//------------------------------// // Dark Nights, Chapter 1 // Story: Dark Eyes and Bleak Skies // by Evocator //------------------------------// The night was dark, and rain poured down from the dark skies of Luna's Night. The world was cold and the air was stale. It seemed as though the stench of death was held in the air, in these lands oh so far from the Capitol. A howl was heard in the distance before the chirping of crickets died down. A thunderous movement was heard as a trio of robed ponies galloped past. They were obviously running from something, but what it remained a mystery. As they made their way down the cobbled road they saw it. The massive, foreboding 'Castle Frosthoof.' This extensive citadel overlooked the entirety of the Northern Realms, with the ability to watch over its subjects in a way that was both protective, and suspicious. You could see a messenger bound for the castle even before he'd left his hometown, in most cases. In fact, should you be given access to the Earl's room, you'd be able to see the edges of the Frozen North if you had the patience to wait out one of its blizzards, to see the tundra beneath. These lands were unique in such a way that they were both mystical and terrifying to a pony of the core provinces. The lands were rich with minerals but fraught with danger. Boasting the most skilled forge ponies and also the highest concentration of monsters outside of the Great Everfree, this land was dangerous in an alluring way. Many from the core would say that the land was simultaneously the best and worst territory in the kingdom. It was often called the land of the 'Living Dead' for its incredibly low average lifespan. It was truly a place to fear. Which comes around to those three ponies, galloping frantically across the surprisingly well-maintained roads. What did they have to do that was so important that they'd brave the perilous nights, alone, in the dark of the night? They reached the massive iron gate to the castle, and a voice rang out through the night. "Identify yourselves!" it commanded. Stopping to catch their breath for a moment, one of the three spoke up. "We bring a critical message from the Wardens of the Sun and Moon, Knight-Commander!" "You must verify yourselves before you may enter the realm of the Earl Judged Graf!" His reply rang throughout the night The speaker of the messengers gave a sigh, before speaking once more. "By the warmth of the sun and the light of the stars, we, the allies of the crown and personal couriers to the nobility hereby do swear to you, Knight-Commander, that we are who we have told you we are. Should we lie, may the magical bonds of Harmony herself bind our magic for the future of our lives and for our next hundred generations. By Harmony, For Harmony, we serve!" A wisp of nearly translucent magic wrapped around the trio's bodies, carefully surrounding their horns for several tense moments, before it disappeared. The voice atop the gate seemed satisfied, as they called out, "Men, they are in fact who I thought. Open the gates!" A deep groan resounded throughout the sky as the great machinations turned, and the gate slowly opened. The trio entered the courtyard of this great citadel before the gate once again closed behind them. The once-unseen voice approached them, revealing themselves to be a Silver stallion with a mane of black and his armor a Navy blue. "Allow me to escort you three to the Earl, then. He is usually awake at this time, oftentimes doing a final check of the Province finances. The poor guy works himself to death sometimes." He spoke as he led the trio of mares through the castle's interior. The walk wasn't too long, and as they reached the amazingly detailed doors to the Earl's room, they were stopped by the two at the door's spears blocking their way. The guard on the left, one wearing some elaborately designed plate mail, spoke. "Round she is, yet flat as a board, Altar of the Lupine Lords, Jewel on black velvet, pearl in the sea, Unchanged but e'erchanging, eternally." The Knight-Commander gave a smile before he spoke. "The Moon." With no other words, the spears were retracted, and one of the knights gave a firm push on the door with his rear hoof before each turned to give the group passage. The room they entered was massive, easily it could be considered the master bedroom of the castle. The walls were adorned with portraits, and the bed was luxurious. It was the far wall that was interesting, however. Over there sat a large desk, a collection of quills and parchment, and a jar of mage-fire. In the chair sat before said desk, there was an elderly stallion working hard at whatever it was on the desk before he set down his quill. "What do you have for me, my faithful commander?" He asked, his voice tinged with a wheeze. "These mares have been sent with a message, my liege. They bring something from the Celestial Wardens." The armored stallion saluted. The elderly stallion shifted his gaze to the three couriers, now standing at attention to him. After several moments of scrutiny, he commanded them. "Speak, and let me hear the Warden's message." The leader of the trio, the same mare who had spoken before, took a deep breath. Magic flowed into her mouth before she relayed the words of the Solar Diarch, just as if she had been there speaking in the flesh. "I, the Eternal Warden Of The Sun and solar regent of the Kingdom of Equestria, do command that Earl Judged Graf has finished his sentence. His soul may finally find peace in the other life, and may he endure no suffering there. His bond to me is done Harmony. He is free from his deal." With a serene smile, the elderly stallion stood and spoke. "It has been nearly four years, and now my use is finally completed. I thank thee, most incandescent of the Wardens. May my son finally take my place of Ruler of these lands, and may I finally find peace." It was though the heavens had heard this very conversation, for as he began to speak his body began taking on an ethereal glow. He was completely gone by the time he'd finished, and nary a trace of him was to be found. The couriers were starting to panic before the Knight Commander spoke once more. "It was inevitable, messengers. He was bound to a pact with the Solar Queen shortly after the defeat of the Mad King. What he did he did for the good of the ponies of this land, but it was no less despicable to our morals." He took a deep breath, before continuing. "It was the final month of preparation for the battle to end it all. The armies raised throughout the lands had gathered just north of the Regional Capital of Trotyslvania., and we'd been readying to link up with the main force before our forward observers discovered that several towns had fallen to Discords final trick. They were quickly dissolving into Ferals, their minds having been consumed by the rampant madness of the time. Our Earl took his blade and set out to end their madness. He cleansed them of their suffering, every mare, stallion, and foal until each town was barren. Not a single pony was spared his cleaning blade. None would want to risk the resurgence of the chaos Discord has wrought." "When he returned, we continued on our rendezvous with the army that the Eternal Regents had acquired, one that just barely equaled ours. We joined forces and set out to provide a distraction for Discords chaos spawn while the sisters took him down. It was during one of the final moments in the fight that our Earl entered the bond with the Solar sister. He took a beam sent from a Corrupted unicorn, one charged with all ten thousand thaums of its energy meant to kill even an immortal like her. He took that beam to his chest and knew he'd die. In their final moments, he told her of his deeds and she pulled him into a Harmonic Bond with her, having him survive long enough to finally make up for the atrocity he was forced to commit. This was ten years ago now, and only now, now that he's given so much to the diarchs can he be set free." The stallion looked over, watching their reactions before he spoke up once more. "I will take you to your beds. We will speak of this more in the morning." The trio followed him, their minds turning with the lump sum of information that was just brought upon them. They turned in for the night, and the dreams of the castle were peaceful. All of them but one.