//------------------------------// // Entry 37: Let's Dance // Story: MLDC: Firestorm Crisis // by Michael_Ravencroft //------------------------------// It was a bright and sunny Sunday at the Sparkle house, however, despite the relaxed nature of the day, the occupants inside the house were less than relaxed. Sunset and Twilight were currently sitting on the couch across from Night Light and Twilight Velvet, both of whom were looking upon the girls with a level of scrutiny that made the superheroines cringe. It was to be expected after all, taking a week off from school and spending it away, pretty much off the grid, was not something that parents would normally allow any kid to do. But they trusted Twilight, and they trusted Sunset Shimmer, to a degree. So when the two teenage girls returned after their long time away, they expected that trust to be paid back in kind with an explanation. However, not a word had been spoken for little over three minutes and it was making both girls hold their breaths. “So,” Velvet spoke, “Sunset Shimmer, you and my daughter are seeing each other romantically, correct?” “Y-Yes ma’am.” Sunset answered nervously. “About how long have you two been dating?” “A-Almost a couple of months now…I guess.” Velvet glanced to her husband, to which he leaned forward, knitting his fingers together into a pyramid of contemplation, and somehow the light from the window caught on his glasses in such a way that it obscured his eyes from view. “Sunset Shimmer, I’ll be clear here, we never really put too much emphasis on whether Twilight dated a boy or a girl, what mattered to us is that the person she was with made her happy. However, that’s not to say that we’d just not look into whoever Twilight dated,” said Night Light with a serious tone. Sunset knew this was coming, there was no way around it. Eventually she’d have to face up her past sins and eventually Twilight’s parents would catch wind of it. As cool and understanding as they were, Sunset knew that hearing of the things she once did might be more than they were willing to put up with, especially if they thought it would put Twilight in danger. “Sunset, I’ve heard that you less than model student some time ago. Your grades were impeccable, outstanding even. However, we have learned that you have a bit of a ‘reputation’ at school. I figured the ‘bad girl’ look was just your personal style, but it seems it was also once your attitude as well,” said Night Light. Sunset clenched her fists and sighed heavily. “It’s true, I wasn’t a nice person. In fact, I was pretty much the worst. I lied and schemed, manipulated and intimidated, coerced and blackmailed, pretty much all the students of CHS. I ruled the school like my own personal kingdom, and everyone was afraid of me. I even…” The former mean girl hesitated for a moment, but it had to be said, Twilight knew the truth about her and accepted her, she owed her parents no less the same. “I even broke apart the five girls who are Twilight’s friends. It was purely tactical…they were each different and unique and got along, I thought breaking apart their friendship would further divide the school, and it did.” Night Light hummed as he digested this information, his eyes still obscured by the glare of the sunlight on his glasses. “From a tactical standpoint that does make sense, but that does not entirely bode well for your character, Miss Shimmer.” “I-I know…I was a horrible person…Until Twilight came to CHS, everyone was pretty much divided and she united them without even trying, she undid in days what took me more than a year to accomplish…” Velvet seemed to recall that night when her daughter was crowned “Princess of the Fall Formal”, in fact she still had the crown resting in a special place since it was the first thing her daughter won that wasn’t science related. “I can guess you didn’t take that well, most people in that situation don’t.” “I won’t lie, ma’am, I hated Twilight, I really hated her!” Sunset stated. Velvet and Night Light raised their eyebrows at that. “You hated her? Forgive us dear, but that’s not exactly a comforting thing to hear from the person who’s dating our daughter,” said Velvet. “Plus, I’ve also come into some knowledge that you were in a fight with two other students in front of your school, Miss Shimmer, is this true?” Night Light asked. “No, I get it, and I did, but….” Twilight noticed Sunset’s nervousness, and placed her left hand over Sunset’s fist, smiling at her to relief that nervous tension, which seemed to work as Sunset’s clenched fist unraveled. “I understand why you feel like that, and it’s true that I did feel that way. But despite that, I couldn’t hate her to the degree I thought I did. The fight you’re talking about was with two girls whom weren’t exactly a good crowd to be around. They had threatened to hurt Twilight, as some twisted surrogate revenge on my behalf, which led to me punching one of them and led to the brawl.” Velvet hummed at this. “So you defended her honor, as it were?” Sunset and Twilight nodded. “I see,” said Night Light. “So, when on about did this start?” “About the time of the science fair.” Twilight answered. “We just sort of confessed to each other at the end of it.” “And this week long sabbatical you two took?” Velvet asked. Twilight and Sunset glanced to each other, sighed and confidently looked to both adults. “We had hit a bit of a rough patch in our relationship,” said Twilight. “It was significant enough that we didn’t want it to be the reason to end what we had,” said Sunset. “So…I guess you could say we saw a kind of councilor, but they were out of the way,” said Twilight. “And did you both come to an understanding?” Velvet asked. For this, Twilight and Sunset took each other’s hand and interlocked their fingers as they smiled at the two adults. Velvet glanced to Night Light, and Night Light to Velvet. A