dragon Lord Torch will not tolerate disrespect of any kind..." "Daybreaker!" Came the booming voice of the Dragon Lord. "He is here..." I whispered rising back to my full height just as the Dragon Lord's gigantic head appeared in the balcony of the room we were in. I could see Celestia and another pony that I think from the dark blue fur and stary mane is the Bringer of the Night standing near the balcony. A third pony that I now knew as Twilight was standing next to Spike looking like she couldn't decide between being scared and worried. "I want an explanation and I want it NOW" Dragon Lord Torch roared, his voice amplified by the Bloodstone Specter that was floating next to him. Dragon Lord Torch's voice was so powerful that Twilight, Spike, and myself were thrown backwards across the room along with most of the furniture in the room. Celestia and the dark pony manage to remain standing still in the wind of his voice. "Dragon Lord Torch, please, calm thy self." The strange dark blue pony spoke strangely. She was not Daybreaker. Is she trying to get on the Dragon Lord's bad side? Or worse side. "SHUT IT!" Dragon Lord Torch roared his large yellow eyes slamming towards the dark pony. "Keeper would not have risked and lost his life for you furry rats on a whim. He wasn't our greatest warrior because he was reckless." I pressed myself against the wall desperately glancing about for an exit. The rage of his eyes... It was just like that day... Please let the answer be something that would appease him... please... "So I ask one last time Daybreaker." Dragon Lord's Torch's eyes turned back to Celestia. "Why did Keeper die for you rats!?" "We are not entirely sure..." The dark pony spoke up. Why is Bringer of the Night and not Celestia answering are they idiots!? "Bringer of the Night you are not the Keeper of our Oaths. My question is for the Keeper of our Oaths." "Actually we are the Keeper of the Oath, not mine sister." My jaw dropped at the stunned look on Dragon Lord Torch's face. What is going on here? "A single Keeper of the Oath has limited ability to make changes to an Oath... that includes switching to a different Keeper of the Oath especially when the previous one is still alive. Any change with our particular Oaths requires final approval by me... so he must have made the change shortly before his death... The question is why..." I cringed as I could smell the overwhelming stench of terror that now poured off the pony princesses. Why would that question out of everything cause that kind of reaction? Or did I just miss it because of my own fear? "Typical prey..." Dragon Lord Torch growled out at the continued silence. "I will figure it out myself." The same blood aura that surrounded the Bloodstone Specter started to swirled around Twilight and myself. What is this?! What is the Dragon Lord doing?! As quick as the aura appeared it left leaving me confused and relieved at the same time. "Interesting... a purple pony rat and a worm..." "HEY!" Spike snapped before he gulped in fear from Dragon Lord's sharp gaze. "Hmph." Dragon Lord Torch grunted as his glare lighten or as much as it ever did with him. I let out a breath that I wasn't even aware that I was holding. That was until his eyes moved back to Celestia. His rage was so strong that I loss all control of my body. I wasn't the only one either as both Twilight and Spike lost her bowels then fainted. I wish I could faint myself, screw my manliness. "You dishonorable wretch! You don't even have the honor nor courage to admit your crime..." Dragon Lord Torch whispered. I trembled as he talked. I didn't think whispering could be more scary then bellowing. "We are done here. This meeting is over." "Thank you for your mercy." Celestia whispered out as the Dragon Lord Torch started to leave, much to everyone's relief. I was sure that I was about to join the Eternal Flames... "Me leaving not a mercy puny ponies..." Dragon Lord Torch laughed. "As much as I would love to end you right here and right now, I know all dragons will scream to have a chance to end you. Sadly that will take time. Make your peace for the next time you see me it will be your end."