//------------------------------// // Chapter 23 (Partially edited) // Story: The Bill-inning // by EmperorDalek //------------------------------// The Training of Gods Part 1 *Bzzt* Re-emerging from their speedy teleport, he withdraws his hand from Celestia’s, turns around and walks away from her. His boots tapping against the soft grass underneath them. Raising her head, she gradually turns to look at the surroundings of whatever planet they might be on. Green fields, hills and trees in many varieties can be seen for miles. There are even a couple lakes spread here and there in-between the surrounding landscape. “Where…where are we?” asks Celestia as she takes several steps forward. “Hm?” he utters at her question. He looks over his shoulder to see what is behind him. “Hey! Be careful!” He blurts as he quickly turns to face her. “Huh? What?” She asks in confusion, still trotting forward while looking over her shoulder. “No, Celestia! Wait!” Thrusting his hand out after her, he tries to reach her, - …but it is already too late. Before either of them could react, she suddenly loses her hooving, and tumbles over the edge that she had not seen. “Damnit,” he curses in an annoyed tone as her body vanishes over the edge. Exhaling a heavy sigh, he brings two fingers up to his forehead. *Bzzt* Like before, his entire form suddenly vanishes faster than the naked eye could possibly perceive, - …re-emerging shortly afterwards holding Celestia with both his extended hands. He sets her down on the ground, and she turns around, looking up to see his eyes amidst the darkness of his hood staring directly at her. “It might have escaped my mind, but mind the drop-off as we are quite high up in the air,” he says before striding forward, returning his arms back inside the robes. Her eyes follow him as he walks past and away from her. And you didn’t mention that earlier, because...? she thinks to herself and narrows her brows. “Come along, your Highness…come along, we have to begin preparing you at once.” Walking away from her, he holds out his right arm, gesturing with his index finger for her to follow him. Frowning, she doesn’t like this sudden shift in behavior from someone who had previously appeared to be so polite and kind. Her eyes open slightly as she catches sight of a structure up in front of them that was only a minute’s walking distance – depending on one’s speed. The gold and white structure stand atop some pavement in a circular pattern that surround the entire round structure. Along the front are several trees. Huh ~ How hilarious that I believed we were on a green hilltop…when I am actually only a step away from standing on a good old stone pavement once more. She cannot help but scoff as she smiles at the thought. *Tap Tap Tap-* *Silence* Standing silently for a few seconds, he finally turns to look back over his shoulder at her. “Your Highness…,“ she hears him say. Blinking her eyes and slightly shaking her head, she looks back up at him. “…I really must insist that we do not delay any more than we already have. We must hurry and get you ready so we can begin preparing you for the challenges that are to come.” “Hmpf - you act as if the fate of the world is at stake,” she grumbles while following behind the impatient being. “Not just the world…but every world, - “ she hears him say as he continues to approach the small formation of trees that they must pass through before arriving at the structure. “…for should we fail to defeat your sister and her allies, then not only will everything on the planet you’ve strived so hard to protect be lost, but her allies will find an ally in her.” *Gulp* She swallows down, lowering her head and continuing to follow him as they approach the temple-like structure. Yeah…no pressure… Just have to save the world from a great evil that happens to be related to me…on top of saving the entire universe from an even GREATER evil that is currently preparing to join my sister when she returns to exact her vengeance upon me…, - A heavy sigh is uttered by the white Princess as the true importance of her situation fully sinks in. … I just hope that someone else in our vast universe is having a worse day than me, she thinks as she silently follows him the rest of the way. [Meanwhile, somewhere in the universe] In a medical facility, Luna is being held by mechanical arms that hold her body suspended in the air. Standing behind a control panel, a doctor of some unknown species is wearing armor that is similar to everyone else's along with a robe that reaches down to the floor, and it is monitoring Luna's vitals as she hangs there above the floor. Not far from him, a pod hovering above the floor has a horned figure’s tail hanging over the left side. He stares at the mare as her unconscious body is being tested. Standing beside the hover pod is his son whose arms are folded across his chest while he stares blankly at Luna. However, he is actually quite concerned for her well-being despite his outwardly neutral demeanor. He had asked his father why this was necessary, but the only response he got was a single hand-wave explanation; “She is tougher than most, and she can handle it. I need to see what she is made of…so that I know what not to throw her way when we’re sparring.” This was followed by a smirk. [Three hours later] After much testing and analyzing, Luna’s body has been deposited at a medical facility where she has currently been resting for the last hour in order to recover her strength in a more normal manner to avoid unwanted side effects. Two doors open inwards, and the pair of horned beings enter the chamber accompanied by guards. Silently, the beings approach the bed she is resting in while the guards remain near the doors. They stop when they reach the bed and stare down at her in silence, - … The blanket covers her all the way up to the throat. One of the horned beings looks over his shoulder at the two guards that have entered the chamber alongside him and his son. “Leave us,” he instructs them. “Yes, my Lord,” they reply. The guards bow and then turn around and leave the chamber, which is now utterly silent. Holding his hands behind his back, Frieza looks towards the unconscious mare whose body is motionless aside from the gentle heaving of her chest as she breathes. “She has been most impressive, hasn’t she, father?” Frieza asks his father while unable to look away from her. He turns to his right, staring directly at his father. “Indeed, she has, my son… She has proven to be quite the daredevil, attempting to defy the