quiet conversation was taking place between them, as if they were using telepathy. Finally, after a tense minute and a half, Velvet stood up from the couch and walked over to Sunset, who promptly and quickly stood at attention. “Sunset Shimmer…Welcome to the family!” Velvet cheered as she quickly enveloped the teenage girl in strong hug. Sunset for her part was taken aback by the sudden hug. “Uh…I…thank you – wait, ‘welcome to the family’?” “Well of course dear, the only people who go through that much trouble to save their relationship are those who are truly committed to each other! Oooooh, I knew you two were cute together!” Velvet gushed as she subsequently nuzzled Sunset’s cheek affectionately. Sunset was still trying to process all this, but mostly she was trying to get her own hormones in check. Especially with Velvet nuzzling her, reminding her of her pony displays of affection, combined with the feel of the older woman’s ample assets pressed against her own. Sunset gulped, despite this being Twilight’s own mother, she had to admit, the woman was quite beautiful in a mature way. Twilight must’ve noticed her girlfriend’s reaction as well since Sunset noticed her cheeks tinting red with both embarrassment and a bit of agitation. “Twilight,” said Night Light. The studious girl turned to her father, who was now giving her a thumbs up. “You got yourself a cute one there, better slap a ring on that.” “DAD!” Twilight shouted. Velvet pulled away, to the disappointment of Sunset, and stared the girl down. “I do expect see a ring on that as well,” Velvet pointed to Twilight for emphasis. Now Sunset blushed harder. “W-W-Well I…I mean, isn’t that a little too far into the future?” Velvet sighed. “Alright, but I do expect some grandchildren.” “MOM!” Twilight shouted again. “Honey, you know that’s not possible,” said Night Light. Velvet’s lips curled into a devilish grin. “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve heard of some ways that can be done, and if there’s anyone here who could figure it out, it’d be our Twily.” Twilight’s face became bright red as her brilliant mind went to work concocting several different methods for what her mother suggested, listing everything from chemical, mechanical, and even forms of temporary mutation. Twilight groaned, picking up a nearby throw pillow and smacking her head with it in a vain attempt to make those thoughts disappear, it didn’t work. Sunset glanced to Velvet, a grin forming. “You said that on purpose to make her do that, didn’t you?” Velvet merely smiled and winked her eye. I think I like her more already, thought Sunset. “Also, if you girls plan on becoming, ahem, intimate while you’re here, please put a sock on the door knob.” Night Light suggested. Twilight’s eye twitched, it was if her parents were going out of their way to embarrass her. The genius girl groaned loudly and buried her head under some more throw pillows, trying to make herself not exist at this moment. “Honey, really?” Velvet asked. “What, we discussed this,” said Night Light. Sunset for her part just tried to stifle any laughter that was about to come out at this moment. It was a lot more fun to watch someone get embarrassed by their parents, especially Twilight’s parents, and her girlfriend’s reactions were just too much. “Ugh…that was just too embarrassing!” Twilight declared. “And why did my Dad have to go and say that?! ‘Put a sock on the doorknob’, what kind of thing is that to say to your daughter?!” Sunset sat at the edge of Twilight’s bed as she watched the purple girl pace around after their conversation. “Well, considering that we’re both girls, and seeing as your parents trust me, I guess they don’t mind us snogging while their here.” To this, Sunset laid back, adopting a suggestive and sexy pose, and shooting Twilight a “come hither” look. Twilight, spotting what Sunset was doing, gulped, and averted her eyes. “I am not doing it with you while my parents are just downstairs!” “Well shoot.” “And what was that with my Mom?! Why were you looking so flustered?!” Twilight asked. Sunset shrugged. “Dunno, your mom’s hot. Why, you jelly, Twi? ‘Fraid I’ll go for the cougar?” Twilight puffed her cheeks and stomped over to Sunset, only for said girlfriend to shoot out with her left hand and grab Twilight by the wrist. She pulled back and brought the nerdy girl down on top of her, quickly rolling around until Sunset was on top of Twilight, staring down with her teal eyes into Twilight’s amethyst colored eyes. “Don’t worry Sparky, you’re the only one I want,” said Sunset in a tender tone. Twilight blushed and kissed Sunset on the tip of her nose. “I know, it’s just a little weird hearing you say that about her.” Sunset smirked. “Well, maybe I should show you how much I want you, which one’s your sock drawer again?” “If you two are going to mate can I leave the room first?” Sunset and Twilight turned their heads towards the head of the bed, where Spike laid and had a deadpan expression on his face. Both girls quickly sprang to their feet, smoothing out the wrinkles from their clothes. “Yeah, still getting used to that,” said Sunset. TWO DAYS LATER… It had been a grueling two days, but somehow Sunset and Twilight managed to eliminate all the homework they had missed during the week they were gone. Normally they’d have been exhausted, however, in a probable abuse of their powers, Twilight and Sunset went Firestorm in Twilight’s lab, allowing their bodies to be fueled by their nuclear energy based physiology so that they would not get tired or require that much food during that period of time. Thankfully their gambit paid off and in just a couple of days of pulling all-nighters in Firestorm mode, both girls were able to finish all homework, lessons missed, and then some. Thankfully the group had a free period and so they used this to go to the one of the music rooms, and inside, Sunset and Twilight were privy to a showcase of their friends’ band, the Rainbooms. Applejack was strumming her bass, Rarity on her keytar, Fluttershy was tapping her tambourine, Pinkie was drumming like a madwoman, and Rainbow, as usual, was shredding on her electric guitar. All the while Twilight and Sunset tapped their feet and moved to the rhythm of the song. “♪We are all together (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh) Now it's better than ever (Ah, ah, oh-oh-oh-oh) Now that we are back on track Yes, I'm so glad that we're better Better than ever!