//------------------------------// // The Great Deku Tree (Part 1) // Story: Legend of Luna // by shadowstar618 //------------------------------// Walking up to the Great Deku Cove, Link and Luna soon spotted Mido. Noticing them, Mido held up his hand. "I thought I told you, don't come back without a sword and shield!" Giggling, Luna gestured to her and Link's equipment. Noticing the gear for the first time, Mido was rather surprised. "Eh, what's that?! Is that a Reinforced Deku Shield?! How did you even get that? And is that the Kokiri Sword?! Good grief. Well, even with all that, a whimp is still a whimp, right? I, the great Mido, will never accept you as a true Kokiri!" Blowing a raspberry, Luna crossed her fetlocks and huffed. Link patted her head reassuringly. Ignoring them, Mido went on. "How did you two get to be the favorite of Saria and the Great Deku Tree? Huh?!" Reluctantly, Mido moved out of the way, grumbling all the while. Grinning up at Link, Luna pointed ahead, and with a cry of "Wet's go!" she trotted off to meet the Great Tree. Not one to be left behind, Link followed with a grin. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Cried Luna, swinging her stick wildly at what appeared to be a giant piranha on a vine. After a bit of swinging, Luna finally hit the bulb with her stick, severing it from its roots. "What was that?!" Luna asked frantically. At this, Navi chimed in. "That was a Deku Baba! It may look withered, but it can hurt you if you get too close." Link pointed to the dry stick that the Deku Baba seemed to have become. "And what's that?" Navi, also looking at the stick, said, "That's a Deku Stick! They're pretty dry, so they make great torches!" Link shook his head. "Let's hope there are no more surprises..." Luna shot him a deadpanned look. "You know you'we just asking for twuble, wight?" Walking up to th Deku Tree's grove, Navi spoke up. "Great Deku Tree...I'm back!" The Great Deku Tree...'looked' up for lack of a better term. The Great Tree was a huge oak tree with what appeared to be a face etched into it. Its eyebrows were turned down at the ends, giving the impression that it was either concerned for you or amused at something. Its giant moustache was at least as large as ten Links, or twenty Lunas, stretched head to toe from one end to another. With a great rumbling voice, the Tree spoke. "Oh...Navi...Thou hast returned...and with the young heroes...Luna, Link...Welcome..." Luna looked concernd at the Tree's labored words. "Um...excuse me? Mistew Gweat Deku Twee? Awe you okay?" The Tree seemed amused at the young pony's concern. "I shall be fine, young one...but listen close...listen to what I, the Deku Tree, am about to tell you. Link, thy slumber must have been restless for the past few moons. As the servants of evil gain strength, a vile cloud covers the land and causes nightmares to those sensitive to it...surely, thou hast felt it...Luna, for you, I shall gift thou with the knowledge of dreamwalking...it has come to mine understanding that thou hast already the understanding of it, but thou cannot yet grasp the true depths of it..." With that, the Tree seemed to close its eyes in focus. Then, a ball of light exited the Tree from where the forhead would be. Said ball of light made a beeline for Luna. While at first a bit scared, Luna pressed her forhead against the ball, and it seemed to dissipate into her. She kept her eyes closed for a few minutes after, only to open them with a new light in them. A deeper understanding of the world. "Thank you, Gweat Deku Twee." Said the pony solemly, despite her lisp. The Tree opened its eyes once again. "Link, Luna...the time has come to test thy courage...There are some useful artifacts that can be found within my trunk...beware, however...it would appear that some servants of evil have taken residence within myself...dost thou have the courage necessary to undertake this task?" Luna looked at Link with a big grin on her face. Link grinned backend said, "Absolutely." The Deku Tree's mouth then opened like a doorway. "Then enter, brave Link, cunning Luna...and thou too, Navi...Navi the fairy, thou must aid these two heroes in their quest...and when she speaks, please, listen to her words of wisdom..." Link marched onward into the Deku Tree, and Luna followed not far behind, though with a more careful step. Inside the tree, the trio was greeted with a large, cylindrical room with platforms and some vines hanging off some of them. Luna looked around and saw what looked like little bulbs off to the sides of the room. "Hey, what'we those?" Asked the little pony. She walked up to one, and suddenly, it grew longer, revealing itself to be a Deku Baba. Determined not to let her fear get the better of her, Luna stood her ground. "I'm not afwaid of you, siwwy pwant!" And with that, the little pony raised her shield with her forehoof, waited for the bulb to strike, and struck it directly on the head when it did. Luna, looking relieved, spotted some odd brown nuts on the ground. "Hey, Navi? What'we thows?" Said Luna, pointing at the nuts. Navi, flying over to the pony, said, "Those are Deku Nuts! If you throw them at an enemy, it'll flash and stun them! Just be sure to no get caught in the flash yourself!" Luna nodded, picking up the nuts that the plant dropped. Turning to face her brother, who had killed the other plant and gotten some nuts himself, she noticed the spider web on the ground. Walking over to it, the little pony jumped on the web. Up and down and up and down and- "Luna, you're going too high!" Link yelled, noticing his sister's antics. "What?" Luna called down, too high to hear clearly. "Hang on, lemme come down!" And with that, Luna angled herself towards a ledge and gliding to it. Worried about his sister, Link scrambled up some nearby vines, and rushed over to her. "Luna! Are you okay?" Link asked hurriedly. "Yesh, I'm okay bwovew." Was the reply he got. With a sigh of relief, Link said, "Well, don't do that again. Saria'd have my head if anything happened to you..." Giggling, Luna pointed out the obvious to Link. "Bwovew, I think you fowgot to check beside me. I found a chest!" Finally seeing the chest, Link exclaimed, "Nice job, Luna! Let's see what's inside..." Opening the chest, Link found that he could barely see over the edge of it. Problem solving, the boy hopped up, braced his stomach on the rim of the chest, and reached inside. Pulling out a small piece of parchment, Link held it up high triumphantly. Giggling at her brother's antics, Luna said to him, "What is that, Wink?" Looking at the parchment, Link groaned. "What's wwong?" Asked Luna. "It's a map of the dungeon...and it's pretty big..." Link said, groaning at all of the running they'd have to do.