force of an entire planet requires remarkable willpower. It would seem she has nothing to lose,” comments Frieza’s father. While she is lying in bed, the Emperor of the Planetary Trade Federation does not know how wrong he is, for while her body is physically present, she is now wandering through another world that is only known to a few individuals. From her perspective, the physical world around her and the two horned beings is completely greyed out as she has been forced to use the Mindscape to return back home. Her physical body is completely incapacitated at the moment. “Whoa…, -“ the Princess comments as she trots through the throne room back home in the metaphysical world. She is sincerely astonished by the damage that has been done to it. On the wall, she can see the giant hole that had been made when she sent her sister flying back through it. She chuckles slightly at the thought of having possessed the strength to have potentially bested her sister. Thinking highly of herself for a moment, she enjoys those beautiful memories of repaying her for all the years she had been cleverly oppressed and kept on a subtle but still noticeable leash. … However, her expression contorts into a furious frown when she remembers that moment when the unknown, white-clad individual interrupted her moment of victory. The moment when her sister might have finally fallen. Raising her hoof up to her cheek, she touches the part of her face that had been kicked, and a direct result of such power being exerted, sent her flying into a wall…just like she had done to Celestia. “Grrggrrrrr!” She growls, pressing hard against the floor underneath. If it were not for her being in the Mindscape, her hooves would have likely dented its surface due to her intense rage at being humiliated only seconds before redeeming every hardship to which she had been subjected during her sister’s cruel reign. “If it displeases you…then why do you return to this place if it does nothing but torment you?” an echoing voice asked. She gasped, startled by the formless voice’s sudden intrusion upon her. She quickly turned around to face wherever this voice was coming from…only to be met with the empty space behind her, and no sign of any living beings. Her eyes opened wide as they stared back the way she had come, scanning her surroundings for any signs of activity, only to be met with nothing but the dead space where she had been… That is, until she hurriedly turned around and suddenly bumped muzzle-first against something soft. She swiftly lept back from the being, putting distance between herself and it before her hooves contacted the ground again. She prepared to defend herself in case this being tried to attack her. Near her stood a tall figure (Humanoid) clad in dark robes with red trimmings that stared silently back from its place. Its arms were hidden inside long sleeves, which were tucked into pockets on the sides of the robe. “Are you lost, little Princess?” the voice echoed around the room, almost making it seem like it didn’t belong to this one being, but rather many others that were hidden throughout the room. “Who are you?” she immediately snapped back. The Princess’s eyes narrowed as she glared back at the robed figure. From behind the shadow of its hood, the figure smirked, narrowing his eyes. “I am he who brought you to Lord Frost so that you might recover from your battle with your sister… Essentially saving you from a future locked away in a cage of your sister’s making.” The voice was gradually losing its loud, echoey sound that had previously characterized it's tone. “Lord Frost? Do you mean…Frieza’s father? The one he was afraid of?” asked Luna, confused as Frieza had not mentioned his father by name. The hooded figure gently nodded back. “You are correct, Princess. The very same…” Lowering her head, she looked directly at the floor underneath her. She was thinking about what her next response should be upon learning the name of her friend’s father. “While I am grateful for what he has done, I must inquire; Why? Why has he done this for me? I am but a Princess of the Equine Species.” “True, but the universe is vast, Princess…not everyone shares the views of your naïve sister, and there are quite frankly many who would rather see you on the throne than her.” Narrowing her eyes, Luna stared suspiciously back at him. A little taken aback by what he had just said. “It disturbs me to know that you have been observing us, or more specifically, me and my sister… I would not mind, had I known that our lives were being monitored by other creatures such as yourself,” she said with a slight hint of passive-aggressive tone in her voice. “You need not concern yourself, Princess, I can assure you that I am a friend, and my only intention for seeking you out is so that I and my associates will know that you are fully recovered and ready to proceed with your training. And that when you return to Equestria, your sister will be crushed under the weight of your power.” Luna only scoffed at him. “You speak to me as if you and I know each other as friends…but I do not believe that we have ever met before. She could hear soft chuckling from behind his hood. “This, of which you speak is indeed true… You and I have never spoken face-to-face before this meeting, but I have heard quite a few things about you, nonetheless.” In response, she grumbled softly. “Oh yeah? From who, if I’m so inclined to ask.” “The Dream Demon, Bill Cipher…, -" he said. Suddenly time seemed to slow for Luna at the mere mention of Bill Cipher’s name, a being that she had been forcefully ripped away from. The primary reason for her visiting the Mindscape was to attempt to contact the Dream Demon, since she needed to discuss things with him before she goes any further with her plans to replace her sister as ruler of their home world. “What of him?” she asked the tall being. She used a nonchalant tone in an attempt to convince him that she did not care that he had revealed his acquaintance with Bill Cipher. A smile appeared on his face when he heard her response. “What you must understand about my connection with him is that we met long ago when he was but a traveler who explored the many paths of creation...but I’ve only recently learned about you during my visit to see how he was holding up. It was then that he told me about you and the…let’s call it, friendship that has formed between you and him, - “ explained the hooded figure. Although she was patiently listening to what he had to say, Luna was still glaring at