♪” “♪Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Oh yeah, we're better than ever Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Oh yeah, we're better than ever Whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Oh yeah, we're better than ever!♪” Twilight and Sunset clapped their hands at that the performance of their friends. Sunset especially was impressed, she knew the girls were talented in their individual ways, but she never thought they had the cohesion and coordination to become a band, let alone sing and play that well. “Oh yeah, we totally got it that time!” Rainbow declared. “I’ll admit, when you asked us to be a rock band I was skeptical, but this is quite fun,” said Rarity. “Really fun, I say we take this show on the road after we graduate!” Pinkie Pie suggested. Applejack walked over to a stool and leaned her bass against a unused drum set. “That would be nice and all, but Ah gotta stay at the farm, can’t let Mac run the whole farm by himself, and if anythin’ Ah want Apple Bloom to not have to worry about that for a bit.” “Well, you guys could always have concerts here, start small and work your way up,” said Sunset. Rainbow seemed to like that idea, she wanted to be a star athlete, the best of the best, but being a rock star was a close second considering her “mad guitar skills”. Of course she couldn’t speak for the others, she knew Rarity wanted to be a big fashion designer, most likely wanting to go to France or some high class school for fashion. Fluttershy had told Rainbow that she was going to become a veterinarian, not surprising considering her love of animals. Pinkie Pie was most likely going to college when high school was over, but she more than likely would join Rainbow. “What about you two?” Rainbow asked. “Sunset, I know you can shred, and Twilight would be good as well!” Twilight blushed a little at the offer. “I’m flattered, but I don’t’ really play an instrument.” “I figured, but you can sing,” said Rainbow knowingly. Twilight blushed harder. Sunset however raised an eyebrow. “Wait, Sparky can sing?” The other girls looked at Sunset in shock. “Darling, you really didn’t know?” Rarity asked. Sunset shook her head. “Oh yeah, you gotta see this, it’s kinda how she help unite the school,” said Rainbow as she scrolled through her phone to find said evidence. Twilight quickly sped over to Rainbow and grabbed her by the wrists. “N-Now, now, we d-don’t need to show her that!” “Here you go,” said Pinkie. Twilight turned around and watched as Pinkie Pie brought up her cellphone to Sunset which was now playing said video. “Pinkie no –!” [♪I'm gonna be myself No matter what I do And if we're different yeah I want you to be true to you♪] [♪If you follow me We'll put our differences aside We'll stick together and Start working on that school pride!♪] Sunset shut off the video and smirked at her girlfriend. “Nice work hitting that high note.” Twilight groaned as she hid her face behind her hands, wishing she had Fluttershy’s long hair to hide her blushing face. “That was really embarrassing now that I look back on it…” “Oh Twilight, you were fantastic! How many people can say they had the confidence to do something like that and pull it off so well,” said Rarity as she padded Twilight on the back. Sunset continued to look at the video, having muted it and just simply watching it, afterwards she sighed. “Well, I can see how you overthrew me so easily. And that also explains that amazing voice when we’re –” “DON’T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE!” Twilight warned. Rainbow Dash whistled wolfishly while Applejack chuckled a little. “Anyway, so why not? You just do vocals, and maybe be the mascot?” Rainbow Dash suggested with a wiggle of the brow. Sunset did not let that go unnoticed, although the idea was tempting. “While I do enjoy this talk about the future, I would like to remind everyone that the Spring Fling will be tomorrow night and we absolutely must go in style, darlings!” Rarity pulled out her cellphone and showed the image of a limousine. “As per the Fall Formal, I requisitioned a limo for our transportation. I suggest we all meet up at my boutique for last fittings and to get ready.” Twilight felt giddy inside at the prospect of going to this dance, not that she wasn’t excited from the Fall Formal, but because this time she would be going with her girlfriend. They already had a passionate night under the stars, but this was something else, it would a public display of their relationship, dancing to slow songs and frantic songs, just being teenagers and not worrying about the Organization, the Sirens, or Dusk Shine. However, when Twilight glanced to Sunset, instead of seeing an excited expression upon her girlfriend’s face, there was instead apprehension. “Sunset, are you alright?” Sunset looked to Twilight and nodded her head. “I’m fine Sparky, don’t worry. But I think we better head out, don’t want to be late to the next class.” The other glanced at the clock and noted that it was getting close to their next class periods. Sunset and Twilight left first, saying their goodbyes as they walked down the halls. The bell rang and soon enough the halls were flooded with their fellow classmates heading for their next class. All the while, Sunset and Twilight