When Horror Goes Wrong

by 6-D Pegasus

Dun Dun Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twilight Sparkle awoke with a gasp, panting for breath from escaping a psychotic Pinkie Pie from her last dream.

"Well that was a strange dream", Twilight muttered to herself, "I guess I better....huh?" Twilight suddenly sat up, realizing that her surroundings were not at all familiar to her. In fact, she couldn't even see any of her surroundings. Wherever she was, it was pitch black; she could not even discern her own hooves in front of her. In a panic, Twilight quickly cast an illumination spell, bathing the room in a dim purple light. The room she was in appeared to be fashioned entirely out of concrete. There seemed to be a window of some sort in the wall opposite from her. A large metal sheet hung from the top of it, blocking the window glass entirely from Twilight. She couldn't see a door.

"Where am I?!" Twilight began to hyperventilate. She was highly trained in all sorts of magic spells and had read several books in the past on how to assess a uncomfortable situation like the one she found herself in now. However, she had never known she would need to put that information to a better use than experimenting the best format for note-taking. "What's happening?!"

How am I supposed to know? I'm just narrating this, Twilight.

"Oh, right" Twilight replied to no-pony in particular. She looked down, hiding a sheepish grin.

Looking forward again, Twilight approached the metal sheet on the window, inspecting it thoroughly. She could not see where the metal actually touched the window's frame, but what she could see were large metal bolts jutting out all around the sheet's border. She poked it...

...and it fell right off.

Twilight blinked, staring at the metal sheet now laying on the ground. I guess the metal sheet wasn't serving much of a purpose save for keeping out light. Twilight thought to herself, keeping in mind not to bother the exhausted narrator who should be studying for his English test tomorrow but decided to write some cruddy story instead.

While Twilight stared at the sheet, a sudden thought appeared in her head, shrinking her eyes to pinpricks. Her body clock was telling her that it was around morning, meaning Celestia's sunlight would be flowing through the window at any second now. Also, the sheet was just barely lying on the "window", which would mean there should have been plenty of space for light to seep when Twilight first awoke. But Twilight recalled that it was pitch black. There had been absolutely no light in the room when she opened her eyes.

And Twilight noticed that, while she was staring at the metal sheet, the only source of light remained the orb of glowing magic floating a hair's width off her horn and its reflection on the sheet. If the metal sheet was the only thing blocking the window, now that she removed...there should be...light?

Twilight looked back up towards the window and realized with horror that...there wasn't any window. It was simply a window frame jutting out of the wall.

Oh no! How am I going to get out?! Twilight's mind began to race, her vision spinning as fear and panic set in. She galloped to the window frame and began uselessly pounding at the walls, shouting in hopes that some-pony would hear her desperate cries.

"HELP! Anypony, please! Help me!" Twilight screamed. The stone walls mercilessly absorbed her cires for help and intensified Twilight's sense of loneliness, denying her even a faint trace of an echo. She turned and began pounding on the walls left of the window. Then on the walls to the right. Then she turned around....

And facehoofed.

"No wonder I couldn't see the door," Twilight muttered annoyingly. It was behind me. That whole freaking time... it was behind me, just outside my peripheral vision. The door seemed to be the only thing in the room that seemed familiar; its wooden style and paint job was very similar to the doors of Ponyville architecture. Twilight slowly approached the door, fearful of any evil tricks that would snatch away the gleam of hope she had just found. Nope, the hinges were real; small grooves on the floor indicated that the door was openable. Twilight reached out a hoof and pushed...

But it didn't budge.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she pushed again, only to elicit the exact same result. The door remained close, not even moving at the slightest.

"No, no, no, no, NO!" Twilight shouted at the walls surrounding her, unwilling to accept such a terrible fate. To be trapped in a dark, with no-pony to take comfort in. Not even Spike... She tried to fly to the ceiling to check out the door from above, but found that...she had no wings. "What?! What is this?!?!? WAHHHHHH?!"


Twilight, I think you're getting ahead of yourself. You're still early in Season 2, not even the tenth episode. Of course you wouldn't have wings. You were probably fantasizing again about the episodes you read about in that book, Season 4 Episode Summaries (SPOILERS!) - By Pinkie Pie.

Twilight groaned in resignation, muttering again to nopony in particular. "You...are...not...helping." Whatever. Taking a deep breath, Twilight calmed her mind, eliminating her all worries so that by the time she exhaled, she was able to focus on the door. She sat in the center of the room and closed her eyes. She took in account all the variables in the room and assessed the problem calmly. After about five minutes, Twilight came to a quick conclusion: she remembered seeing those groove marks on the floor. Of course she couldn't push it open. It was a PULL door.

Congratulations, stupid me! Twilight sarcastically cursed herself for overlooking such a simple detail. However, what she saw next snapped her quickly back into reality. It was a PULL door. With no way to pull it.

"Oh, COME ON!" Twilight screamed, referring to a Sweetie Belle line she had read about in an episode synopsis from supposedly 7 episodes later. She banged her head on the door in frustration, feeling her horn embed a few millimeters into the wo-...Wait a minute...Another thought struck Twilight like a brick to the face.

"Ow..."Twilight groaned in pain, pushing the random brick off her face and thought about the matter once more. Her horn...

Off course! Silly me, I forgot about my magic...while...using it for light, apparently...Whatever. Twilight poured more magic into her horn, maintaining her light spell while wrapping the door in her magical grasp. Well here goes nothing... Twilight thought to herself before giving the door a quick yank with her magic. The door gave no resistance...

Twilight stepped outside the room, squinting her eyes in the sunlight that now blinded her dark-adjusted eyes. She looked around and saw Ponyville in the distance, not even a five-minute trot away. A wooden sign posted in the ground caught her attention. It was colored with bright shades of pink, blue, and green. Messily written in marker on it was taunting message:

Twilight, you're so stupid it's silly! How could you forget about teleporting out of there? Heehee!

Twilight felt a burning sensation in her, starting from her lungs before escaping her mouth in a confident stream of fury and rage.


The End.