him. “… After listening to how he perceived you to be suffering under your sister’s reign, I realized that something had to be done to help you escape this hell that you have been brainwashed to never escape from - despite your common sense saying otherwise.” Her eyes jumped, staring wide-eyed at him for a second. She really was thrown for a whirl by what she was hearing. … However, the serious frown she had worn previously soon started to re-emerge on her face. “And I now take it that Bill Cipher is one of these ‘’associates’’ that you mentioned previously?” inquired Luna. However, he only shook his head from side to side. “No… Bill is completely unaware of my actions…but I fear that if he knows what is happening, he probably would not want to speak with me again…, - “ he said whilst slowly pulling his arms out of the robe pockets. “…but I know that I will not be able to live with myself with the knowledge that I let down someone for whom he cares.” Tightening his fist caused electricity to begin appearing around his body, as well as making the entire Mindscape shake slightly with tremors. Luna just stood there and continued to stare sternly at him. Her eyes narrowing. His calming down caused everything to stop shaking and the electricity to dissipate. She could hear him breathing a little heavier and panting slightly from behind his hood. After granting him a moment to catch his breath, she decided to speak up again. “So then, who are these 'associates’ that you've mentioned…? And keep in mind, if you really do care for me, like Bill does, then you will tell me the truth right now,” said Luna with both a stern tone and expression upon her face. “Hmm… It would seem that I have no other choice, besides complying with your demands, Princess,” he replied, putting a flat hand to his chest as he bowed. Even now, despite everything that he was saying, Luna would not lower her guard unless she saw some hard evidence that he was indeed going to give her some information. Then, he suddenly brought both arms up to his hood, grabbing both sides with his green hands, - …and then pulled it down, exposing his true appearance. Luna’s brows raised at this action that she had not expected of him, surprised that he had actually exposed himself like this. He possessed spiky, white hair, had pointed ears and green skin. On both ears, she could see green earrings. Gently opening his eyes, he noticed her starting into them as he returned her gaze. A small smirk made its way onto his face, as he noticed her staring back with a look of surprise and a slightly open mouth. His robe started to glow bright white, - …before then starting to change, morphing into entirely different clothing. Pulling itself up, the front exposed his black baggy pants and white boots. The shoulders transformed into a curved shape with red trimmings along the side. The sleeves shrunk, covering his arms now in a normal manner instead of their previously baggy fit. Greeting her now was a bipedal being with white, spiked hair and wearing a black and red robe. Gawking at the incredible power now radiating from this revealed form of the one that claimed to have saved her from the clutches of defeat back in Equestria, her body now started to slightly shiver. Frightened by the incredible power that she was sensing from him, she slowly took a few steps as she backed away from him. My god! H-his power…his power, its…its beyond anything I’ve ever sensed, thought the blue Alicorn as she sensed his full power which was now no longer being concealed. She assumed that it probably had something to do with those robes he had worn. A smirk emerged on his face showing that he could tell that she must have sensed how powerful he was. “Do you believe me now?” she heard him ask. Raising her head, she looked up to see him standing still with his heels touching. “If I wanted you dead…you already would be,” he said with a grin that she perceived as being creepy. With his hands behind his back, he had this presence that made him tower over her, even from this distance. Shaken by his incredible power, she staggered backwards. Finally, she could no longer keep herself standing with this power that she never expected to ever sense in her presence. T-this power… It’s like I’m standing before Tirek again…times a hundred of him! Slowly raising her shaking head, she looked back up from the ground to him again. Her eyes having become pale, and her mouth hanging slack due to the nervous pressure which she had been put under since he had removed his robes. “Now, the most important thing I want you to take away from this little display of mine, is that I want you to understand that I would not reveal my true form – or even my power for that matter – so openly to anyone unless you were worthy of it...," he explained while slowly beginning to hover above the ground. “…and knowing that, what do you believe is the reason for me revealing myself to you? What makes you worthy?” he asked with the biggest possible smirk, and intense stare. Trying to recover, and get over the shock of the overwhelming power that she could sense coming from him, she raised her head, once again staring back across the gap that divided them. Wow! Who is this guy? I feel like a child compared to him. Remembering his question, her eyes opened a little more as she began to ponder what he had asked her. Me? B-but there isn’t anything about me that makes me more worthy than anyone else, she discussed with herself. If anything, she was more confused by his line of questioning and somewhat surprised by his saying that she was specifically worthy to see his true form. Well, I guess since he is an acquaintance of Bill, and has heard quite a few things about me…some part of him must have been moved about hearing of my suffering under my sister’s reign… I don’t really see what other answer I can give other than that. Discarding her previous nervous state, she now stood firm, her body no longer shivering from fear at how powerful he was. Now, she instead wore a stern expression as she returned his stare. “Well, you don’t need to be a genius to deduce that it must have something to do with what Bill Cipher may have told you when you went to visit him again after all these years, - “said Luna. His smirk grew a little after just hearing this. “…as for the ‘’why’’ to this question you have asked me to answer, my closest guess is that you felt sympathy for me, and not just wanted to meet me, but also save me from the life that I lived under my sister...unfortunately for your plan, though, I