kept a small gap between them. At the behest of Sunset, they decided to keep their relationship secret until it was the right time. Twilight at first agreed to this, seeing as how they were both still new to it all. But considering their little sessions with Treehugger, she had assumed that they could be more public about it, like holding hands or, maybe, Sunset wrapping an arm around her waist and bringing her close as they walked side by side. Twilight decided to be a little daring and reached with her right hand to try and intertwine their hands. However, Sunset noticed this and widened the gap a little. “Sunset?” “I told you Twilight, we can’t, not in front of all of them,” said Sunset. “I don’t care if they know now, Sunset, we’re together now, we’re allowed to show how we feel about each like Lyra and Bonbon.” Twilight argued. “Lyra and Bonbon aren’t known for being a ruthless, scheming bitch, remember?” Sunset asked rhetorically. Twilight sighed, she knew Sunset was still carrying that baggage. The air between them may have been cleared, but the students at CHS still looked at her with contempt and a bit of fear from time to time. Even now as the two of them walked together, she could tell some of them were giving Sunset a dirty look. Contrarily, Twilight was receiving nothing but warm smiles and waves, it was awkward but Twilight would wave and smile back, but it did make her a tad bit angry that Sunset was still regarded the way she was. “Sunset this isn’t right, you can’t let them continue to see you as some wicked person,” said Twilight. “I know, but it’s what’s keeping the school together, you the Great Uniter, and me the Great Divider. I knocked them down, you brought them up. That’s what they see, and that’s fine, I only need you.” Sunset punctuated this with a kind and loving smile. Twilight frowned in disappointment. “It’s still not right.” “We can protect the world, Sparky. But we can’t change their minds that easily, not after all I’ve done,” said Sunset. Twilight still did not like it, she needed – wanted others to see the new Sunset Shimmer. But short of someone attacking the school and forcing herself and Sunset to transform, there was little she could do in that department. WEDNESDAY NIGHT… Finally, the night was here, the Spring Fling. Every student in Canterlot High School flooded the gymnasium, dressed in their finest tuxes and dresses, and some even coming hand in hand. Vinyl was pumping out her signature jams, with her “friend” Octavia having convinced her to leave a certain item at home lest the school’s roof be literally blown off. As it was last time, the Canterlot Six – the impromptu nickname the six friends at CHS were given – arrived in the limo that Rarity had ordered and as usual her dresses were stunning. Rainbow Dash, by her request, sporting a semi-short skirt, the theme of her dress was ancient Rome, making Rainbow Dash look beautiful as well as fierce. Fluttershy sported a more flowery gown, reminiscent of her love of nature and animals. Pinkie Pie’s was fluffy and sported some comical top hat. Rarity herself was dressed in a more Victorian style dress, with her hair done in curls. Applejack went with a more rugged look, despite it being a dress she still had the air of strength about her, an air that Rarity couldn’t help but be drawn to as she stuck close by to the cowgirl, making her blush. Of course they were practically celebrities, being the ones who helped to dethrone Sunset Shimmer and make the school a happier place since. The festivities were in full swing and almost everybody was paired with someone, the wallflowers were often times left to their own devices, with Fluttershy standing with them despite the fact that so many boys were asking her to dance. Thankfully Rainbow Dash didn’t need to step in too often, most left her alone if she declined. Although, if one boy seemed to get too handsy, some the other male students would come to her defense. Girl just oozes that ‘defend her honor’ feel, thought Rainbow Dash. It was then that Rainbow Dash noticed Twilight, standing at the punch bowl, alone. Curious, she strode on over, Twilight seemed to be staring at her cellphone intently, so much so that Rainbow Dash managed to sneak up on her and whisper into her ear. “Let’s make out.” “WHA!” Twilight yelped as she jumped back, and almost teleported away before realizing it was Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow?! That wasn’t funny!” The sports girl chuckled. “It was a little funny, but now that you’re here, why aren’t you dancing or in general not looking like you’re not enjoying this?” Twilight looked back to her phone and sighed. “I haven’t heard from Sunset for a bit.” It was strange, Sunset hadn’t met up with them at Rarity’s shop, the last correspondence she remembered Twilight getting was that Sunset would text her when she was on her way. Of course that was hours ago and still no Sunset. “Do you know how she was going to get here?” “I doubt she’d risk riding her bike in Rarity’s dress, the only other ways would be for her to fly here in Firestorm form, or teleport with magic,” said Twilight. Rainbow Dash chuckled. “That’s convenient, being able to teleport to wherever you wanna go. Why don’t you go and teleport to her and find out what’s up?” “I’ve only been able to do so when I go Firestorm, like I am, I can only do it on instinct like when I get startled or…during this one time when she was teaching me, I sneezed and ended up on the roof of her apartment.” Rainbow had to stifle a laugh, imagining Twilight’s cute sneeze and actually finding herself on a random roof somewhere. “Well don’t sweat it, she’s probably going to make some kind of grand entrance or something.” Twilight smiled a little. “I hope so, it’d actually would be just like her to just appear when I least expect it.” The prismatic girl draped an arm over Twilight’s shoulders and gave her a flirting smile. “If ya want, I can be your stand in for the rest of the night, totally don’t mind.” “Rainbow,” said Twilight in a warning tone. “Just messing with you.” Suddenly, Rainbow Dash felt her phone vibrate, she took it out and noticed that the message was from Sunset. “I’ll be right back Twi.” Rainbow removed herself from Twilight and left to go read the message. {Rainbow Dash, I really hate to have you do this, and you can call me a gutless coward, but tell Sparky I’m not coming…} Rainbow Dash did a double take at that, prompting her to quickly text back. {Why the hell not?! She’s waiting for you here you idiot!