//------------------------------// // Chapter Two // Story: The Shadow Guard // by Theatre Pony 66 //------------------------------// (Three Weeks Later) “Okay; now take it out slowly and carefully.” was all Spike heard as his hands griped around the handed to the metal tong. He slowly pulled it out and he made sure that the tongs held on to the orange, white hot metal, as he put it on the anvil. “Okay, now grab that hammer and start shaping the metal into the blade.” Steel said as he watched every move Spike made. The baby dragon quickly grabbed one of the hammers off of the work bench, and then started to pound the metal with it. He saw the sparks come off the metal with each hit as the blade began to take shape. “Good, now make it thinner.” The white unicorn instructed, as he watched the dragon start to slam the hammer onto the middle of the blade several times until the metal began to slowly thin. Spike continued to hammer around the edge of the forming sword in order to give it the start for the cutting edge of the blade. He watched that with each time he stuck it with the hammer, the orange heat on the blade began to fade. Finally all the orange had faded and the dragon looked at the glowing white blade. “Now put it in the water to cool.” Steel said as Spike nodded and quickly placed the blade into the container of water. He heard a loud hissing sizzle, as the blade touched that water, and watched as the steam came from the water. “Well that was a work out!” Spike said as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead, before sitting down on a bench. “You’ve got to get used to it though my young apprentice. As you will probably be making several of these a day once I have taught you all that I know.” The unicorn said with a smile. “Great.” Spike said as he let out an exhausted sigh. “So, anything you want to ask me?” Steel said as he walked over to Spike and sat down next to him. “Um, well there was actually one question that I had. Have you ever seen one of the shadows?” The baby dragon asked looking up at Steel. “No, those things have not been sighted for several hundred years.” The unicorn answered. “Then why are we here doing this? What we are meant to be fighting have not been seen in like you said hundreds of years.” Spike stated. “We have to be prepared, I mean you never know what could happen. I mean in the last year or two both Nightmare Moon and Discord returned and wreaked havoc and chaos over the land. Also I heard the commander says something about a failed invasion that happened during a royal wedding or something like that. So with everything that has been happening, we are going to have to be preparing for the worst. Which is of course those things returning. Do you understand?” Steel responded in a serious manner and he looked at the dragon. “I guess,” Spike responded. “Well, I know it’s a little hard to understand it all. I was the same way when my pa basically told me the same thing years ago it will all make sense in the end.” Steel said as he let out a small smile. “Ya, so what’s next on the list of thing you need to teach me?” Spike asked and he pulled the now cooled blade out of the water and put it on the workbench. “Well truth is, since you have been working since six in the morning till midnight this whole week, I think I’m going to give you the rest of the day off.” Spikes looked up at the unicorn in shock and happiness at what he just heard. “So why don’t you go to the dining hall and get something to eat, I’m going to clean up around here so I expect you to be back here same time in the morning tomorrow got it.” Spike started at Steel for a moment in silence before a smile spread across his face. “Thank you, and yes I promise I will be here tomorrow.” Spike said as he ran out the door leaving Steel standing there smiling to himself. He magically closed the door and walked over to the workbench, then levitated a large rolled up scroll under the desk and unrolled it and looked at it with intensity. “Well I best get started on you then.” Steel said with a smile as he turned and walked over to the workbench still looking intently at the unrolled scroll. **** Spike opened the large doors to the dining hall and looked around to notice that first he was alone, before the large table piled with food took his attention. The purple dragon walked over to the table and gazed at all the food; trying to see what he was in the mood for when his eyes soon rested on a bowl of ripe red apples. Spike licked his lips as he grabbed one the apples and inspected it to make sure that it looked okay. He slowly brought the apple up to his mouth to take a bite when something quickly whizzed past his face. Spike’s head quickly turned to see what had happened and his eyes shot open when he saw and arrow lodged into the wall. “Drat, I missed!” A voice shouted as Spike turned his head in the opposite direction to see an angry yellow pony holding a bow. “Missed what Citrine? MY HEAD!” Spike screamed in disbelief and the yellow mare approached him. “Sorry, I was aiming for the apple.” She said as she walked past him to retrieve the arrow. “Well that’s a relief” Spike thought to himself as he sat down at the table still holding the apple in his hand as he watched the yellow pony pull the arrow out with her teeth and put it back in her quiver. She turned and walked over and joined him at the table. “So,” She said, “How has the blacksmithing been?” she asked awkwardly. “Work, work, work, and then like five hours of sleep.” Spike responded as he took a bite out of the apple. “You?” “Well