already managed to break free on my own, and so instead you came to realize that the only thing that you could do now was to only converse with me in private, which you have now done.” The moment she finished talking, a silence soon fell over the two, ever-looking in their presence as they both waited for the other to respond to verify if the other was correct. Finally, he did respond, but not in the way that she might have expected. With his hands, he began to gently applaud her by clapping his hands in a calm, polite manner. “Well, well, well ~ I believe that congratulations are in order, your Highness, “he said with a respectable bow of his head. “You guessed my reasons correctly… However, - “he suddenly said, which certainly attracted her attention. “…you were wrong about me wanting to only meet and save you. There was a third one that I wanted to fulfil on top of those two.” Slowly, he moved forward, hovering above the floor as he approached her, holding his hands behind his back in a sinister manner. He continued to draw closer, until finally stopping four or five steps away from her, where she looked up, only to be meet with his sinister smirk. “I also wanted to see you because I come bearing a proposition that I figure someone such as yourself would be interested in.” Looking up at him, she raised a suspicious brow. “Join us, aid the Brotherhood in crushing your sister, and the universe be free from her tyranny for all the years to come…forever.” Luna’s brows jumped, surprised by the offer that she was presented with. “Ensure that the Brotherhood crushes your sister’s iron hoof now and forever, and that a will stronger than her own dominates the flow of events that is to come in the future.” However, this unlike anything else she had heard him say so far sounded too suspicious for not to overlook it like she may have done a few of the things he had said prior. She could not deny that there was something about him that she did not like, be it his unbelievable power, or the fact that he was being unusually kind to someone like her who was, if his power was anything to go by, a weakling compared to him, - …but, it could also not be denied that something about what he was offering her sounded too enticing to just throw away after all that she had been forced to give up just to still be free and still drawing breath someplace where she was not restrained by chains of surrounded by the cold and small walls of a cell. Looking down, there was only thing to occupy her thoughts, one sole word…or rather a name that she could not stop thinking about. Bill Cipher… I don’t know if we will be re-united if I take this deal, if joining with this guy is really in my best interest, - Slowly, she raised her head to look up into his face. Wearing a serious expression. …but I know that declining it, and continuing to respect my sister despite the things that she has done to me, will serve as an eternal reminder to me that I had the option to finally rid myself of the source of my suffering. On the Princess’s face an evil smirk appeared. “I, wholeheartedly…accept your offer.” On his face a smirk appeared as his eyes narrowed, staring back down at her with a satisfied look. “Smart choice, Highness, - “he said as he bowed his head, while holding a hand up to his chest. Remaining silent for a few seconds before he began to speak again. “…I can personally guarantee that you will not regret your alliance with the Brotherhood.” “Hmpf… Do not assume that because I have decided to side with the Brotherhood that I intend on continuing our alliance once I have what I need. This is only a means to an end.” After hearing her say what she did, he looked up with an originally confused expression, but as he looked deeper into what she meant he understood what she meant by what she said. ‘’Once I have what I need’’ ~ He, he, he… Seems he was correct when telling me how much stronger a will she possess than her sister. How Celestia deserves to suffer for what she’s done to this poor girl…and all for what? Ruling as the most popular one? Luna raised a confused brow as she suddenly noticed an angry expression settle on his face, becoming angrier and angrier, - …but then, just stopping. Once more assuming a normal, blank expression, though, retaining some of that original anger. Soon, even that blank stare was once again returned to being his original confident smirk as he put both hands behind his back. “If that is what you wish then you shall be released from our alliance when the moment for reaping the harvest of our efforts comes, Highness,” he said. Her confusion was shortly overcome with the previous smirk appearing once more. “Now that I have seen all I need to know that our alliance will stand, it is pointless to keep you from this meeting for much longer, -“he said while raising his hand. Extending his hand out in front of him, he touched her forehead, while raising two fingers up and touching them to his forehead. This, unsurprisingly, was a little too sudden for her to handle. “Hey! What are you doing?!” exclaimed a confused Luna. … However, when she looked up, for the first time since they had meet, he no longer wore that confident smirk on his face. Instead smiling down with a warming sense of comfort about it. “Highness, you have to trust me…, - “he told her as she found herself somehow believing what he said. “…trust me, before you trust me.” Biting her lip, she did the only thing that her better judgement would normally be very harsh on. Inhaling a heavy breath, she knew that this would most likely get her killed, but the Alicorn Princess could not stop thinking that the aura emanating from him at this moment was reminiscent of a time prior in her life when she had felt happy and surrounded by friends instead of those very friends that had now turned on her just because their ruler had brought up what she considered to be evidence to see her as an enemy to the world. Exhaling her breath, her body calmed as her concerns and worries were blown away by banishing them from her mind, much like this breath that she was taking. Her body became less tense as when she opened her eyes to look up into his, she was calm and ready to go wherever she took her. “You ready, Highness?” he asked. “Mhm,” she nodded. Seeing this, his smile grew a little. “Don’t worry, Instant Transmission is faster than any form of teleport than you may be familiar with so you’ll hardly notice it is happening.” Raising his head, he looked out in front of him as he concentrated hard to focus on his