} Send. A few seconds later she got a response. {Look, if I go there then it’s going to get bad. You know people still haven’t forgiven me for what I did! If I show up it’ll just kill the mood, for everybody. So, take this as an opportunity to have a date with Twilight. Just make sure she has good time……NOT TOO GOOD, GOT IT!?} Rainbow Dash smacked her forehead and groaned loudly. “I’m not doing this, we’re not having another break down like last time.” She then brought up her contacts and scrolled through until she found the right number, after a minute she heard someone pick up. “G, it’s Dash, I need a favor, come pick me up at CHS, ASAP!” APARTMENT OF SUNSET SHIMMER… Sunset sat on her couch, strumming her guitar. She wanted to take out the amp in her closet and start rocking some sad songs to go with her mood, but then she’d get noise complaints. “A screw it, I’ll just use a sound damping spell.” As she got off the couch to go and bring out said amp, Sunset heard knocking at her front door. She raised a curious eyebrow since she wasn’t expecting anyone to come by. Maybe it’s Sparky…? “Sunset open this door right now!” Rainbow shouted. “Or maybe not,” she drowned. “Go back to the dance Dash, I meant what I said!” Suddenly, the door clicked open, revealing not just Rainbow Dash, but Gilda, sporting a cocky grin and some assorted tools in her left hand. “Did you just pick the lock?!” Sunset asked. “I got skills, Sunny, don’t forget that,” said Gilda. “Okay,” Rainbow marched into the room, “you’re going to go into that room, right now, and get dressed! We’re going to school and you’re going to hang out with your girlfriend!” Sunset sighed tiredly and sat back on the couch. “My mind’s made up, if she’s seen with me like that then the whole school will look at her suspiciously, it’s better if they still think I’m the bad guy and she’s the good guy, let’s not mess up that dynamic since it’s working to keep the school together.” “Ugh,” Rainbow groaned in frustration, “I think we’ve established that maintaining the status quo is what was bad before, lookin’ at you Shimmer.” Sunset saluted her while flipping her off. “So doing that exact same crap is not going to fly here! Things are changing, and it’s a good change! So if one of those is showing that you’re not a royal bitch anymore, then why not?!” Rainbow asked. “I……” Sunset tried to think of an argument. Gilda strode next to Rainbow Dash and crossed her arms. “Real simple, Sunny, either you get in there and get dressed, or me and Dash here will throw in there, strip you, and then take you to that dinky school dance.” Sunset raised an eyebrow at that. “You both know even if I didn’t have both magic and super powers, I could still kick your asses.” “Wanna bet, Shimmer?” Rainbow asked as she took off her earrings and other jewelry. “We goin’ there?” Sunset asked. “Looks like.” Gilda confirmed as she took off her leather jacket. Sunset stood up from the couch, she waved her hand over the area and formed a barrier around walls and floor. She then pointed to the furniture and moved them into the same pocket dimension she used to store her bike, leaving the entire living room empty and free from foreign objects that could hurt them. “Sound dampening spell so no one will hear you two squeal for mercy, and an illusion spell so no can see in and watch me humiliate you both,” said Sunset with a cocky attitude. Gilda slammed her right fist into her left palm and grinned. “Fine, but you better not use any of that mess from here on out, put your money where your mouth his Sun – what the hell are you doing Dash?!” Gild blushed when she spotted her friend now stripped down to her sports underwear. “Hey, before we start, mind throwing this in the same place you put that other stuff?” “Not that I’m complaining, but why?” Gilda asked in confusion. “If there’s one thing I don’t want, it’s a pissed off Rarity if she sees I ruined this thing,” said Rainbow with a shudder. Sunset shuddered as well and did the other girl a favor by opening up a portal to throw them into. “Heh, maybe we should strip down too? And maybe put up a camera?” Gilda suggested. “Oh just bring it already!” Sunset rushed for Gilda, tackling the bad girl to the floor, straddling her, and punching her in the face. Rainbow came up from behind Sunset, looping her arms under Sunset’s pits and hoisting her up off of Gilda. She then threw Sunset back until she hit the floor and rolled, stopping herself quickly to regain her senses. However, Rainbow Dash wouldn’t allow that, tackling Sunset back to the floor, and delivering a swift punch to the girl’s face. Rainbow winded up for another punch, but Sunset quickly lashed out, punching the rainbow haired girl right in her left bosom, making Rainbow grunt from the pain and halt her attack for a half second. Which was all Sunset needed as she bucked her hips up, throwing Rainbow off her. Sunset rolled back, springing to her feet and entering a defensive stance. Rainbow Dash got up and hissed in pain as she cupped her injured area. “Seriously, a boob punch?!” “Worked didn’t it?” Gilda came in swinging, throwing a right and left hook, feinting with a left jab only to deliver another right hook to Sunset’s