//------------------------------// // A New Friend and a Bake Sale. // Story: Sunset's Rarity. // by JediWyrm //------------------------------// 7 teenaged girls sat at a table. Most enjoyed sipping their milkshakes and eating their food, though 2 of them seemed to seeing who could eat the fastest. Normally there were only 6, but a familiar looking but altogether new girl had joined them. Getting to know her properly was the agenda for the day. Of course the comparison to her counterpart was discussed. "Huh, guess we didn't really know that much about Princess Twilight. Though she was only ever here for what four maybe five days total?" Sunset said. "We spent a couple minutes talking when she showed up. We do share some of our interests, but how we grew up and much of our lives are quite different. I mean, I wasn't personally tutored by a princess who could move the sun and moon." Twilight stated. "Anyways, we want to get to know you Darling. You must come by my place later, I'll help you with your wardrobe. Maybe we can go do some light shopping." Rarity offered. "Yeah, you do any sports?" Rainbow Dash asked between gulps of her extra-large milkshake. "Not really. You saw how I did at the games." Twilight started before switching her voice to sound like her previous principal. "Archery is a standard course at Crystal Prep, ANY student should be proficient at it." This set all the girls laughing. "Oh what about baking, we all had to team up for that part of the acadecathalomics." Pinkie remarked. "Well, baking is science, specifically chemistry. I also enjoy making cookies and stuff at home with my mom." The bookish teen replied. "Speaking of baking, I have an idea for the fundraising fair being put together. We put up a bake sale booth." Sunset stated. A blue hand shot up as the girl it was attached to finished chugging her mug. The girls gave Rainbow a moment to say what she wanted. "I thought we would do a music thing. Rock out Rainboom style." She said. "There are already 3 music booths planned. Flash and his friends, Vinyl and Octavia have another set up that will alternate between DJ-ing and classical, and I think someone was wanting to set up a karaoke booth. "A couple other students are planning on doing fair food, but I think a proper baked goods booth, placed near the entrance so we hit people when they are leaving, would do well. They enjoy the fair then buy some cupcakes or something to have as dessert once they get home and eat dinner." Sunset explained. "Great idea. I can bake and decorate the cupcakes, Twilight could bake cookies, Fluttershy can make those awesome brownies and Applejack can bring out fritters. We could even do scones, with all kinds of fillings." Pinkie Pie started, pulling out a notepad and pencil from her hair and started jotting down ingredients and amounts. "How does this work?" Twilight asked. "Ostensibly we keep our receipts and the school will reimburse us. However, Ah'm willing to put my own money in on this. Maximize the profits that go into the fundraiser. Booths like ours contribute the most." Applejack replied in the middle of her burger eating race with Rainbow. "If a booth makes a thousand dollars, but spends $350 to do so, then the school only makes $650. Students who can cover their own costs usually prefer doing so, or cover what they can before asking for reimbursement. The school does have some money set aside if a booth requires some help to handle starting cost." Explained the bacon-haired girl. "Then what about the music booths then?" The teen asked adjusting her glasses. "While game booths can charge a buck or two, most of the other ones just have a donation box set up. You like the music or other entertainment, you can drop some cash in." The athletic teen answered, noting that she was losing the race before focusing solely on eating. "The booths cover a large variety. Some are selling hand-made items, others are just trying to give the fair-goers fun things to do." Sunset stated. "We should figure out shifts. The fair is Friday to Sunday. It starts mid-afternoon on Friday so we get a half day then to set up after lunch. For Saturday and Sunday it goes from 9 am to 7 pm. If we think that most of our business will be closer to the end of the day then doing three 3 hours shifts with 2 people on them. With the last shift picking up the last hour and having someone join them for it. Switch that person out day to day." Rarity started. "We all help out on Friday for setup. Then Rainbow and Fluttershy handle that first afternoon and Sunset you can join them for the evening and break down. For Saturday, since I know you aren't much of a morning person Sunset, we'll leave that to Applejack and Pinkie. They'll also be able to restock then and be available to whip up fresh food as needed. Sunset and myself will take lunch. Twilight, you and Rainbow tackle the afternoon Fluttershy joins for the evening." Turning to pat the timid girl on the shoulder, Rarity stated "I know you have some obligations at the shelter on the weekend, that will let you handle those and still help out at the bake sale. "Sunday, AJ and Pinkie handle the morning again. Fluttershy and Twilight take lunch while Sunset and Rainbow take over for the evening. I'll join you two for the last hour and help with the final breakdown." Rarity finished. "Ah'll swing by to help put things away." Applejack said, watching as Pinkie slid her notebook over to Sunset. Leaning over to look at the total the farm girl then stated, "Ah have some money to toss in the pot to help cover all this." Even though most of the other girls knew Sunset could've paid for it all herself, they all promised to chip in. Rarity managed to glimpse the large total and figured that their friend would still be handling most of it. A few days passed with each of the girls spending time getting to know their world's Twilight. Rarity helped her freshen up her wardrobe and all the girls worked on what to offer at the upcoming fundraiser. On Saturday Rarity and Sunset arrived and relieved their