The Pony Who Embraced The Darkness

by Zurvan

Chapter 26: I Knew You Were Trouble

Chapter 26: I Knew You Were Trouble

“Nymeria, steer the boat to the shore, I can hold the cold fire in this form much longer.” Winter says.

Nymeria nods and uses her magic to push the boat to the shore and they quickly get out of the boat as it dissipates. Winter falls onto the ground, a weak field of cold fire surrounding the two of them. “Winter!”

The shadowy form of Lord Umbra appears in the closest shadow. “You two will never get away! I’ll chase you to the very ends of Equestria, my shadows will haunt you for the rest of your lives!”

Winter grunts as he shoots a ball of cold fire at the shadow casing it to howl in pain as it vanishes. He slowly pushes himself back to his hooves. “I was really hoping we lost him there.” He says nearly out of breath. Sweat comes from him as he strains to hold the fire. Then he collapses, his magic winking out.

Quickly the sounds of the forest are drowned out by the laughing of Lord Umbra. “Looks like I didn’t have to chase you very far after all.” The shadow rematerializes along with some shadowy minions.

Nymeria grabs Winter and hugs him tight. “I’m sorry, this is all my fault. If I’d told you sooner then maybe we won’t be in this situation.”

Winter hugs her back.”It’s not your fault, Nymeria, he would’ve come at us anyway. Never forget that I love you.” He kisses her.

“Now you die!” The shadow of Lord Umbra calls out as it shifts part of itself into a lethal blade and goes to strike them both down.

“For Fluttershy!” A voice yells as a bolt of light rips through the shadow blade, causing it to dissapaite.

“Discord!” The shadow hisses and then takes one more look at Nymeria and Winter. “I won’t forget this.” The shadow quickly vanishes as Discord and his troops all bathed in unnatural light come marching up.

Winter looks up at them. “Uncle Discord?”

“Winter! I thought that was you.” Discod says as he grabs the unicorn and lifts him up. “What in Equestria are you doing here? And looking so worn out?”

“Umbra chased us; mana burn.” Winter says before passing out.

“Winter used his magic to protect us from Umbra’s shadows.” Nymeria explains.

“Medic!” Discord calls out and an unicorn steps forward. “Treat this colt, he’s exhausted and has mana burn.”

The unicorn nods and takes Winter in his magic. “I got just the thing.” He goes off to treat Winter.

Discord turns to Nymeria and growls as he grabs her with in his hand. “Give me one reason why I should take you apart limb by limb, you little traitor! I know you’ve been working for Umbra this entire time!”

“I turned on him! I realized he never intended to keep his promise of letting me keep Winter.” Nymeria explains. “If I hadn’t done that Winter would be a captive right now.”

“Winter wouldn’t have even been here if not for you.” Discord snarls. “So you’d better have a better reason.”

Nymeria looks at Discord nervously. “I can lead you to Umbra.”

“What exactly do you mean?”

“I know where his base is, I can take you to it.”

“How do I know this isn’t a trap?”

“First off you’re Discord, can you even be trapped?”

Discord glares at her. “Of course I can I can be trapped. Everything can be trapped, somethings are just easier to trap than others. Now if would please make your point.”

“I have a vested interest in getting rid of Umbra.”

“Really?” Discord asks. “What exactly is that?”

“There’s a good chance I’m pregnant. I don’t want my foal to be raised like I was.”

“Ny, you’re pregnant?” Winter says as he pushes his way through the ponies, still looking rather tired.

Nymeria looks to the ground. “I’m honestly not sure right now, but my heats have always run right on schedule, and I’m currently running late.”

Winter glares at Discord. “Put her down!”

“I swear.” Discord says as he puts Nymeria down. “Somedays I wonder if you’re not really adopted. You’re just like Luna.”

“Where do you think I learned it?” Winter asks as he hugs Nymeria.

“Winter, are you mad at me?” Nymeria asks.

“For what?”

“Not telling you sooner.”

“How far off are you?”

“A little over a week.”

Winter shakes his head. “Of course I’m not mad, it’s still too early to know or not. The stress of this could have upset your system. You would have told me as soon as you were sure”

Nymeria nods. “Of course I would have.”

“If you are, is it mine?”

“I… I don’t know if he can get me pregnant through his shadows.” Nymeria admits.

Winter nods. “Those are the only possibilities?”

Nymeria nods. “I swear they are, and none of the encounters with him were willing.”

“Then we’ll find a solution, won’t we Uncle?”

“Nope.” Discord says as he crosses his arms. “I’m in the middle of marching my army to fight an epic battle, I don’t have time for this.” As he speaks the lowers half of his body starts marching off, leaving his upper half floating there. “See, I’ve got to catch up with myself.” He snaps his fingers and he’s reassembled, marching away from Winter. “Come on troops. We have a villain to vanquish.”

“Not amusing.” Winter says as he somehow uses his magic to summon cold fire right in front of Discord.

Discord steps into the cold fire and it freezes his feet, they instantly shatter into a million pieces. “Hey! I was marching here!”

Winter pants, obviously very exhausted. “Please Uncle, help.”

“Somepony replenish the kid’s mana before he burns himself out.”

“Sorry.” The medic pony says as he comes up carrying a potion in his magic. He gives the potion to Winter. “I left him for just a minute to get a mana potion from supply.”

Discord snaps his fingers and his feet reassemble. “Fine, I’ll help you Winter, but I name a price.”

Winter grins. “I’ll tell Fluttershy you were benevolent.”

Discord blinks a few times. “That works too.” He snaps his fingers again. “There, she’s pregnant with your foal. Now can we get marching again?”

“Just one more thing.”

Discord sighs. “Seriously? What is it with foals theses days? Discord do this; Discord do that; Discord I want a human; Discord fix my house, that you destroyed. I swear you ponies are never happy. So just tell me what it is you want.”

“I want to come with you, this is my fight too.”

Discord grins and snaps his fingers putting them both in armor. “Let’s go then.”