MLP Z: The perfect creation

by DryvernX

An upcoming threat

Equestria's peace has returned since Twilight and her five friends, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy defeated the evil centaur Tirek. Even after Tirek has stolen all the magic in Equestria, the Mane 6 were still able to defeat him, thanks to the Tree Of Harmony. From the tree, they got a power just as powerful, or even more powerful than the Elements Of Harmony, which Is known as the Rainbow Power, a rainbow amplified form of extremely powerful magic. The Mane 6 were invincible to Tirek's might, they drained all his stolen magic from him, and placed him back to his prison cell in tartarus, then finally returned all the magic he stole from the ponies. Even through they're rainbow forms are currently lost since the fight, Twilight has gained her own castle from the 6 locked chest. While they have managed to stop Tirek, the Mane 6 have also stumbled on the evil unicorn named Starlight Glimmer, during their first friendship problem. Although they succeeded in pinning her down, Starlight still managed to teleport away to parts unknown. A week has past since the Incident, and Starlight Glimmer has still not been seen since then. But for now she was the least of their problems for the time being, as the ponies were busy with their usual lives.

Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia the princess of Equestria was still asleep in her bedroom during the dark night. The princess of the sun however could barely sleep. Her head was filled with agony and fear, as her head shook fearfully, and multiple sweat dropped from her head. The solar princess was experiencing nightmares from her Inner thoughts.

Inside her head, the princess stood at multiple rubbles and ruins, from none other than Canterlot Itself. The sky was completely dark. Flames were burning from the ruins of Canterlot. She couldn't see nothing more than already destroyed buildings falling apart, and injured ponies fleeing from what remained of their city. The princess couldn't shake off the fear she felt In her heart.

"No! How could all this chaos and destruction happen?! Who would do such a terrible thing?" She muttered to herself with tears tearing down from her eyes. "Twilight. Luna. Twilight's friends. Spike... my son. Where are you?"

"They've all perished my princess. Just like your rule In Equestria Is very soon." A voice that sounded elderly raspy and sinister, was heard behind the princess back. The princess was shocked at the voice, which she quickly recognized. She turned around, and saw a medium sized elderly pony unicorn with a long beard. He was completely covered by a shadow, as only his silhouette was visible to her. Despite that, she still recognized the mysterious pony.

The solar princess was shocked at the sight of the mysterious pony. "Y... You?!"

"Yes Princess. Along with our newest ally." He smiled wickedly toward her, as a silhouette of a mysterious creature appeared from behind his shadow. It stood as tall as her, had a humanoid appearance, and had two long broad wings on the back that pointed down the ground.

"Who... who are you?"

"Your perfect replacement Princess." The mysterious creature said, In a quite polite, yet at the same time sinister manner. The mysterious creature raised It's left hand, and formed an energy sphere from It's palm. "Time to say goodnight. Ex-princess."

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" She exclaimed as the energy sphere was about to fully charge. But just before the blast could fire toward her, everyone started to vanish into thin air. The mysterious pony along with his mysterious ally disappeared, along with all the ponies who suffered the terror around.

Princess Celestia then heard a voice she was very familiar with. "Sister! Don't be afraid!"

Right beside the solar princess, the lunar princess, her sister Luna appeared. "Luna. Thank goodness you're here. I must be experiencing a really bad nightmare."

"I couldn't let your nightmare suffer into you sister. I'm glad that you're alright." Luna said, as she comforted her. "Perhaps you should wake up, and drink a glass of warm milk."

"That may be a wise idea Lulu." Celestia weakly smiled. "Now can you please wake me up?"

"Of course." Luna nodded, as her eyes glowed white, and everything turned white for Celestia's eyes. Then a few seconds later, Celestia saw herself back in her bedroom.

Celestia sighed in relief. "I'm glad that my sister helped me let go of that horrible nightmare." She started to rise, and leave from her bed, walking toward the living room of her castle. A few minutes later, she sat on the table, drinking a glass of warm milk, to calm her nerves.

"That nightmare... was so awful. I hope it never comes to reality." Celestia muttered out of fear, as she took a drink from her warm milk. "And I certainly hope more... that I never have to meet him again."