ribs. The flame haired girl grunted in pain from the blow, but pushed through as she swiftly threw an uppercut while Gilda was so close, followed by a left hook, and a double palm heel strike to her chest, sending Gilda flying to the until she hit the floor. Rainbow growled, now bouncing on her tiptoes back and forth, keeping her guard up along with her fists. Sunset looked to her frenemy with interest. “Is that Muay Thai?” “Yeah, learned it awhile back in case I ever had to teach you a lesson,” said Rainbow. “Heh, well, you’re twenty years too young to take me on, Dash,” said Sunset as she entered a martial arts fighting stance. “I used take some pretty good combat courses back in Equestria, and learned a little more here. Let’s see who’s better!” Rainbow and Sunset charged for each other, Sunset threw a kick, but Rainbow ducked under it. Sunset saw this and used the momentum to shift her center of gravity, carrying her leg downward in one fluid motion to hit Rainbow with a sweeping kick. Once again Rainbow saw this and jumped up just in time to dodge it. Once her feet hit the floor, Rainbow shot forward with her left elbow, striking Sunset in her right bosom, making Sunset grit her teeth from the sharp pain. Rainbow went into a series of quick jabs to Sunset’s face, followed by some more blows to her gut and a swift kick to Sunset’s thigh. Rainbow came in with a haymaker, but Sunset caught the blow in her right hand, she used that same momentum to throw Rainbow Dash forward, and from there she charged in. Sunset spun and hit Rainbow in her stomach with a spinning elbow strike, following up with a roundhouse kick to the left side. Gilda, while sporting no fancy moves other than her skills as a street fighter, intervened and blocked another blow for Rainbow Dash, slugging Sunset in the face, grabbing her head, and then smashing her head against her own for a headbutt. An action that was regretted on both sides. No one wins in a headbutt. The blow served its purpose though, making Sunset dizzy and unable to balance. Which allowed Gilda to quickly grab hold of Sunset’s arm, and getting one of her own around Susnet’s neck. Rainbow Dash saw this and readied make Sunset a punching bag. However, before Rainbow could do so, Sunset, in a surprising move, elbowed Gilda in the gut and bit down on her arm. Causing the bad girl to release her, allowing Sunset to slide down and trip Rainbow Dash before she could get close enough. Sunset whirled around and kicked Gilda right between her legs, making her stumble backwards from the pain that radiated from that area. “Oh c’mon!” “Hey, two on one, dirty pool isn’t off the table!” Sunset replied. Their fight went on for another twenty minutes, all of which saw all three girls having been thrown to the floor, against the wall and over the kitchen counter. Punches and kicks were traded back and forth, savage biting and even hair pulling. At the near end of the confrontation, all three girls were looking tattered and worn. Gilda’s tank top was torn, threatening to come lose and reveal more of herself than she’d want. Rainbow was in the same situation, her face had bruises that matched the rest of her body, scratch marks, bite marks, and there was even a trickle of blood coming from her lip. Sunset was just as bad off, all of them were. Panting and tired from their exhaustive bout, all three lasting longer than they had previously thought. All three girls gritted their teeth and mustered up enough strength to make one last charge, the three girls raising their fists in preparation to deliver their final blows. However, at the last second their strength gave out and all three collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion. “Okay, I’m out,” said Rainbow. “Same,” replied Sunset. “Ditto,” answered Gilda. The three managed to roll onto their backs, groaning from the action. “So, what did that prove, again?” Sunset asked. “That all three of us are stubborn and hardheaded as hell,” said Gilda. Sunset and Rainbow nodded to that. “Really, are you okay with not going?” Rainbow asked from her position on the floor. “No…but I don’t want to turn it into a fiasco, I doubt anyone will want me there.” Gilda grunted in annoyance. “Listen to yourself, you keep talking about what everyone else will think, but what should really matter is what the nerd thinks! If she wants you there then go! Don’t let the rest of those assholes over there dictate what you do!” Rainbow and Sunset glanced to Gilda, admitting that that was actually some decent advice. “What G said, the best thing you can do right now to make her happy is to be there. Twilight doesn’t care what the others think. If she did, I’d be the one making out with her in the girls bathroom right now,” said Rainbow with a chuckle. “Classy Dash, real classy.” “Hey, how did you know about my secret fantasy?” Gilda asked. The three tough girls all managed to laugh, despite the pain radiating through their bodies. After a minute, Sunset, with some effort, managed to crawl over to them both and rested her hands on them. She concentrated and immediately a teal magical aura wrapped around all three of them. “I’ll heal us up and we’ll go, can’t show up looking bruised and battered.” ONE HOUR LATER… Sunset, having gotten dressed and driven to the dance, all while feeling anxious. She was not there for the Fall Formal, and now she was going to the Spring Fling, compared to the battles thus far, Sunset dreaded this more for some reason. High school’s a bitch, thought Sunset. “We’re here,” said Gilda. Once the car was parked, Gilda and Rainbow Dash accompanied Sunset Shimmer to the gymnasium as stealthily as possible, and to make sure she didn’t run away. Even though they both knew she could magic herself away at any point. It wasn’t long before they made it to the doors to the gym and Sunset just stood there, as if regarding the doors