The Phoenix

by Level Dasher


Once upon a midday sun, while I worked with lack of fun,
O’er some papers and proposals from the nobles, all a bore,
My head nodded, nearly rocking. Suddenly, there came a tocking
As if one was lightly knocking, knocking at my office door.
“It’s my guard,” I stated simply, “knocking at my office door.
He shan’t need knock anymore.”

I called to him, “Entrance granted,” but my thoughts were then supplanted
When he came in, body slanted, bowing down toward the floor,
Asking, “What’s your pleasure, Highness?” I then answered with mocked dryness
That I don’t condone such wryness when one knocks upon my door.
He recoiled, then he told me he’d not knocked upon my door.
My eyes grew a little more.

I thought, Could it be my sister? Is she back? Oh, how I’ve missed her!
She’d been taken by that vicious Nightmare Moon that I abhor.
But I knew I was delirious, for t’was only one year previous
That that monster, truly devious, possessed my sister to her core.
And I knew that in my heart of hearts, down to my very core
I’d need wait a while more.

Then my mind came back to present, and although the day was pleasant,
I could not shake off that what I’d thought was knocking on my door
Could in fact have been a spirit, and that only I could hear it.
My first instinct was to fear it, and I crouched upon the floor,
But I forced the feeling down and then I rose up from the floor.
I could not fear anymore.

When my eyes again met light, I was greeted with a sight
Which I realized caused my fright, and sent me down onto the floor.
There was a phoenix on my table, and I found I was only able
To speak words that were unstable, which had ne’er happened before.
I had never seen a phoenix, so up close like this before.
Spoke the bird, “Forevermore.”

Then the phoenix started preening, and I shortly went to gleaning
what its message and its meaning were, but I just wasn’t sure.
My head was simply spinning, and while the phoenix sat there grinning,
I’d no thought of its underpinning for what its presence here was for.
My subconscious spoke up for me—I asked, “What are you here for?”
Again it said, “Forevermore.”

So the matter I could ponder, and not allow my mind to wander,
I walked toward my balcony yonder; this bird’s purpose I then swore
I’d discover with some thought, but beside me I then caught
The phoenix gracefully flying with me through my lovely stained glass door.
But instead of on the rail, it lightly perched above the door.
Once again: “Forevermore.”

I turned my head ‘round and addressed the phoenix that had quite impressed
Me when it chose to be a guest that simply perched above a door.
I asked, “Won’t you join me here?” I did my best to sound sincere
In my hope to have it near, and when it beat its wings to soar
Towards me to my balcony railing, instantly my heart did soar.
It might speak with me yet more.

When it landed on my rail, I happened to spot a detail:
The chatty phoenix was female; I hadn’t noticed it before.
I gazed upon her crest, a thing too regal for a jest,
Then I queried for her quest, “Oh dear phoenix, I implore,
“Tell me, are you here to help me or to haunt me? I implore!”
Spoke the bird, “Forevermore.”

I then asked her with dismay, “Is that all that you will say?
I would love for you to stay, for your presence I adore.
But it seems that conversation would be quite an aggravation,
And I don’t want my frustration to cause you to become sore.
For right now I know it’s my heart that is what’s truly sore.”
She just stared at me yet more.

As I felt my teardrops glisten, she just sat, as if to listen,
And I thought, Perhaps her mission is to hear my feelings pour?
I had kept them locked inside, for my own oppressive pride
Made me believe I had to hide them from my ponies, but what for?
When I voiced my theory to her as to what she was here for,
She then grinned at me once more.

As she sat there, simply waiting, I thought, no more hesitating,
For my mind is what’s creating these emotions I’ve in store.
She’s here to be supportive, clearly not to be extortive,
So now do not be distortive when your feelings you let pour!
And I then welled up with tears and from my eyes I let them pour.
I’d not hold back anymore.

“Oh dear phoenix, I was awful! What I did I’d deem unlawful!
Though my choice I had to waffle, all the reasons were galore!
Now I have to stand alone as I sit atop the throne.
But I should not on my own! If we were to go to war,
I’d be lying here in tears while my emotions were at war!
Yet my sister suffers more!

“As she waits amongst the stars, on the moon that serves as bars,
She must wrestle all alone with that Nightmare that I abhor.
But her time’s been one year only, and though I’ve been very lonely,
My poor Luna will be gone nine-hundred-ninety-nine years more!
Why did I not pay attention when she asked for little more?
She deserved oh, so much more!”

And the phoenix sat in place, rapt attention on her face,
As she watched me turn and pace and rant like ne’er I’d done before.
When I finally was finished, all my stamina diminished,
My heart felt so replenished, yet I lay upon the floor.
“Forgive me, phoenix,” I then said, “for lying on the floor.
I just cannot move much more.”

But after a short while, I could rise up with a smile,
And the phoenix, all the meanwhile, she just sat there like before.
She then grinned at my advance, so I chose to take the chance
To see if she could enhance my life, for her I did adore.
“Oh phoenix,” I then said to her, “your presence I adore!
Would you linger here some more?”

She then walked up to my muzzle, and she gently gave a nuzzle.
Her expressions gave the answer: I would gladly stay yet more.
It was then that I caressed her, for I clearly had impressed her.
I had proved I was no jester when my feelings I let pour.
A faint smile had now replaced the tears that I needed to pour.
But some questions, I had more.

“Oh dear phoenix,” I did claim, “if to stay here is your aim,
Then you need to have a name if you did not have one before.”
She then squawked her great displeasure that she lacked that very treasure,
So I asked, “May I’ve the pleasure to give you one you’d adore?”
She then nodded, so I started thinking of one she’d adore,
But some time, I needed more.

Finally my head did rise, and with joy filling my eyes,
I asked, “How is ‘Philomena’? Such a name could you adore?”
She released a happy cry, and to my shoulder she did fly,
So to that I did reply, “Well, with that accounted for,
Philomena, how much longer will you stay here with me for?”
Then she grinned.