destination as it was quite far away from they were now. *Bzzt* …but eventually, both did teleport away to the far-away destination that he was intending to bring them… ***** At this same time, in a faraway corner of space, in the space in-between spaces that only few could ever hope to reach drifted a massive metal sphere. Surrounding it was a fleet of thousands of triangular starships that guarded the massive space station as it was being constructed. Serving as the flagship of this defense fleet was the largest starship in the entire fleet that outdid every one of the others in size and length, and most importantly of all; firepower. Construction on this immense space station, however, was very slow as the materials used to construct this immense behemoth required a mineral that was being harvested from a space station in orbit around an immense star that was in-depletable. Not to mention that the distance both stations was quite significant and took quite a lot of time before getting from point A to point B, but when it did arrive a lot was accomplished with the unbelievable quantity of materials that had been brought to the half-completed station. Interestingly, this station was more heavily protected than the station, itself, that was undergoing construction. Deep within the station there was a darkened chamber that’s only source of light was a massive circular light that illuminated a round table, around which many individuals were seated as various issues and situations were discussed and debated. However, one seat was vacant, and this one happened to be constructed from pure gold, while the others were silver. *Bzzt* Hearing someone teleporting into their chamber, when they had explicitly ordered to never not be disturbed under any circumstances, one of the few hooded individuals sitting around the table turned to look over her shoulder. Her brows jumping as she saw who it was. Instinctively, she hurriedly to stand up as she recognized the identity of the one he had brought with him. “My Lord…Princess Luna!” she greeted the two, grabbing the attention of everyone else gathered around the table. “Hm?” Several of the other Brotherhood members reacted as they interrupted their business to see what or who had caused such commotion with the Queen, - …however, as soon as the name of the second individual that their leader must have brought with him, they too, quickly stood up from their chairs, and stood in polite postures as they greeted her. Staring blankly out at all the shocked and surprised eyes that were staring at her, Luna was left stunned into silence after seeing this…quite interesting reaction to being told she was the one accompanying their leader – apparently. Giving a cough into his hand, he drew all the attention that was directed at Luna towards himself. “Everyone, the Princess is here because she seeks to join us in our quest for justice against the one who’ve committed such heinous acts against all of us, scarred each of us in one way or another, and left us less than what we used to be..., -” All eyes shifted from Luna to him. Every single one of the Brotherhood staring in disbelief from what they had just been told. “…and I can imagine the shock that many of you are probably experiencing of hearing about this, I can wholeheartedly tell you that the time to be surprised about this turn of events must be spared until after our victory is secured and we will no longer be hiding the shadows.” Feeling him put his hand on her shoulder, she-…wait, shoulder? Huh? Where did I become as tall as him…? For that matter, why can’t I feel my hind legs anymore? Looking down, her eyes widened as she soon discovered the cause for her no longer feeling her hind legs. She was now Humanoid! Except for the complete species change, the only minor change that she could take notice of was that she now wore a blue dress that had her cutie mark on the side of it…and that was about the extent of it. Her crown and crest was still the same. Perhaps her horse shoes being turned into slippers could be considered a major change, but she didn’t bother to. “Wait, where is my horn?!” As soon as she reached up to touch her forehead, she was quick to discover that her a certain part of her anatomy was missing. Her horn! Turning to his left, he looked down at her – because in their humanoid forms he was still taller than her – with a blank look as he had noticed that she had suddenly started freaking out a little…which was normal for someone if you had been one way your entire life and then changed into something else that you found missing something you were so used to having. Hearing him chuckling a little, she looked up at him, catching him smirking as he held his hands behind his back. “Not to worry, Highness, you will soon be back in that body which you are so used to having…but while meeting with us here I figured that the others would feel more comfortable with seeing you in a form similar to theirs, as just being in your presence is enough to get some of them…a little worked up,” he explained. In response to his explanation, she raised a brow whilst wearing a ‘’are you serious?’’ expression on her face, before she shifted her attention back to the rest of the Brotherhood. [Back in the Real World] Mere inches from her bed, Frost and Frieza were still staring at the unconscious mare as she lay in her bed. Frieza’s father still sitting in his hover pod as he silently watched the Princess alongside his son. “Mhmmm…” moaned Luna as her body shifted slightly underneath the covers. Taking notice of the movement taking place underneath the covers, Frieza was unable to restrain himself, and immediately hurried over to her. “Luna, are you alright?” Her ear twitched in the direction from which she heard the future heir’s voice. Stirring slightly underneath her covers, her eyes twitching a little as she was struggle to awaken. “Luna?!” inquired a concerned Frieza as he saw her body acting like this. Sweat was running down along her temples, and veins appearing through her skin. “Luna, answer me please!!” Extending a hand down to her bed, he touched his flattened palm against her hoof. “Luna, come back to me!!” He shouted with sincere concern in her voice as he did not like her just being random pain like this when she was about to wake up. “LUNA!” he screamed when he saw that…whatever was causing her such distress was something that he could not prevent her from feeling. *Bzzt* … However, just then, her eyes shot open! Quickly, her body shots up to sit up-right on the