//------------------------------// // The Gamble // Story: A Bridge Between Brothers // by Rammy //------------------------------// ബഐബഐബഐ Twilight ബഐബഐബഐ "What do we do now?" Rainbow Dash questioned, eyeing Discord with suspicion. "I have no idea..." I admitted. "Don't worry, Sugercube, I'm sure you can come up with something..." "I hope so." I didn't believe Discord when he said that the spell that Princess Celestia used on the Elements was a lie. However, Discord's continued ability to mess with the Elements and all the reforming spells now eaten it was going to make the task of reforming Discord all the more difficult. I could create a new reform spell, but with Spike emotionally incapacitated it could take me sometime to create one from scratch. It already took twice as long then it should have to find those reform spells with him off training with Garble. "You guys can go. I'll to stay here with Fluttershy and keep and eye on him." The girls nodded their agreement before I rushed out of Fluttershy cottage. Between Spike's turn for the worse and figuring out a spell to deal with Discord I had a lot to do. I trusted that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could deal with Discord, and, if necessary, Rainbow Dash could get all of us in 'ten second's flat.' "Darling I would like to come with you." Rarity trotted up to me. "Maybe, I can cheer up my my Spikey-Wikey up a bit while you figure out what to do about Discord." "Thanks Rarity." I sighed in relief. With Rarity I would not have to worry about Spike as much. "That would really be helpful." My mood soured once again as I saw that Spike had not moved an inch from where he was before, still bloody. This was bad... and it only got worse when Rarity screamed in horror as she walked into the library behind me. Spike wilted even further at the sound of his crush's scream. I growled in irritation at her, she was only making Spike feel worse. "This will not do!" Rarity declared as she snatched up Spike in her magic and rushed him into the bathroom. "You need a bath! I can't have my gentle dragon dirty... One. Second. Longer!" I giggled at the change in Spike's demeanor as he went from depressed to horror to lovesick in seconds. It was good to see him more himself for once, even if he was going to be tortured by clean obsessed Rarity. The problem was that I doubt it would last long. Damn it, you Discord! I had one last recourse left to me and it was going to be extremely dangerous. "Rarity, can you keep Spike company for me while I go out?" I asked as I walked into the bathroom, trying not to giggle again. Rarity already had the tub filled and was currently scrubbing Spike's head down, hard. I'm sure she was hurting him a bit but he was clearly too lovesick to care. I swear that dragon would sell his soul for Rarity, if given the chance. "Of course darling, but, may I ask, where you are going?" Rarity questioned as she dumped some water over Spike's head, Spike clearly obvious to the soap getting into his eyes. "There is someone I need to see..." Or somedragon, to be more precise, but if I said that I'm sure they would either try and talk me out of it or come along. I just hope Rarity doesn't question me on whom I was going to see. Rarity did look at me like she was going to object, but, in the end, she nodded for me to go ahead and leave. I quickly made my way into the Everfree Forest and towards the home of that green dragon. I was some distance into the forest when I realized that I probably should have waited a bit and asked for at least Garble or Rarity to come with me. I had only been to the cave of the dragon once before and that was at night, and I was following Owlowiscious who was following a ketchup trail in turn. Rarity could use her gem finding spell or Garble's nose to find a large source of gems as that dragon did have a huge pile of them after all... I paused for a moment to reassess what I needed to do before it hit me. The cave was large enough for the dragon to stand up in easily which meant the cave should be visible above the tree tops. I teleported up to the top of a nearby tree and instantly regretted it. I fumbled in the air for a second before I managed to grasp the top of the tree. Of all the times that I wasn't a pegasus. I took a few minutes to compose my self before I searched the forest for any rock or stone formation that was big enough to have a cave which given the height of the trees should be visible above them. I managed to find at least three candidates for the dragons cave. I cast a quick spell so that once I was back on the ground I could still find my way to the three locations I saw. I did not want to repeat what I had just done, if I could avoid it. A few minutes later, I managed to make my way to the first mound of rock and breathed a sigh of relief when it had a cave entrance. Now I just needed to see if this was the cave of the green dragon... It was at this point that I realized how crazy stupid doing this was... If the green dragon heard about the Oaths being broken or if he was still mad about Spike... "Hello?" I called out meekly. "Dragon?" I waited for a few tense moments for a response. As the silence dragged on I began to regret not bringing Garble along as I had no idea how I could talk to the dragon. I could offend him right off the bat and he may then decide to not listen to me or worse try and kill me like before... "HELLO? DRAGON?" I debated after another few moments of silence on whether to move on or risk entering the cave itself when I could feel the ground shake from something large moving. I really hope that it's a dragon and not a ursa major. "Well, if it is the fur ball that rescued the thief." The green dragon I had come to see growled out as his head poked out of the dark cave and into the sunlight. "You have two seconds to convince me not to have flame broiled rodent." I gulped in fear at the burning hatred in his eyes. I really regretted now not bringing Garble... "I need help with Spike... the dragon hatchling that... ate some of your gems...he he..." "And why I should care for a thief?" The dragon accented the last word with a blast of smoke. "Because the... dragon H.K. or Keeper... is dead and I... Spike's dragon instincts are..." "H.K. dead?" The green dragon interrupted me, another puff of smoke blasting me back a few hooves. "Impossible." "I wish it wasn't so... I so badly need him... If what Garble, a dragon whelp, told me is true... after being nearly cut down while fighting Sombra H.K. walked off into the desolate Frozen North... He said that when a... uh, dragon... received a mortal injury in a fight that..." "The Lone Walk..." The green dragon whispered or it would have been a whisper if his voice wasn't so loud to begin with. The Lone Walk? Is that what H.K. did? I so badly wanted to ask but I dared not let my unrelenting curiosity get the best of me. So far the green dragon had not been 'friendly' and more short tempered then the red dragon we dealt with before. "I see why you came... Our Oaths are not valid without a Keeper of an Oath from each side... so until a dragon volunteers to be our Keeper..." I refrained from telling him that technically the 'Oaths' had been broken. If he reacts the same way as every dragon has so far I would be one very crispy unicorn, if I was lucky. The green dragon, however, stopped talking, seemingly lost in thought. "So will you help me...Help Spike?" I dared to end the silence. "Please... I can't bare to see him suffer..." "If he can't handle pain then he is no dragon." The green dragon eyed me. "Now, leave, before I hunger for a pony snack." With that the green dragon returned to the darkness of his cave leaving me stunned outside. I came all this way to fail. How am I going to be able to help Spike now? A rumbling growl emanated from the cave as I stood outside the cave entrance contemplating what to do, prompting me to make a hasty retreat before the dragon decided to make good on his threat.