I just got back from training it went as well as it normally does… absolutely dreadful.” The yellow pony said as she let out a sigh. “I’m sure if you work at you will eventually get it, I mean you have already improved a lot since you were a filly.” The baby dragon said as he gave a small smile. “Thanks.” The yellow pony said as she watched the dragon take another bite out of the apple. She gave a smile when she suddenly heard the sound of hooves running past the door causing her to look up, and see a few guards running past the door. “Hey what’s going on?” Citrine shouted causing one of the ponies’ to quickly run back. “Cedar is fighting Blaze!” he shouted before he quickly ran off. Citrine quickly jumped off the table bench and turned to Spike. “We have to go, I’ve got to see this.” She said in excitement as she grabbed Spike of the table and tried to drag him with her. “Who in Celestia’s name is Cedar?” Spike asked in curiosity as he followed the yellow pony out of the dining room, and down the hallway to the training courtyard. “He’s an earth pony who came here five years ago. You know brown coat, green mane.” She responded. “Oh him.” Spike thought to himself and he walked down the old hallways on the once forgotten castle. “If he is in a fight with Blaze he must be either really strong or the dumbest pony on the face of the Equestria.” The dragon thought as he and Citrine reach the door that lead outside. They opened it to see the snow covered ground outside the old castle as they both looked over to the training ground and saw a small crowd forming at the training ring. Spike followed as quickly as he could as Citrine raced to the group of ponies that were gathered at the ring. “Did we miss anything?” Citrine asked the group who then shock their heads as Spike finally caught up o the group and looked at the ring and his eyes widened. He saw the same brown coated green mane pony from the weeks earlier “So his name is Cedar.” Spike thought with a chuckle, and looked standing across from the orange coated, red mane unicorn known as Blaze. “So are you sure you want to do this and challenge me, The Great Blaze?” Blaze shouted as looked at Cedar who gave a quick nod. “Fine, then chose you weapon!” Blaze shouted causing both of them to turn around and run to the weapons table on their sides of the ring. The crowd watched as blaze levitated a short sword to him, while Cedar picked up an axe with his teeth. They both turned to each other waiting to see who would make the first move. Blaze then suddenly sent his sword flying at Cedar as it started to magically swing at him causing Cedar to use the axe in his mouth to block every stab and swing that has taken at him. The crowd of ponies and Spike watched as the sword weaved around, and around the earth pony trying to strike him in various angles, and swings as Cedar managed to parry every attack that was thrown at him. Spike watched in curiosity at the brown pony held his own against Blaze’s attacks which Spike could see caused a fare amount of distress to Blaze by the look on his face. Blaze then brought the sword back to him before he glared at Cedar. “Think you’re so tough with you axe blocking skills?” The red unicorn shouted with annoyance as he glared at Cedar before turning to look at the crowds reaction and give a smile. to them. Spike’s eyes quickly diverted to Cedar who used his front hooves to quickly take the axe out of his mouth and then threw the axe as hard as he could at the distracted unicorn. Blaze turned his head to see the axe flying towards him. “Holy Celestia!” He screamed as he ducked just before the axe hit him. He then looked at the direction it came from only to see cedar galloping towards him at top before the brown earth pony jumped into the air. The crowd watched in amazement as Cedar’s back hooves slammed into Blazes face causing the red unicorn to fly backwards and bounce across the training ground. As Cedar landed on his hooves and slid across the ground. “Did he just send Blaze flying?” Citrine asked in astonishment. “Yep.” Spike replied with a look of total shock and disbelief. The crowd’s eyes all quickly focuses on Blaze who slowly got up on this to support himself as he brought his hoof up to his now bruised section of his face and put pressure on it. Spikes eyes quickly moved back to Cedar who how once again gone into a gallop but instead of running to attack the disoriented unicorn he ran right past him in the direction of his discarded axe. Blaze realized this and quickly picked up his sword and turned to follow the brown earth pony. Cedar then quickly reached his axe and grabbed it with his teeth and turned around to see Blaze charging at him at full speed. Spike watched as Cedar prepared himself for the unicorns oncoming attack. As Blaze swung his sword, Cedar quickly used the head of the axe to block the incoming strike. Both stallions’ weapons clashed against each other started at each other for a moment before Cedar slammed the axe’s handle end into Blaze’s face. Then he attempted to swing the axe at him only to have Blaze slam his front hooves into the brown pony’s chest, causing Cedar to fly back into the ground. Blaze raised his sword to strike but Cedar quickly recovered and blocked the incoming attack. Both stallions proceeded to then swing their weapons at each other trying to get the upper hand. on one another, but Spike and the group of ponies just watched as the two just rapidly attacked, and parried each other’s attack. Suddenly both ponies jumped back and took several steps back and stared at