bed. Heavily breathing from what had seemed more like a crazy dream than something that had actually happened. “Luna, are you alright? We were beginning to wonder what was happening to you.” Luna, however, did not say anything. Her eyes staring back and forth between Frieza, who was standing beside her bed, and the individual that was sitting in the hover pod at the other end of the bed. Continuing to exchange looks between the two aliens, she began to notice some similiarities between the two, but also picked up some very noticeable differences that indicated they were not clones of each other. Moments passed by before the Princess’s breathing evened out and was back to a more gradual and tolerable level. Her jaw closing back up and her expression becoming stern. “Frieza…you did say that your father’s name was Frost, correct?” Her eyes looking up from staring at the other end of the bed, and instead shifting up towards the older version of Frieza – but with a different color scheme. Staring silently back at him while he did exactly the same with her. “Yes…? But don’t really see what that has to do with anythi- “ POP … Quickly, before he could finish saying what he wanted to, after her the answer she wanted, she suddenly teleported away from the bed. “Hm?” Frost reacted as he saw this. Brows jumping in surprise at seeing her seemingly recover so quickly that she had already adapted to how her body could be used with this planet’s gravity. POP Hearing the sound of her teleport behind him, his son’s attention was suddenly drawn to his father, or more accurately the one that stood behind his hover pod. “Luna, what are you doing?!” A worried Frieza exclaimed, fearful that she might risk antagonizing his father to where he might kill her. However, it was even more surprising for Frieza to then see his Father instead of frowning in annoyance…instead smirking. His hover pod turned around, eventually staring into the eyes of a serious and stone-faced Luna as she meets his gaze just as much as she met his’. “Impressive…most impressive, Princess Luna.” Frost complimented the Princess on how her recovery had seemingly not slowed her abilities in the slightest. “Your compliments mean hardly a thing to me, Emperor Frost, what matters is that we can begin training as soon as possible. I am quite eager to return to Equestria and exact vengeance on the one who betrayed me,” she spat at him. Not caring for anything he had to say. Slightly twitching his fingers as he stared back at the scene with a slack jaw. Unable to utter any other noise than whatever chocked noises came his mouth as he was incapable of watching this unfold with a straight face. W-what is she doing?! I-is she t-trying to g-get herself killed?!?! What the hell is she doing?!?! “Grrmm…” Frost grumbled as his face contorted into a strict frown. Oh no, here it comes! Things were really not looking up for her, was the young Prince’ thoughts as what she had just right to his father’s face sunk in. “Hm… I am surprised by your behavior, Princess. There are not many who dare to directly act like a smart-ass to my face…” he said narrowing his eyes towards the Princess while the suspense between the two continued to build. ‘…but unlike those fools, you are actually important. Am I mistaken when saying that?” Gently, Luna shook her head from side-to-side. “No, my Lord Frost, for the reason that I am important is because I have been tasked to train with you by the Brotherhood until I am strong enough to defeat my sister in one-on-one.” A smirk re-appeared on his face as he stared back, satisfied. Chuckling softly to himself, he his feet hung limp along with his tail as he slowly hovered out of his hover pod, - *Tap Tap* …and gently planted his three-digited feet on the floor in front of her. Extending his hand, he pointed a flattened palm directly at her forehead. “Just do it, you’re just wasting time cause you want to appear more terrifying than you really are,” said Luna to Frost. Her smirk growing as he liked how she was becoming quite ‘’ballsy’’ with him in such short a time. “It’s not far from here…I’ve been keeping it ready just for when you awoke,” Frieza heard while walking around to see how the situation with his father and Luna was progressing. It was quite quick that he saw it, but he could clearly see that his father was holding his hand flat, like when he-, - …and in as little as a few seconds, he realized what his father was about to do. In a last desperate effort to save her from the fate of death, he leaped through the air towards them. “LUNA-… Huh, what?!” Screaming on top of his lungs as he flew through the air towards the two aliens, his worry was shortly changed to confusion as he watched his father’s hand fall flat atop Luna’s head, and bringing two fingers up that he touched to his carapace headpiece. “Hm?” Was both his and Luna’s reaction as they – at the same time – turned to look left/right as they heard him crying out to Luna, - *Bzzt* …but then, suddenly, vanished from sight as they seemed to almost teleport out of the way while the young heir flew through the now empty space that had been occupied by them. His body falling to the ground, where he caught himself and began spinning on the ground, before jumping back off the ground and landed back down on his feet. “L-luna…? F-father?” he stuttered as he slowly stepped back to where their bodies had previously been. “W-where did they go?!” he asked while quickly scanning the room for any signs of where they might have vanished to. However, it had not yet dawned on the young Prince yet what his father and Luna had been briefly talking about as they exchanged pleasantries, - …but when it finally did him, his shot up and eyes became wide as he realized how much of a fool he had been for not considering that possibility sooner. “Of course, they must have vanished off to- “ [Meanwhile, in another part of Frost’s base] “-your training grounds, Highness.” Frost said as he bowed his head before the Alicorn Princess, extending both hands so that he pointed towards the large field that both were now facing after emerging from the teleport. “Hmm…” Luna thought as she looked the landscape before them over, seeing many mountains and a single giant forest whose clouds lingered above this dreaded place…and at the center of it all she could see a ruined castle that was being slowly rebuilt. “Wait…you didn’t bring me h-home, did you?” Luna asked Frost as she turned her head to see him face-to-face as she asked that. With his hands behind his back, he