as the gateway to Tartarus itself. “Go on already, she’s waiting,” said Rainbow. Sunset took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. The muffled music came at her like a whirlwind, assaulting her eardrums with its pulsing beat and her eyes with the strobe lights. Sunset continued onward, keeping her head held high and her stride strong, putting on false bravado of confidence, when really she was a bit scared on the inside. Soon enough, she could pick up on the whispers of the other students, all whom watched her with suspicion in their eyes and angered that she even showed up. No doubt they believed she was here to ruin the fun, or try to pull a prank on Twilight Sparkle for her loss of the Fall Formal Princess title, many had not forgotten what happened to the last girl who tried to run against her. Sunset tried to push all of that out of her mind, what mattered right now was not the masses, it was Twilight, she had to focus on Twilight and this would be much easier. She started scanning the room for any sign of her adorkable girlfriend, it didn’t take long before she spotted her talking to Fluttershy, and Sunset was about to make a beeline for her when… “What the heck are you doing here?” A girl called out. Sunset turned around and spotted one of the fashionista girls giving her a dirty look. The former bad girl wanted to tell her off, but she wanted to avoid any confrontation. “I’m just here to enjoy the dance, same as you, that’s all.” “That I highly doubt,” said one of the jock boys. “The only reason you’re here is to ruin everyone’s fun, or did you really think you’d get voted as Princess again?” “No, of course I didn’t –!” “You can’t lie your way out of anything Shimmer, we’re not afraid of you,” said another student. Without Sunset realizing it, a crowd was forming around her, a deafening cacophony of muttering and antagonized rants about all she had done. This was what she was afraid of, she knew the students of CHS hadn’t forgiven her, and why should they? She made school life a living hell for them, some more than others, but just her mere presence was to unease or intimidate others in the past. “L-Look, honestly, I’m just here for the party, to hang out,” said Sunset in all sincerity. “Seriously, do you think we’ll buy that?” “We don’t want you here, Sunset Shimmer!” “You should leave now!” “Yeah!” A part of Sunset’s darker side wanted to creep back up. She had magic again, she didn’t have to take this crap from them. With a wave of her hand she could make them all get on their hands and knees and bow to her. Suddenly, a flash of her version came back to her, the vision of She-Demon, a throne, and her friends and principal made into slaves. Sunset shook her head, hugging herself, she did not want to be that monster, not ever. The pressure rushing down on her from all sides was enough to make her feel helpless, she wanted to break down then and then, but then a light came to her, or rather called out to her. “SUNSET!” The former pony quickly snapped her head in the direction of the familiar voice. The crowd parted slightly, revealing Twilight with a surprised, yet happy expression. She quickly excused herself from Fluttershy and walked at a hurried pace to Sunset, who gave her a small wave and equally small smile. As Twilight made her way to Sunset, she started to notice the dense crowd around Sunset, and the cliché open circle that she’d seen in TV sitcoms that normally occurs when a kid is fighting a bully, or getting ridiculed. Twilight also began hearing the whispers of confusion that accompanied her travel to her. It soon became clear to Twilight what they were doing the moment she reached Sunset, making her turn to the crowd with a bit of anger in her eyes. But before she could speak, Sunset reached out and gently grabbed Twilight’s wrist, shaking her head slightly, telling her that it wasn’t worth it. However, Twilight felt it necessary. She didn’t want Sunset to have to live under their scrutiny, they all expected the worst of her, and that wasn’t the Sunset Shimmer who was here tonight. It was Sunset Shimmer, the hero. Sunset Shimmer, the crass pervert. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle’s girlfriend. Twilight became less rigid, prompting Sunset to release her, but just as quickly, Twilight took Sunset’s hand into her own and smiled at her, ignoring the gasping of the crowd. “You owe me some dances, Miss Shimmer.” “T-Twilight, we – you –!” “Oh hush up about that, I want to dance with my girlfriend, and that’s final,” said Twilight with a much of a serious face as she could muster. There was another collective gasp from the crowd, making the students’ murmuring even more prominent. But Twilight had tuned them out a while ago, only focusing on the music and Sunset. With a reassuring squeeze, Twilight began leading Sunset towards the dance floor, cutting through the crowd as they parted like the Red Sea. At the end of the crowd they spotted both Lyra and Bonbon. Sunset gulped a little, trying to maintain whatever tough girl façade she had left. Lyra looked to Sunset Shimmer, and then to Twilight Sparkle, finally her gaze rested on their intertwined hands before looking back up at both girls. “So, you two are a thing then?” Twilight glanced to Sunset, making her flinch a little. Sunset knew what Twilight was doing, she had taken the first step, openly admitting her orientation and that she liked Sunset. Now it was her turn, Twilight had shown her courage, could she show no less? With a reaffirming squeeze of the hand, Sunset stood tall and spoke, “Yes, we are. I love Twilight Sparkle, and-and I’ll be damned if anyone doesn’t like that!” Twilight rolled her eyes, she just couldn’t say “yes” like a normal person, but then again, that’s why she loved her. “Huh, alright then.” The mint green girl strode beside Sunset and draped an arm over her