Next morning at Twilight's new castle. Twilight, her friends, and Spike were eating brunch together Inside, since Twilight invited them, so they can discuss their plans for today.

Twilight and Rarity were discussing of their yesterday's events. Rarity who wore her usual outfit, a dark blue skirt with three diamonds, with a white short shirt, dark blue boots, and a diamond necklace around her neck, was drinking a cup of tea, as she talked with Twilight. "So Twilight, please tell me how you were doing on yesterday's events?"

Twilight who wore her lavender skirt with a magic star on it, along with a purple shirt, and dark purple boots, was on the other hand drinking a cup of coffee, as she talked with her white unicorn friend. "Oh, i'm still trying to find out where Starlight Glimmer could be hiding here in Equestria. She's quite the chameleon around here."

"I understand dear. She's been quite a thorn since our first meeting with her." Rarity said, as she felt the cold shoulder of remembering their first encounter with Starlight Glimmer, after learning her true colors.

Then Spike arrived to their brunch. Spike wore a green shirt, and a pair of purple shorts. His current age is currently about 12, despite having barely aged since arriving to Ponyvile the first time. He was also quite small, being around half the height of Twilight and her friends, which is also the exact same height he had since his first arrival, and had retained it for a long time. "Hi girls. How's your breakfast?"

"We're doing fine. Good morning Spiky Wikey." Rarity greeted to him, while mentioning Spike's usual nickname.

Spike blushed in respond. "Morning to you too Rarity. Glad that you could visit us."

"I always love to Spiky Wikey." Rarity replied, making Spike blush a little more. Twilight chuckled in respond, who obviously knew of his crush for Rarity.

Applejack who wore her western blue skirt, and a yellow shirt, along with her western boots, was conversing with Fluttershy, who wore her green skirt with pink butterflies, white shirt, and green boots. "How were ya doing with the animals yesterday Shy? They weren't too much of a bother, were they?"

"Oh no. They're all doing fine as always." Fluttershy smiled, which ended with her next sentence. "But Angel on the other hand can still be stubborn with his carrots."

"That bunny's sure's more stubborn than Granny Smith were yesterday." Applejack said. "Ya see, yesterday she refused to leave her precious armchair, without the walker beside her. Which broke a few days ago."

"Then how can she come to the table, and eat along with her family?"

"She didn't. Apple Bloom had to serve it to her personally."

"Oh. Did you manage fix her walker yesterday?"

"No not yet. Big Mac's still working on that wretched walker." Applejack minor cursed.

"Oh... okay. Hope Apple Bloom doesn't have to do that forever." Fluttershy muttered. Lastly, Pinkie Pie was too busy eating most of the breakfast on the table to talk. She's particularly after the waffles and pancakes.

"Pinkie! Stop eat everything on the table! Save some of the pancakes and waffles for me!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed to her pink friend, who has just stuffed her entire mouth with pancakes and waffles.

Pinkie stopped filling her mouth with breakfast food, and leaned towards Rainbow. "Srorry Brainbow Drash, Iarm really hrungry "Pinkie Pie replied with a weird tone, since her mouth were really filled with pancakes and waffles. She and Rainbow Dash wrestled with each other over the brunch food, with Pinkie Pie winning most of the wrestle match.

"Pinkie, I told you once and I will tell you twice... Give me some pancakes already!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, while continuing her fight, over the breakfast against Pinkie Pie. She flew up at the table, and began their tug of war. The others on the table rolled their eyes at them.

Applejack sighed at her two friends childishness. "Seriously, ya two need ta learn ya'r table manners at Twilight's castle."

"Sorry Applejack, we would probably have remembered them if Pinkie didn't hog the best part of the breakfast." Rainbow Dash protested, while glaring at Pinkie Pie.

"Hey! It's not me who walks on the table right now." Pinkie Pie protested in respond, while gulping down the food in her mouth. Twilight had enough of the fighting, and started to ignite her horn.

"ENOUGH!" She yelled, while using her magic to surround Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie with a purple aura, paralyzing them immediately, but more importantly, stopping their little immature wrestle. "We can just make more pancakes you two! So stop your fighting, and keep It down!"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie gave each other a gaze, and looked apologetically toward each other. "Sorry Twilight." They both apologized. "Now can you set us down?"