nodded back. “We’ve just arrived at where you and your sister’s final battle will be, Princess.” Turning back to look behind her, Luna was meet with the sight of a circular-shaped spaceship that had many yellow oval-shaped glasses along the side, and blue round windows in-between each of the yellow ones with a main one that was bigger than the others. Underneath the bottom, several hatches had opened to extend out many mechanical legs that allowed the ship to stand up-right on the small grassy field that they were parked at. “When did we get here so fast?” she asked Frost as she turned back towards him. Instead of answering her, he silently assumed a battle-ready stance while a confident smirk made its way onto his face. “Details, details, Princess, wasn’t it you who only moments ago, said you wanted me to train you?” With a slow nod of her head, she replied back. “Then you’ll get the first strike, and as I see that you are strong enough to handle it, I’ll gradually raise the bar until you’ve defeated every stage. You up for that, Princess-?” KA-POW! WHOOSH … Before the Emperor had a chance to react, Luna had suddenly shot towards him and delivered a powerful punch to his chin that sent the reptile alien flying back through the air where he vanished from sight. The only hint as to his whereabouts was when an explosion was heard in the distance, followed by a small earthquake, and an even more obvious mushroom cloud that arose into the air from one of the nearest mountains since it had been in his way and thus slowed his descent – a little. Still holding her hoof outstretched, she smirked at seeing that she was already quite strong. Strong enough at least to one-punch the Emperor. “Good *Huff*…I’m stronger than the Emperor, himself…*Huff*, -” She was, though, surprised to still find that her punch had taken so much of her strength. “…though *Huff* it is honestly a little *Huff* concerning that it took so much out of me *Huff*. I guess this is what being all-powerful entitles,” she panted as beads of sweat started to come running down her temples. “He he he he he he he… Oh, If it was up to me, I’d say that you were already my rival, -!” Suddenly, from the distance a voice began echoing around her as it spoke. “…but unfortunately for you, Princess, despite your incredible base power…you still have a lot to learn before I consider you an equal!” *Bzzt* Shortly, Frost re-appeared in front of her once more, but instead of smirking like he usually did, he put his hands behind his back as he seemed to be quite displeased. “I see that some improvement is required before you’re ready to face your sister again…so until then-“ POW … Without warning, he immediately delivered an unbelievably painful uppercut to her chin, which sent her flying upwards into the skies! Hesitating for a bit, he then kicked off from the ground, sending himself flying upwards! *Bzzt* While speeding upwards through the air, still very much immobilized by Frost’s intense uppercut to the chin, believing it to be over. *Bzzt* … However, she was shortly proven to be wrong as the Emperor seconds later re-appeared in front of her. His look of disappointment becoming a joyous expression as he could tell that she had already suffered a worse beating from his punch than he had from her. Then, in repeated succession, Luna’s body was suddenly assaulted by brutal punches that was all but invisible to the naked eye. Deforming her body with bruises, breaking bones, and damaging internal organs. When he came in with his strongest punch to her stomach, she was hit so hard that when she was unable to keep the blood from ejecting itself from her mouth the quantity was so much that his entire body was stained by the stuff. Unable to keep herself flying in the air, she fell out of the sky, only to be caught him in mid-air and brought back to the spaceship that she couldn’t remember arriving in. The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness was seeing him standing in front of her with his arms folded across his chest. Staring back at her through glass fluid soon started to fill the pod and she saw nothing no more. Everything becoming dark. After Luna lost consciousness while the pod healed whatever injuries she had sustained, Frost brought a finger up and pressed a button on this device that he had put on after putting her body inside the pod to heal. Pressing the button causes multiple symbols to start flashing on this cube-shaped screen covering his left right eye. Beeping as it stopped and showed a number. “Hmmm…” he grumbled as he removed the finger from the button, causing the screen to switch off. “250 000 is Good…but not great,” he remarked as he was rather disappointed after their little test-run. Hopefully, in the upcoming hours she was going to improve…a lot. “Looks like we will be spending A LOT of time together before you’re ready, Princess,” he said as he folded his arms back across his chest. Staring at her as she was restored back to full. [Meanwhile, with Celestia and her trainer] Sitting patiently in her spot, she silently stared into the dark doorway as she waited for him to return. Having told her to wait there for him, she had up until now done nothing, but sit there patiently for his hooded form to return. Soon, his white, silhouetted robes contrasted against the blackness of the room that he had entered, almost giving off a white shape in the dark. Smiling upon seeing him return, she stood up and trotted back towards him. Upon standing a few inches away from each other, they silently looked down/up at the other, - …until one of them broke the silence by gesturing with his head to his right. Indicating where they needed to go. With a nod, she trotted beside him as they passed down through a corridor that was drenched in white with many windows along the outer side that allowed light to shine in and fall upon an individual door that stood along the wall. For a time, they didn’t see anything other than more and more doors. The number getting away from Celestia as she lost count at the 50th door. Now, having arrived at the 100th door, as he who would be training her for the upcoming week was reaching out towards the knob on this final door, his hand suddenly froze, - …and he turned to look down on his right. Staring directly at her. “What?” he replied after hearing her utter something as he was about to turn the knob. “You heard me, I think I have the right to know why we stopped to retrieve something…something that you have yet to tell me what is…, - “she said, “… Now, I’ll