//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Something happening in the land of Equestria. Part 2 // by Ganonslayer98 //------------------------------// These past few days have been horrible. The scholars have been nagging Princess Celestia about her being with me. And I have to say it's becoming very stressful for the both of us. Everypony stares at me when I walk around in the castle and around Canterlot. I can hear them whispering to one another about me and how I was with the Princess. And that's not the worst part of it. Celestia's sister, Princess Luna has been... Well I'm not sure what to call it but she isn't herself. I have a bad feeling about her and I think something bad is going to happen soon... But the only thing I can do is just hope that it doesn't happen. “Princess, how are you doing?” I said to her, walking into her room and closing the door behind me. “I have been much better, that is for sure. But considering everything I guess I am doing rather well. How about yourself?” Celestia asked, walking over to me and putting her hooves around me. “Well, besides everypony giving me dirty looks when I am walking around, I guess I would have to say I'm doing well, too.” I chuckled as I hugged her. She could tell there was something on my mind. I wasn't very good at keeping things from her, well besides the fact that Twilight was trying to make a move on me. But that's not the point. “Hun, what's wrong?” She asked me. “What do you mean? Nothing is wrong...” The tone if my voice gave it away, but I didn't want to tell her. “Please tell me... I want to know if there is anything bothering you...” She gave me a sad look and right then, I had to tell her. I sighed and looked at her. “It's about your sister... Luna... Something is bothering me about her... She doesn't seem herself and I fear something is going to happen...” Celestia gave me a sad look and sighed. She had the same thoughts I did about her sister. “There is no need to worry about her, Tyler... She is just having one of those moods...” I almost laughed but kept it to myself. “Luna would never try to do anything to me or to Equestria...” Celestia's tone was a bit worrying. She knew that something could happen with Luna because of the way she's been acting lately with her. It's understandable for her to be upset about all of this, but it's more than just her being upset. Maybe Luna's old ways were starting to come back... Or as Celestia said, 'having one of those moods.' That still makes me want to laugh. “I need to talk to Twilight... If anything does happen I need her and her friends to be on the ready for anything.” Celestia looked over to her door and sighed. “Guards. Please come here.” She said. Three guards soon came into Celestia's room. She walked up to them and looked back at me. “I would like you three to please go get Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I need them here A.S.A.P. Got it?” The three guards nodded and saluted, then headed off. Celestia then walked over to me and looked out the window. “Let's go for a walk in the maze. I need to get some fresh air.” “That sounds nice, Princess. I think it would be good for us to get out and just spend some time together before we have to deal with any more shit.” She chuckled and smiled. We then headed off to the garden maze. As soon as we get outside, right off the bat we were both feeling less stressed. The birds were out chirping and flying around. The animals were playing. It was a very stress free area. And this is exactly what we both needed. As we both walked through the maze together, Celestia let out a small sigh and smiled at me. I smiled back at her and leaned against her, putting my arm around her. As peaceful as this moment was, I couldn't help but feel like something was a tad bit off. Like we weren't the only ones there. “We see you are enjoying yourself, Dear Sister.” A voice said from what seemed out of nowhere. It was Princess Luna's voice. “And we also see that you have your 'friend' with you as well.” “Sister? What's the meaning of this?” Celestia said with a firm voice, she stepped forward as she did. “Whatever do you mean? We simply want to have a word with you both.” Luna said, I could tell there was something behind her voice. Something off putting and it made me worry. “This has gone on long enough, Sister. I demand you stop with this at once! I have spoken about Tyler and I and I stand by it!” Celestia said, staring at one of the walls in the maze. Luna then slowly came up from behind it. “We have told you that you cannot do this, as it is against the rules of Royalty. You have very limited options here...” As Luna explained, a few of the scholars came out as well, confronting us. “What is this!?” Celestia said looking around at the other ponies and her sister. We both had a very bad feeling about this. They weren't going to let this go until either Celestia gave up her crown or she breaks up with me... I couldn't bear to lose her... But I couldn't bear her losing her crown... “So... What is it going to be... Dearest Sister?” Luna said, looking at her sister with an evil look at struck fear into me. I felt like there was going to be a fight or something... But all I could do was hope it would just end...