"Right. Sorry if I overdid my outburst." Twilight said, as she calmed down and accepted their apology. She slowly let both of them down to their sitting spots, before turning off her horn. "I didn't overdo it? Did I?"

Both Rainbow and Pinkie Pie fake smiled, while scratching the back of their heads a bit. "No no. We shouldn't've made that argument from the start."

"Well that's a relief." Rarity sighed in relief.

Twilight's face then turned serious. "But anyway, I wanted to tell you all something that really concerns me, since our encounter with Starlight Glimmer. She's no doubt a very talented and powerful unicorn. Probably close to even mine. We should be careful if she, or any other evil is trying to get the better of us."

Most of her friends nodded in agreement. Rarity responded with flipping her hair. Applejack with a serious nod. Fluttershy slightly whimpered at the mention of the name 'Starlight'. And Pinkie Pie took some random and silly martial art fighting stances, as if she was ready to face her. Spike who was not incredibly sure, just scratched the back of his head, although still a bit afraid of her, since Twilight and her friends told him about her. Rainbow however had no sign of worry in her thoughts, as she merely flew beside Twilight, and laid her arm around her shoulder. "Oh chill out Twilight. We beat Starlight once, and we can do it again.

"Don't underestimate her Rainbow Dash. We both clearly know, that she'll return someday. And we must remember to keep our guard up, if something, or someone else is trying to do something bad here in Equestria." Twilight said, with seriousness in her voice.

"Oh come on Twilight. What's the worst that can happen?" Rainbow said, clearly dismissing Twilight's worry for future threats. Twilight in respond rolled her eyes.

"Hopefully, we won't find out, what other threat we'll face beside Starlight." Twilight sighed, as she and her friends soon started to return to eating their brunch.

"So anyway, do you have some gems for me Rarity?" Spike started to ask Rarity while sitting on his chair.

Further away from both Ponyvile and Canterlot, there was a cave underneath a large mountain. That cave was a place mostly nopony would dare trespass, as most ponies knew that most caves could be inhabited by large greedy dragons, and didn't want to take such a dangerous risk. But deep inside the chambers of the cave, there was a secret lab, filled with science projects, machinery, and filled with glass tanks everywhere. Inside every tank, there was something organic and slimy, trying to form something every second.

Deeper inside the laboratory, was an elderly turquoise unicorn pony, has a white mane, who wore grey lab coat, a pair of black pants, and had a very long brown beard, that almost reached down to his knees, and appeared to be around the 80's. He was sitting on an armchair, while the two other workers were busy working on their machinery and technology. They started taking out some small lab tubes.

"Is our first prototype creation soon ready Doctor Symbiosis?" The eldery unicorn scientist asked his two comrade science partners, who were also eldery, around the same age as their boss. The scientist to his left was an eldery brown unicorn mare, sporting a dark green mane, wears a white lab coat, and a long purple dress underneath. The other scientist to his right, was another eldery unicorn stallion, who sports a black mane, has a yellow fur coat, wore a black lab coat, and also wears a pair of blue shorts.

"Soon Doctor Organic. We just need to complete our final adjustments." The old mare named Doctor Symbiosis replied, as she placed a pair of small tubes, into a small hole. The first one contained some sort of pink liquid inside, and the other had a blue color instead. The pink and blue liquids soon flooded inside a tank in front of them. The two slimy liquids inside soon started to slowly move closer to each other, and started melding together. The merged liquid slime soon turned into a very dark grey color. "It is done Doctor Organic. Our first prototype will soon be finished."

"Perfect. How long will it take Doctor Synthetic?" Doctor Organic asked the eldery yellow unicorn named Doctor Synthetic.

"According to the computer... about an hour." Doctor Synthetic replied, as he pushed a button on the control module in front of him, making a plasma screen appear in front of them. It started to turn on, as it showed their creation's status.

Accessing... Completion of prototype... about one hour from now on... Hopefully.

"Excellent. In just a few minutes, our prototype creation is very nearly complete. Organic wickedly smiled. "Finally, after so many years of work, our project will finally come true, before our very eyes."

Synthetic started to give an uneasy expression, over some of his own thoughts. "But i've been thinking of something. What if someone finds out about our secret lair and project? Won't the royal guards hunt us down?"