ask again, what was it that you got at our first stop?” Behind his hood, she heard soft chuckling, before he turned around to face her with completely. Out from behind his robes, he extended both of his arms to show her something. Drawn to his hands, her eyes widened from surprise when she saw that what he gave her was a blue and orange outfit of some kind with a symbol encased in a band on the back. She raised her hoof to point towards the attire, but before she could speak, he spoke up first. “It is a Gi, something you wear when training…seeing as we’ll re preparing for the battle that will determine all life on your planet, I thought it a perfect opportunity to give it to you so that we’re certain that upon our return to Equestria, you have been pushed to your very limits… Here,” he explained to her as he gently extended his arm out to her. “T-thanks,” she stuttered. A little taken aback by his kindness. “I will wear it with-OOFFF!” Just as she accepted it by holding out her hooves to take it, there was a sudden change of weight as it started weighing her down with a rapid THUD. Retracting his arms back inside the robe, he turned back to the door that he had been on the verge of entering and turned the knob, gently pulling the door out towards him as a bright light shone on his face from inside the room. Hearing her breathing a little heavier than normal, he turned back to see her slowly lifting the Gi up off the floor. “I thought-…you were-…giving me-…something light!” her voice was strained as it took quite a lot of energy to lift the gi, when seconds he had been holding it up like it was nothing. No response came. “I didn’t say mention anything of the sort…though, come to mention it, I did fail to mention that it would be heavy,” he said touching a finger to his chin. “You don’t-…say!” Celestia groaned as she was finally holding it up with her hooves. “Mhmm… Meet me inside when you’ve gotten it on and are ready to begin. See ya then,” he said before slipping inside the room. The door closing behind him after he had been completely submerged in light, leaving her alone in the hallway as she held the gi with her hooves. “But…er…ugh,” she groaned annoyed, but still confused that he was expecting her to wear something this heavy. How was she even supposed to get it on?! Grumbling, she frowned as she stared down at the attire. “Still…we’ll try getting what we can on… We can at least give this a shot,” she thought. Using her magic, she held it up in front of her, showing that it was a one-piece with short sleeves, long legs, and wristbands. Hmm…, she scoffed softly. “Looks simple enough that I won’t be having too big a problem getting it on.” Remarked the Princess, glad to see that it was all one form of clothing. Using her levitation, she gently slipped each leg inside the respective hole, moving it up along her waist to her torso. Once half-way done, her waist-down half began feeling that she was being weighed down by the heavy nature of this attire she was trying to put on. Through gritted teeth she grunted with her eyes closed as even now, despite her best efforts to keep it in check, she was buckling under the pressure. “Nrg-NO! I’ve…got to get it…on all the…way!” she groaned as she began pushing herself further than she had ever gone before. And all this…just for CLOTHING?!?! Her whole body shook violently as she slowly raised her left hoof to make room for the sleevs. In her eyes, red veins moved inwards to the pupil! She has never been as stressed with anything before until now. “GAAHHHHHHHH!” Screamed Celestia as the left arm went into the sleeve. Once coming out the end, she was unable to keep herself standing, and collapsed from the weight! Panting like mad as she was more hyperventilating than anything else from this entirely unknown strain on her body. Now…is it through? Gently, her hoof moved a little, confirming that there was still a transference of blood to that limb. Good… Now, the other. Begrudgingly, she knew that there was no other way around this inevitable fact; she needed to stand up and finish what she started. Innhaling a long deep breath, she held it inside her lungs for a good long time, - …before, suddenly exhaling it again! Alongside using her speedy reflexes to re-activate her telekinesis again, - …grabbing ahold of the sleeve once again, and quickly pulling it up along her hoof while rolling onto her back! … However, the only downside to this plan was soon revealed to her, as while she managed to successfully get her sleeve all the way on – her body experiencing a weight akin to an entire mountain being brought down upon her – was that she was now being subjugated to it all but from the front. Having it painfully crushing her stomach. “Y-AAAGGGGGGHHHH!” She screamed as the foolishness of her decision finally sunk in…but also, motivating her to not just be tormented by the weight again! POP With all of her strength, she performed an emergency teleport, - POP …that had her now re-emerging in the same hallway, but now standing up. Though, this had drained quite a lot of her energy, leaving her standing on legs that shook alarmingly. However, despite this, and the fact that her vision was incredible uneven, she managed slow steps towards the door, using what remained of her energy to telekinetically open the door, and to haul her weak and fragile body inside. Her poor eyes being unable to focus on anything, even the bright light, as all she could were rapid flashes that didn’t allow her to focus on any one particular thing. With slow trots, she vanished into the light. [Inside the room] Having hung his white robe up on a nearby stand, Celestia’s tutor, was busy stretching, and preparing his body for when their training together would begin. “Hm…?” He reacted to hearing the door open, but only thinking that she had gotten the gi on and was now ready to train with him. “At last, you’ve finally arrived…I was beginning to worry that you would not make it,” he said whilst turning around to meet her. Holding his hands behind his back. … However, all that he saw was a white Alicorn mare whose was trembling terribly from exhaustion. All she managed was to utter a groan, before falling forward. Collapsing to the floor in front of him. Exhaling a heavy sigh, he started to walk back towards her body, fetching a small make-shift bag out of his pocket. “I can see this is gonna take a while.” He remarked as he gently moved her body so that her mouth was pointing up, where he then inserted a green bean into her mouth. “A long…LONG time.”