shoulders smiling like a madwomen. “Damn you two are cute, I’ve been shipping you two since Twilight got here! Bonnie! You owe me, I told you not bet against my shipper sense!” Bonbon groaned, both in annoyance and in defeat. “I’ll never understand how you do that.” “Sunset, we should totally go on a group date! What’s your cell number, we can make it for this weekend or for Spring Break or –!” “Whoa, whoa, hold up, I never agreed to any group da –!” Sunset tried to interject. “Oh c’mon it’ll be fun! Just the four of us having a good time,” Lyra blushed and then whispered into Sunset’s ear, “and maybe we can have a good time together after the date.” Sunset’s cheeks blushed profusely as the implications of what Lyra suggested began to take root. At first her face contorted into anger that Lyra would even suggest such a thing, but after a moment, the idea began to settle in. Sunset coughed as she composed herself and said, “Well…um…I guess we’ll talk about it.” “Yes,” cheered Lyra. Bonbon stepped next to Twilight said, “I’m sorry, Lyra can be a pervert from time to time. Twilight glanced to Sunset and then back to Bonbon. “Believe me, I know exactly what you mean.” “What?” Sunset and Lyra asked in unison. The rest of the dance saw little in the way of drama after that. By now the rumor mill had spread the word that Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer were girlfriends, and was no doubt going to be a subject of discussion long past the weekend. But it didn’t matter, both of them felt a huge weight lifted off their shoulders. No more secrecy, now they could be a couple in the open instead of just when in private. The music had gone to a slow dance, allowing many of the students to bring their romantic partners onto the dance floor. Lyra and Bonbon were one of said couples, and with a bit of prodding, Rarity managed to get Applejack out there as well. For them many believed it was just friends just dancing, Sunset and Twilight knew that it would probably take a bit longer before Applejack could muster the courage to be open about their relationship, she was still coming to grips with her feeling. Despite the many couples, Sunset and Twilight stood out the most. If one looked close enough, one could spot a mischievous, curly pink haired girl working the lights in just the right way to keep a spotlight on them. It was uncanny how well they complimented each other, the sunset and the twilight, forever living at the same moment in time, and never apart. The fiery girl and starry dreamer, both locked hand in hand as the music lifted them, drowning out the world around them. Worries about the Organization, about the Sirens, about Dusk Shine. None of that mattered right now, all that mattered was this moment and the two of them. Sunset spun Twilight around gracefully and brought her back in gently, continuing in perfect sync to the rhythm. For a moment her eyes roved over the crowd, Sunset spotted two familiar faces watching them from the sidelines. Chrysalis, in a dark green dress, waved to her as her own girlfriend, Fluffle Puff, smiled and chewed on Chrysalis’ long hair. In her Fluffle style, she wore a dress that was made of a pink furry material, Sunset hoped Rarity would not see that, only knowing just how she’d react to that. -NF- Up in the rafters, hidden from sight, a being sat down and looked over the crowd of students, his white eyes only locked on one couple in particular, that of Sunset and Twilight. A smile graced his lips as he watched them dance, noting the smile on both their faces. “If you want, I could let you two out for a little bit,” said Nu. ‘Nah, the view’s good from here. We don’t need to interrupt,’ said Shining Armor. ‘Indeed, this is their moment, let’s allow them this. There are more than likely tough days ahead, let them be just teenagers for one night,’ said Professor Neigh. ‘Thanks, Nu, for doing this.’ Nu shrugged and smirked. “Hey a school full of babes to look at, and a touching scene to end the night on. I’m not complaining guys.” -DZ- From the gym entrance, stood the Sirens, all three watching as Sunset and Twilight practically stole the show. Aria snorted and Sonata would say the occasional “awwww” as she watched the couple dance. Adagio, despite paying attention to them, also paid attention to the music. It was one of her favorites, especially when they toured Russia for a while and attended some of the grander balls held by the royalty. Before the whole Rasputin thing made it go south. “You sense it too right? There’s some hate out there for Sunset, maybe we should use that now while they're not expecting us?” Aria suggested. “Aw, seriously? This is like a super cute moment!” Sonata argued. “Who cares?! We can take ‘em out and before they knew what hit ‘em, right Adagio?!” There was no immediate response from the alpha Siren. “Adagio, you with us?” Before Aria knew what was happening, Adagio took hold of Aria’s hands and began dancing, making Sonata squeal with feels. Aria was blushing bright red, not sure what to do other than dance with Adagio, but not really knowing where this was stemming from. “Um, D-Dagi, what’re you doing?” Aria asked. “I’m dancing with one of my lovers to a beautiful song, is that a problem,” asked Adagio. Aria cleared her throat and laid her head against Adagio’s chest. “No, it’s not.” The crass Siren noticed Sonata watching and smiled as she tapped Adagio’s shoulder. With a knowing nod, Adagio spun Aria, allowing the purple girl to tag in Sonata and just as elegant and fluid as the ocean, she entered into the dance with Adagio, not even missing the beat or single step. They continued like that, switching out partners, with Adagio taking the lead and giving both of her loves her affection as she did. For a moment, she looked out to Sunset and Twilight, and smiled. For now, enjoy each other. Soon, you’ll know our power…