Symbiosis however grinned to Synthetic. "They can't Synthetic. We've stayed hidden here for a long long time. The probability that they'll find our hideout is less than 4.9 percent."

"Exactly Doctor Symbiosis. We have all the time and privacy we'll need." Doctor Organic weakly slapped Syntetic's shoulder, due to his lack of strength and old age.

"And once we've created enough of our creations. We'll make sure..." he turned to an old, dusty, and slightly torn picture of Princess Celestia. "... that she will suffer by our creations hands."

"Agreed. She'll soon regret for seeing our work the wrong way." Doctor Symbiosis nodded, as she too gave an evil grin, along with her comrade Doctor Synthetic.

"And she'll soon know what our many years of work will affect Equestria. Our project known as: Project D.N.A.C.E.L." Doctor Synthetic laughed, as he also coughed in the process due to his old age. Organic and Symbiosis laughed along with him.

After a few minutes of waiting, the dark grey liquid slime soon took a more humanoid appearance, as it grew blue wings on it's back, had pink bear like feet, and it's head shaped like a pony, except without a snout pointing out. The computer started writing a message for them.

Creation complete. Creation complete. Please take your creation out.

"It's completed. Let it out." Organic ordered. Symbiosis pushed a switch on the control module. The tank started to release some smoke around it, and slowly drained all the liquid inside. The dark grey humanoid slowly opened it's eyes, as it started to noticed the three scientists. The creature slowly stood up on it's feet, and spreading it's wings out. It's height was a bit taller than the 3 scientists, standing close to 6 foot.

The creature slowly walked toward them, and quickly bowed before it's creators. "My creators. What's your command?"

"Amazing. Our program to make it loyal to us is a success." Symbiosis said, as she was stunned in amazement.

"Then that means there will be no problems with controlling our prototype." Doctor Organic grinned, as he moved away from his armchair, and slowly walked toward his creation, until he stood in front of it. "Listen. Can you hear us?"

Their creation nodded. "Yes master. What is your order?"

"We will get to that. Your name will be Prototype 0.1."

"Yes master. I Prototype 0.1 will follow anything you order me to." Prototype 0.1 nodded, as he started bowing before his creators.

Doctor Organic smiled, watching his obedient creation. "Excellent. We need to test your powers. Your after all our first creation."

"And how shall my power be tested?" Prototype 0.1 asked.

"We've created you to destroy. And we want you to destroy something from the outer world." Organic explained to their prototype creation.

Synthetic pushed a button on the control module, and made the screen flash out a small familiar town. "You see this town?"

Prototype 0.1 nodded. "Yes. It's the town known as Ponyvile. I also know where to find it as well."

"Good. Go out there, stomp that small town to ashes. And exterminate anyone, who doesn't oppose your destruction" Symbiosis ordered, as she pointed to the screen, showing the small town, which is none other than Ponyvile.

"It shall be done, my masters. Those fools won't stand a chance." Prototype 0.1 boasted, as it walked to the lab exit nearby.

Outside their cave, a rock nearby moved from the spot, where Prototype 0.1 walked out, and took for it's leave. It started flapping it's blue wings, and took flight.

Once the 3 scientists were all alone, Doctor Synthetic glanced to Doctor Organic. "Doctor Organic, are you absolutely sure that Ponyvile's a good start? After all, the bearers of the Elements Of Harmony lives there." Synthetic asked his boss.

"Of course not. Prototype 0.1 is just a prototype. Our first test subject." Organic replied. "But if he does fail his task, we'll just use this."

Organic reached for his lab coat pocket, and took out something incredibly tiny and insectoid. It was akin to a mosquito in appearance, yet much more metallic and robotic. "Our Spysquito."

"Great idea Organic. To use our little friend to spy on Prototype 0.1's progress. Just like we once did to our enemies long ago." Symbiosis complimented her boss. Organic took out a remote from his other pocket, and pushed it. The Spysquito's eyes started glowing red, and flew toward the same direction Prototype 0.1 left.

It soon left the laboratory as well, flying out of the same secret exit, Prototype 0.1 went.

"Now we'll see if Prototype 0.1's good enough against pony kind." Organic chuckled wickedly, which soon turned into a dark laughter. His comrades soon joined his laughter.