friends. After checking over the stock the two sat down to deal with the occasional customer. Sunset busied herself with checking the notes left by the others. "Neat. They totaled about $400 yesterday." She stated. Rarity looked up from the book she was reading and remarked "That's excellent for the first day. Looks like we should go a long way for the fundraiser." As someone came up for a few cookies Rarity placed a bookmark on her page and set the book to one side. Her friend checked out the title as she handled the transaction. Once she sat down the girl noticed her friend's interest. Picking up her book she returned to her page and resumed reading. "So what's the book about?" Sunset asked. "Romance novel. Noble thief steals a princess's heart." Rarity answered. "Let me guess, her father disapproves and he must prove his worth." The other girl remarked. "Actually I just got to the part where she gets kidnapped by some ogres. He's rounding up his ragtag group of friends to go save her. Not every romance lacks action." She retorted, flipping a page. "Sounds a bit interesting. Heh, reminds me of some of the Ogres and Oubliettes campaigns I've seen." Her friend said, leaning back in her chair. Rarity raised an eyebrow questioningly. "It's a table top role-playing game. Roll dice, move miniature figures about, 'I cast magic missile on the darkness.' " Sunset stated, her voice changing to a somewhat high-pitched and whiny tone at the end. Rarity giggled bringing a sly smile to her friend's face. "Played a bunch when I was younger, though the last couple years before I left Equestria I was more focused on other things so I didn't have a group to play with." She began a bit sad in tone before snorting. "Anytime I played with Princess Celestia was interested. She always played an evil character, probably due to her being so good in life. My favourite build was a Gryphon monk/paladin. Had a lot of fun with that one." Sunset ended with a smile on her face. Noting that, Rarity slid her book over. "Why don't you read the first couple chapters. If you like it I'll lend it to you once I've finished it. After this I have the latest in a detective series I follow and then a Sci-fi romance. Guy falls in love with an android and has to fight society for acceptance." Sunset picked up the book and checked the summary on the back before opening the front cover. The seamstress pulled out some needlework to occupy her time. They took turns dealing with customers, and Pinkie would swing by occasionally to restock if they ran low on something. As it was lunch time they sold plenty of fresh scones with a variety of fillings. For her lunch Rarity took one of the scones, making sure to put some money in their cash-tin, and filled it with some of the apple filling AppleJack had whipped up that morning. Sunset made a quick run to stock up on drinks. "Have you had a chance to walk around the fair yet?" Sunset asked. "A little when I got here, but I wasn't really checking out the booths. Figured I would properly walk around after our shift. Anyone doing something interesting?" Rarity replied. "Trixie set up a stage and has been doing magic shows every couple of hours. She even offers a class on a couple simple magics tricks between shows. Snips and Snails have a creepy crawly showcase. Bon Bon and Lyra have a sweets booth set up. Bulk Biceps, Aloe, and her sister Lotus have a booth offering spa supplies and massages." The teen continue to rattle off several more booths. Rarity was surprised by what some of the other teens were doing. She made a few mental notes about which ones to check out. Eventually Rainbow Dash and Twilight showed up to relieve them. Sunset gave Rarity her book back, mentioning how she'd like to borrow it later. They quickly packed up their stuff so the next shift would have some space before walking off into the fair. They walked together with Sunset guiding Rarity to a few of the more intriguing booths. Occasionally one or both would purchase some of the product of another group of students. When they got to Trixie's booth it was in time to catch the later half of her show. Noting it was fairly packed, they stood near the edge and were amazed by her performance. Though they shared a slight frown at the end when they noticed that of the 4 donation boxes around the booth, one of them was labeled with 'Tips' rather than the school's logo. Sunset took the opportunity to have some fun with her friend as they checked out the booth ran by Snips and Snails. Picking up one of the snakes carefully she spooked Rarity. Though once she took a moment to calm down she was enticed to pet the snake a little before Sunset returned it to its enclosure. Later when they swung by Trixie's again they saw curtains drawn around it with a sign stating that the magic class was going on. After a couple hours of enjoying the fair the two went their separate ways for the day. The next day the fashionista arrived near the end of the evening for the last hour of the fair. Noting that the booth was quite busy she slipped right in behind the table and started helping the final rush of customers. Once all the fair-goers had left and the students started to break down their booths the rest of their friends showed up. Pinkie Pie picked up all the remaining food items and made a round handing them out to the other teens. The break down went quickly with those who didn't have much to do assisting those with more complicated decorations. With as many of the students helping the breakdown of the fair was managed very quickly. As the group took a breather, Twilight totaled up their earnings. "Wow, we almost hit two thousand dollars." She stated. "That's good. The fair seemed to be a big success. Later on in the week Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna will make an announcement about what we earned overall." Rainbow remarked. The girls all went home to get dinner and some sleep. During the school week it was made known that the fair made more than enough money to cover the trip to Camp Everfree.