each other almost as if analyzing the stalemate they were in. They then both raised their weapons in an attack position and then started out in a charge as they galloped full speed towards each other. They were just inches away from each other, raising their weapons with all their might, ready to stick each other as they were about to both swing and-. “ENOUGH!” Both stallions stopped dead in their tracks; their bladed just inches from each other. They and everypony else turned their heads to see Commander Greycoat standing at the top of the stairs that led to the castle. “Everypony in the debriefing room. NOW!” He shouted as he turned around and walked back into the castle, leaving the stunned crowd standing there in shock until they all slowly made their way up the stars and into the castle. **** Greycoat looked around at the small crowd of pony’s and one dragon that were standing in the hall before his eyes rested on Cedar and Blaze. “Both of you come forward and explain yourselves.” The grey unicorn stated as he started at the two stallions. “Well you see, it all started when I was just minding my own business and training in the courtyard when this earth pony came over and started to insult me.” Blaze responded which caused Cedar to roll his eyes. “Oh that’s not how it happened!” Blaze asked as he turned to Cedar. “You where bragging about how amazing you were it was distracting me from my reading and I asked you to keep it down a little bit.” Cedar stated as he turned and looked at the unicorn. “Whatever. Sorry my training interrupted your stupid reading, but me as the most skilled member of the guard I have to train everyday to keep my strength and fighting skill up. It’s not my fault you accepted my challenge.” Blaze responded as he glared at Cedar. “You screamed at me and said that reading is for people who can’t fight, and that I would in no way be able to last a minute with you... I took it as a challenge, and well, commander I’m sure you can figure out what happened next.” Cedar said as he watched the commander raise his hoof up to his face before he let out a deep breath. “Well, regardless of what happened I want to stress that it will not happen again. Do you understand me?” Greycoat stated while he started at the two stallions who in turn nodded their heads in agreement. “Well, now that this whole issue has been settled, I have a very urgent and important announcement to make... In a week I will be sending certain members of the guard to do a sweep across several parts of Equestria to make sure that there is no shadow activity as well as to try and keep up to date with recent events.” Greycoat announced which caused whispers and sounds of shock to spread throughout the crowd. “Now. In a few days I will be announcing who will be sent out and who their partners will be. Do you all understand?”Greycoat asked as he saw the guard members nod. “Very well then. The first order I have for all of you is to go and start the preparation for the trip. As the ponies who are chosen will likely have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them. So does anypony have any questions they want to ask me about this new development?” Greycoat asked as he scanned the room and saw Citrine raise her hoof. “Yes, Citrine?” the grey unicorn said as he looked at his daughter. “I know I’m not the only on thinking this, but what is the reason your sending us out. You don’t really expect us to find anything do you?” The yellow mare asked. “Well, with all the recent events that have been happening in the land of Equestria I feel that it would not hurt to go out and make sure everything is okay. As it is better to be safe than sorry and for the shadows to return and attack without us knowing.” Greycoat said as he looked at his daughter who slowly brought her hoof down. “So if that is it, then you are all dismissed. Have a good day.” The commander said as he watched the small group of ponies walk out as his eyes rested on a purple baby dragon that slowly followed them out of the door. **** Spike quickly entered his room and closed the door behind him as he walked over to his bed and sat on it. “Well this is great.” Spike stated as stretched out on his bed. “Not only am I exhausted everyday from working from dawn to midnight in the blacksmith with Steel, and now or course while I am stuck making blades and arrow heads my dream of going out and fighting the evils of Equestria as a member of the guard is slowly fading away into nothing as they are now being sent off across the land. Instead I am going to be stuck here doing basically working and cleaning... like I have been for the last nine years.” Spike thought to himself as he fell backwards onto his bed. thinking about the events that had taken place in the last couple of weeks; from him becoming Steels apprentice and learning about smithing to this moment right now with what had just happened today. “Well this is the perfect way to end the day.” Spike said to himself as he slowly repositioned himself on his bed. “I wonder what’s going to happen now?” Spike thought to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep when his eyes suddenly shot open. “Oh wait that’s right. Me and Steel are probably going to get like two hours of sleep each night because we will be blacksmithing all day to help make weapons for the guards for their trip.” Spike thought as he let out a long annoyed breath as he slowly drifted to sleep. **** (Well there is Chapter Two of my story. I would like to thank my Editor Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.)